Re: (Succ Haskell') `and` $ dependent types

2007-07-14 Thread Stefan O'Rear
On Sun, Jul 15, 2007 at 09:04:16AM +1200, Vivian McPhail wrote:

 As the authors point out [1], coal-face time needs to be expended before
 real world adoption of Dependently-Typed functional programming.  But let's
 get the ball rolling.  They say that haskell programmers are normally 
 to dependent types.  Is this true?  It seems to me that one of the appeals
 of Haskell is the ability to program in a prove perfect, write once
 (elegant) style.  Is not dependent typing a good move towards this goal?.
 It addresses a problem [2] with which we, in our everyday common
 inter-hominem usage, can deal -- with which (ideal) Haskell should deal.

 While the major Haskell implementations would require a substantial
 overhaul, the change at the syntactic level appears to be minimal.  There
 also needs to be advance with respect to programmer development (automatic
 edit-time inference of (some) types). What are peoples' thoughts on adding
 dependent types to haskell as a non-incremental evolutionary step?  Does 
 haskell community want to stick with conservative additions to Haskell and 
 static base, or does the haskell community want to stay in step with the
 best theoretical developments?



Dependant types aren't new, they're ten times older than Haskell ;)

I don't even think that adding dependant types to Haskell would be that
hard.  Most of the needed infrastructure (notably the binder rule,
lexically scoped type variables, and explicit instantiation) already
exists in the implementation of rank-N types in GHC.  I think much of
the work would be in revising Core (currently it uses a variant of
Barandregt's λω, which is strictly less powerful (IIUC) than the full
dependant λC) and flattening the typeinfer/kindinfer staging.

Of course, since Haskell is not strongly normalizing, we would not be
able to use a calculus where applications of CONV are implicit.

Interaction with qualified types (type classes, MPTC, fundeps, implicit
parameters, extensible records, associated type synonym equality
predicates, etc) could be interesting, in both senses of the word.


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Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell's prefix exprs

2007-07-09 Thread Stefan O'Rear
On Mon, Jul 09, 2007 at 03:55:52PM +0200, Christian Maeder wrote:

 I would like haskell to accept the following (currently illegal)
 expressions as syntactically valid prefix applications:

 f = id \ _ - []
 g = id let x = [] in x
 h = id case [] of [] - []
 i = id do []
 j = id if True then [] else []

 The rational is that expressions starting with a keyword should extend
 as far as possible (to the right and over several lines within their

 In this case the above right hand sides (rhs) are unique juxtapositions
 of two expressions. (This extension should of course apply to more than
 two expressions, i. e. f a do [])

 Furthermore the above rhs are all valid if written as infix expressions:

 f = id $ \ _ - []
 g = id $ let x = [] in x
 h = id $ case [] of [] - []
 i = id $ do []
 j = id $ if True then [] else []


f = runST $ do return ()

is a type error.

f = runST (do return ())

is legal.

So your proposal isn't as pointless as you think :)

 (In fact, maybe for haskell-prime $ could be changed to a keyword.)

 Does this pose any problems that I haven't considered?

Not that I know of.  Indeed, the status quo is a (minor) pain to parse,
and in my Haskell compiler project I *wanted* to implement your

 I think only more (and shorter) illegal haskell programs will become legal.

 Cheers Christian

 Maybe someone else can work out the details for Haskell's grammar

Not hard at all.  In,

exp^10 -  \ apat[1] ... apat[n] - exp (lambda abstraction, n=1)
   |   let decls in exp (let expression)
   |   if exp then exp else exp (conditional)
   |   case exp of { alts } (case expression)
   |   do { stmts } (do expression)
   |   fexp
fexp   -  [fexp] aexp  (function application)

aexp   -  qvar   (variable)
   |   gcon   (general constructor)
   |   literal
   |   ( exp )(parenthesized expression)
   |   ( exp[1] , ... , exp[k] )  (tuple, k=2)
   |   [ exp[1] , ... , exp[k] ]  (list, k=1)
   |   [ exp[1] [, exp[2]] .. [exp[3]] ]  (arithmetic sequence)
   |   [ exp | qual[1] , ... , qual[n] ]  (list comprehension, n=1)
   |   ( exp^i+1 qop^(a,i) )  (left section)
   |   ( lexp^i qop^(l,i) )   (left section)
   |   ( qop^(a,i)[-] exp^i+1 ) (right section)
   |   ( qop^(r,i)[-] rexp^i )  (right section)
   |   qcon { fbind[1] , ... , fbind[n] } (labeled construction, 
   |   aexp[qcon] { fbind[1] , ... , fbind[n] } (labeled update, n = 1)


exp^10 -  [exp^10] aexp(function application)
aexp   -  \ apat[1] ... apat[n] - exp (lambda abstraction, n=1)
   |   let decls in exp (let expression)
   |   if exp then exp else exp (conditional)
   |   case exp of { alts } (case expression)
   |   do { stmts } (do expression)
   |   qvar   (variable)
   |   gcon   (general constructor)
   |   literal
   |   ( exp )(parenthesized expression)
   |   ( exp[1] , ... , exp[k] )  (tuple, k=2)
   |   [ exp[1] , ... , exp[k] ]  (list, k=1)
   |   [ exp[1] [, exp[2]] .. [exp[3]] ]  (arithmetic sequence)
   |   [ exp | qual[1] , ... , qual[n] ]  (list comprehension, n=1)
   |   ( exp^i+1 qop^(a,i) )  (left section)
   |   ( lexp^i qop^(l,i) )   (left section)
   |   ( qop^(a,i)[-] exp^i+1 ) (right section)
   |   ( qop^(r,i)[-] rexp^i )  (right section)
   |   qcon { fbind[1] , ... , fbind[n] } (labeled construction, 
   |   aexp[qcon] { fbind[1] , ... , fbind[n] } (labeled update, n = 1)

All new ambiguities are resolved adequately by the let/lambda meta rule.

 (I've posted this message to glasgow-haskell-users before, but it
 applies to every Haskell implementation and should be discussed here.) would be even better.


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Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: Nested pattern binding translates to outermost binding?

2007-07-06 Thread Stefan O'Rear
On Fri, Jul 06, 2007 at 06:20:45PM -0700, Dave Bayer wrote:
 On Jul 6, 2007, at 1:46 PM, Stefan O'Rear wrote:

 You could have just used -ddump-ds...  Core is way more readable than
 GHC assembly.

 Great suggestion!

 Core looks familiar from playing with template Haskell, is it identical?

No, Core is much lower level.  It does not have guards, where-blocks,
list comprehensions, type classes, etc; everything is reduced to simple
pattern bindings, lambdas, lets, applications, and unboxed literals.

 Can one / does anyone use Core as a target for experimental toy languages? 
 Aside from the moving target caveats...

Apparently not, since GHC's support for *reading* core has been broken
since the 6.0 days with nary a complaint.  (Aaron Tomb and Tim Chevalier
are currently working on fixing it).

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: Newbie proposal: operator backquoting

2007-06-25 Thread Stefan O'Rear
On Mon, Jun 25, 2007 at 03:46:19PM +0100, Ian Lynagh wrote:
 On Thu, Jun 21, 2007 at 09:14:55AM +0400, Dusty wrote:
  foo '-'1  has two arguments, (-) and 1,while  foo -1  has 
  one argument, -1

As *I* understood this, foo - 1 would not change.  In fact except for
the new `varsym` and `consym` forms, the grammer would not change.  How
would this break existing code?

 Ian, a member of the Out with DMR, defaulting, unary negation and n+k
 patterns club

Ian: what's DMR?

Haskell-prime mailing list

Apparent contradiction in H98 prescribed behavior of 'data X = (:+){ x :: Int, y :: Int } deriving(Show)'

2007-04-17 Thread Stefan O'Rear

data X = (:*){ x :: Int, y :: Int }  deriving(Show)

which is syntactically correct:

 constr - con { fielddecl[1] , ... , fielddecl[n] } (n=0)
 con - ( consym )

and the following from 10.4:

 * If the constructor is defined to be an infix operator, then the
   derived Read instance will parse only infix applications of the
   constructor (not the prefix form). 

 * If the constructor is defined using record syntax, the derived
   Read will parse only the record-syntax form, and furthermore,
   the fields must be given in the same order as the original

the behavor of the Show instance seems to be contradicted, since :+ is
an infix operator and is defined using record syntax. 

Suggested resolution:

 * If the constructor is defined using infix syntax, then the
   derived Read instance will parse only infix applications of the
   constructor (not the prefix form). 

Thus, 'data X = Int :+ Int' would show infix but 'data X = (:+) Int
Int' would not. 

Alternatively, change the con in the above production for constr to
conid, thus banning infix record constructors. 


[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/tmp$ cat Main.hs
data X = (:*) { x :: Int, y :: Int } deriving(Show)

main = print ((:*) 2 2)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/tmp$ runghc Main.hs
(:*) {x = 2, y = 2}
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/tmp$ runhugs Main.hs
:* {x = 2, y = 2}
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/tmp$ yhc Main.hs
Compiling Main ( Main.hs )
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/tmp$ yhi Main.hbc
2 :* 2

Note that the hugs output for this corner case is unparseable and thus

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