Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re[2]: strict Haskell dialect

2006-02-04 Thread Jan-Willem Maessen

On Feb 3, 2006, at 8:16 PM, Brian Hulley wrote:

Jan-Willem Maessen wrote:

I pointed out some problems with strict Haskell in a recent talk, but
I think it'd be worth underscoring them here in this forum.

Is the text of this talk or points raised in it available online  

 There is one very difficult piece of syntax in a strict  
setting: The

*where* clause.  The problem is that it's natural to write a bunch of
bindings in a where clause which only scope over a few conditional
clauses.  I'm talking about stuff like this:

f x
  | p x   = . a ...a . a  a ...
  | complex_condition = . b .. b ... b ..
  | otherwise = . a ... b .
  where a = horrible expression in x which is bottom when
complex_condition is true.
b = nasty expression in x which doesn't terminate when p x
is true.
complex_condition = big expression which
 goes on for lines and lines
 and would drive the reader
 insane if it occurred in line.

Surely it would not be too difficult for the compiler to only  
evaluate the where bindings that are relevant depending on which  
guard evaluates to True ie in your example, the binding for a would  
be evaluated if p x is True, otherwise the complex_condition would  
be evaluated, and if True, b would be evaluated, otherwise a and b  
would be evaluated: ...

In principle, yes, this is eminently doable.  But the translation  
becomes surprisingly messy when the bindings in question are mutually  
recursive.  Certainly it's not a simple syntax-directed translation,  
in contrast to essentially every other piece of syntactic sugar in  
the language.

-Jan-Willem Maessen

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re[2]: strict Haskell dialect

2006-02-03 Thread John Meacham
On Fri, Feb 03, 2006 at 07:33:12PM -, Brian Hulley wrote:
> One question is how to get some kind of "do" notation that would work well 
> in a strict setting.
> The existing "do" notation makes use of lazyness in so far as the second 
> arg of  >> is only evaluated when needed. Perhaps a new keyword such as 
> "go" could be used to use >>= instead ie:

you can override (>>) in your monad

instance Monad ... where
a >> b = a `seq` b `seq` (a >>= \_ -> b)

unless I am misunderstanding what you want.


John Meacham - ⑆⑆john⑈
Haskell-prime mailing list