Re: Unsafe hGetContents

2009-10-20 Thread Simon Marlow

On 10/10/2009 18:59, Iavor Diatchki wrote:


well, I think that the fact that we seem to have a program context
that can distinguish f1 from f2 is worth discussing because I
would have thought that in a pure language they are interchangable.
The question is, does the context in Oleg's example really distinguish
between f1 and f2?  You seem to be saying that this is not the
case:  in both cases you end up with the same non-deterministic
program that reads two numbers from the standard input and subtracts
them but you can't assume anything about the order in which the
numbers are extracted from the input---it is merely an artifact of the
GHC implementation that with f1 the subtraction always happens the
one way, and with f2 it happens the other way.

I can (sort of) buy this argument, after all, it is quite similar to
what happens with asynchronous exceptions (f1 (error 1) (error 2)
vs f2 (error 1) (error 2)).  Still, the whole thing does not
smell right:  there is some impurity going on here, and trying to
offload the problem onto the IO monad only makes reasoning about IO
computations even harder (and it is petty hard to start with).  So,
discussion and alternative solutions should be strongly encouraged, I

Duncan has found a definition of hGetContents that explains why it has 
surprising behaviour, and that's very nice because it lets us write the 
compilers that we want to write, and we get to tell the users to stop 
moaning because the strange behaviour they're experiencing is allowed 
according to the spec.  :-)

Of course, the problem is that users don't want the hGetContents that 
has non-deterministic semantics, they want a deterministic one.  And for 
that, they want to fix the evaluation order (or something).  The obvious 
drawback with fixing the evaluation order is that it ties the hands of 
the compiler developers, and makes a fundamental change to the language 

Things will get a lot worse in the future as we experiment with more 
elaborate compiler optimisations and evaluation strategies.  I predict 
that eventually we'll have to ditch hGetContents, at least in its 
current generality.



On Sat, Oct 10, 2009 at 7:38 AM, Duncan Coutts  wrote:

On Sat, 2009-10-10 at 02:51 -0700, wrote:

The reason it's hard is that to demonstrate a difference you have to get
the lazy I/O to commute with some other I/O, and GHC will never do that.

The keyword here is GHC. I may well believe that GHC is able to divine
programmer's true intent and so it always does the right thing. But
writing in the language standard ``do what the version x.y.z of GHC
does'' does not seem very appropriate, or helpful to other

With access to unsafeInterleaveIO it's fairly straightforward to show
that it is non-deterministic. These programs that bypass the safety
mechanisms on hGetContents just get us back to having access to the
non-deterministic semantics of unsafeInterleaveIO.

Haskell's IO library is carefully designed to not run into this
problem on its own.  It's normally not possible to get two Handles
with the same FD...

Is this behavior is specified somewhere, or is this just an artifact
of a particular GHC implementation?

It is in the Haskell 98 report, in the design of the IO library. It does
not not mention FDs of course. The IO/Handle functions it provides give
no (portable) way to obtain two read handles on the same OS file
descriptor. The hGetContents behaviour of semi-closing is to stop you
from getting two lazy lists of the same read Handle.

There's nothing semantically wrong with you bypassing those restrictions
(eg openFile /dev/fd/0) it just means you end up with a
non-deterministic IO program, which is something we typically try to

I am a bit perplexed by this whole discussion. It seems to come down to
saying that unsafeInterleaveIO is non-deterministic and that things
implemented on top are also non-deterministic. The standard IO library
puts up some barriers to restrict the non-determinism, but if you walk
around the barrier then you can still find it. It's not clear to me what
is supposed to be surprising or alarming here.


Haskell-prime mailing list

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: Unsafe hGetContents

2009-10-20 Thread Duncan Coutts
On Tue, 2009-10-20 at 13:58 +0100, Simon Marlow wrote:

 Duncan has found a definition of hGetContents that explains why it has 
 surprising behaviour, and that's very nice because it lets us write the 
 compilers that we want to write, and we get to tell the users to stop 
 moaning because the strange behaviour they're experiencing is allowed 
 according to the spec.  :-)


 Of course, the problem is that users don't want the hGetContents that 
 has non-deterministic semantics, they want a deterministic one.  And for 
 that, they want to fix the evaluation order (or something).  The obvious 
 drawback with fixing the evaluation order is that it ties the hands of 
 the compiler developers, and makes a fundamental change to the language 

I've not yet seen anyone put forward any practical programs that have
confusing behaviour but were not written deliberately to be as wacky as
possible and avoid all the safety mechanism.

The standard use case for hGetContents is reading a read-only file, or
stdin where it really does not matter when the read actions occur with
respect to other IO actions. You could do it in parallel rather than
on-demand and it'd still be ok.

There's the beginner mistake where people don't notice that they're not
actually demanding anything before closing the file, that's nothing new
of course.


Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: Unsafe hGetContents

2009-10-20 Thread Duncan Coutts
On Tue, 2009-10-20 at 15:45 +0100, Simon Marlow wrote:

  I've not yet seen anyone put forward any practical programs that have
  confusing behaviour but were not written deliberately to be as wacky as
  possible and avoid all the safety mechanism.
  The standard use case for hGetContents is reading a read-only file, or
  stdin where it really does not matter when the read actions occur with
  respect to other IO actions. You could do it in parallel rather than
  on-demand and it'd still be ok.
  There's the beginner mistake where people don't notice that they're not
  actually demanding anything before closing the file, that's nothing new
  of course.
 If the parallel runtime reads files eagerly, that might hide a resource 
 problem that would occur when the program is run on a sequential system, 
 for example.

That's true, but we have the same problem without doing any IO. There
are many ways of generating large amounts of data.


Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: Unsafe hGetContents

2009-10-12 Thread Simon Marlow

On 11/10/2009 09:26, Florian Weimer wrote:

* Simon Marlow:

Oleg's example is quite close, don't you think?


Ah yes, if you have two lazy input streams both referring to the same
underlying stream, that is enough to demonstrate a problem.  As for
whether Oleg's example is within the rules, it depends whether you
consider fdToHandle as unsafe:

Is relying on seq to show the difference allowed, according to your
rules on an insecurity proof?


What about handles from System.Process?  Do they count as well?

Sure - we hopefully don't consider System.Process to be unsafe.

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: Unsafe hGetContents

2009-10-11 Thread Florian Weimer
* Simon Marlow:

 Oleg's example is quite close, don't you think?


 Ah yes, if you have two lazy input streams both referring to the same
 underlying stream, that is enough to demonstrate a problem.  As for
 whether Oleg's example is within the rules, it depends whether you
 consider fdToHandle as unsafe:

Is relying on seq to show the difference allowed, according to your
rules on an insecurity proof?

What about handles from System.Process?  Do they count as well?
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: Unsafe hGetContents

2009-10-11 Thread Isaac Dupree
Hmm, Don't you think forkIO deserves some of the same complaints as 
unsafeInterleaveIO?  Things happen in a nondeterministic order!

I think what irritates us about unsafeInterleaveIO is that it's IO that 
tinkers with the internals of the Haskell evaluation system.  The OS 
can't do it: in a C program it might, because there's libc and debuggers 
and all kinds of things that understand compiled C to some extent.  But 
the Haskell runtime system is pretty much obfuscated to anyone except 
ourselves.  This obfuscation maintains its conceptual purity to a 
greater extent than is really guaranteed by the standards.  This 
obfuscation is supported in our minds by the fact that functions (-) 
cannot be compared for equality or deconstructed or serialized in any 
way, only applied.

forkIO causes IO to happen in a nondeterministic order.  So does 
unsafeInterleaveIO.  But for unsafeInterleaveIO, the nondeterminism 
depends in part on how pure functions are written: partly because there 
is a compiler that makes arbitrary choices, and also partly affected by 
the strictness properties of the functions.  This feels disconcerting to 
us.  And worse: I am not sure if forkIO has a formal guarantee that its 
IO will complete, but we tend to assume that it will, sooner or later; 
unsafeInterleaveIO might not happen at all, and frequently does not, due 
to the observations of how pure functions are written.

It's disconcerting.  It can affect how we choose to write our pure code, 
the same way that efficiency and memory concerns can.  But if 'catch' 
can catch a different exception depending even, conceptually, on the 
phase of the moon, it is a similarly strange stretch to imagine 
unsafeInterleaveIO doing so.  It plays with chronology (like forkIO 
does) and with the ways Haskell functions are written (like 'catch' 
does) at the same time.

A result is that it makes a lot of people confused when they do 
something they didn't intend with it.  Also, it's a powerful enough tool 
that when you want to replace its formal nondeterminism with something 
more precise, you may have quite a bit of work cut out for you, 
restructuring your code (like Darcs did, IIRC).


Haskell-prime mailing list

Unsafe hGetContents

2009-10-10 Thread oleg

Simon Marlow wrote:
 Ah yes, if you have two lazy input streams both referring to the same
 underlying stream, that is enough to demonstrate a problem.  As for
 whether Oleg's example is within the rules, it depends whether you
 consider fdToHandle as unsafe

I wasn't aware of the rules. Fortunately, UNIX (FreeBSD and Linux)
give plenty of opportunities to shoot oneself. Here is the code from
the earlier message without the offending fdToHandle:

 {- Haskell98! -}

 module Main where

 import System.IO

 -- f1 and f2 are both pure functions, with the pure type.
 -- Both compute the result of the subtraction e1 - e2.
 -- The only difference between them is the sequence of
 -- evaluating their arguments, e1 `seq` e2 vs. e2 `seq` e1
 -- For really pure functions, that difference should not be observable

 f1, f2:: Int -Int -Int

 f1 e1 e2 = e1 `seq` e2 `seq` e1 - e2
 f2 e1 e2 = e2 `seq` e1 `seq` e1 - e2

 read_int s = read . head . words $ s

 main = do
let h1 = stdin
h2 - openFile /dev/stdin ReadMode
s1 - hGetContents h1
s2 - hGetContents h2
-- print $ f1 (read_int s1) (read_int s2)
print $ f2 (read_int s1) (read_int s2)

It exhibits the same behavior that was described in

I think Windows may have something similar.

 The reason it's hard is that to demonstrate a difference you have to get
 the lazy I/O to commute with some other I/O, and GHC will never do that.

The keyword here is GHC. I may well believe that GHC is able to divine
programmer's true intent and so it always does the right thing. But
writing in the language standard ``do what the version x.y.z of GHC
does'' does not seem very appropriate, or helpful to other

 Haskell's IO library is carefully designed to not run into this
 problem on its own.  It's normally not possible to get two Handles
 with the same FD...
Is this behavior is specified somewhere, or is this just an artifact
of a particular GHC implementation?

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: Unsafe hGetContents

2009-10-10 Thread Iavor Diatchki

well, I think that the fact that we seem to have a program context
that can distinguish f1 from f2 is worth discussing because I
would have thought that in a pure language they are interchangable.
The question is, does the context in Oleg's example really distinguish
between f1 and f2?  You seem to be saying that this is not the
case:  in both cases you end up with the same non-deterministic
program that reads two numbers from the standard input and subtracts
them but you can't assume anything about the order in which the
numbers are extracted from the input---it is merely an artifact of the
GHC implementation that with f1 the subtraction always happens the
one way, and with f2 it happens the other way.

I can (sort of) buy this argument, after all, it is quite similar to
what happens with asynchronous exceptions (f1 (error 1) (error 2)
vs f2 (error 1) (error 2)).  Still, the whole thing does not
smell right:  there is some impurity going on here, and trying to
offload the problem onto the IO monad only makes reasoning about IO
computations even harder (and it is petty hard to start with).  So,
discussion and alternative solutions should be strongly encouraged, I


On Sat, Oct 10, 2009 at 7:38 AM, Duncan Coutts wrote:
 On Sat, 2009-10-10 at 02:51 -0700, wrote:

  The reason it's hard is that to demonstrate a difference you have to get
  the lazy I/O to commute with some other I/O, and GHC will never do that.

 The keyword here is GHC. I may well believe that GHC is able to divine
 programmer's true intent and so it always does the right thing. But
 writing in the language standard ``do what the version x.y.z of GHC
 does'' does not seem very appropriate, or helpful to other

 With access to unsafeInterleaveIO it's fairly straightforward to show
 that it is non-deterministic. These programs that bypass the safety
 mechanisms on hGetContents just get us back to having access to the
 non-deterministic semantics of unsafeInterleaveIO.

  Haskell's IO library is carefully designed to not run into this
  problem on its own.  It's normally not possible to get two Handles
  with the same FD...

 Is this behavior is specified somewhere, or is this just an artifact
 of a particular GHC implementation?

 It is in the Haskell 98 report, in the design of the IO library. It does
 not not mention FDs of course. The IO/Handle functions it provides give
 no (portable) way to obtain two read handles on the same OS file
 descriptor. The hGetContents behaviour of semi-closing is to stop you
 from getting two lazy lists of the same read Handle.

 There's nothing semantically wrong with you bypassing those restrictions
 (eg openFile /dev/fd/0) it just means you end up with a
 non-deterministic IO program, which is something we typically try to

 I am a bit perplexed by this whole discussion. It seems to come down to
 saying that unsafeInterleaveIO is non-deterministic and that things
 implemented on top are also non-deterministic. The standard IO library
 puts up some barriers to restrict the non-determinism, but if you walk
 around the barrier then you can still find it. It's not clear to me what
 is supposed to be surprising or alarming here.


 Haskell-prime mailing list

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: Unsafe hGetContents

2009-10-06 Thread Simon Marlow

On 03/10/2009 19:59, Florian Weimer wrote:

* Nicolas Pouillard:

Excerpts from Florian Weimer's message of Wed Sep 16 22:17:08 +0200 2009:

Are there any plans to get rid of hGetContents and the semi-closed
handle state for Haskell Prime?

(I call hGetContents unsafe because it adds side effects to pattern
matching, stricly speaking invalidating most of the transformations
which are expected to be valid in a pure language.)

Would you consider something like [1] as an acceptable replacement?


It only addresses two known issues with lazy I/O, doesn't it?  It
still injects input operations into pure code not in the IO monad.

While what you say is true, and I've complained about the same thing 
myself in the past, it turns out to be quite difficult to demonstrate 
the unsafety.

Try it!  Here's the rules.

  - write a program that gives different results when compiled with
different optimisation flags only. (one exception: you're not
allowed to take advantage of -fno-state-hack).

  - Using exceptions is not allowed (they're non-determinstic).

  - A difference caused by resources (e.g. stack overflow) doesn't

  - The only unsafe operation you're allowed to use is hGetContents.

  - You're allowed to use any other I/O operations, including from
libraries, as long as they're not unsafe, and as long as the I/O
itself is deterministic.

The reason it's hard is that to demonstrate a difference you have to get 
the lazy I/O to commute with some other I/O, and GHC will never do that. 
 If you find a way to do it, then we'll probably consider it a bug in GHC.

You can get lazy I/O to commute with other lazy I/O, and perhaps with 
some cunning arrangement of pipes (or something) that might be a way to 
solve the puzzle.  Good luck!

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: Unsafe hGetContents

2009-10-06 Thread Nicolas Pouillard
Excerpts from Simon Marlow's message of Tue Oct 06 14:59:06 +0200 2009:
 On 03/10/2009 19:59, Florian Weimer wrote:
  * Nicolas Pouillard:
  Excerpts from Florian Weimer's message of Wed Sep 16 22:17:08 +0200 2009:
  Are there any plans to get rid of hGetContents and the semi-closed
  handle state for Haskell Prime?
  (I call hGetContents unsafe because it adds side effects to pattern
  matching, stricly speaking invalidating most of the transformations
  which are expected to be valid in a pure language.)
  Would you consider something like [1] as an acceptable replacement?
  It only addresses two known issues with lazy I/O, doesn't it?  It
  still injects input operations into pure code not in the IO monad.
 While what you say is true, and I've complained about the same thing 
 myself in the past, it turns out to be quite difficult to demonstrate 
 the unsafety.
 Try it!  Here's the rules.
- write a program that gives different results when compiled with
  different optimisation flags only. (one exception: you're not
  allowed to take advantage of -fno-state-hack).
- Using exceptions is not allowed (they're non-determinstic).
- A difference caused by resources (e.g. stack overflow) doesn't
- The only unsafe operation you're allowed to use is hGetContents.
- You're allowed to use any other I/O operations, including from
  libraries, as long as they're not unsafe, and as long as the I/O
  itself is deterministic.
 The reason it's hard is that to demonstrate a difference you have to get 
 the lazy I/O to commute with some other I/O, and GHC will never do that. 
   If you find a way to do it, then we'll probably consider it a bug in GHC.
 You can get lazy I/O to commute with other lazy I/O, and perhaps with 
 some cunning arrangement of pipes (or something) that might be a way to 
 solve the puzzle.  Good luck!

Oleg's example is quite close, don't you think?



Nicolas Pouillard
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: Unsafe hGetContents

2009-10-06 Thread Simon Marlow

On 06/10/2009 14:18, Nicolas Pouillard wrote:

Excerpts from Simon Marlow's message of Tue Oct 06 14:59:06 +0200 2009:

On 03/10/2009 19:59, Florian Weimer wrote:

* Nicolas Pouillard:

Excerpts from Florian Weimer's message of Wed Sep 16 22:17:08 +0200 2009:

Are there any plans to get rid of hGetContents and the semi-closed
handle state for Haskell Prime?

(I call hGetContents unsafe because it adds side effects to pattern
matching, stricly speaking invalidating most of the transformations
which are expected to be valid in a pure language.)

Would you consider something like [1] as an acceptable replacement?


It only addresses two known issues with lazy I/O, doesn't it?  It
still injects input operations into pure code not in the IO monad.

While what you say is true, and I've complained about the same thing
myself in the past, it turns out to be quite difficult to demonstrate
the unsafety.

Try it!  Here's the rules.

- write a program that gives different results when compiled with
  different optimisation flags only. (one exception: you're not
  allowed to take advantage of -fno-state-hack).

- Using exceptions is not allowed (they're non-determinstic).

- A difference caused by resources (e.g. stack overflow) doesn't

- The only unsafe operation you're allowed to use is hGetContents.

- You're allowed to use any other I/O operations, including from
  libraries, as long as they're not unsafe, and as long as the I/O
  itself is deterministic.

The reason it's hard is that to demonstrate a difference you have to get
the lazy I/O to commute with some other I/O, and GHC will never do that.
   If you find a way to do it, then we'll probably consider it a bug in GHC.

You can get lazy I/O to commute with other lazy I/O, and perhaps with
some cunning arrangement of pipes (or something) that might be a way to
solve the puzzle.  Good luck!

Oleg's example is quite close, don't you think?


Ah yes, if you have two lazy input streams both referring to the same 
underlying stream, that is enough to demonstrate a problem.  As for 
whether Oleg's example is within the rules, it depends whether you 
consider fdToHandle as unsafe: Haskell's IO library is carefully 
designed to not run into this problem on its own.  It's normally not 
possible to get two Handles with the same FD, however 
GHC.IO.Handle.hDuplicate also lets you do this.

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: Unsafe hGetContents

2009-10-06 Thread Duncan Coutts
On Tue, 2009-10-06 at 15:18 +0200, Nicolas Pouillard wrote:

  The reason it's hard is that to demonstrate a difference you have to get 
  the lazy I/O to commute with some other I/O, and GHC will never do that. 
If you find a way to do it, then we'll probably consider it a bug in GHC.
  You can get lazy I/O to commute with other lazy I/O, and perhaps with 
  some cunning arrangement of pipes (or something) that might be a way to 
  solve the puzzle.  Good luck!
 Oleg's example is quite close, don't you think?

I didn't think that showed very much. He showed two different runs of
two different IO programs where he got different results after having
bypassed the safety switch on hGetContents.

It shows that lazy IO is non-deterministic, but then we knew that. It
didn't show anything was impure.

As a software engineering thing, it's recommended to use lazy IO in the
cases where the non-determinism has a low impact, ie where the order of
the actions with respect to other actions doesn't really matter. When it
does matter then your programs will probably be more comprehensible if
you do the actions more explicitly.

For example we have the shoot-yourself-in-the-foot restriction that you
can only use hGetContents on a handle a single time (this is the safety
mechanism that Oleg turned off) and after that you cannot write to the
same handle. That's not because it'd be semantically unsound if those
restrictions were not there, but it would let you write some jolly
confusing non-deterministic programs.


Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: Unsafe hGetContents

2009-09-21 Thread Simon Marlow

On 16/09/2009 21:17, Florian Weimer wrote:

Are there any plans to get rid of hGetContents and the semi-closed
handle state for Haskell Prime?

(I call hGetContents unsafe because it adds side effects to pattern
matching, stricly speaking invalidating most of the transformations
which are expected to be valid in a pure language.)

There is no current proposal for this, no.  Feel free to start one; 
information about the process for Haskell Prime proposals is here

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: Unsafe hGetContents

2009-09-21 Thread Simon Marlow

On 17/09/2009 13:58, Nicolas Pouillard wrote:

Excerpts from Florian Weimer's message of Wed Sep 16 22:17:08 +0200 2009:

Are there any plans to get rid of hGetContents and the semi-closed
handle state for Haskell Prime?

(I call hGetContents unsafe because it adds side effects to pattern
matching, stricly speaking invalidating most of the transformations
which are expected to be valid in a pure language.)

Would you consider something like [1] as an acceptable replacement?


I rater like this as a workaround for the most common practical problems 
with lazy I/O, those of resource control.  It doesn't address the deeper 
concern that lazy I/O requires a particular evaluation order and is 
therefore a bit warty as a language feature - implementing lazy I/O 
properly in GHC's parallel mutator was somewhat tricky.  I'm not of the 
opinion that we should throw out lazy I/O, but it's still a problematic 
area in Haskell.

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: Unsafe hGetContents

2009-09-21 Thread Nicolas Pouillard
Excerpts from Simon Marlow's message of Mon Sep 21 11:41:38 +0200 2009:
 On 16/09/2009 21:17, Florian Weimer wrote:
  Are there any plans to get rid of hGetContents and the semi-closed
  handle state for Haskell Prime?
  (I call hGetContents unsafe because it adds side effects to pattern
  matching, stricly speaking invalidating most of the transformations
  which are expected to be valid in a pure language.)
 There is no current proposal for this, no.  Feel free to start one; 
 information about the process for Haskell Prime proposals is here

An alternate proposition (instead of removing it) would to to move it to

Nicolas Pouillard
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: Unsafe hGetContents

2009-09-21 Thread Nicolas Pouillard
Excerpts from Simon Marlow's message of Mon Sep 21 11:52:41 +0200 2009:
 On 17/09/2009 13:58, Nicolas Pouillard wrote:
  Excerpts from Florian Weimer's message of Wed Sep 16 22:17:08 +0200 2009:
  Are there any plans to get rid of hGetContents and the semi-closed
  handle state for Haskell Prime?
  (I call hGetContents unsafe because it adds side effects to pattern
  matching, stricly speaking invalidating most of the transformations
  which are expected to be valid in a pure language.)
  Would you consider something like [1] as an acceptable replacement?
 I rater like this as a workaround for the most common practical problems 
 with lazy I/O, those of resource control.

 It doesn't address the deeper 
 concern that lazy I/O requires a particular evaluation order and is 
 therefore a bit warty as a language feature

When using safe-lazy-io we no longer rely (or a lot less) on the evaluation
order (assuming you mean the order of side-effects). Since the way of combining
the different inputs is statically chosen by user.

 - implementing lazy I/O 
 properly in GHC's parallel mutator was somewhat tricky.  I'm not of the 
 opinion that we should throw out lazy I/O, but it's still a problematic 
 area in Haskell.

Maybe the 'unsafeGetContents' feature required by a safe-lazy-io would be
less problematic, in particular it does not have to ignore exceptions.

Best regards,

Nicolas Pouillard
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: Unsafe hGetContents

2009-09-17 Thread Nicolas Pouillard
Excerpts from Florian Weimer's message of Wed Sep 16 22:17:08 +0200 2009:
 Are there any plans to get rid of hGetContents and the semi-closed
 handle state for Haskell Prime?
 (I call hGetContents unsafe because it adds side effects to pattern
 matching, stricly speaking invalidating most of the transformations
 which are expected to be valid in a pure language.)

Would you consider something like [1] as an acceptable replacement?


Nicolas Pouillard
Haskell-prime mailing list

Unsafe hGetContents

2009-09-16 Thread Florian Weimer
Are there any plans to get rid of hGetContents and the semi-closed
handle state for Haskell Prime?

(I call hGetContents unsafe because it adds side effects to pattern
matching, stricly speaking invalidating most of the transformations
which are expected to be valid in a pure language.)
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: Unsafe hGetContents

2009-09-16 Thread Don Stewart
 Are there any plans to get rid of hGetContents and the semi-closed
 handle state for Haskell Prime?
 (I call hGetContents unsafe because it adds side effects to pattern
 matching, stricly speaking invalidating most of the transformations
 which are expected to be valid in a pure language.)

Isn't this a broader complaint about lazy IO in general?

-- Don
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: Unsafe hGetContents

2009-09-16 Thread Florian Weimer
* Don Stewart:

 Are there any plans to get rid of hGetContents and the semi-closed
 handle state for Haskell Prime?
 (I call hGetContents unsafe because it adds side effects to pattern
 matching, stricly speaking invalidating most of the transformations
 which are expected to be valid in a pure language.)

 Isn't this a broader complaint about lazy IO in general?

Yes, sort of.  But doesn't lazy input derive its justification from
being present in the prelude?
Haskell-prime mailing list