News from the Human Connectome Project (HCP)
June 5, 2018
Connectome Workbench v1.3.1 Released
Announcing version 1.3.1 of Connectome 
(WB) brain visualization and analysis software, which fixes a few bugs and adds 
a few features from the recent v1.3.0 release, is now available for 64-bit Mac 
OSX, Windows, and Linux. The Workbench distribution includes wb_view, a 
GUI-based visualization platform, and wb_command, a command-line program for 
performing a variety of algorithmic tasks using volume, surface, and 
grayordinate data.
Changes in Workbench v1.3.1
New Features

  *   Scene numbers using a file added next to files in scene "list files" 
  *   Scenes "replace all" no longer shows tab highlight outline in captured 
  *   Builds with older QT5 no longer have very large overlay toolbox by default

Bug Fixes

  *   fixed wb_view crash when loading label volumes
  *   Settings synchronized across overlay settings windows that refer to the 
same file

New Features

  *   -*-roi-from-extrema commands give warnings when output has no maps
  *   -volume-set-space now has a -file option to take space information from 
another volume
  *   -volume-math copies timestep from input files

Bug Fixes

  *   bash completion for wb_shortcuts should now work reliably
  *   wb_shortcuts -cifti-demean should not give warnings about extensions for 
temporary files

Installation for improved tab completion for wb_command:
The below instructions are OPTIONAL, they are not required for workbench to 
function properly.  They are intended for users that use wb_command manually in 
the bash shell.

These instructions are only for people who downloaded workbench as a zip file, 
installation through a package manager such as neurodebian performs similar 
steps automatically.

For relatively modern versions of the "bash" shell, workbench now provides tab 
completions for wb_command options and file extensions (the default OS X bash 
is too old, you would need to use homebrew, macports, or similar).

The easiest way to install them is to copy the file "bashcomplete_wb_command" 
from the workbench folder into /etc/bash_completion.d/, if you have admin 
rights.  If you do not have admin rights, you can make a copy of 
"bashcomplete_wb_command" in your home directory, but renamed to 
".bash_completion" (the dot on the front is important).  Ignore the 
"bashcomplete_wb_shortcuts" file, the wb_shortcuts completions are also inside 
the "bashcomplete_wb_command" file.  The file is located here, depending on OS:

Ubuntu/Debian Linux: workbench/exe_linux64/bashcomplete_wb_command
Centos/RedHat Linux: workbench/exe_rh_linux64/bashcomplete_wb_command
Windows: workbench/bin_windows64/bashcomplete_wb_command
OS X: workbench/macosx64_apps/bashcomplete_wb_command

Once this is done, open a NEW terminal window, type "wb_command -file-info" but 
don't press enter, instead press tab, and the line should change to "wb_command 
-file-information".  If it does not, then it is likely that the OS's 
"bash-completion" package is not installed.

WB v1.3.1 is compatible with the WB v1.0 tutorial and the processed 1200 
Subjects Group Average Data available to download at and on the 
<> ConnectomeDB HCP project 
page<>. Access to both 
datasets require ConnectomeDB login and signature of the HCP Open Access Data 
Use Terms.

To download the <> WB v1.3.1 
source code from GitHub<>: 
follow the link, click Releases (near the top center of the page), then under 
v1.3.1, click the “Source code (zip)” or “Source code (tar.gz)” button.
Discussion of Connectome Workbench usage, bugs, and features can be posted to 
the hcp-users discussion list (sign up 
The WU-Minn HCP Consortium

Jennifer Elam, Ph.D.
Scientific Outreach, Human Connectome Project
Washington University School of Medicine
Department of Neuroscience, Box 8108
660 South Euclid Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63110

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