Hi community,

This is the preview bits of the first release candidate of Apache
Hadoop 3.3.1 line. It takes tremendous amount of effort to produce a Hadoop
and we still have a number of unresolved issues [1]. Meanwhile, I'd like to
preview bits so you guys can check out earlier than later. I expect to roll
the official RC earlier next week.

It contains 693 fixed jira issues [2] since 3.3.0 which include a lot of
features and improvements(read the full set of release notes).

Below feature additions are the highlights of the release.
Using lz4-java in Lz4Codec
Using snappy-java in SnappyCodec
Provide Regex Based Mount Point In Inode Tree
Add Public IOStatistics API
ABFS: Delegation SAS Generator Updates
ABFS: Delegation SAS generator for integration with Ranger
Über-jira: S3A Hadoop 3.3.1 features
Add Metrics to HttpFS Server
EC: Verify EC reconstruction correctness on DataNode
Standby NameNode process getBlocks request to reduce Active load
LocatedFileStatusFetcher to collect/publish IOStatistics

*RC tag is release-3.3.0-RC0 (4a0b8c92f599553a93a39071d287bb2cc3d1a19d)

*The RC0 artifacts are at*:

*The maven artifacts are hosted here:*

*My public key is available here:*

[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/issues/?filter=12350491

My ask:
(1) please use the bits to test downstream applications. I am aware of a
number of API changes between 3.1.x and 3.3.1 and even between 3.3.0 and
3.3.1. You should use this as an opportunity to test out applications and
be ready for it.
(AFAIK Knox, Ranger, Tez, Phoenix-omid don't compile)

(2) please check out the release notes and change log, find out if anything
important should be included in 3.3.1.


1. project in (YARN, HADOOP, MAPREDUCE, HDFS) AND fixVersion in (3.3.1) AND
status = Resolved ORDER BY
fixVersion ASC

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