Re: Bison -v Stack Interpretation

2023-12-22 Thread James K. Lowden
On Thu, 21 Dec 2023 18:42:05 -0500
Steve Litt  wrote:

> So, on a high level, do I now have a good understanding of the
> definitions of "parser stack", "shift" and "reduce"?

Depending on how high is high, sure.  :-)  

See "5.5 Parser States" in the Bison manual.  As yourself if you
understand that.

A generic stack has push and pop operations, yes.  But Bison uses
different terminology because there's more going on.  The terms "shift"
and "reduce" are state-machine operations.  The affect the stack, but
they are not the stack operations. 

When a token is pushed onto the stack, the parser's state changes at
the same time; the term "shift" captures both effects.  Similarly, when
the parser recogonizes that a token sequence matches a rule, the
matching elements are indeed popped off.  Then the action is executed,
and a new element, not a token, is pushed on the stack, representing a
new state. The whole kaboodle is called "reduction".  

To really understand it requires study.  The original paper

Yacc: Yet Another Compiler-Compiler
Stephen C. Johnson

is worth reading, even if parts of it are hard to follow the first time
through.  It introduced yacc to the world as new technology.  It
explains these terms to an audience most of whom had never seen
anything like it.  

As you may know, yacc and Bison implement a small part of a body of
work in computer science, usually taught as a semester-long course. If
you want to know not just how Bison works, but how to write one
yourself, I recommend

Engineering a Compiler
Keith D. Cooper and Linda Torczon
ISBN 978-0-12-088478-0


Re: Bison -v Stack Interpretation

2023-12-21 Thread Steve Litt
Thanks Piotr!

you recommended *seems* very clear to me, but I want to ask you if I
really understand it. So from your recommended link, I deduce the

1) The parser stack truly is a Last In First Out (LIFO) stack like we
   learned about in programming 101, where adding an element to the
   stack is called "pushing" and taking an element off the stack is
   called "popping", with the last element pushed being the first
   element popped. But in this case we use different vocabulary.

2) Pushing an element is called "shifting" in this context. "Push" and
   "shift" are pretty much synonyms.

3) Regardless of how the "reducing" process is really done
   algorithmically,  reducing the parser stack acts like the following
   set of operations:
  a: One by one, pop every element off the stack in order to make a
  b: Calculate the "value" of the rule, considering various
 elements' (tokens') semantic values.
  c: Push (shift) the result back onto the stack.

If the preceding attempt at an explanation accurately describes the
meaning of the words "parser stack", "shift" and "reduce", then I
understand completely and it makes perfect sense. When I need a
calculator, I run the command line Reverse Polish Notation calculator
called dc, and dc operates pretty much exactly like the description I
gave above. 

So, on a high level, do I now have a good understanding of the
definitions of "parser stack", "shift" and "reduce"?

Thanks so much for your help.


Steve Litt 

Autumn 2023 featured book: Rapid Learning for the 21st Century

Piotr Siupa said on Thu, 21 Dec 2023 08:36:03 +0100

>The manual has a nice explanation of those concepts:
>On Thu, Dec 21, 2023 at 6:51 AM Steve Litt 
>> James K. Lowden said on Tue, 19 Dec 2023 21:11:41 -0500
>> >On any given token, the parser either shifts the token onto its
>> >stack, or reduces the stack.  To me, all the interesting stuff
>> >happens when reducing, because that's literally where the action
>> >is.  
>> I'm puzzled about the words "stack", "shift", and "reduce".
>> As has always been explained to me, the meaning of the word "stack"
>> is that it's a Last In First Out (LIFO) array, object, contraption,
>> whatever, and that when you add something it's called "pushing" it
>> onto the stack, and when you remove something, the something removed
>> is the one that last got pushed, and that's called "popping" it from
>> the stack. What exactly is meant by "shift" and "reduce"?
>> Thanks,
>> SteveT
>> Steve Litt
>> Autumn 2023 featured book: Rapid Learning for the 21st Century

Re: Bison -v Stack Interpretation

2023-12-21 Thread lostbits
shift/reduce/pop/push are part of LALR(1) parsing (see as a start). Basically what 
happens is that the parser forms lookahead sets. The creation and 
sustenance of the lookahead sets is done with the pushes and pops. When 
the LALR(1) parser looks at the grammar, the parser decides to continue 
on without resolving what to do yet (shift) or to conclude that the 
left-hand side of some production rules (lhs : rhs;) is recognized, reduce.

So in summary, the stack is used as a vehicle to store information 
needed to make a reduce decision, the shift causes a push.

If I'm wrong, as often I am, then please correct. But I believe this is 
the essence of a bottom-up parser. FYI there are also top-down (LL(1)) 
parsers, e.g., ANTLR. If you are so inclined you might want to look at 
them also.


On 12/20/2023 9:50 PM, Steve Litt wrote:

James K. Lowden said on Tue, 19 Dec 2023 21:11:41 -0500

On any given token, the parser either shifts the token onto its stack,
or reduces the stack.  To me, all the interesting stuff happens when
reducing, because that's literally where the action is.

I'm puzzled about the words "stack", "shift", and "reduce".

As has always been explained to me, the meaning of the word "stack" is
that it's a Last In First Out (LIFO) array, object, contraption,
whatever, and that when you add something it's called "pushing" it onto
the stack, and when you remove something, the something removed is the
one that last got pushed, and that's called "popping" it from the stack.
What exactly is meant by "shift" and "reduce"?



Steve Litt

Autumn 2023 featured book: Rapid Learning for the 21st Century

Re: Bison -v Stack Interpretation

2023-12-20 Thread Piotr Siupa
The manual has a nice explanation of those concepts:


On Thu, Dec 21, 2023 at 6:51 AM Steve Litt 

> James K. Lowden said on Tue, 19 Dec 2023 21:11:41 -0500
> >On any given token, the parser either shifts the token onto its stack,
> >or reduces the stack.  To me, all the interesting stuff happens when
> >reducing, because that's literally where the action is.
> I'm puzzled about the words "stack", "shift", and "reduce".
> As has always been explained to me, the meaning of the word "stack" is
> that it's a Last In First Out (LIFO) array, object, contraption,
> whatever, and that when you add something it's called "pushing" it onto
> the stack, and when you remove something, the something removed is the
> one that last got pushed, and that's called "popping" it from the stack.
> What exactly is meant by "shift" and "reduce"?
> Thanks,
> SteveT
> Steve Litt
> Autumn 2023 featured book: Rapid Learning for the 21st Century

Re: Bison -v Stack Interpretation

2023-12-20 Thread Steve Litt
James K. Lowden said on Tue, 19 Dec 2023 21:11:41 -0500

>On any given token, the parser either shifts the token onto its stack,
>or reduces the stack.  To me, all the interesting stuff happens when
>reducing, because that's literally where the action is.  

I'm puzzled about the words "stack", "shift", and "reduce".

As has always been explained to me, the meaning of the word "stack" is
that it's a Last In First Out (LIFO) array, object, contraption,
whatever, and that when you add something it's called "pushing" it onto
the stack, and when you remove something, the something removed is the
one that last got pushed, and that's called "popping" it from the stack.
What exactly is meant by "shift" and "reduce"?



Steve Litt 

Autumn 2023 featured book: Rapid Learning for the 21st Century

Re: Bison -v Stack Interpretation

2023-12-20 Thread James K. Lowden
On Wed, 20 Dec 2023 19:58:26 +0100
Dan Ohlsson  wrote:

> I have difficulties understanding the stack content when executing
> bison with the -v options.  Please explain or give reference to where
> I can find information!

That's a really big question, Dan.  Do you want to come to Brussels in
February to hear my FOSDEM talk?  

Perhaps the best information is in

8.5.2 Enabling Debug Traces for ?mfcalc?

In the Bison info manual.  To understand it, you have to understand how
the LALR parser works.  If you're like me, that takes awhile to

On any given token, the parser either shifts the token onto its stack,
or reduces the stack.  To me, all the interesting stuff happens when
reducing, because that's literally where the action is.  

 Reducing stack by rule 6 (line 44):

"Rule 6" is among the rules enumerated in the output file if you used
verbose mode.  Line 44 refers to you parse.y file, or whatever was
input to Bison.  Each element in the rule to the right of the colon is
a terminal or nonterminal, and has a value.  But of course you know

What can be mysterious is when Bison reports a syntax error.  As a
technical matter, it means that the last token retrieved from yylex
matches no rule in the current state.  That is, if in State X there is
no acceptable token T, then T is in error.  (Of course, you can get to
X by mistake too.  There is an infinite combination of shoelaces and

To understand what state X is when T arrives, you also have to consult
the report file produced in verbose mode.  

My last bit advice is this: turn on yy_flex_debug, too (assuming you're
using flex).  Quite often, the T returned by yylex is not the one you
would have hoped for, given the input text, perhaps because the list of
strings it digests has fallen behind what the parser demands.  

