Re: [Help-gsl] Keeping fixed memory allocation for an interpolating object

2013-10-14 Thread Sam Mason
On 14 October 2013 10:52, Ruben Farinelli wrote:
 However allocating at each call in the function the dimension of the object
 and then freeing it via the commands

 spline=gsl_spline_alloc(gsl_interp_cspline, BIN);
 gsl_spline_init(spline, array_x, array_y, BIN);

 /* commands */


 is very time consuming.

If you could post the whole of your loop it would help, i.e. what are
you doing in commands?  Why don't you do something like the manual

Hope that helps!


Re: [Help-gsl] gsl performance

2013-10-07 Thread Sam Mason

On 7 October 2013 18:22, onefire wrote:
 One, which I like, is that the routines give the user low-level control
 over their progress in the sense that you can create an object, manually
 iterate and observe their progress. I prefer this over having a single
 function that does the work until convergence (but see below).

Yes, everybody wants to terminate at different places—flat gradient,
max number of steps, some combination or other condition...  Having
this outside of the GSL makes sense.  You could let this be evaluated
by another callback, but then this would be three callbacks now?

Reading your earlier messages, implies that you want to perform many
minimizations (or other algorithms?).  Could you not just allocate one
minimizer (or one per thread) and reset it as needed? That way you
don't need to be free()ing/malloc()ing same same memory all the
time.  I guess it depends on whether the number of variables changes.

I tried this technique with the ODE solvers in the GSL and it gave me
about 5% overall performance improvement so I dropped it from my code,
it was a fiddle to maintain and the user would barely notice the
difference.  I was doing quite a lot of other things, so maybe if your
overall time is dominated by malloc/free it may help.

Not sure whether it would be worth trying a different memory
allocator.  There used to be faster ones available, but they could
well be folded into the standard libraries now.

Hope some of that is useful for you!


Re: [Help-gsl] Computation of gsl_sf_hyperg_1F1 fails for some values

2013-05-10 Thread Sam Mason
On 10 May 2013 10:43, Daniel Schury wrote:
 double part22 = gsl_sf_hyperg_1F1(-p/2.0, 1.0/2.0,
 - -1.0/2.0*((E1-x)/dE)^2.0);

In this case; in C the ^ operator is a bitwise xor and doesn't raise
things to a power.

Is that double negation really needed? Seems redundant, or am I
missing something?

 This works for most values, but fails for some. With p = 2.09, E1 = 8, x
 = 26.8 and dE = 0.5 my program crashes.

You be better off reporting the actual values of a, b and x that
caused the program to crash.  When you printed these out you may
notice that something strange is happening.

 Can somebody confirm this problem maybe on a different platform or has
 an idea how to trace the problem?

Fixing the code to actually square things works for me in Linux with
GSL v1.15, but gives back a *very* large number: 3.2e301.  Mathematica
gives the same value, so at least they're both consistent.

I'd break things down to debug it.  I.e. create some more variables to
save the values of a, b, x, then use printf to display them—or use a
debugger.  You should then be able to see you're getting strange
things going on before calling the hypergeometric function.

It seems strange that your compiler isn't complaining about the xor!  GCC does.

Hope that helps!


Re: [Help-gsl] Computation of gsl_sf_hyperg_1F1 fails for some values

2013-05-10 Thread Sam Mason
On 10 May 2013 12:20, Daniel Schury wrote:
 Is that double negation really needed? Seems redundant, or am I
 missing something?
 I don't know where the double minus came from, but the third parameter
 is in fact -1.0/2.0*pow((E1-x)/dE,2.0)). Then The value should be
 something around 457.

If I evaluate the above in Mathematica (v8) with the values you gave
before I get 1895.95 back; not sure why we're getting different
answers.  Then again I don't have any experience of these
hypergeometric functions so can't suggest much to help here—sorry!

 In this case; in C the ^ operator is a bitwise xor and doesn't raise
 things to a power.
 As you can see, I changed the ^ to pow(), but that doesn't help. The
 Origin C compiler understands the ^, so that's not the problem.

OK, but that's strange; if it's really a C++ compiler underneath
that's overloading this for doubles then that seems sort of
reasonable.  You really need to isolate the bit of code and run it in
a plain C compiler to figure out where the problem is coming from.

 You be better off reporting the actual values of a, b and x that
 caused the program to crash.  When you printed these out you may
 notice that something strange is happening.
 The given values _are_ values I got problems with.

No, you're doing some calculations.  If you reported:
  gsl_sf_hyperg_1F1(-1.045, 0.5, -706.88)
then things would be clearer.

 Interestingely, the last time I got a new error message: R6025 - pure
 virtual function call But the description given by microsoft
 ( doesn't help me.

This is a C++ error message; something has gone wrong with your class
hierarchy; you need to look at your C++ code as this isn't anything to
do with the GSL.  Maybe the wrappers from Origin are breaking


Re: [Help-gsl] Computation of gsl_sf_hyperg_1F1 fails for some values

2013-05-10 Thread Sam Mason
On 10 May 2013 13:07, Daniel Schury wrote:
 Am 10.05.2013 13:58, schrieb Sam Mason:
   gsl_sf_hyperg_1F1(-1.045, 0.5, -706.88)
 Ok, now I know what you mean. Does not change anything, program crashes.

Huh, I should have tried that!  I get:

  gsl: exp.c:254: ERROR: overflow

not sure if I can help much more as I don't know about the
Hypergeometric functions.



Re: [Help-gsl] multidim interpolation

2013-05-09 Thread Sam Mason
On 9 May 2013 02:35, jeremy theler wrote:
 what I want to do is to
 interpolate arbritarily-scattered data, not only points located in a
 rectangular grid.

Depending on how statistical you want to be, gaussian processes/fields
can be very useful for this sort of thing.  GSL helps a bit, but is
missing the multivariate normal distribution, but there is code here
to extend it:

The computationally intensive part is generating the covariance
matrix, which is O(n^2) so only really usable when you have less than
a few thousand points.

Hope that helps!


[Help-gsl] gamma distribution

2013-05-02 Thread Sam Mason
I've been using the GSL for a while and have just realised that I'm
working around bugs in the Gamma distribution's RNG and PDF.  Some
parameters (i.e. small alpha and beta) cause the RNG to return zero.
As far as I understand this is incorrect mathematically and is infact
due to rounding errors.  I'm OK with this feature, but when you feed
this zero back to gsl_ran_gamma_pdf() (with the same parameters) you
get zero probability–which feels wrong.

The implementation in R returns +Inf when alpha  1, which seems more useful.

I'm currently working around this by adding DBL_MIN onto the value I
get back from gsl_ran_gamma(), but this doesn't seem very nice.

Would a patch that adjusts the behaviour of gsl_ran_gamma_pdf(), i.e.
changing the second if statement to:

  else if (x == 0)
  if (a == 1)
return 1/b ;
  else if (a  1)
return GSL_POSINF ;
return 0 ;

do the right thing in everybody's eyes?



Re: [Help-gsl] Problem with gsl_linalg_cholesky_invert

2013-03-23 Thread Sam Mason
On 23 Mar 2013 16:30, gianluca mastrantonio wrote:
 I compile the code with the following command:

 gcc-mp-4.7 wrapnorm.c -o wrapnorm -lgsl -l gslcblas -lm

I'd recommend compiling with warnings so that GCC can suggest what's going
wrong.  The -Wall flag is what I normally use.  I'd imagine it telling you
that Patrick is right...


Re: [Help-gsl] email from changes in doc directory

2013-02-18 Thread Sam Mason
If there isn't something built into Savannah; it would seem possible
(in probably 10-20 lines of shell script) to have your computer have
its own copy of the code and set up a cron job to check for changes
against the official repository.  If there are any it can then easily
send you an email saying there's work to do.


Re: [Help-gsl] solution of 3d quadratic algebraic system

2012-10-31 Thread Sam Mason
On 31 Oct 2012 05:25, FARKAS, Illes wrote:
 Thanks! How about multiple solutions? Biochemical systems often have more
 than one stable solution.

Monte-carlo algorithms tend to be good for this sort of thing.  You can get
quite a good idea of the energy landscape this way, although presenting
more than two gets awkward quickly...

 What tools would you or other readers of this list recommend?

Python, R, Matlab/Octave and finally C for performance tends to be my
personal tools of choice here.  I tend to use most of them most weeks.

Scala could be a fun one to look at though:


Re: [Help-gsl] solution of 3d quadratic algebraic system

2012-10-30 Thread Sam Mason
Could you put each variable through a logit transform?  That's the normal
way I'd tend to get appropriate answers.

Either that or use a delta function to give +inf outside your range.

On 30 Oct 2012 05:41, FARKAS, Illes wrote:

 2012/10/29 FARKAS, Illes

  2012/10/28 Rhys Ulerich
   Can you please suggest a fast GSL method / algorithm to find the
   of a quadratic 3d system of algebraic equations?
   In the reduced form all 3 equations have zero on the l.h.s., and on
   r.h.s. there are constant, linear and quadratic terms composed of x1,
   x3 (the three variables).
  Newton iteration, especially if you provide analytic Jacobian, should do
  well here. There may be faster things that can return multiple
  - Rhys
  Thanks, I've chosen the hybrid algorithm


 The 3 variables represent biochemical concentrations normalized to the
 interval [0,1]. Can I tell the solver (or another solver) that it should
 stay inside this interval? I keep receiving solutions outside this
 interval, which are mathematically OK, but biochemically really nonsense.
 Also, with some help I'm ready to read/write the source code.

 Many thanks!


Re: [Help-gsl] using histogram fuctions - not getting expected result.

2012-06-29 Thread Sam Mason
On 29 June 2012 03:27, Calvin Morrison wrote:
 I want to return the value of the higest frequency. Am I doing
 this correctly?

  // Add red, green, and blue, values to their respective histogram
  for (i = 0; i  nImages; i++) {
        gsl_histogram_increment (r, array[i][j][k][0]);
        gsl_histogram_increment (g, array[i][j][k][1]);
        gsl_histogram_increment (b, array[i][j][k][2]);
      size_t red = gsl_histogram_max_bin(r);
      size_t green = gsl_histogram_max_bin(g);
      size_t blue = gsl_histogram_max_bin(b);

Not sure how you're creating the histogram; but I'd expect you to have
the answer here.  Why do you go back into the histogram again?

Would be interesting to know what you're doing; getting the mode of
each channel separately seems like a strange thing to be doing.


Re: [Help-gsl] using histogram fuctions - not getting expected result.

2012-06-29 Thread Sam Mason
On 29 June 2012 16:16, Calvin Morrison wrote:

You really don't need the GSL histogram routines for that; just something like:

findmax (uint8_t *p, int n)
  int mx = 0, v = p[0];
  for (int i = 1; i  n; i++) {
if (p[i]  v) {
  v = p[i];
  mx = i;
  return mx;

  uint8_t histr[256] = { 0 }, histg[256] = { 0 }, histb[256] = { 0 };

  for (int i = 0; i  nImages; i++) {
histr[array[i][j][k][0]] += 1;
histg[array[i][j][k][1]] += 1;
histb[array[i][j][k][2]] += 1;

  output[j][k][0] = findmax(histr, 256);
  output[j][k][1] = findmax(histg, 256);
  output[j][k][2] = findmax(histb, 256);

I'd also recommend against storing the array as you are.  Traversing
lots of pointers is particularly inefficient (probably important if
you're in CS; chasing down four pointers is going to kill performance
as this is in the inner loop).  It's much easier to allocate a big
block of memory; i.e:

  uint8_t * array = calloc(nImages * width * height * 3);

and use the following to access an arbitrary pixel:

  // return a pointer rgb pixel triplet
  static inline uint8_t *getpixel(int image, int x, int y) { return
array[((image * width + x) * height + y) * 3]; }

But for cases like where you're running along going over the same
pixel for many images, you can do something like:

  uint8_t *px = (j * height + k) * 3;
  const size_t step = width * height * 3;
  for (int i = 0; i  nImages; i++) {
histr[px[0]] += 1;
histg[px[1]] += 1;
histb[px[2]] += 1;
px += step;

Also, just thought that if you've got more than about 500 images
you're better off (i.e. your working set will be smaller) storing
all the histograms (i.e. width*height*3 histograms) in memory and
streaming through the images.  A

Hope that helps!


Re: [Help-gsl] problems with BFGS

2012-06-17 Thread Sam Mason
On 17 June 2012 17:58, Claudio Tablada wrote:
 Thank you for his response. I attach the program in c for details.

As I suspected; you're not checking your domains...  The optimiser
doesn't know that your functions are only defined for positive values
and is naively passing it negative values.

You need to put a couple of lines into your code when this isn't the
case; i.e. return GSL_NAN from the likelihood function and an
appropriate error code for derivatives (NaN also works for me, but
not sure what this is supposed to be and the manual doesn't make it
clear what appropriate is!).

Hope that helps,


Re: [Help-gsl] Doubt (bug?) in gsl_fit_linear function

2012-06-09 Thread Sam Mason
On 9 June 2012 20:34, Ruchin Kansal wrote:
 Yes, it shd be infinity. But at my end everything is printed as nan. Could 
 you please post your outut in case it is different?

As a single data point; Juan's code prints out NaN with GSL 1.15
(installed through macports).

If you want any more details, let me know.


Re: [Help-gsl] GSL in a microcontroller

2012-04-10 Thread Sam Mason
Hi Jorge,

Writing code for a microcontroller is very different from writing code
for a personal computer; finding a microcontroller with a floating
point unit is going to be a struggle, maybe your problem is better
suited to a DSP?

I'd have a look through one of the many tutorials on programming
microcontrollers before going too far.  You need to know quite a bit
about the performance characteristics of your code, both space and
time, before investing too much.  Also power requirements and
production volume should come into it; microcontrollers are efficient,
but bigger batteries may be cheaper in the long run rather than
investing a lot of time in developing something that you're only
making a few of.

Then again, if you're doing it for fun, it's a good challenge and will
teach you a lot!


On 10 April 2012 11:12, Miguel Gallo, Jorge wrote:

 I have an algorithm running on my Linux personal computer using GSL library.
 I would like to implement the same algorithm in a microcontroller and I would 
 like to ask your for tips about how to do that.

 Is there any microcontroller which can run any Linux OS in which I can 
 include the GSL library?
 What can be the usage of program and data memory?

 Maybe it is necessary to use a microprocessor instead like ARM7?

 Many thanks,

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Re: [Help-gsl] GSL in a microcontroller

2012-04-10 Thread Sam Mason
Hi Jorge,

I've only played around with very small 8-bit Microchip PIC
microcontrollers; very different from the sort of things you're
interested in, sorry!

Google suggests there are various ARM based development boards that
use the GNU tool chain, a few seconds on google points to the

It says it includes the GSL and has some hardware recommendations for
getting started.


On 10 April 2012 12:20, Miguel Gallo, Jorge wrote:

 Many thanks for your answer. It doesn't matter the time and relatively money 
 it can take up. However it does matter to me the space and power consumption.

 I know for instance microcontrollers of Kinetis based on ARM CortexM4 with 
 floating point unit (K10 and K20 family). However my concern is how to 
 implement a Linux in it.

 Are there any soft Linux versions specially for microcontrollers? If yes, how 
 are they implemented?

 Thanks for your support,

 -Mensaje original-
 De: [] En 
 nombre de Sam Mason
 Enviado el: martes, 10 de abril de 2012 12:57
 Para: Miguel Gallo, Jorge
 Asunto: Re: [Help-gsl] GSL in a microcontroller

 Hi Jorge,

 Writing code for a microcontroller is very different from writing code
 for a personal computer; finding a microcontroller with a floating
 point unit is going to be a struggle, maybe your problem is better
 suited to a DSP?

 I'd have a look through one of the many tutorials on programming
 microcontrollers before going too far.  You need to know quite a bit
 about the performance characteristics of your code, both space and
 time, before investing too much.  Also power requirements and
 production volume should come into it; microcontrollers are efficient,
 but bigger batteries may be cheaper in the long run rather than
 investing a lot of time in developing something that you're only
 making a few of.

 Then again, if you're doing it for fun, it's a good challenge and will
 teach you a lot!


 On 10 April 2012 11:12, Miguel Gallo, Jorge wrote:

 I have an algorithm running on my Linux personal computer using GSL library.
 I would like to implement the same algorithm in a microcontroller and I 
 would like to ask your for tips about how to do that.

 Is there any microcontroller which can run any Linux OS in which I can 
 include the GSL library?
 What can be the usage of program and data memory?

 Maybe it is necessary to use a microprocessor instead like ARM7?

 Many thanks,

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 contiene información de carácter confidencial exclusivamente dirigida a su 
 destinatario o destinatarios. Si no es vd. el destinatario indicado, queda 
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 autorización está prohibida en virtud de la legislación vigente. En el caso 
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 it to their email address.
 Avoid printing this message if it is not absolutely necessary.

Re: [Help-gsl] GSL-1.15 installation issue on OSX 10.7.3

2012-04-05 Thread Sam Mason

If you just want a copy of GSL installed and don't mind about it being
too up to date, you could try MacPorts.  Initial install from here:

and then type

  sudo port install gsl-devel

I can't help with building it from source, sorry!  I'd be tempted to
suggest that it's your C compiler's optimiser breaking something, but
that's very wild speculation.


On 4 April 2012 21:24, Pierre-Henry Frohring wrote:

 I tried to install the GSLibrary following the INSTALL directives:
        $ ./configure
        $ make
        $ make check  log 21

 It gave me some errors on the svd module. The log file is  6mb, so i just 
 cat the useful lines:

 Making check in blas
 make[1]: Nothing to be done for `check'.
 Making check in linalg
 make  test
 make[2]: `test' is up to date.
 make  check-TESTS
 (caught [svd.c:149: SVD decomposition failed to converge (11)])
 returned error code 11 = exceeded max number of iterations
 singular value 0 =                     -1  0
 singular value 1 =                      0 vs previous                     -1
 singular value 2 =    17.3205080756888137 vs previous                      0
 (  3,  3)[0,2]:    15.2508026013158453                        0
 (  3,  3)[1,2]:    8.21054322293596961                        1
 (  3,  3)[2,1]:                      0                        1
 FAIL:   SV_decomp (3x3) A=[ 0, 0, 0; 0, 0, 1; 1, 1, 0] [852]
 (caught [svd.c:149: SVD decomposition failed to converge (11)])
 returned error code 11 = exceeded max number of iterations
 singular value 0 =                     -1  0
 singular value 1 =                      0 vs previous                     -1
 singular value 2 =    17.3205080756888137 vs previous                      0
 (  3,  3)[0,1]:    15.2508026013158453                        0
 (  3,  3)[1,1]:    8.21054322293596961                        1
 (  3,  3)[2,2]:                      0                        1
 FAIL:   SV_decomp (3x3) A=[ 0, 0, 0; 0, 1, 0; 1, 0, 1] [859]
 (  3,  3)[0,1]:  -0.499889                        0
 (  3,  3)[1,2]:   -1.00022                        0
 (  3,  3)[2,1]:   0.499889                        1


 FAIL:   SV_decomp_mod (4x4) A=[ 1, 1, 1, 1; 1, 1, 1, 1; 0, 1, 0, 1; 0, 0, 1, 
 1] [233613]
 FAIL: test
 1 of 1 test failed
 make[2]: *** [check-TESTS] Error 1
 make[1]: *** [check-am] Error 2
 make: *** [check-recursive] Error 1

 I searched is the archive with: svd make check. The searched shrunk to 4 
 results, including this old post (2011 Aug)

 But no answers…

 Anyone has an idea? Thanks for your time and help!

[Help-gsl] log probability density functions

2012-03-29 Thread Sam Mason

I'm just wondering whether it's deliberate that there aren't any log
probability density functions in the GSL?  I've had a quick search
through the archives and haven't seen anything obvious, but if you
could point me in the right direction that would be great!

As a bit of background, I'm using the GSL for doing Bayesian MCMC
inference and the starting point of a chain tends to be somewhere with
(very) low density.  The lack of log density functions means that
densities will be truncated to zero before I can take the log of them.

For all of the distributions I've looked at in GSL it's been trivial
to rearrange the maths so it's working with log densities and I'd be
happy to tidy up my hacks into a patch if it would be useful to other
people.  Which, as far as I can tell, seems to be anyone doing much
with likelihoods--the product of lots of very small numbers gets
truncated to zero very quickly and working with the log of these is an
easy way of getting sensible results!

Of course, any other suggestions would be appreciated!

Thanks in advance,


Re: [Help-gsl] log probability density functions

2012-03-29 Thread Sam Mason
On 29 March 2012 14:26, Rodney Sparapani wrote:
 I'm just wondering whether it's deliberate that there aren't any log
 probability density functions in the GSL?

 That is a very good point.  Many other packages like R allow you to return
 the log-density rather than the density.

Yes, I use R lots as well--very useful for non-intensive bits of code.

 This would be a good addition to
 GSL.  However, I see two problems.  1) as I understand it,
 GSL is feature complete at this point.  2) after many years of great
 stewardship, Brian Gough has stepped down as maintainer and no one
 has stepped up.

Yes, I saw the recent messages from Brian.  I'm surprised nobody has
suggested taking over, there must be quite a few users of the library!

 So, you can either code your functions as a GSL
 extension or maybe you just use the R math library directly.

I tried using the R library, but I couldn't follow enough it well
enough to make use of it; the GSL API seems better designed.

Does anybody else have write access to the website where
patches/pointers could be accumulated till somebody gets the
motivation to integrate some of them?
