Akib Azmain Turja <akib8...@gmail.com> writes:

> I have setup my Emacs iwth EXWM. I am trying to remap several keys to
> avoid repetitive strain injury (RSI), also known as Emacs pinky. To
> accomplish that, I am using xmodmap. It works perfectly when I invoke
> the command directly. However it doesn't work when I put it in Emacs
> startup files. After several days of research, I discovered that
> xmodmap only works when I have pressed atleast one key in my keyboard.
> Any solutions?

Hi Akib,

I also use Emacs with EXWM. To prevent Emacs pinky, I add the following
lines to my $HOME/.xsession file:


# Set keyboard repeat rate
xset r rate 200 60

# Change Caps Lock to Ctrl
setxkbmap -option "ctrl:nocaps"
setxkbmap -option "terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp"


Remember to put `exwm` at the end of your $HOME/.xsession file to launch
your window manager when X starts up.

Happy hacking,

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