Only Using Openbox (vs GNOME/Openbox or KDE/Openbox); and xfce4-power-manager and polkit

2021-11-16 Thread Jaft via
So I got Guix working on a laptop and've been playing around with the system 
I've been trying to see how things work and figuring out what to use a service 
for and what to install a package for. I have part of my config. as so, 
(users (cons* (user-account                (name "name")                
(comment "Full N. Ame")                (group "users")                
(home-directory "/home/name")                (supplementary-groups              
    '("wheel" "netdev" "audio" "video")))              
%base-user-accounts))(packages  (append    (list (specification->package 
"openbox")          (specification->package "nss-certs")          bc dunst 
compton inxi-minimal htop lxterminal          lxappearance catfish thunar 
thunar-volman          xfce4-power-manager arandr tint2 rofi clipmenu          
seahorse file-roller gnome-calculator          gnome-font-viewer 
gnome-screenshot          gnome-themes-standard papirus-icon-theme          
font-abattis-cantarell font-fira-code ncdu          pulsemixer i3lock nitrogen 
viewnior)    %base-packages))(services (cons*            (service 
slim-service-type (slim-configuration                                         
(display  ":0")                                         (vt      "vt7")))       
     (modify-services %desktop-services (delete gdm-service-type
One of the things I'd like to change is SLiM shows three types of Openbox to 
start; I'm assuming they all get setup as options with the Openbox package but 
I'd like to just use Openbox and GNOME/Openbox keeps showing up as the first 
option so I have to cycle twice to get the one I want every time I login.
Is there a means to remove the other two?
Secondly, trying to start xfce4-power-manager requires having to give a 
password; given it's a daemon, it feels like it almost should have a 
correlating service (outside of having to use an entire desktop environment 
service) but I wasn't able to find one.
Is there a way to start xfce4-power-manager on startup (even if it's just via 
Openbox's autostart) such that the user's password isn't involved? And, if so, 
is there a best means to do so within the context of running Guix?
Thanks for any help!

Re: Running Out of Inodes

2021-11-16 Thread Jaft via
 Oh, that's really cool. Good to know; I've never used anything outside of 
(ex)fat, ntfs, or ext4 and btrfs sounds interesting. I may have to play around 
with it more extensively, at some point.
On Sunday, November 14, 2021, 09:18:22 PM CST, Thiago Jung Bauermann 
 Hello Jonathan,

Em domingo, 14 de novembro de 2021, às 15:47:54 -03, Jaft via escreveu:
> Out of curiosity, I read that Btrfs requires periodic
> fragmentation; how often do you find yourself doing it and do you use
> any particular program for it (if you don't mind sharing, of course; I
> know it's not directly Guix related)?

I use btrfs for several years now — not with Guix System, though I do have 
Guix installed on top of Ubuntu on btrfs so I do have /gnu/store on btrfs. 
My experience is that it is zero-maintenance, at least on a personal laptop 

Btrfs has matured a lot over the years, so there’s a fair amount of 
outdated advice still floating around on the Internet. You’re probably 
thinking of the ‘btrfs balance’ command. In the past, it was useful to run 
it every once in a while to avoid spurious ENOSPC errors. This problem has 
since been fixed, and current advice is that regular use of “btrfs balance” 
is now considered detrimental rather than beneficial since it puts more 
load/stress on the disk without any practical benefit.



Re: Running Out of Inodes

2021-11-16 Thread Jaft via
 Mmm; that makes sense. 'Dunno why my brain interpreted it as "more inodes"; 
thanks for pointing it out.
I just opted to make /gnu/store its own Btrfs partition; I don't trust myself 
to be able to properly estimate how many inodes I might need and it's been 
working really well, thus far.
Thanks for the info. you provided, though; it was helpful in understanding 
what's going on.
On Sunday, November 14, 2021, 03:01:39 PM CST, Vincent Legoll 

On Sun, Nov 14, 2021 at 7:58 PM Jaft via  wrote:
> Heh, – well – I tried the large_dir suggestion in that thread and GRUB had
> the same freak-out (in retrospect, not surprising as the E-mails are only from
> 2020; dunno why I thought I'd seen 2017, on first read…).

There's a "2017" mention in the thread referenced by Petr, maybe that's where
you saw it.

> using a root partition of about 46G
> About 17 packages in, I started getting a "No space left on device" error;
> looking closer at it, – while I still had ~20% of free disk space available –
> I was fresh out of free inodes.

If your problem is really being out of free inodes, I don't think the
option is your solution, because it only increase the number of files per
directory limit, it does not increase the available number of inodes.

Maybe you should manually create the filesystem with mke2fs and specify
a bigger number of inodes with its "-N" parameter.

Tell us if you find a way around the problem.

Vincent Legoll