Re: managing waiting patches

2022-09-09 Thread zimoun

I am very late to the party. :-)

On Thu, 04 Aug 2022 at 00:59, Nicolas Graves via  wrote:

> I've some patches waiting to be merged, and was thinking about how to
> deal with that. (I understand that maintainers are few and probably
> overworked, I'm not criticizing anyone.)

I sympathize.

> There are actually two problems in one :
> 1) how to manage and track series of patches one makes in his local repo
> copy.


> Is there a place I can find some best practices about managing series of
> patches (as a contributor), beyond implementing "The Perfect Setup"?

What I personally do.  Either,

 a) use “git worktree” and checkout a branch with my stuff
 b) move my stuff to another folder and use the option --load-path
 c) create a channel (I barely do that)

Usually, I do b) when I need to share the result when colleagues.  I
find it easier/faster and less error-prone than via c) a channel (turn
on/off the channel at pull-time depending on the status of the series).

About a), I usually create a worktree (and a branch) for each series.

Once I get a Debbugs number, I sometimes rename this worktree and branch
to something like: patch-12345-julia-csv where julia-csv is a package
and the worktree contains all the required dependencies.

When I start another package, say julia-foo, depending on julia-csv, I
create another worktree (and branch) starting at the branch

Doing so, just running plain ’ls’ shows me the situation; or ’y’ from
Emacs Magit.

> 2) how to get one's patches to pass.
> Another problematic I encounter is having to wait for a patch series to
> pass to send another one. Another example.

Well, if the review is slow, it is probably because committers are busy
elsewhere.  :-)

When I feel frustrated, I open the bug tracker and dive in old bugs or
patches.  Many are forgotten and triage can help to save some time to
others; which can be reallocated for merging new contributions. :-)

The aim of mentors is to have a better idea to whom could review and/or
commit.  For instance, about some Python patches from May, it appears
reasonable to send a friendly ping and CC Lars or Hartmut.

Just to mention that some patches are easier to review than others.

Last, roam on #guix or #guix-hpc is sometimes helpful.

Thank you for your contributions and I hope this is motivating you in
helping for reviewing. :-)


Re: managing waiting patches

2022-09-05 Thread Ludovic Courtès

Nicolas Graves  skribis:

> Is there a requirement to help with patch reviewing? I feel I can tackle
> python or rust packages unless they are weird, I need not to spend too
> much time on that, but if it's just advising new beginners (I'm myself
> a 9 month old Guix user but went cold turkey on my main machine, while
> my first patches were a nightmare, now I hope/believe they are quite
> clean) or trying to patch and build locally for <1h a day, with
> proper guidelines I might be able to help here.

Your help reviewing would be much welcome.

Currently there’s no strict “requirement” to help with patch review, but
the manual reads this (info "(guix) Commit Access"):

  One last thing: the project keeps moving forward because committers not
  only push their own awesome changes, but also offer some of their time
  _reviewing_ and pushing other people’s changes.  As a committer, you’re
  welcome to use your expertise and commit rights to help other
  contributors, too!

That hasn’t had the desired effect though—still too few reviewers among
the ~40 committers.  I’m not opposed to discussing whether to turn it
into a “requirement”.  A hot topic for those of us who’ll be in Paris


Re: managing waiting patches

2022-08-09 Thread Nicolas Graves via
On 2022-08-09 22:54, Ludovic Courtès wrote:

> This was discussed recently on guix-devel and I hope we can collectively
> improve on that.  The new teams that we devised (see ‘etc/teams.scm’)
> should help, though we have yet to document them and publicize them.

Thanks for your answer, I'll check that.

> I don’t have any great suggestion here—you already seem to be doing
> things rationally.  In general, short, to-the-point patch series are
> more likely to be reviewed quickly, so that’s one strategy you can adopt
> here.  And then you can locally keep branches for each part of the
> broader patch series, possibly rebasing them until they’re applied.

I finally went for the branching strategy, hence my patch frenzy trying
to sort everything I wrote in well-ordered branches in one repo. Takes
some time but I'll close to that.

> You could send an updated patch series with the new version as v2; that
> would also serve as a reminder for reviewers.
> Using ./etc/teams.scm you can also look for people working in this area
> that you could ping.
> Last, if you’re on IRC, you’re welcome to occasionally ping people
> there.

Thanks for the advice. Not an IRC user for now, maybe I will come

Is there a requirement to help with patch reviewing? I feel I can tackle
python or rust packages unless they are weird, I need not to spend too
much time on that, but if it's just advising new beginners (I'm myself
a 9 month old Guix user but went cold turkey on my main machine, while
my first patches were a nightmare, now I hope/believe they are quite
clean) or trying to patch and build locally for <1h a day, with
proper guidelines I might be able to help here.

Best regards,
Nicolas Graves

Re: managing waiting patches

2022-08-09 Thread Ludovic Courtès
Hello Nicolas,

Thanks for your message.  Patch review is overall rather slow due to a
mixture of Guix being a victim of its success and (perhaps more
importantly) having too few people devoting time to patch review, and
too few committers committing.

This was discussed recently on guix-devel and I hope we can collectively
improve on that.  The new teams that we devised (see ‘etc/teams.scm’)
should help, though we have yet to document them and publicize them.

Nicolas Graves via  skribis:

> 1) how to manage and track series of patches one makes in his local repo
> copy.
> For that, I will take a practical example.
> I made some rust patches a few days ago. The final goal of these first
> patches would have been to add the package swayr@0.20, which is huge
> when imported with recursive guix import (~2k lines). So I did split the
> task in a few subgoals, by trying to first update packages that are
> already present. By only doing that, I already had a stack of ~15
> commits. I couldn't contribute more at that moment, so I sent them in
> the hope that they would get merged before a next partial goal.

I don’t have any great suggestion here—you already seem to be doing
things rationally.  In general, short, to-the-point patch series are
more likely to be reviewed quickly, so that’s one strategy you can adopt
here.  And then you can locally keep branches for each part of the
broader patch series, possibly rebasing them until they’re applied.

> 2) how to get one's patches to pass.
> Another problematic I encounter is having to wait for a patch series to
> pass to send another one. Another example.
> I'm developing in my free time for an organisation using wagtail CMS for
> its website. I thought that it would be a great occasion to send some
> packages for guix, and get some experience with packaging. So I worked
> on that and send some patches (55476 55475 55474 55473). They are pretty
> clean (almost all tests enabled, tested as a user) (except maybe for
> descriptions, I'm not sure I remember for that).
> At some point, wagtail made an upgrade to version 3.0.1, and I started
> to update my packages locally, but don't want to make a totally new
> series of patches while the previous was not accepted. In the meantime,
> I send patches 56296 which would have been useful for later and actually
> fixes some failing packages. I'm now stuck on this contributing task
> because of this.

I can sympathize.  :-/

You could send an updated patch series with the new version as v2; that
would also serve as a reminder for reviewers.

Using ./etc/teams.scm you can also look for people working in this area
that you could ping.

Last, if you’re on IRC, you’re welcome to occasionally ping people


> What should I do in this case? Should I try to become a committer
> myself? Have a "committer buddy" that can merge my sent packages? Keep
> working in a personal channel or a channel like guixrus and rely on that
> additionally to relying on guix? Other options?
> Thanks a lot for your answer, sorry if I don't have very acute developer
> workflows, I'm only doing this in my free time ;)

Understood!  You can always keep your work in a channel of yours until
it’s merged.  I do encourage you to work to get it in Guix proper
though, because in the end everyone benefits.  I hope we can all work to
reduce the bottleneck.
