Adding sub-users to Hurd?

2000-05-01 Thread Adam Olsen

(sorry if I sent this already.  Netscape/windows did one of its tricks
when I sent before, and I don't think it got out.)

The basic idea here is to allow some users to have root access (killing
processes, accessing files) to a specified set of users, but obviously
not giving them complete root priveliges.

- say you just downloaded a game/script/whatever and you're not sure how
safe it is.  You create a subuser, switch all the files over to the
subuser, set the suid flag (making sure it's not executable by
everybody), and no longer worry about what it's capable of.  The worse
it could do is kill itself.
- say you want to administer a group of websites all hosted on the same
server.  Nearly every task involved has to be done by root.  If you set
the up as subusers you don't need root, and you can (fairly) safely give
the junior admin access to the web-root while keeping the machine itself
safe.  Note that this becomes extremely important if we impliment "Hurd
Collectives", especially if they get big.

- beyond adding and deleting users, I think all you'd need to modify is
the auth server, making it check the users root user, then that users
root user, on up until we either hit the full root (uid 0) or find that
the user has access.  Otoh my knowledge of Hurd internals is quite

Of course we'd need a better term than "that users root" to designate
the users "higher-up".


p.s. am I the only one who has dreams of the internet turned into a
gigantic Hurd collective? :)

"This is the first age that's paid much attention to the
future, which is a little ironic since we may not have one."
-- Arthur Clarke

Who Wants To Do What

2000-05-01 Thread David R W Denny

Hi everyone
We seem to have a number of different ideas as to what needs documenting and at
what level 

I mean, I see no problem if person A wants to say what each module does, person
B wants to do an overview, etc., etc.

We have lots of different skills already and some firm offers of assistance
from individuals. I for one am happy to do proof reading, overviews, whatever.

I was going to ask about the original founding father papers but I expect Jeff
will tell us about that on his sourceforge page... if not I will ask the question later

I am wondering, should a new mailing list be created, as we are talking
documentation rather than help desk.

Anyone want to coordinate all this?

I have a couple of free (as in no charge) websites which could conceivably be
useful for storing contributions for the time being. I am saying this assuming
that it would be a good idea to get things going and then tidy them up later,
in which case it would be a good idea to keep them away from the public eye, a
personal website like this may be useful, anyway there's the offer. PGP
available if thought desirable

Would be nice to have a "statement of direction" from the more senior Hurders,
this would enable  fresh and naive but enthusiastic Hurdees such as me to set
off in roughly the right direction,...

OK, what does everyone else think?
Dave Denny:r2d2:

ama sua, ama qhella, ama llulla Inca saying

The Newbius Incarnatus question ...

2000-05-01 Thread Jan Atle Ramsli

Eh ... where is main.c ?



2000-05-01 Thread Jan Atle Ramsli

Hello again, Hurders!

Short question this time: What does 'Norma' in NORMA_IPC refer to?



2000-05-01 Thread Jan Atle Ramsli

All functions in the ipc directory contain a statement of their purpose.
That gets me hoping that I will at least figure out the ipc part of it.
But is the ipcxxx layer underneath the portxx layer, or is it a different interface, 
in that case, why?


Adding sub-users to Hurd?

2000-05-01 Thread Adam Olsen

The basic idea here is to allow some users to have root access (killing
processes, accessing files) to a specified set of users, but obviously
not giving them complete root priveliges.

- say you just downloaded a game/script/whatever and you're not sure how
safe it is.  You create a subuser, switch all the files over to the
subuser, set the suid flag (making sure it's not executable by
everybody), and no longer worry about what it's capable of.  The worse
it could do is kill itself.
- say you want to administer a group of websites all hosted on the same
server.  Nearly every task involved has to be done by root.  If you set
the up as subusers you don't need root, and you can (fairly) safely give
the junior admin access to the web-root while keeping the machine itself
safe.  Note that this becomes extremely important if we impliment "Hurd
Collectives", especially if they get big.

- beyond adding and deleting users, I think all you'd need to modify is
the auth server, making it check the users root user, then that users
root user, on up until we either hit the full root (uid 0) or find that
the user has access.  Otoh my knowledge of Hurd internals is quite

Of course we'd need a better term than "that users root" to designate
the users "higher-up".


p.s. am I the only one who has dreams of the internet turned into a
gigantic Hurd collective? :)

"This is the first age that's paid much attention to the
future, which is a little ironic since we may not have one."
-- Arthur Clarke

Re: The Newbius Incarnatus question ...

2000-05-01 Thread Marcus Brinkmann

On Mon, 01 May 2000 12:54:16 Jan Atle Ramsli wrote:
 Eh ... where is main.c ?

Eh ... what? :)

You can't expect an answer to this question without letting us know
what you look for. I suspect you are looking for the main function
of a certain executable, but which one?
