Hi everyone
We seem to have a number of different ideas as to what needs documenting and at
what level 

I mean, I see no problem if person A wants to say what each module does, person
B wants to do an overview, etc., etc.

We have lots of different skills already and some firm offers of assistance
from individuals. I for one am happy to do proof reading, overviews, whatever.

I was going to ask about the original founding father papers but I expect Jeff
will tell us about that on his sourceforge page... if not I will ask the question later

I am wondering, should a new mailing list be created, as we are talking
documentation rather than help desk.

Anyone want to coordinate all this?

I have a couple of free (as in no charge) websites which could conceivably be
useful for storing contributions for the time being. I am saying this assuming
that it would be a good idea to get things going and then tidy them up later,
in which case it would be a good idea to keep them away from the public eye, a
personal website like this may be useful, anyway there's the offer. PGP
available if thought desirable

Would be nice to have a "statement of direction" from the more senior Hurders,
this would enable  fresh and naive but enthusiastic Hurdees such as me to set
off in roughly the right direction,...

OK, what does everyone else think?
Dave Denny:r2d2:

ama sua, ama qhella, ama llulla <Inca saying>

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