Re: ec2 routing outage right now

2008-04-07 Thread Adam Wiggins

It's fixed.  Kudos to the Amazon engineers who got a fix turned around
in under two hours:

I can now go un-jigger everything. :)


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ec2 routing outage right now

2008-04-07 Thread Adam Wiggins


Just a heads-up that EC2 appears to be experiencing a load balancer
issue of some sort right now.  I'm able to get into our instances
since a couple of them are still accessible from outside ec2, and then
I can connect on the internal ip, so I jiggered a few things that I
hope should keep things running while the amazon folks get this sorted
out.  That is, if things stay the same, all your apps should still
work - but depending on what they do over the next few hours that
could change.  So if you can't get to your app tomorrow morning,
that's why.  I'm going to wait and see what the amazon engineers do,
and if there isn't a resolution by morning we'll figure out some other


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Re: robots.txt

2008-04-07 Thread stephan


Yeah, live http headers is even a better choice. I couldn't remember
its name.

As to the 304 not modified, yes, that's telling you the file hasn't
been modified between the time you're reloading, but be careful --
make sure you have live http headers started and recording before
you make your first http request.

Your first request will return a 200 or 301, then the next time you're
reloading that page -- it's going to give you a 304 -- because it's
essentially sending the same request with the same serial number and
the web server knows that.

On Apr 7, 3:22 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Nice reply man!

 I saw the other post talking about robots.txt but my app is already
 blessed and its not working. I'm using live http headers (a firefox
 extension) and my app robots.txt is returning a 304 not modified.

 I'm already using google webmaster tools but now its useless because
 googlebot is blocked.

 Thank's for your reply!

 #sorry for my english, i'm spanish

 On 7 abr, 02:34, stephan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  According to Orion Henry last February 29th on this Google Group, he
  said That's a feature that will be available for blessed accounts a
  little ways down the line.

  On a side-note, when you make your request for blessing to them --
  do let them know their own robots.txt is working -- but only by
  If you go to

  You'll find that they're robots.txt is written correctly, it's just
  that it is returning the wrong http status code in both cases.
  It's returning a 301 instead of a 200 OK. A 301 status code means that
  the content of that file is being dynamically generated.

  And the google bot won't recognize a robots.txt (or a sitemap) that
  returns a 301. Now luckily for them, and they probably knew that
  already since they're saying it will only be available down the
  line, they're not blocking anything using that file. So the fact that
  google is not recognizing that file as valid doesn't matter. If the
  google bot doesn't see a valid robots.xml file with a right status
  code, its default behavior is to index everything anyway.

  On the other hand, if you go to your own public app's robots.txt,
  let's say your app is called foobar2000
  You'll find that
  right 200 OK

  That's because your own robots.txt request is being intercepted by
  their http/proxy web server, and the http web server will return the
  right 200 OK code. Ruby can also return the right 200 OK status code,
  it's just that you have to tell it explicitly to do so, and it's not
  an error most developers have come across unless they get first bitten
  by it.

  To double-check the status codes of an http request, you use your own
  sniffer. An easy sniffer to install is TamperData, a firefox
  extention. be 
  once installed, and then it must be explicitly started from its dialog

  Anyway, good luck Masylum, and if you haven't done so already -- try
  the Google Webmaster Tools when you get this robots.txt 
  working.'s an
  important tool)

  - Stephan

  On Apr 6, 5:05 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Anybody knows how to change the robots.txt?

   I modified the file in the public folder but the bots remain blocked.

   Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but I need to be accesible for
   googlebot at least.

   Thank's in advance! :)
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Re: Deleting an App

2008-04-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have found that control, but get an error when I try to delete an
extraneous app.

Any other ideas?

On Feb 21, 4:14 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 After logging into Heroku, go to the Settings page for yourapp, then
 click the Other tab - in there is the truth you seek...


 Fat Lotus wrote:
  Pardon my rather extreme stupidity, but I cannot seem to find a
  remove this application link anywhere in the interface.
  Unfortunatly, my browser borked and I need todeletesome erroneous
  and extraneous apps.
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