Imminent Death of the Heroku Google Group

2012-04-25 Thread Alex Chaffee
fIn the latest Heroku Newsletter[1], it says this group will be killed
at the end of April, and suggests instead to go to
(which is private) or While SO is awesome, is it
really an adequate replacement for this group? I've found that SO is a
great complement to mailing lists but doesn't allow for the same kind
of deep discussion and community building. Worse, it requires active
attention rather than arriving in one's inbox, so the people who are
most likely to have an answer to a question are the least likely to
hear it -- since they're not having any problems.

Why uproot a productive community (this mailing list) and hope that it
migrates to a new place with a radically different interaction model?


Alex Chaffee -

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Re: Background job guidance

2011-12-08 Thread Alex Chaffee
I rolled my own background job processor using CouchDB. Procfiles and 
Foreman and the Cedar process model make it very simple. I can even scale 
up and down using the Heroku API from inside a running Heroku web process; 
I think the Resque systems I saw described don't allow you to scale down to 
0 workers but mine does.

Check the code at, especially

If anyone's interested I could collaborate on pulling it out into yet 
another gem, but for now it's stuck in this app (and a couple other private 

For an arguably better system see

but I didn't want to add Redis and Resque -- I prefer the devil I know 
cause I created him :-)

 - A

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[ANN] rerun 0.6.3 released, with foreman/Procfile support

2011-11-27 Thread Alex Chaffee
rerun 0.6.3 released
== Description:
Rerun launches your program, then watches the filesystem. If a
relevant filechanges, then it restarts your program.
Rerun works for both long-running processes (e.g. apps) and
short-running ones(e.g. tests). So it works like shotgun and autotest
(and guard and all therest).
Rerun's advantage is its simple design. Since it uses standard Unix
SIGINTand SIGKILL signals, you're sure the restarted app is really
acting justlike it was when you ran it from the command line the first
== New features:
* better signal handling
* support for foreman and Heroku Cedar apps  (And hey, does Shotgun
reload your Worker processes if you're using Foreman  and a Procfile?
I don't think it does...)
* On-The-Fly Commands
  While the app is (re)running, you can make things happen by pressing keys:
  r - restart (as if a file had changed)  c - clear the screen  x -
exit (just like control-C)

Alex Chaffee -

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How can I scale my worker processes from inside a web process?

2011-11-18 Thread Alex Chaffee
(was Can I issue a heroku restart from within my app that's running on 

Neil, you read my mind! Thanks for the answer. My only regret is that it's 
buried in a thread with advice for some poor soul who wants to use 
heroku:restart. Oh wait, I can rename the thread! :-)

How about How can I call the Heroku API from inside my Heroku app?

or How can I have my web process scale up and scale down my worker 

I want to do this in response to a web request, so I don't have to pay for 
my worker process being awake 24/7.

Here's what I got:

# Gemfile

gem 'heroku'

# unix command line

heroku config:add HEROKU_APP_NAME=myapp \ \

# ruby

require 'heroku'
heroku.ps_scale(ENV[HEROKU_APP_NAME], :type = worker, :qty = 1)

If you don't want your app to be able to access all your other apps -- 
maybe you're on a team of untrustworthy rapscallions -- then sign up for a 
new heroku account with a new email address and password, and then add that 
heroku account as a collaborator.

I can point you to github source once I'm sure it all works in my latest 

 - A

P.S. Thanks to for 
deciphering the 422 error.

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Deploying an app on behalf of a third party

2011-07-27 Thread Alex Chaffee
Dear Heroku -

I've developed a set of test-first ruby training exercises at and I've been brainstorming about how to take it to the
next level. I've been imagining an interactive web site, where users can
edit code and run RSpec tests from inside their web browser.

Unfortunately (for me and for the whole world) the SCRIPT tag only supports
JavaScript on most browsers. So I'd have to send the students' code to a web
server and execute it there.

The problem with that is security. The code is all open source and I won't
be storing any sensitive information, so I'm not worried about malicious
crackers[1], but there's still a risk that a student could, accidentally or
on purpose, break or otherwise compromise the functionality of the app if
I'm evaling arbitrary code on their behalf.

I know about $SAFE but I don't think it's actually safe enough for this
purpose. I've also heard of Why's Freaky Sandbox but I couldn't find the
code anywhere (R.I.P.)

So I had a thought: what if I have a master app, and a student could connect
to it, temporarily give me his Heroku credentials, and then I could spin up
a lab app under his Heroku account that only he knows the URL to. Anything
he breaks would just affect his own instance, and I could have a big reset
button that could clean up (heroku restart) after that. I'd still use
$SAFE to stop access to the filesystem, but even that wouldn't be very

Is there a way to do this cleanly? Say, with a Heroku OAuth API?

Oh, wait, I think I just figured it out!

I can't create an app with the user's credentials. But I can create an app
with *my* credentials (SSH keys) and then transfer ownership to the user
(after appropriate email validation, of course).

So I guess now my question becomes, can I use the heroku gem or CLI from
inside a running heroku app?

 - A

[1] not nearly as tasty as Animal Crackers.

(cc'ing the test-first-teaching google group in case someone there has any
bright ideas or wants to contribute)

Alex Chaffee - -
Stalk me: | |

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Re: Anyone having trouble using heroku console?

2011-07-15 Thread Alex Chaffee
Rake 0.9.x no longer includes the DSL module in the top level
namespace. So another solution to the uninitialized constant
Rake::DSL problem is to explicitly include the DSL module in your
Rakefile, near the top, like this:

require rake
include Rake::DSL

It's more or less fixed now (with Rake 0.9.2 and Rails 3.0.9) but it's
been a total clusterfrack and a great example of a poor release

On Jul 14, 10:53 am, Terence Lee wrote:
 Hello Keenan,

 It's because rake is built into ruby 1.9.2 and the version is 0.8.7 and
 that's the one being called here. We're looking into ways to fix this. In
 the meantime, can you try hard coding your rake to 0.8.7 in your Gemfile?
 Once you have that working locally, it should work fine on heroku.


 On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 9:06 AM, Keenan Brock wrote:

  Question: Are others able to run: heroku rake db:migrate OR heroku console
  puts Model.count ?

  This is probably user error, but I can't figure it out. reminds me of not
  specifying RAILS_ENV when running rails console.

  I had run rake db:seed which populated the Avatar model.
  I view a page on the website that relies upon the Avatar model.
  I ran heroku config:add RAILS_ENV=production (just in case)

  But from heroku console:

  * puts Avatar.count*
  ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PGError: ERROR:  relation avatars does
  not exist
  :             SELECT a.attname, format_type(a.atttypid, a.atttypmod),
  d.adsrc, a.attnotnull
                FROM pg_attribute a LEFT JOIN pg_attrdef d
                  ON a.attrelid = d.adrelid AND a.attnum = d.adnum
               WHERE a.attrelid = 'avatars'::regclass
                 AND a.attnum  0 AND NOT a.attisdropped
               ORDER BY a.attnum

  `rescue in log'

  * heroku rake db:migrate*

  (in /app)
  rake aborted!
  uninitialized constant Rake::DSL
  /usr/ruby1.9.2/lib/ruby/1.9.1/rake.rb:2482:in `const_missing'
  /app/.bundle/gems/ruby/1.9.1/gems/rake-0.9.2/lib/rake/tasklib.rb:3:in `top
  /app/.bundle/gems/ruby/1.9.1/gems/rdoc-3.8/lib/rdoc/task.rb:37:in `require'
  /app/.bundle/gems/ruby/1.9.1/gems/rdoc-3.8/lib/rdoc/task.rb:37:in `top
  `top (required)'
  `block in top (required)'
  `top (required)'
  /app/Rakefile:7:in `top (required)'
  /usr/ruby1.9.2/lib/ruby/1.9.1/rake.rb:2373:in `load'
  /usr/ruby1.9.2/lib/ruby/1.9.1/rake.rb:2373:in `raw_load_rakefile'
  /usr/ruby1.9.2/lib/ruby/1.9.1/rake.rb:2007:in `block in load_rakefile'
  /usr/ruby1.9.2/lib/ruby/1.9.1/rake.rb:2058:in `standard_exception_handling'
  /usr/ruby1.9.2/lib/ruby/1.9.1/rake.rb:2006:in `load_rakefile'
  /usr/ruby1.9.2/lib/ruby/1.9.1/rake.rb:1991:in `run'
  /usr/ruby1.9.2/bin/rake:31:in `main'

  Thanks for any pointers on what I am doing wrong,


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Re: uninitialized constant Rake::DSL

2011-06-21 Thread Alex Chaffee
YMMV, but I'm pretty sure Rake 0.9.2 fixes this.

Another solution is to add the following to your Rakefile, right after
require 'rake'

class Rails::Application
  include Rake::DSL

(from memory; please let me know if it doesn't work and I'll look it
up for you)

On Jun 17, 7:01 pm, Daniel Myasnikov

 I had the same issue, and the whole yesterday to solve it.

 First of all, if you are using Rake 0.8.7 and put require 'rake/
 dsl_definition' it won't work for you. This feature was introduced
 for Rake 0.9.x.

 I strongly recommend to use Rake 0.8.7

 and get rid out of everything that you put for rake 0.9.x, such as
 'include Rake:dsl' and extend Rake::FileUtilsExt

 So your RakeFile file should look like:

 require File.expand_path('../config/application', __FILE__)

 require 'rake'


 2. Secondly check if you have installed Rake 0.9.x and remove it from
 your computer and use Rake 0.8.7, which you have to install before

 3. Use gem rake, 0.8.7 in your GemFile just after source 'http://'

 4. Make sure your gem for rails is '3.0.9'

 5. Some said that this gem also helped them gem 'sqlite3',
 '1.3.3', :group = :development

 Also don't forget about debugging your Heroku application using
 'heroku logs'

 Daniel Myasnikov

 On Jun 18, 11:43 am, Karl wrote:

  Using Rails 3.0.9 (3.0.7 too), which load rake 0.9.2 with bamboo-
  mri-1.9.2, causes:

  $ heroku rake db:migrate
  rake aborted!
  uninitialized constant Rake::DSL
  `top (required)'
  `top (required)'
  documentation.rake:2:in `top (required)'
  15:in `block in top (required)'
  6:in `each'
  6:in `top (required)'
  application.rb:215:in `initialize_tasks'
  application.rb:139:in `load_tasks'
  application.rb:77:in `method_missing'
  /app/Rakefile:7:in `top (required)'
  /usr/ruby1.9.2/lib/ruby/1.9.1/rake.rb:2373:in `load'
  /usr/ruby1.9.2/lib/ruby/1.9.1/rake.rb:2373:in `raw_load_rakefile'
  /usr/ruby1.9.2/lib/ruby/1.9.1/rake.rb:2007:in `block in load_rakefile'
  /usr/ruby1.9.2/lib/ruby/1.9.1/rake.rb:2006:in `load_rakefile'
  /usr/ruby1.9.2/lib/ruby/1.9.1/rake.rb:1991:in `run'
  /usr/ruby1.9.2/bin/rake:31:in `main'
  (in /app)

  I had to add, before require 'rake':

  # Rakefile
  require 'rake/dsl_definition'

  But I don't get this on my development machine. Why?

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Re: workers dying overnight

2010-08-06 Thread Alex Chaffee
Update: I upgraded my stack to Ruby 1.9.1 and the crashes seem to have
stopped. (Knock wood!)

  heroku stack:migrate bamboo-mri-1.9.1

On Jul 30, 10:28 am, Alex Chaffee wrote:
 What a useful command! Thanks.

 Still, I don't know what I could be doing to cause DJ to crash.
 Doesn't it catch all exceptions raised by jobs? My jobs are just doing
 plain vanilla Ruby stuff...

  - A

 On Jul 29, 8:22 am, Dan Croak wrote:

  Only time I've had issues with workers is when I messed up something
  on my side so that I was causing DJ to crash. I debugged it by doing:

  heroku ps

  On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 11:10 AM, Alex Chaffee wrote:
   I wrote a simple Heroku app to do service monitoring. It uses
   DelayedJob to queue up repeating tasks like doing an HTTP ping of a
   server once a minute or once an hour.

   Twice now the worker has died overnight. heroku workers still says
   I'm running 1 worker, but there's no message in heroku logs -- not
   even the stub of logs from the DJ worker that was there before. It
   looks like the worker instance has been retired by the scheduler. If
   I run heroku workers 0; heroku workers 1 then it comes back and my
   jobs all start running.

   Aha! It just started up a worker on its own after I hit the web page
   for the first time today. I think the scheduler needs to be smarter
   about worker proceses... maybe it needs to check the database for any
   Delayed Jobs whose run_at is soon, and either not retire it or make
   sure a worker comes online in time to run it.

   The code is at want to try it 

   Has anyone else had this problem?


   Alex Chaffee - -
   Stalk me:||

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Re: workers dying overnight

2010-07-30 Thread Alex Chaffee
What a useful command! Thanks.

Still, I don't know what I could be doing to cause DJ to crash.
Doesn't it catch all exceptions raised by jobs? My jobs are just doing
plain vanilla Ruby stuff...

 - A

On Jul 29, 8:22 am, Dan Croak wrote:
 Only time I've had issues with workers is when I messed up something
 on my side so that I was causing DJ to crash. I debugged it by doing:

 heroku ps

 On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 11:10 AM, Alex Chaffee wrote:
  I wrote a simple Heroku app to do service monitoring. It uses
  DelayedJob to queue up repeating tasks like doing an HTTP ping of a
  server once a minute or once an hour.

  Twice now the worker has died overnight. heroku workers still says
  I'm running 1 worker, but there's no message in heroku logs -- not
  even the stub of logs from the DJ worker that was there before. It
  looks like the worker instance has been retired by the scheduler. If
  I run heroku workers 0; heroku workers 1 then it comes back and my
  jobs all start running.

  Aha! It just started up a worker on its own after I hit the web page
  for the first time today. I think the scheduler needs to be smarter
  about worker proceses... maybe it needs to check the database for any
  Delayed Jobs whose run_at is soon, and either not retire it or make
  sure a worker comes online in time to run it.

  The code is at you want to try it yourself.

  Has anyone else had this problem?


  Alex Chaffee - -
  Stalk me:||

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workers dying overnight

2010-07-29 Thread Alex Chaffee
I wrote a simple Heroku app to do service monitoring. It uses
DelayedJob to queue up repeating tasks like doing an HTTP ping of a
server once a minute or once an hour.

Twice now the worker has died overnight. heroku workers still says
I'm running 1 worker, but there's no message in heroku logs -- not
even the stub of logs from the DJ worker that was there before. It
looks like the worker instance has been retired by the scheduler. If
I run heroku workers 0; heroku workers 1 then it comes back and my
jobs all start running.

Aha! It just started up a worker on its own after I hit the web page
for the first time today. I think the scheduler needs to be smarter
about worker proceses... maybe it needs to check the database for any
Delayed Jobs whose run_at is soon, and either not retire it or make
sure a worker comes online in time to run it.

The code is at if you want to try it yourself.

Has anyone else had this problem?


Alex Chaffee - -
Stalk me: | |

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problem (and solution) with migrating db twice

2010-02-05 Thread Alex Chaffee
I've set up two Heroku instances, one for production and one for
staging. When I deploy to staging I copy the production database over
(using heroku db:pull followed by heroku db:push --app
cohuman-staging) and run all migrations (using heroku rake
db:migrate --app cohuman-staging). So far so good.

Sometimes we don't want to push to production right away; we need to
fix bugs or whatever on staging. But then we have to deploy to staging

Here comes the problem: since I copy the production database again, I
need to run migrations again. But if one of those migrations renames a
table, I get a Postgres error:

`log': An error has occurred, this and all later migrations canceled:

PGError: ERROR:  relation followings already exists
: ALTER TABLE interests RENAME TO followings

Apparently heroku db:push doesn't clear out the database first, so
the old new table (if that makes sense) is still around.

My solution was to add the following in my rename migration:

  def self.up
execute DROP TABLE IF EXISTS followings
rename_table :interests, :followings

It's kind of annoying, partly since this code is only necessary on
staging, so it's needlessly complicating things when run on

I'd be interested to hear if anyone has any cleaner solutions. For
example, if I start using Heroku Bundles for backup, can I restore
from my production backup to my staging database? (I admit I haven't
used bundles yet and am sketchy on the details so feel free to RTFM

 - Alex

P.S. I've got a relatively clean rakefile for wrapping deploys to
Heroku with things like grepping git logs and sending an email; let me
know if anyone's interested and I'll post it in a gist or something.

Alex Chaffee - -
Stalk me: | |

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Re: Site down between Push and Migrate?

2009-08-17 Thread Alex Chaffee

Awesome. That's even better than I'd hoped! :-)

 - A

On Aug 17, 12:00 pm, Adam Wiggins wrote:
 On Sun, Aug 16, 2009 at 10:39 AM, Alex wrote:
  During the few seconds the restart is happening, what happens to
  incoming HTTP requests? Are they queued or do they fail? If the
  latter, where's the error page and can we change it?

  And what's the timing like for applying the change to multiple dynos?
  Is it possible that one dyno is still running the old code while
  another is running the new code?

 Requests will always be going to one and only one revision of the code
 at a time.  The sequence is like this:

 1. You git push, which compiles a slug.

 2. If successful, the slug is distributed to our dyno grid and dynos
 are started for the new slug.  But no traffic is being sent to them
 yet - the routing mesh is routing all traffic to the dynos running the
 old slug.

 3. Once all the new dynos are up and ready to receive connections, the
 routing mesh updates its routing table.  Existing requests will
 complete on the old dynos, any new requests will be sent to the new

 In summary, the switch is instantaneous and seamless, with no period
 of error pages or requests being routed to the wrong dyno.

 You can test this yourself by running a simple load test during a
 deploy.  Something like:

 $ ab -c 1 -n 50| egrep '^(Complete|Failed)' 
 $ git push heroku

 When I ran this I got the following output (after all the git push /
 heroku slug compile messages):

 Complete requests:      50
 Failed requests:        0

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Re: Site down between Push and Migrate?

2009-08-16 Thread Alex Chaffee

Ricardo -

Thanks for the detailed replies but I'm still unclear on a few things
about downtime during deploy.

During the few seconds the restart is happening, what happens to
incoming HTTP requests? Are they queued or do they fail? If the
latter, where's the error page and can we change it?

And what's the timing like for applying the change to multiple dynos?
Is it possible that one dyno is still running the old code while
another is running the new code?

 - Alex

On Aug 13, 10:48 am, Ricardo Chimal, Jr. wrote:
 running migrations before updating the code would still leave you in a
 similar broken state because the database schema has changed but your
 code has not been updated for it.  Depending on how much has changed
 will be the severity of your brokenness.  Keep in mind that this is
 still a small period of time we're talking about, seconds not minutes.

 We used to have it automatically call rake db:migrate but there are
 problems when the migrations themselves were broken.

 On Aug 13, 5:14 am, Chap wrote:

  Good point Richard, if we have to handle it ourselves I think it
  deserves a little mention in the docs.

  I assume that most people are use to capistrano which had a cap
  deploy:migrations command that would run the migrations before
  symlinking the new code. (Although I never personally tested it.)

  Maybe heroku needs needs a similar command that would run the
  migrations before updating the code?

  On Aug 12, 3:22 pm, Ricardo Chimal, Jr. wrote:

   This is going to be a problem wherever you deploy your application
   to.  And what happens during that gap is really up to you.

   Once the push completes the old version of your codebase is no longer
   running.  If the migration changes the database schema radically odds
   are you're going to see a lot of broken pages because presumably you
   have updated your code for those changes.  If the migration does
   something minor, then you probably won't see a lot of breaking.  The
   point being that handling this is left to you as the developer to

   One option is to have a maintenance flag in your database or config
   var that you can toggle to display a maintenance page.  This is
   probably the easiest to do and could be used for a large set of use

   Another option would be to have code that can work around your schema
   changes, this is probably the most difficult for most to implement but
   it is an option.


   On Aug 10, 5:40 am, Chap wrote:

Between the push to heroku (which will automatically launch the app)
and heroku rake db:migrate what happens?

I know it's only a few seconds, but potentially the site would be
broke right?
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Re: .gems vs. geminstaller.yml

2009-06-30 Thread Alex Chaffee

 Is there a feature that Gem Installer offers that you wished you had
 for the gems manifest?  

Not yet... But I want to be able to have a single config file, not 2
or 3. Since geminstaller has nice features like rogue gem listing
which may come in handy, I'd prefer that one.

 Or are you looking for
 standardization/interoperability with an existing community tool?

Basically that, plus I'm friends with Chad so I want to represent.

But it's not a huge deal.

 - A

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Re: Getting Heroku errors...any updates/suggestions?

2009-05-16 Thread Alex Chaffee

A further report... as of 10:30 am my server is totally unavailable as

heroku logs returns a blank line.

heroku db:pull returns Internal server error

Hitting the web site gives the ouchie Japanese guy.

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Re: Getting Heroku errors...any updates/suggestions?

2009-05-16 Thread Alex Chaffee

I agree with Jason on all counts.

I wasn't even following their twitter feed and it didn't occur to me
to look there -- I still think of Twitter as a channel for superficial
gossip, not mission-critical support alerts. And considering
*Twitter's* notorious issues with downtime, I think it's a dangerous
precedent for Heroku not to post to other channels -- like perhaps
this Google Group, not to mention their own web site -- when things go

 - A

On May 16, 11:23 am, Jason McCay wrote:
 Heroku looks to be back up...but for our app, we were unreliable since
 7PM CST last night (first report of customer issues) and it seemed
 like we were completely down from at least 7AM CST this morning until
 around 1:00 PM CST today.  So, a couple of observations:

 1. That was a long period of being down.

 2. The Heroku team really has to do a better job of communicating with
 people when something like this happens.  I attempted to find updates
 through multiple channels (twitter, blogs, irc, and finally this
 google group) and Heroku had said nothing.  Then, after about five
 hours of being down, they finally start responding on twitter.

 I love you Heroku...but I have to be able to trust you, too.  :)


 On May 16, 12:36 pm, Alex Chaffee wrote:

  A further report... as of 10:30 am my server is totally unavailable as

  heroku logs returns a blank line.

  heroku db:pull returns Internal server error

  Hitting the web site gives the ouchie Japanese guy.
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