
The minutes are there:
16:03 < jbott> Ending meeting. Generating minutes. Be patient :)
16:03 < jbott> Meeting ended Tue Feb 28 15:03:46 2017 UTC.  Information
about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)
16:03 < jbott> Minutes:
16:03 < jbott> Minutes (text):
16:03 < jbott> Log:

The start of the meeting (Davide's part) is missing. Here it is:
15:02 < gsmet> #topic Progress Davide
15:02 < gmorling> i can literally hear the cracking of @gsmet’s whip ;)
15:02 < DavideD> So this week I clean up a bit the Hibernate OGM
documentation and added a testcase to check the mapping in the remote case
15:03 -!- hardy [~hardy@redhat/jboss/hardy] has quit [Read error:
Connection reset by peer]
15:03 < DavideD> The idea is to release 5.1.Final today so that I can start
to include the changes for 5.2
15:03 -!- hardy [~hardy@redhat/jboss/hardy] has joined #hibernate-dev
15:03 < gsmet> OK, cool
15:03 < DavideD> While doing that I found an error in the mapping for Neo4j
15:03 -!- rvansa [rvansa@nat/redhat/x-zpsbqauumvnztuke] has quit [Ping
timeout: 260 seconds]
15:04 < DavideD> So It slowed me down a bit, but It should have been fix
now and I'm sending a PR
15:04 < gmorling> cool with the release; what version of orm is it based on
15:04 < emmanuel> @DavideD I had a discussion with Sanne on 5.2 as there
seem there was confusion on what 5.2 was vs 5.3
15:04 -!- sannegrinovero_ [~sannegrin@redhat/jboss/sannegrinovero] has
joined #hibernate-dev
15:04 < gsmet> DavideD: a new PR on top of what has already been committed
this morning?
15:04 < DavideD> gsmet, yes
15:04 < emmanuel> make sure to check again the paper midnmap picture that
we took at the f2f
15:04 < gsmet> ok
15:04 < sannegrinovero_> hi all
15:05 < DavideD> I've figured out why the bolt job is not working
15:05 < gsmet> ah, cool, curious to see that :)
15:05 < emmanuel> gmorling: only 5.3 will move to a new ORM version
15:05 < emmanuel> (could be 5.4 if the ISPN 9 work is done first :))
15:06 < DavideD> gmorling, OGM 5.1 is based on ORM 5.1.2
15:06 < gmorling> ok, thanks
15:06 < DavideD> emmanuel, ok
15:06 < gsmet> DavideD: maybe it could be bumped to 5.1.4?
15:06 < gsmet> would make sense before the final release
15:06 < sannegrinovero_> +1
15:07 < DavideD> ok
15:06 < sannegrinovero_> +1
15:07 < DavideD> ok
15:07 < DavideD> I also spent some time On CI
15:08 < DavideD> Now the website job can be run in parallel with the other
15:08 < gsmet> is it the same for the blog?
15:08 < DavideD> I removed the Blueocean plugin and updated the git plugins
15:08 < DavideD> yes, the blog as well
15:08 < gsmet> cool!
15:08 < DavideD> but if you see that one job does not run in parallel
15:08 < DavideD> you can change the weight
15:09 < sannegrinovero_> FYI I updated the git plugins as well.. yesterday.
15:09 < gsmet> ok
15:09 < DavideD> for example, I didn't update the weight of the release jobs
15:09 < gsmet> ok so now, they are really up to date :)
15:10 < DavideD> well OK
15:10 < DavideD> I think that's all from me
15:10 < gsmet> ok, thanks
15:10 < DavideD> After the release
15:10 < gsmet> #topic Next 2 weeks Davide
15:10 < DavideD> I need to create the new repository for the contrib
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