Hi everybody,

well, i thought let me try working on some example using Hibernate ORM...

I somehow made it work..
part of the code:

Configuration cfg=new Configuration();
SessionFactory sf=cfg.buildSessionFactory();
// try without passing connection
//Session sess1=sf.openSession(); 
Session sess1=sf.openSession(conn);     
//Transaction trans=sess1.beginTransaction();
Department dept=new Department();
// as well as commit yourself unless using transactionsupport 


I get it working, only when i pass the connection like:
Session sess1=sf.openSession(conn);

if not i always get an error, saying
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: The user must supply a JDBC connection

So, i guess, something wrong with my hibernate.properties, i have got no clue 
where it is wrong..

this is where i am supplying the required information in hibernate.properties:

 ## JNDI Datasource 
 hibernate.connection.datasource jdbc/jndiname
 hibernate.connection.username user
 hibernate.connection.password passwd 
 ## DB2/400  
 hibernate.dialect net.sf.hibernate.dialect.DB2400Dialect
 hibernate.connection.driver_class com.ibm.as400.access.AS400JDBCDriver
 hibernate.connection.url jdbc:as400://systemName
 hibernate.connection.username userhibernate.connection.password passwd 

I know, people who are very comfortable with Hibernate, will definitely know 
what is going wrong..

I thank you very much for your help.. I appreciate.. :-)

I am using Websphere app server on AS400,.. DB2 included in AS400..
and since the tables are not Journaled, i commented the Transaction, which are 
not supported incase tables are not journaled,.. that is the problem with DB2 
on AS400..when i think of using Hibernate.. 

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