Bismillah [hidayahnet] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 31 Jan 05

2005-01-30 Terurut Topik Muslim Insuffer
hose votes 
would just clutter up the process of re-installing the puppet.


Iraqi electoral fraud: a guide to the candidates

by Dead Men Left

Salim Lone, former adviser to Sergio Vieira de Mello, the UN envoy to Iraq 
killed in 2003, writes in the International Herald Tribune on the elections 
in Iraq. The message is unambiguous


A Brief Guide to the Iraqi Elections

Check out number 4, and compare to the US media claims that 72% of the 
Iraqis voted.


The Iraq vote: What the papers are saying in the Mideast

Jan 30,10:34 AM

(AFP) - Newspapers across the Middle East expressed hope that Iraq (news - 
web sites)'s election could herald a new chapter of stability and end the 
US-led occupation, despite a spate of deadly attacks.


A Mixed Story

Iraqis hadn't been able to choose their leaders at all in recent decades, 
even by some strange process where they chose unknown leaders. But this 
process is not a model for anything, and would not willingly be imitated by 
anyone else in the region. The 1997 elections in Iran were much more 
democratic, as were the 2002 elections in Bahrain and Pakistan.



Kinda sucks, doesn't it?


Confusion surrounds Iraq poll turnout:

Confusion has surrounded turnout statistics in Iraq's election, with the 
Election Commission backtracking on a statement that 72 percent had voted, 
but leading politicians insisting the turnout was high.


Robert Fisk: Cheering 'democracy' as the Iraqis still die:

The media boys and girls will be expected to play along with this. 
"Transition of power," says the hourly logo on CNN's live coverage of the 
election, though the poll is for a parliament to write a constitution and 
the men who will form a majority within it will have no power.


This Democracy Could Be Paper Thin:

Many Kurds in Northern Iraq are facing new threats - and they do not come 
from masked Arab terrorists. They come from the two main Kurdish parties 
doing all they can to gain strength in the election Sunday, independent 
local journalists and opposition politicians say.


Marines Try to Push Election to Iraq Polls

Fri Jan 28, 4:08 AM ET   Middle East - AP

By ELLEN KNICKMEYER, Associated Press Writer

ISKANDARIYAH, Iraq - Bombers had hit one polling place overnight. Iraqi 
police supposed to be guarding two polling places were nowhere in sight. 
And Iraqi contractors charged with placing bomb barriers around the polls 
for Sunday's vote were likewise missing in action — too scared to work.


Polls to close an hour early in Iraq

Iraqi Defense Minister Hazem al-Shaalan told the Dubai-based al-Arabiya 
news channel at least 27 people were killed Sunday, but he insisted "we are 
satisfied with the current security conditions." "They voted before they 
were killed."


BBC backs off report that US killing more covilians than the insurgents

"After careful reconsideration of the facts presented at an overnight 
conference held at Abu Ghraib, we have decided that the bad guys are doing 
150% of all the killing of innocent civilians. Can we go home now?"


Iraq: British Plane "Crash" Claimed Lives :

Prime Minister Tony Blair said there were British deaths in the crash, but 
did not say how many.


Reporter watches optimism dry up as occupation turns Iraqis against U.S.


BAGHDAD, Iraq - (KRT) - Santa Claus lumbered into the chow-hall tent in 
combat boots and a faux belly. He ho-ho-hoed through rows of plastic 
tables, leaning to sniff trays of colorless Christmas turkey and doing his 
best to divert attention from the fact that he and thousands of other young 
men and women around him in the sterile desert of northern Kuwait would 
soon be going to war.


US troops will never overcome insurgents, warns senior officer:

The insurgency in Iraq will last at least a decade and American troop

Bismillah [hidayahnet] A Father's Labour Of Love

2005-01-30 Terurut Topik Islahonline


From: Bint ul 
Sent: Monday, January 24, 2005 9:57 AM
Subject:  *~* A Father's Labour Of Love *~*





  A Dad 
  is a personwho is loving and kind,And often he 
  knowswhat you have on your mind.
  someone who listens,suggests, and defends.A dad can be 
  oneof your very best friends!He's proud of your 
  triumphs,but when things go wrong,A dad can be 
  patientand helpful and strongIn all that you do,a 
  dad's love plays a part.There's always a place for 
  himdeep in your heart.And each year that 
  passes,you're even more glad,More grateful and 
  proudjust to call him your dad!Thank you, 
  Dad...for listening and caring,for giving and 
  sharing,but, especially, for just being 
  A father’s sacrifice is just as big. It is 
  the father who is the bread winner in the family; he provides 
  money for food, clothing, shelter, education, health and other 
  necessities for the family.
  day, without wasting time, the father has to earn and 
  provide- be it by using his mental faculties, or thru 
  physical labour such as working under the scorching heat of 
  the sun , or endangering his life by going out in the stormy 
  seas. He goes through all these with perseverance and 
  determination, solely for the purpose of providing the needs 
  of the family.
  father also harbors hopes for his children similar to that of 
  the mother, which means that his children succeed in becoming 
  useful individuals.
  Source: The Ideal Muslim 
  : Father does not talk to me at all and has not loved me, 
  still respect him?  
  Name of 
  Questioner: Muneer  Alaska 
  Question : I know that in 
  Islam a child must respect his parents. But I would like to 
  know that if I should respect my father based on what I am 
  about to tell you. You see, ever since I can remember my 
  father has not loved me. We live in the same house but it 
  seems we do not because he does not speak to me at all. 
  He has 
  never done anything for me in helping me get through life or 
  asked if he can help. I can go on forever about his faults. So 
  am I Islamically still obligated to respect such a 
  Name of Counsellor:  IOL 
  Counseling Team 
  Topic: Help me to deal with my 
  Answer We regret that 
  you have had such an experience with your father. However, the 
  situation is not completely lost. Since you have reached out 
  to us for help, we want to assure you that we can help you 
  turn your relationship around with your father. This is a much 
  better approach than to discuss the question which you have 
  asked about whether or not to respect your father! As long as 
  your father does not make you do anything displeasing to Allah 
  (Swt), respect him if nothing else but for providing you with 
  food, clothing, and shelter. But, there are other steps you 
  need to take to feel better about respecting your father. 
  you should know that many Muslim fathers have not really been 
  trained in parenting. If your father is used to having many 
  relatives around who usually take collective responsibility in 
  raising young children, then he might not be used to playing 
  an active role as a father. So, forgive him for that. 
  Second, having made the first point, you should 
  know that no one is above receiving a reminder. Your father 

Bismillah [hidayahnet] PKS Aceh Pelihara Anak Yatim Korban Tsunami

2005-01-30 Terurut Topik IslahGateway

25 Januari 2005 17:20 WIB (Terbaca: 62)BeritaPKS Aceh Pelihara Anak 
Yatim Korban TsunamiBanda Aceh- Dewan Pengurus Wilayah (DPW) Partai 
Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS)Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) sampai dengan 
saat ini menampung 76 anak-anakyatim korban gempa bumi dan gelombang 
tsunami di provinsi NAD. Anak yatimyang terdiri atas 49 anak lelaki dan 
27 anak perempuan itu berasal dariBanda Aceh, Aceh Besar, dan Lamno. 
Untuk sementara anak lelaki diasramakandi kawasan Geuce Inem, Banda 
Aceh. Sedangkan anak perempuan ditempatkan didusun Maneh Blang-Pagar 
Air, Aceh Besar.Ketua DPW PKS NAD Raihan Iskandar, Lc menyatakan, PKS 
Aceh akan berusahamemelihara anak-anak yatim tersebut dengan baik. 
"Mereka tertimpa musibahdua kali. Selain kehilangan harta, mereka juga 
kehilangan orang-orang yangselama ini menjadi tempat mereka berlindung. 
Jika tidak kita perhatikandengan baik mereka bisa kehilangan arah," kata 
Raihan di Banda Aceh, Selasa(25/1).Raihan mengemukakan, PKS 
menaruh perhatian sangat besar pada pemeliharaananak yatim di Aceh. 
Pasalnya, selain karena perintah agama, memelihara anakyatim korban 
tsunami sama dengan memelihara masa depan Aceh. "Kita harusmemelihara 
anak-anak yatim dengan sebaik-baiknya agar pertolongan Allahdekat dengan 
kita. Anak-anak yatim korban tsunami adalah generasi terbaik,generasi 
pilihan yang akan membangun Aceh di masa depan," tandas dia.Lebih lanjut 
Raihan, yang juga Wakil Ketua DPRD NAD mengungkapkan, PKSmemperhatikan 
berbagai kebutuhan anak-anak yatim tersebut yang meliputikebutuhan 
sandang, pangan, bermain, serta pendidikan, baik pendidikan formalmaupun 
keagamaan. Proses belajar mengajar sementara ini diberikan di 
asramapenampungan. "Setelah kegiatan belajar mengajar formal di Aceh 
aktifkembali, mereka akan kami masukkan ke sekolah secara resmi," imbuh 
Raihan.Secara psikologis kondisi mereka mereka saat ini cukup 
stabil. Sebab merekadiperlakukan sebagaimana di rumah sendiri. Yang tua 
menjadi kakak yang kecilmenjadi adik.Kerja samaDalam 
kesempatan itu Raihan juga mengemukakan bahwa PKS, yang menjadi 
motoruntuk Komite Kemanusiaan Indonesia untuk Aceh (KKIA) membuka pintu 
untukkerja sama dengan berbagai pihak, baik dari dalam maupun luar 
negeri untukmenyantuni anak yatim Aceh. Syaratnya, kerja sama tersebut 
tidak menjadikananak-anak yatim Aceh tercerabut dari akar budaya dan 
agamanya.Saat ini, lanjut Raihan, ada 150 anak yatim di Lamno yang 
menunggu untukdiasramakan di Banda Aceh dan Aceh Besar. Dalam waktu 
dekat mereka akanbergabung dengan anak-anak yatim lainnya, yang sejak 
sepekan lalu sudahlebih dahulu 


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Bismillah [hidayahnet] An Israeli Fanatic Is 'Bush's Brain'

2005-01-30 Terurut Topik Islahonline

- Original Message - 
From: Henry Ayre 
:31 AM
Subject: [shouldIsraelexist] An Israeli Fanatic Is 'Bush's 

An Israeli Fanatic Is 'Bush's 
Brain'By Michael Collins Piper Author of 
Final Judgment and 
The High Priests of 



Supporters of Israel were 
delighted to learn that President George W. Bush's recent call in his 
much-heralded inaugural address for worldwide democratic revolution was 
based on the philosophy of Israeli cabinet minister Anatoly "Natan" 

Although a recent popular 
documentary, Bush's Brain, suggested that Karl Rove, the president's 
political advisor, was the mastermind who tells the president what to 
think, it is now clear - based on solid evidence - that Sharansky is the 
one who actually has bragging rights to that title. 

Although he gained worldwide 
attention in the 1970s as a Soviet dissident and "human rights 
activist," Sharansky emigrated to Israel and soon emerged as one 
Israel's most outspoken hard-line extremist leaders who damns even 
Israel's heavy-handed Prime Minister Ariel Sharon as being "too soft" on 
the Palestinian Christians and Muslims. 

The role of Sharansky in guiding 
Bush's thinking is no "conspiracy theory." Instead, recent disclosures 
from the White House itself - published, although not prominently, in 
the mainstream media - demonstrate that not only did Sharansky 
personally consult with the president in drafting the now-controversial 
inaugural address, but that - in addition - at least two of Sharansky's 
key neo-conservative American publicists, William Kristol and Charles 
Krauthammer, were among those brought in to compose Bush's revolutionary 

Bush himself told The Washington 
Times in an interview published on January 12 - even prior to his 
inauguration: "If you want a glimpse of how I think about foreign 
policy, read Natan Sharansky's book, The Case for Democracy. It's a 
great book." 

Buried in the very last paragraph 
of a very lengthy article published on January 22, The New York Times 
reported that "The president was given[Sharansky's] book and asked Mr. 
Sharansky to meet with him in the Oval office . . . Mr. Bush also gave 
the book to several aides, urging them to read it as well. Mr. Sharansky 
visited the White House last November." 

The Times did not say who gave the 
book to the president in the first place, the determination of which 
would be no doubt very telling indeed. 

Affirming the Times, disclosure, 
The Washington Post likewise revealed on January 22 (although, again, in 
the closing paragraphs of an extended analysis) that an administration 
official said that planning for Bush's address began immediately after 
the November election and that Bush himself had invited Sharansky to the 
White House to consult with him and that, in the Post's words, 
"Sharansky also helped shape the speech with his book." 

It was the Post which revealed 
that two well-known hard-line "neo-conservative" supporters of Israel - 
William Kristol, publisher of billionaire Rupert Murdoch's Weekly 
Standard magazine, and psychiatrist-turned-pundit Charles Krauthammer, a 
strident advocate for harsh U.S. military and economic warfare against 
the Arab and Muslim worlds - were also among those brought in to help 
draft the president's address. 

Kristol - in particular - and 
Krauthammer are generally acknowledged even in the mainstream media in 
America as being among those dubbed by AFP as "the high priests of war" 
who were instrumental in orchestrating the U.S. war against Iraq, which 
was a measure high-up on Israel's "want list" for the Bush 

It is no coincidence that the 
individual on the White House staff whom the Post says helped set up the 
planning conferences to direct Bush's thinking was one Peter Wehner who 
is director of the White House Office of Strategic Initiatives. Wehner - 
it just so happens - is a Kristol protégé, having been his deputy when 
Kristol was chief of staff for former Reagan administration Education 
Secretary William Bennett who was himself a protégé of Kristol's father, 
famed "ex-Trotskyite" communist-turned-neo-conservative, Irving 

Considering Kristol's wide-ranging 
input, shaping Bush's mindset, it is thus no su

Bismillah [hidayahnet] Tentera AS dituduh kencing di atas al-Quran

2005-01-30 Terurut Topik m_mjj

NUFERA "Minyak Kelapa Dara" adalah produk yang dihasilkan melalui
kaedah BIOTEKNOLOGI : (013-3014262)
Tentera AS dituduh kencing di atas al-Quran
Posted on Friday, January 28 @ 07:15:04 MYT

Tentera AS telah menyerang sebuah masjid di Madinatul Sadr, Baghdad,
melakukan kekejaman dan menahan seramai 25 rakyat Iraq, kata sumber

Shaikh Abd al-Hadi al-Darraji, pembantu kanan kepada pemimpin syiah,
Muqtada as-Sadr memberitahu AlJazeera bahawa apa yang berlaku di
Masjid ar-Rasul telah mendedahkan tujuan sebenar tentera salib

Beliau menuduh seorang anggota tentera Amerika laknatullah telah
kencing di atas al-Quran dan seorang lagi telah meminum arak di
dalam masjid tersebut.

"Perbuatan tersebut adalah satu dosa besar dalam Islam," kata al-

"Tindakan tentera AS itu hanya beberapa hari sebelum pilihanraya
yang dijadualkan pada hari Ahad ini adalah merupakan satu provokasi
dan ia mendedahkan bahawa Amerika begitu serius dalam menghina nilai-
nilai Islam dan berusaha untuk melaksanakan kebudayaan mereka ke
atas kita."

"Mereka mendakwa mereka adalah orang yang demokratik, tetapi mereka
telah menjadikan kita sebagai sasaran kerana kita telah memboikot
pilihanraya dan berkata ia tidak sepatutnya dilakukan di bawah

Seorang lagi pegawai pergerakan as-Sadr, Naim al-Qaabi, juga menuduh
tentera AS dan Iraq telah mengoyak naskah al-Quran semasa mereka
menjalankan operasi dan menahan seramai 21 orang penyokong as-Sadr.

Kerajaan munafiq Allawi berkata mereka akan menyiasat kejadian

Walau bagaimanapun tentera AS masih belum membuat sebarang ulasan
mengenai kejadian tersebut.

Al-Sadr telah memimpin satu gerakan anti AS pada tahun lalu sebelum
mereka membuat persetujuan untuk menyertai pilihanraya, tetapi
kemudiannya mengubah pendiriannya dan akan memboikot pilihanraya
selagi tentera asing masih berada di Iraq.

Awal bulan ini, beribu-ribu pengikut as-Sadr telah mengadakan tunjuk
perasaan di beberapa buah bandar bagi memprotes kekurangan petrol
dan eletrik dengan menuduh kerajaan munafiq Allawi mengabaikan

Sumber : Jihad Unspun (28/01/2005)
Saya agak terkejut dengan kesan Nufera ini kerana setelah seminggu
menggunakannya ia telah dapat mengurangkan kesakitan yang saya alami
pada tulang belakang saya sekian lama. Masalah kebas kebas kaki juga
turut lega. Saya merasa bersyukur telah diperkenalkan kepada Nufera.
Saya sudah pasti akan memperkenalkan khasiat Nufera VCO kepada
kenalan (Testimoni : En. Ahmad Zainuddin bin Kastawi, 53 Tahun,
Setapak Jaya K. Lumpur)

Untuk membaca lain-lain testimoni sila baca melalui website berikut : (013-3014262)

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Bismillah [hidayahnet] The Power of Three Little Words (Advice for a relationship, A Marriage `n Friendship)

2005-01-30 Terurut Topik syed dahij

Yenny Rahmi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The Power of Three Little Words (Advice for a relationship, A Marriage `n Friendship) 

Written By Miss Emma Shuaidi
The Power of Three Little Words
Some of the most significant messages people deliver to one another often come in just three words. When spoken or conveyed, those statements have the power to forge new friendships, deepen old ones and restore relationships that have cooled. The following three-word phrases can enrich every relationship.
I'LL BE THERE - Being there for another person is the greatest gift we can give. When we are truly present for other people, important things happen to them and to us. We are renewed in love and friendship. We are restored emotionally and spiritually. 'Being there' is at the very very core of civility.
I MISS YOU - Perhaps more marriages could be salvaged and strengthened if couples simply and sincerely said to each other, "I miss you." This powerful affirmation tells partners they are wanted, needed, desired and loved.
I RESPECT YOU - Respect is another way of showing love. Respect conveys the feeling that another person is a true equal. It is a powerful way to affirm the importance of a relationship.
MAYBE YOU'RE RIGHT - This phrase is highly effective in diffusing an argument and restoring frayed emotions. The flip side of "maybe you're right" is the humility of admitting "maybe I'm wrong."
PLEASE FORGIVE ME - Many broken relationships could be restored and healed if people would admit their mistakes and ask for forgiveness. All of us are vulnerable to faults, foibles and failures. A man should never be ashamed to own he has been in the wrong, which is but saying, in other words, that he is wiser today than he was yesterday.
I THANK YOU - Gratitude is an exquisite form of courtesy. People who enjoy the companionship of good, close friends are those who don't take daily courtesies for granted. They are quick to thank their friends for their many expressions of kindness. On the other hand, people whose circle of friends is severely constricted often do not have the attitude of gratitude.
COUNT ON ME - "A friend is one who walks in when others walk out," Loyalty is an essential ingredient for true friendship; it is the emotional glue that bonds people. Those who are rich in their relationships tend to be steady and true friends. When troubles come, a good friend is there, indicating "you can count on me."
LET ME HELP - The best of friends see a need and try to fill it. When they spot a hurt they do what they can to heal it. Without being asked, they pitch in and help. 
I UNDERSTAND YOU - People become closer and enjoy each other more if they feel the other person accepts and understands them. Letting others know in so many little ways that you understand him or her is one of the most powerful tools for healing your relationship.
GO FOR IT - Some of your friends may be non conformists, have unique projects and unusual hobbies. Support them in pursuing their interests. Rather than urging your loved ones to conform, encourage their uniqueness-everyone has dreams that no one else has.
I suppose the 3 little words that you were expecting to see have to be reserved for those who are special; that is I LOVE YOU. 
Have a great day loving yourself and loving your loved ones!
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Bismillah [hidayahnet] Alahai beruntungnya Kelantan

2005-01-30 Terurut Topik syed dahij

Roslan SMS <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Timbalan Menteri Penerangan mengumumkan kononnya RTM akan memberikan keutamaan tinggi kepada Kelantan dengan memaparkan penghidupan dan budaya rakyat di negeri tersebut. Kata Zainuddin Maidin adalah menjadi hasrat RTM untuk mendedahkan kepada masyarakat luar keunikan hidup rakyat di Kelantan.Hakikatnya memang Kelantan merupakan sasaran utama RTM. Lihat sahajalah terdetik apa sahaja peristiwa maka akan berkejarlah RTM ke sana. Isu banjir umpamanya, maka seluruh wakil rakyat pembangkang dari Umno BN akan menerima publisiti percuma.Kerajaan negeri yang diberi mandat oleh rakyat Kelantan tidak langsung diberi perhatian samada dalam mengeluarkan kenyataan maupun membuat ulasan. Demikianlah baiknya RTM terhadap negeri Kelantan. Yang jelas RTM selama ini rata-rata telah memaparkan segala yang buruk dan hodoh berkenaan Kelantan.Menurut Zainuddin sebagaimana di petik oleh BERNAMA
 beberapa rancangan yang mempunyai ramai peminat akan diteruskan antaranya rancangan Salam Pantai Timur.Saya tidak tahu berkenaan orang-lain tetapi secara peribadi saya berani mengatakan rancangan yang tidak bermutu ini memang tidak diminati ramai. Ianya lebih merupakan siaran propaganda pro Umno BN yang ditaja oleh RTM. Barangkali inilah antara rancangan yang telah mengakibatkan hasil RTM semakin terhakis sebagaimana yang didedahkan oleh BLOG ini satu ketika dahulu.Bagi saya Zainuddin tidak payahlah berpura-pura. Memang sejak tahun 1990 sehingga kini kerajaan negeri Kelantan telah berdiri sendiri tanpa sedikit pun bantuan dari sudut penyiaran dan penerangan dari RTM yang boleh mensuburkan imejnya. Teruslah dengan kerja-kerja jahat anda insyallah RTM pun akan terus rugi akibatnya.

posted by Roslan SMS 4:53 PM

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Bismillah [hidayahnet] The Robber's Advice

2005-01-30 Terurut Topik syed dahij

Peace Now <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

Assalamu-Alaykum.  The importance of immersing oneself in 'Ilm.  The  Was-Salaam 
That is why the experience of Imam Ghazali (r.a.) is a valuable lesson. Ayuhatullab! Listen carefully! 
Having completed his studies, Imam Ghazali (r.a.) was en route back home. On the way the caravan in which he was travelling was waylaid by robbers. Together with his co-travellers, Imam Ghazali (r.a.) was dispossessed of all his goods. Amongst his possessions were the carefully written notes of the lectures delivered by his ustads. These notes were also taken by the robbers. Imam Ghazali (r.a.) sought out the leader of the band of robbers and pleaded with him: "Your men have taken all my possessions except for the clothes I wear. You may keep the extra clothes and other valuables - I do not lament their loss. However, please ask your men to return the papers they have taken." 
The leader of the band of robbers was amazed at this unusual request. This young man was not worried about clothes and valuables, but he was asking for some pieces of paper to be returned! 
Very curious, he asked: "What papers are these?" 
Imam Ghazali (r.a.) explained: "I am a student returning home after completing my studies. When my teachers used to lecture, I used to make notes. These are those very pages of 'ilm that I am requesting to be returned to me." 
The leader of the robbers said, "What you have just said fills me with great sorrow and regret. Young lad! Is your 'ilm on pieces of paper when it should have been in your heart? Papers can get lost. Papers can be destroyed by fire, become parched by the sun, get eaten by moths, become damaged with damp, etc., etc. You are dependent on papers? It fills me with great pity. Your 'ilm should be in your heart! Be that as it may, your papers will be returned." 
He summoned one of his men and ordered him, "Give back to this boy his papers." The notes were retrieved and returned to Imam Ghazali (r.a.). 
Imam Ghazali (r.a.) was of noble character. He was, moreover, a dedicated student. The words of the gang-leader were like a knife piercing his heart. On reaching home, he lost no time in memorising all his notes! 
Source: Shaykh Maseehullah Khan Sb Rahmatullahi Alaih - For friends
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Bismillah [hidayahnet] Western role model taking drugs

2005-01-30 Terurut Topik Islahonline

To add: Even the leaders who supposedly show good 
example also have corrupt mind and behaviour. Further proved in UK by recent 
David Blanket scandal and few ministers who have been married for many years 
only now realised they have children with other women and now 
having family and lineage difficulties...
The whole western civilisation is build on 
corrupt social pillars...
From: mohammed 

Western role model taking drugs

The role models for the younger generation 
in the West are drug addicts, adulators, fornicators, and irresponsible 
individuals who have one thing in common that are to “enjoy life to the max”. No 
wonder the younger generation are going astray as crimes hit high by 52% in 
UK while gun crime alone has rose by 
The Western Ideology Capitalism has failed 
to control the increasing violence were by 9 in 10 have had committed crime in 
their life and some have been charged. 
The alternative Ideology to Capitalism which 
for 1400 years have solved mans problems according to his nature. The role 
models for the Muslim youth are Abu Bakar, Umar, Kalid Ibn Walid, Musa’b Ibn 
Umair, Salahudeen Al Yuubi and our great leaders who strived for the Deen of 
Fi Amaan 
Colin Farrell Admits 'Heroin Was 



  Irish actor Colin Farrell has admitted he 
  took heroin - and liked it


Wildman actor Colin Farrell has landed himself in 
trouble after admitting taking heroin - and saying it was "pretty nice".
In the past, the Alexander hunk - notorious for his foul 
mouth, crazy confessions and ladykiller reputation - has hinted at using the 
drug. Yet he later denied it, saying he was "being sarcastic".
But asked again by GQ magazine if he had used heroin, the 
Irishman admitted: "I've smoked it a couple of times, but I knew where it was 
"For some reason it seemed pretty nice at the time."
Asked if he was scared he would like it too much, the 
28-year-old actor admitted: "Yeah."
And asked if there were any drugs he ruled out, he boasted: 
"No. There was nothing I wouldn't have done. Whatever was around."
But the frank confession has seen the star slammed as 
"irresponsible" by anti-drugs groups.
Peter Stoker of the National Drug Prevention Alliance said: 
"He should not be bragging about taking heroin. Farrell is a role model for 
children. If he thinks it is so cool, he should go to a Narcotics Anonymous 
meeting and see the harsh reality."
Dublin-born Farrell, who has appeared to have calmed down 
since the birth of son James almost a year ago, told the magazine's US edition 
that he smoked pot for the first time at 15 and took ecstasy a year later.
He said: "I remember thinking ... 'there's nothing I can do 
now, it's in my belly'."
And he also admitted he only took modelling jobs to earn 
money for drugs.


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Bismillah [hidayahnet] US soldiers raid Baghdad mosque

2005-01-30 Terurut Topik syed dahij

"M.s. Saeed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

US soldiers raid Baghdad mosque by Faleh Al-Khattab Wednesday 26 January 2005 4:16 PM GMT 


Abd al-Hadi al-Darraji: They want to impose their culture on us 
US soldiers have attacked a mosque in Baghdad's Sadr City, violating its sanctity and arresting 25 Iraqis, Iraqi sources say.

Shaikh Abd al-Hadi al-Darraji, a top aide of the Shia leader Muqtada al-Sadr, told that what happened in Masjid al-Rasul (the Prophet mosque) revealed the real intentions of the US occupation forces. 
He accused a US soldier of urinating on the Quran and another of consuming alcohol within the chambers of the mosque.
"[This] is a great sin in Islam," al-Darraji said. 
"The action of the US forces just days before Sunday's election is a serious provocation and it reveals that the US is serious in insulting the Islamic values and imposing its culture on us.
"They claim they are democratic people, but they are targeting us because we boycotted the elections and said it should not be held under occupation." 
No comments
Another official in al-Sadr's movement, Naim al-Qaabi, also accused US and Iraqi forces of tearing Qurans during the operation and arresting 21 al-Sadr supporters.
However, neither claims could be immediately verified and the interim Iraqi government issued a statement saying it was investigating the incident.
The US military has not yet commented on the incident.
Al-Sadr led a fierce anti-US uprising last year before toeing the pro-election line, then changed his position again later and vowed to boycott the elections as long as foreign troops remained on Iraqi soil. 
Earlier this month, thousands of al-Sadr supporters demonstrated in several cities to protest against petrol and electricity shortages, accusing the interim government of ignoring the people in favour of Sunday's elections.

AljazeeraBy Faleh Al-Khattab 
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Bismillah [hidayahnet] BARU KU TAHU

2005-01-30 Terurut Topik grad it

Baruku tahu setelah diujiSebelum diuji, semua terasa mampuSebelum diuji, tarasa pejuang sejatiSesudah diuji, baru kenal diriRupanya di dalam perjuangan perlu diujiJangan dipintaMelalui ujian dapat pejuang yang hakikiPara pejuang perlu tapisanJusteru tanggung jawab yang berat yang hendak diamanahkanBukan semua orang boleh bertanggung jawabHanya orang pilihan sahaja yang boleh melakukannyaApabila diuji, saringan pun berlakuAda yang lariAda yang memukul kawan sendiriAda yang kesal dan sedih hatiAda yang terus menyebelahi musuhnyaBegitulah peranan ujianIa sangat perluTapi jangan dipinta
Hasil Nukilan 
Tuan Guru Haji Ashaari Muhammad
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Bismillah [hidayahnet] Fwd: Surat Fatimah gemparkan kota Baghdad - Fatimah Martryed In Abu Ghraib

2005-01-30 Terurut Topik ashghanistan


This is the most recent update on this in English (in Malay it was
at the end of the email that was sent - from,
tgk the main page ada video clip (by Hizbut-Tahrir...) in 3 parts...
play in player kalau nak besar sikit)

Translation ni khutbah abg dia clear sikit @ the beginning... (part
about praising Allaah 'azza-wa-jall), I like the English 4 the 1st
letter (maybe've been 2 long in UK... "My brothers... I am ur
sister..." tgk bwh)

In the FOSIS conference last summer ada a sister from Cambridge (who
went 2 Palestine & got interrogated that summer) distribute this

Make du'aa` & live in His cause 2 the utmost of ur abilities, what
do we want in life? Especially approaching Muharram the last of the 
sacred months b4 Rajab, 1st month of the yr is Allaah's month & best 
2 fast after Ramadhaan...

wallaahu-a'lam wassalaamu-'alaikum...

Fatimah Martryed In Abu Ghraib Prision In Resistance Attack That
Takes Heavy US Toll

Jan 10, 2005 By Muhammad Abu Nasr, Free Arab Voice and Omar Al-Faris
JUS; Published In Arabic By Islam Memo

Resistance forces fired a rocket barrage at the US Abu Ghraib prison
camp west of Baghdad. A correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam in
Baghdad said that the attack took place at 1 am Friday and that a
variety of rockets, including the powerful Ababil and the Grad were
used in barrage that lasted more than
15 minutes.

The barrage left four Iraqis dead, as well as the Iraqi woman
prisoner known as Fatimah whose letter, smuggled out of the prison
two weeks ago, sent shock waves around the Muslim world outrages as
it disclosed many horrid details of US forces gang raping female
prisoners and regularly perpetrating other abuses e against the
prisoners in the ill-reputed facility. Friday's barrage also
severely wounded another 22-year old Iraqi woman.

An Iraqi who works at the Abu Ghraib prison camp told Mafkarat al-
Islam that more than 68 US troops were killed in the bombardment as
that the rockets specifically struck their barracks. But just one
night before the attack, the Americans had moved more than 500 Iraqi
prisoners to the east side of the prison, resulting in the death of
many of them.

Allawi police brought the body of Fatimah to her home in the adh-
Dhahab al-Abyad village in the Abu Ghraib area, 45 km east of
Fallujah. The correspondent wrote that because of the family's
psychological condition at the time, he was unable to interview
them. Their neighbor, however, spoke to the reporter.

Fatimah's eldest brother, who is one of the mujahideen whom the
occupation forces are searching for, spoke in the mosque Thursday at
the nighttime prayer said "Praise be to God" with tears in his eyes.
Everyone in the mosque witnessed him saying 'Oh God take her soul!
Oh God this is a shame so please cleanse it! You are the All-
Powerful! You are the All-Powerful! You are the All-Powerful!' Then
after the prayer, one of the worshippers came up to him and
remonstrated him for saying, 'Oh God this is a shame so please
cleanse it!' The man told him, 'Say rather, this is an honor, so
raise it up and honor it. It is we about whom the word shame should
be used, not Fatimah. She is the most honorable, purest, and
cleanest of girls. I ask you for her hand in marriage after she gets
out of prison, God willing.'"

The neighbor went on, saying, "Fatimah's brother and his fighting
detachment carried out more than 50 rocket attacks on the prison
before and after her letter came out. Every day they would hunt down
a car or two belonging to the occupation forces. His name became
famous among them in this area, as famous as that of al-Zarqawi."

The neighbor's wife told the correspondent, "a month before her
arrest Fatimah distributed candy and 'brides' fingers' an famous
Iraqi folk delicacy to the people on her street because she finished
memorizing 13 of the 30 sections of the Qur'an. She told the
women, "after memorizing Surat al-Baqarah, the rest of the Qur'an is
easy to memorize. Give me three more months and you'll see who's
better, me or Shaykh Khalid.'" (Shaykh Khalid is the imam of the
mosque in the neighborhood where Fatimah lives.)

The neighbor wife says of Fatimah: "she used to be shy about
everything. I remember once she was with the women at a wedding
party for one of the local young people, and the other girls all
asked her to take off her veil because there weren't any men around,
but she refused to, because she was so shy."

Fatimah's funeral took place at 1pm today, Friday, the Mafkarat al-
Islam correspondent reported, to the sound of exultant cries of
Allahu akbar! [God is greatest!] and the Muslim creed "there is no
God but God!" Fatimah's brothers and father were not there for the
funeral, however, because they are all wanted by the occupation
forces, and the Americans surrounde

Bismillah [hidayahnet] Muslims should not surrender to fear

2005-01-30 Terurut Topik Islahonline

From: "Abubakar Kasim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

There has been a lot of anxiety and fear in the Muslim community -
especially after the September 11 tragedy.

A lot of Muslims have been living in fear and self-denial. Some Muslims have
changed their names and shaven their beards while there are others who have
taken off their hijab -- all hoping that they would not be identified or
noticed as Muslims.

I was shocked to hear a mother advising her teenage son not to discuss Islam
in the chat rooms. “Time has changed, my dear,” she said, “we have to be
careful nowadays.”

A friend of mine warned me not to send him any emails that had anything to
do with Islam or Muslims. I usually pass on information about upcoming
lectures or seminars that are happening in the community. Since I did not
take him seriously, he then terminated his Internet account and refused to
give me his new address.  In fact, I lost contact with him altogether.

Another friend has changed the way he used to send me email. He no longer
starts with ‘Assalaam Alaikum’. His emails starts with ‘hi’ and ends with
‘bye.’ He does no longer mention anything that might associate him with the

On the New Year’s day, January 1st, 2004, the Toronto Star published my
letter to the editor in which I expressed my resolutions for the year that
was just opening a new page.

One of my wishes was to see a regime change in the US and Britain. I hoped
that citizens of both countries would vote their leaders out during the
election. I also hoped that not only should the two leaders loose the
election, they should also be tried as war criminals for invading Iraq and
murdering innocent people.

I then got a lengthy lecture from a relative of mine who warned me not to
write these things in the paper. “One day, you might end up in Guantanamo
Bay,” she said.

The feeling of anxiety among Muslims is somewhat justifiable and
understandable, especially after what has been happening to Arabs and
Muslims following the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

Many people have lost their jobs; some others have been arrested and
detained without even knowing the reason.

Whenever something heinous happens, a finger of blame is always directed
towards Muslims.

I remember once when I was working at Pearson International Airport,
something happened that shivered my flesh and bones. After boarding a flight
and making sure that all passengers were on-board, suddenly, I was
surrounded by the police and security officers at the departure gate. I was
afraid and did not know what was going on.  Although I was not blamed for
anything, I could feel that the police officers were around me like the way
a cat trying to catch a terrified mouse.

Everyone looked at me with suspicious eyes as if I had done something wrong.
The emergency task force was investigating the nature of the white powder
found onboard the plane. Luckily, the substance was found to be cooking
flour. If it were found to be a hazardous material, I would have been in hot
water as I was the only Arab looking man around.

Life has been difficult for many Arabs and Muslims. They are some times
looked at with different eyes.

A flight attendant once refused to board a flight at Pearson International
Airport. She told the airline staff that she would not step her feet in the
plane if an Arab looking passenger who was waiting at the departure lounge
was to board the same aircraft. The police was then called to settle the
issue. The man was humiliated in front of other passengers and was taken
inside for questioning.

There is no need to get pre occupied with fear as fear turn into phobia and
psychological trauma. If white men commit a crime, all white men would not
feel targeted.  And if few criminals within the black community commit a
terrorist attack, all black people should not feel guilt and go into hiding.

Muslims should feel proud of themselves and their faith. There is nothing to
be ashamed of. Muslims are law-abiding citizens who strive hard to live a
righteous life. If they give in and surrender to fear and intimidation, they
would be arrogating to themselves the sins of others.  This would also make
them appear like criminals who deserve to be treated as such. And also, by
living in fear and anxiousness, only fanatics and hate mongers would win at
the end.

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2005-01-30 Terurut Topik hidayahnet


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