Bismillah [hidayahnet] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 6 Apr 05

2005-04-05 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===
Not as tyrants have we come, but as liberators: Adolf  Hitler, 1938

Washington’s Darkest Secret
Until six weeks before 9/11, for nearly a decade the CIA reportedly had a
mole buried inside al Qaeda in a trusted position close to Osama bin
Laden. Suddenly, his reports stopped. The CIA assumed that he was
discovered, tortured and killed. Before he died, he likely revealed 9/11
Patriot Act's secret searches used 108 times 
The section of the Patriot Act permitting police to surreptitiously enter
and search a home or office without notifying the owner has reportedly
been used 108 times during a 22-month period.

Overview: The Great Energy War
US & Allies Neutralized, World War III Ends
by John Stanton
By the 1990’s, securing energy resources and limiting the growth of the
economies of China, India, Russia, Brazil and Venezuela became paramount.
Even with the US colonization of Iraq in 2005, there was not enough oil
& gas to satisfy both US needs and those of the high growth nations.
The historical record shows that the resource domination was the real
goal of the disingenuous US War on Terror. And with the US removing
itself from international diplomacy and treaty, and refusing to share the
wealth, world war was just a step away.
The freedom bell is not ringing as loudly as Bush thinks 
What could be more just with respect to a people's sovereignty than its
free choice of a representative government? U.S. President George W. Bush
wants the world to believe that this maxim inspires Washington's activity
vis-a-vis Middle East elections. He declared the alleged electoral
successes in Palestine and Iraq as the opening stages of a Middle East
political reformation.

Gallup: Bush Approval Rating Lowest Ever for 2nd-Term Prez at this
NEW YORK It's not uncommon to hear or read pundits referring to President
George W. Bush as a "popular" leader or even a "very
popular" one. Even some of his critics in the press refer to him
this way. Perhaps they need to check the latest polls.
Latest neocon target: The Vatican
The neocon strategy to ensure their candidate is selected pope
April 5, 2005—The international neoconservative movement, already giddy
over their bloodying the nose of the United Nations and Secretary General
Kofi Annan in the overhyped Iraq "oil for food" brouhaha, the
nomination of anti-UN wacko and Jesse Helms sycophant and racist John
Bolton as the next US ambassador to the UN, and the comb-licking and
dandruff-munching Paul Wolfowitz's selection as World Bank president, is
now involving itself in the internecine politics that will highlight the
selection of the next pope.

FBI seeks expanded search powers: 
Justice Dept. also wants expiring Patriot Act provisions renewed
How to lose the war on terrorism 
AFTER HUMILIATING failure, America's spy agencies are destined for better
days, we were told. Competing bureaucrats are cooperating, reforms are
taking hold and information gatherers have sharpened their work. 
Why Our Food is So Dependent on Oil 
"Concentrate on what cannot lie. The evidence..." -- Gil

Bob Herbert: Is no one in administration accountable?: 
The Bush administration is desperately trying to keep the full story from
emerging. But there is no longer any doubt that prisoners seized by the
United States in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere have been killed,
tortured, sexually humiliated and otherwise grotesquely abused.
Ziegler 'wrong' on Iraq hunger
GENEVA -- The Bush administration's anger at those who use the United
Nations as a platform to broadcast anti-American rhetoric boiled over
last week when a U.N. "rapporteur" -- who had not visited Iraq
-- blamed the U.S. military for growing malnutrition among Iraqi

Iraqi Suspect Says U.S. Troops Took Mother Hostage: 
An Iraqi apparently suspected by U.S. troops of taking part in attacks in
Baghdad accused U.S. forces on Tuesday of taking his mother and sister
hostage to pressure him and his brothers into surrendering for

Bismillah [hidayahnet] The Preventive & Healing Wonders of Ablution

2005-04-05 Terurut Topik Intan Aljafree

The Preventive and Healing Wonders of Ablution
By Lamya Tawfik(islamonline) 
“Nor does he say (aught) of (his own) Desire. It is no less than inspiration sent down to him” (Chapter 53, Verse 3 & 4). 
Fourteen centuries ago, our Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), gave us a prescription of 26 washing movements to be carried out 5 times a day, a total of 130 daily washing movements, to grant us optimum health. 
“O ye who believe! when ye prepare for prayer, wash your faces, and your hands (and arms) to the elbows; Rub your heads (with water); and (wash) your feet to the ankles. If ye are in a state of ceremonial impurity, bathe your whole body. But if ye are ill, or on a journey, or one of you cometh from offices of nature, or ye have been in contact with women, and ye find no water, then take for yourselves clean sand or earth, and rub therewith your faces and hands, Allah doth not wish to place you in a difficulty, but to make you clean, and to complete his favor to you, that ye may be grateful.” (Chapter 5, Verse 6) 
Before a Muslim performs his prayers, he carries out the ablution movements mentioned in the above verse as well as others, which the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) has shown us. 
Thus, the ablution comprises of washing the hands, arms right up to the elbow, face, mouth, nostrils, and feet up the ankle, all three times each. The inside and behind the ears, as well as the part of the head above the forehead is wiped once. Done five times a day, it not only cleanses these vital parts of the body from dust and dirt but also "softens" and refreshes them. [Health and Fitness In Islam,] 
Interestingly enough, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also encouraged doing ablution before going to bed. This same ritual is also encouraged by Yoga experts who say that washing important motor and sensory organs such as the hands, arms, eyes, legs, mouth and genitals before sleep using cool water relaxes the body preparing it for a deep sleep. [Avadhuta, Vedprajinananda, Yoga Health Secrets] 
Stimulating the Biological Rhythms 
In an article titled “Muslims Rituals and their Effect on the Person’s Health”, Dr. Magomed Magomedov, assistant to the department of the Man’s General Hygiene and Ecology in the Daghestan State Medical Academy, speaks about how ablution stimulates the biological rhythms of the body and specifically Biological Active Spots (BASes), very much like the idea behind Chinese reflexotherapy. Presently we know that a man is a complex system of electromagnetic fields, meridians, biological rhythms and so on. Man’s internal organs, in their turn, present a no less sophisticated bioenergetical whole; they all have indissoluble multi-channel bilateral connections with the skin, which hosts special spots, whose functions resemble those of buttons on “control” and “ recharge boards” responsible for particular organs. These spots are called biologically active spots (BASes).
 [Magomedov, Magomed, Muslim Rituals & their effect on the person’s health] 
While pointing out to the similarities between ablution and the science of Chinese reflexology in his fascinating article, Dr. Magomedov also states the main different points. To become a doctor in reflexology, he says, one has to take a 15 to 20 year course of study, incomparable with the simple learning techniques of ablution. 
In another comparison, reflexotherapy was primarily used to cure diseases and very rarely for prevention, while, as we shall see, ablution has many preventive benefits. There was also a negative side to reflexotherapy, he says, one that is not found in ablution; a patient was exposed to traumas since doctors used cauterisation. 
“The majority of the most powerful BASes are being washed during the Muslim ritual. It is not the doctor, who had studied for many years, who does it, but every Muslim by himself. Besides, praying five times a day obliges a Muslim to take the preventive measures against diseases beforehand.”[Magomedov, Magomed, Muslim Rituals & their effect on the person’s health] 
According to Dr. Magomedov, Chinese medicine says that there are more than 700 BASes, and sixty-six of them have quick reflex therapy effects and are named the drastic (or aggression or antique or prime-elements) spots. 
Out of these sixty-six spots, sixty-one of them are located in zones required for ablution while the other five are located between the ankle and knee. 
Thus, ablution becomes a kind of treatment complex, which includes the hydromassage of the BAS, their thermal and physical stimulation.[Magomedov, Magomed, Muslim Rituals & their effect on the person’s health] 
The BASes in the face (which are washed during ablution) “recharge” such organs as the intestines, stomach and bladder, in addition to having a positive effect on the nervous and reproductive systems, says Dr. Magomedov in his findings, adding that the BAS responsible for the osseo

Bismillah [hidayahnet] Fw: Istimewanya menjadi umat Nabi MUhammad SAW

2005-04-05 Terurut Topik raba'ah

Assalamualaikum wbt 
Umat Islam harus sedar betapa istimewanya menjadi umat
Nabi Muhammad SAW jika dibandingkan dengan umat nabi terdahulu. Ada pelbagai
keistimewaan yang diberikan namun masih ramai yang tidak mahu menjadi umat
Nabi Muhammad SAW. Sekiranya mereka tahu akan keistimewaan yang Allah SWT
kurniakan pasti mereka berebut-rebut ingin menjadi umat Nabi Muhammad SAW
yg mana telah dijanjikan kebahagiaan hidup di dunia dan akhirat.
Salah satu keistiwaaan itu adalah yang dipetik dari buku
Terjemahan Nashaihul Ibad ms 128 - Ibnu Hajar Al Asqalani 
Saad bin Hilal ra mengatakan bahawa apabila manusia
berbuat dosa, maka Allah memberikan anugerah kepadanya: 

1. Allah tidak halangi dia untuk mendapat rezeki 

2. Allah tidak halang dia untuk sehat 

3. Allah tidak memperlihatkan dosanya 

4. Allah tidak menyiksanya di dunia. 

Diceritakan bahawa Nabi Adam berkata : Sesungguhnya Allah memberi 4 macam
kemuliaan kepada umat Nabi Muhammad SAW yang tidak diberikan kepadaku,

1. Penerimaan tobatku di Mekah, sedangkan umat Muhammad bisa tobat di mana-mana

2. Aku berpakaian ketika aku berdosa, kemudian Allah menjadikanku telanjang
bulat. Sedangkan umat Muhammad tetap diberi pakaian , meskipun ia durhaka
kepada Allah dalam keadaan bertelanjang 

3. Ketika aku berbuat dosa, Allah memisahkan aku dan isteriku (Adam di
kaki gunung Himalaya, Hawa di Jeddah) sedangkan umat Muhammad yang berbuat
dosa tidak dipisahkan dengan isterinya 

4. Aku berbuat dosa di shurga lalu Allah mengusirku dari shurga ke dunia,
sedangkan umat Muhammad berbuat dosa di luar shurga , Allah tetap memasukkan
mereka ke shurga apabila mereka bertobat. 

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Bismillah [hidayahnet] Fw: CINTA HANYA YANG ESA...

2005-04-05 Terurut Topik Zuridah bt. Hassan




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--- Begin Message ---

Melibatkan diri dalam perhubungan erat yakni dunia percintaan yang lebih 
kearah nilai - nilai di atas semuanya adalah retorik atau tiada pengertian 
cinta hakiki sebenarnya. Cinta di atas lebih ke arah kepada rangsangan nafsu 
yang di salah erti kerana perhubungan persahabatan yang rapat dan terbuai 
oleh dodoian perasaan. Sebab hakikat percintaan yang di benarkan oleh Islam 
ialah asas daya tarikan kepada kewarakan seseorang yang menjadi tarikan 
kepada cinta bersyariatkan islam. Kebanyakan persahabatan yang lebih 
bermotifkan memikat sememangnya lebih ke arah sentimental value yakni lebih 
kepada pemberian hadiah tidak kira apa jua barangnya...jika tidak berminat, 
masakan nak mengorbankan wang kepada seseorang romantik pada dasarnya 
adalah bukan satu prinsip di dalam islam bagaimanakah akan wujudnya 
hubungan romantik sekiranya mereka tidak berhubungan atas alasan kalau 
hanyalah melalui asas pendekatan Islam.??

Cinta di dalam Islam sebenarnya tiada hubungan romantik atau caring atas 
alasan jika benar benar pencinta pencinta yang memahami corak Islam lebih ke 
arah menulis peringatan peringatan Allah yang senantiasa takutkan kemurkaan 
Allah di dalam konteks cara perhubungan walaupun mungkin tidak pernah 
berdating Malah orang yang bercinta di dalam bentuk syariat Islam takut 
untuk berhubungan secara menulis...kerana was-was dengan keupayaan 
menahan bentuk luahan hati yang akan menimbulkan zina hati. Malah orang yang 
benar-benar beriman takut untuk berhubungan melalui telefon atau kaedah 
bercakap yang penuh lemah lembut dalam bentuk hubungan lain seperti chat 
kerana biasanya kekerapan hubungan percakapan lebih kearah tidak tertapis 
dan bisa menggoda keimanan dengan rasa rindu dengan suara dan gurauan 
sehingga akhirnya membuat tautan rasa cinta asmara dana bermula kecuali bagi 
mereka yang benar-benar tidak ada masalah hati..itu pun boleh menjadi satu 
bentuk perhubungan awalan jika tidak di sekat.

Semakin kerap berhubung akan menjadikan semakin rapat perhubungan dan 
akhirnya tanpa mengimbangkan kewarasan akal dan lebih mementingkan perasaan 
dan nafsu akhirnya menjerumus kepada kefahaman itulah cinta yang sebenarnya. 
Kerana atas dasar apa ???...rasa rindu yang amat sangatsedangkan 
hakikat rindu yang sebenar ialah rindukan Allah...orang yang beriman dapat 
menangkis ketahanan rindu apabila asas cinta benar benar berlandaskan iman.

Bukankah di dalam Islam sendiri sudah menggaris pandu corak meminang 
wanitatetapi anak-anak muda dewasa ini lebih suka kepada bercinta dan 
mencari cinta..dan mencari masalah di dalam konteks perhubungan cinta 
dan akhirnya terjebak di dalam lautan cinta yang memabukkan. Cinta 
berasaskan Islam ialah cintakan kebaikan, keimanan dan keutuhan pendirian 
kerana ia adalah asas kepada tiang pengukuhan iman di hari depan. Malah 
cinta di dalam Islam lebih ke arah rasa hormat, malu dengan kewarakan 
responden kerana itu lah cinta hakiki yang tidak boleh di jual beli. Malah 
malu untuk berkata-kata di sebalik kata-kata yang tidak sepatutnya.

Apabila individu itu benar benar mencintai seseorang itu atas sifat-sifat di 
dalam diri respondennya.ia lebih ke arah sifat mengkagumi untuk 
memilikinya tanpa syak dan was-was akan kebaikan, keimanannya dan keutuhan 
pendirian responden. Jika ia benar-benar memahami konteks iman didalam 

RE: Bismillah [hidayahnet] Jangan kira PAS atau Umno

2005-04-05 Terurut Topik Azhari

Betul akhie,

Demokrasi adalah sistem kufur Barat yang dipaksakan kepada kaum muslimin diseluruh
dunia. Afghan,
Iraq, dijajah karena
alasan demokrasi, begitu juga dipaksakan
kepada Negara-negara Timteng, Arab, Asia, dll,


Prinsip dasar sistem demokrasi adalah kedaulatan rakyat, dimana rakyat berdaulat
untuk membuat hukum-hukum, sedangkan dalam sistem Islam syari’at Allah
swt yang berdaulat menetap hukum untuk mengatur kehidupan manusia.




-Original Message-
From: inspirasiku
Sent: Friday, April 01, 2005 8:12
Subject: RE: Bismillah
[hidayahnet] Jangan kira PAS atau Umno




Kalau telesuri
sejarah kewujudan HAM ia sebenarnya adalah salah satu ciri kepada Sekularisme
iaitu aqidah sistem kapitaslime-demokrasi. HAM diwujudkan bagi menjamin prinsip
dlm pemerintahan demokrasi-kapitalisme "dari rakyat, kepada rakyat utk
rakyat"-rakatlah yang berhak mengatur dan menentukan bagaimana ia nak
hidup. di mana dalam sistem ini pemerintahan (pembuat hukum dan pengatur hidup)
ditentukan oleh rakyat sendiri, (dlm parlimen gubal undang2) dan utk memastikan
tidak ada yang mempegaruhi rakyat buat keputusan (suara ramai) maka diwujudkan
prinspi kebebasan individu iaitu kebebasan bersuara, bertingka-laku, berharta
dan beraqidah. maka segala sistem hidup yg dibuat di parlimen dibuat atas dasar
kebebasan ini. maka inilah realitinya kita hidup dgn hukum2 yang dibuat oleh
manusia sendiri (dlm parlimen), kemurtadan berleluasa..selepas umur 18 thn,
penghinaan terhadap Islam dlm ceramah, buku dll...


oleh itu HAM,
demokrasi-kapitalsime adalah sistem hidup yang datang bukan dari Islam tetapi
dari manusi itu sendiriyg jelas-jelas bertentangan dgn ISLAM..malah ia
semakin menyebabka umat Islam semakin hina dan sengsara





HAM ini bertentangan
dengan hukum Islam, dalam HAM seorang pembunuh
yang dihukum mati adalah melanggar HAM. Tetapi Islam
datang dengan hukum yang sesuai dengan fitrah manusia, yakni QISHASH bagi
pembunuh. Silahkan simak di TV ucapan keluarga terbunuh, mereka akan menyatakan
hukuman yang paling layak bagi mereka adalah setimpal yakni dibunuh. Lantas,
tanyakan kepada pembela HAM itu, jika keluarganya terbunuh apakah ia masih
menganggap QISHASH hukum yang kejam dan melanggar HAM?


Tidak ada Kebebasan
didalam Islam, ketika ia telah baligh maka semua hukum syara' dibebankan kepada
dirinya (taqlif) dan ia menjadi seorang muqallaf. Ia wajib menjalankan ibadah,
menutup aurat, berdagang secara Islam, dan
banyak lagi hukum Allah swt yang harus dipahami dan dilaksanakan. Jika ia ingin
bebas, maka Islam bukan tempatnya.




-Original Message-
From: syed dahij
Sent: Monday,
March 28, 2005 7:58 PM
Subject: Bismillah [hidayahnet]
Jangan kira PAS atau Umno


Roslan SMS




Desakan 52 NGO dan entah berapa ramai lagi individu
terhadap menghapuskan undang-undang dan peraturan yang mencegah kelakuan tidak
bermoral dikalangan individu khususnya umat Islam ini satu desakan melampau.
Ianya suatu isu yang besar. Ianya bukan isu PAS atau Umno. Ianya bukan isu
Melayu, Cina atau India.
Sesungguhnya ia isu melibatkan maruah dan martabat Islam dalam Negara ini.

Saya tidak hairan kiranya umat Islam tidak kira dari mana fahaman bangkit dan
menentang desakan kumpulan ini. Kerana memang ianya patut ditentang kiranya
kita cemburu pada agama kita yang suci ini. PAS telah menyatakan bangkangan
mereka dan demikian juga beberapa individu dan tokoh umat Islam samada yang
berjawatan maupun yang memimpin NGO.

Dalam akhbar UTUSAN hari ini selain memuatkan
sokongan Nazri Aziz, Rais Yatim dan Azalina Othman terhadap tuntutan kumpulan
pelampau ini, dimuatkan juga pandangan Radzi Sheikh Ahmad, juga Menteri di JPM
dan Setiausaha Agung Umno. Kata Radzi desakan ini TIDAK MUNASABAH.

Antara lain Radzi mengatakan:

Kalau kita hendak cakap fasal hak dan asasi, semua orang ada
hak dan dengan undang-undang itulah yang kita selalu gunakan untuk tegakkan hak

Sama juga soal akhlak ini, kita tidak boleh biar orang lain
bebas buat apa dia suka, kita mesti ingat ada batas-batas yang perlu diikuti
dan dihormati, ujarnya.

Mereka minta undang-undang perbandaran dimansuhkan, takkan
kita hendak biarkan orang buka pusat hiburan sampai pagi, hendak bina disko
suka-suka hati, ini tidak bolehlah.

Saya SALUTE Radzi
kerana berani menyatakan pen

Bismillah [hidayahnet] Pemergian misi JIM-PKS Peduli Aceh 4/05

2005-04-05 Terurut Topik IslahGateway

warahmatullah wabarakatuh,

JIM-PKS Peduli Aceh 
10 orang anggota misi ke 4 telah berlepas ke Medan 
dari KLIA pada jam 8.30 
pagi dengan penerbangan Air Asia untuk meneruskan tugas dan komitmen yang telah terbentuk sejak 10 hb Januari tahun lepas. 
kali ini dijangka mencakupi kawasan pendalaman seperti Meulaboh dan 
anggota misi adalah seperti berikut;
Rashid Hasnon
bin Maludin
Isa bin Mustapa
bin Sali
Roslan bin Hashim
bin Jusuh
Zulkifli bin Ibrahim
Qayyim bin Hafidzi
binti Suhaimi
binti Shamsuddin
khidmat misi adalah seperti berikut;
dan membuat penggambaran.
kemanusiaan, ceramah, kaunselling, motivasi, mencari dan 
anak yatim untuk tujuan program penajaan di 
hantaran barangan bantuan dari Malaysia
Aceh dan persekitaran
anak yatim Desa Pante Aitam 3, Aceh Besar dan keluarga mereka
santri Yayasan Haroen Ali Dayah Darul Hijrah di Kreung Raya dan keluarga 
sumbangan mengikut ketetapan M.O.U JIM/KKIA dan JIM/YY Haroen 
dan membekalkan mesin jahit untuk bantuan ekonomi wanita
bantuan sebelum ini; genset, pembesar suara dan lain- lain sampai kedestinasi
barak hunian sementara  dan memberi bantuan sewajarnya
pendataan anak yatim Pidie kelolaan PKS
kerja- kerja pelbagai; ceramah, motivasi, mendidik, dakwah dlln.
keperluan program tajaan 
biasiswa untuk mahasiswa
melawat, mengambil gambar dan membantu masyarakat pendalaman di Calang & Biren
ahli JIM termasuk Timbalan kedua- dua Nain presiden telah hadhir untuk meraikan pemergian mereka. 
samalah kita semua mendoakan kesejahteraan dan keselamatan mereka.
dijadualkan kembali ke Malaysia 
pada 10hb April 2005 jam 10.50 pagi 
bin Abdul Kadir


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Bismillah [hidayahnet] Renungan Cinta

2005-04-05 Terurut Topik unicom

Bagi yang menghendaki cinta, kuajukan pertanyaan2 
ini :
Seberapa sering kau menghapus air mata yang 
menangis karena cinta kepada Allah ?
Pernahkah kau menitikkan airmata karena cinta 
kepada Allah?
Berapa malam pernah kau lewatkan tanpa tidur karena 
cinta kepada Allah?
Pengorbanan apa yang sanggup kau tanggung demi 
cinta kepada Allah ?
(Syeikh Muzaffir)


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Bismillah [hidayahnet] KERETA KANCIL (BARU) - BAYARAN MUKA RM 32.00 SAHAJA

2005-04-05 Terurut Topik bangsa ku

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Re: Bismillah [hidayahnet] Re: Belajar Ph.D yuran Percuma di Belanda

2005-04-05 Terurut Topik suria insani

Boleh dapat tahu maklumat lanjut tentang program phd
di belanda ni? thanks 
 --- aish afiq <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   
> assalamualaikum,
> saya berminat sekali dgn email saudara ni. saya skrg
> tgh mencari tempat utk smbg master. saya ada pi expo
> education di pwtc baru2 ini. tapi sume universiti di
> uk rata2 memerlukan perbelanjaan sekurang-kurangnya
> 9
> ribu pounds bersamaan dgn 63 ribu ringgit malaysia.
> yuranya sangat mahal belum masuk perbelanjaan
> harian.
> oleh itu, sekiranya saudara menpunyai maklumat
> mengenai belajar di belanda diperingkat master
> khususnya, bolehkah forward kat saya? saya ingin
> tahu
> lebih lanjut mengenai program biology n medical,
> kelayakan akedemik dan kos sara hidup kat sana?
> kerja
> sama saudara amatlah di hargai. time kasih. 
> --- mohd noor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > Sahabat sekalian,
> > 
> > Bagus sekali berita itu. saya pun kalau belum buat
> > Ph.D rasa nak juga sambung belajar di Jerman.
> > 
> > Saya nak tambah satu lagi maklumat mengenai
> belajar
> > Ph.D di the Netherlands. Di Netherlands juga ada
> > beberapa universiti yang percuma yuran
> pengajiannya
> > dan boleh bekerja sebagai tutor/pensyarah. tapi
> satu
> > kelebihannya di Belanda ni penggunaan bahasa
> > Inggerisnya. Thesis boleh tulis dalam bahasa
> > Inggeris/peranchis/Jerman/Dutch.
> > 
> > Penggunaan bahasa Inggeris di Belanda lebih meluas
> > berbanding dengan negara-negara Peranchis,
> Sepanyol,
> > Jerman dsbg. semasa saya di Leiden dan di
> Amsterdam
> > beberapa bulan lalu, saya tidak hadapi byk masalah
> > berkemunikasi. bahasa Inggeris dan cukup. Tapi ini
> > berbeza dgn keadaan di Peranchis terutamanya.
> > 
> > Semasa saya melawat Peranchis 'summer 2003' byk
> > kisah
> > suka/lucu dan duka kerana tak pandai bahasa
> > Peranchis.
> > Orang Peranchis ni kurang layan bahasa Inggeris,
> > biasanya saya mula dengan menggunakan bahasa
> Melayu
> > longhat Kelantan (kadang-kadang bunyinya nak sama
> > juga
> > dengan Peranchis).
> > 
> > Ada satu kali saya 'bergaduh' di kedai semasa beli
> > ikan. Saya minta dua ekor dia bagi tiga. Saya
> > berkeras
> > mahu ambil tiga, si Peranchis yang menjual ikan tu
> > berkeras bagi tiga sambil menerangkan dalam bahasa
> > Peranchis. Saya tak faham bahasa peranchis, dia
> pula
> > tak faham bahasa Inggeris. Akhirnya dia panggil
> > seorang yang pandai inggeris jelaskan pada saya;
> > beli
> > dua ekor, dapat satu FREE.
> > 
> > Begitu juga semasa saya di toledo,cardova dan
> > Granada-ada sedikit masalah dengan bahasa
> Sepanyol.
> > Tapi tidak di Belanda, hampir semua boleh faham
> > Inggeris.
> > 
> > 
> NI
> > 
> > 
> > Mohd. Noor Yazid
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > __ 
> > Do you Yahoo!? 
> > Yahoo! Small Business - Try our new resources
> site!
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> __ 
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Bismillah [hidayahnet] A Martial Art Led Me to Islam

2005-04-05 Terurut Topik what a relief

A Martial Art Led Me to Islam* 

By Steven Krauss (Abdul-Lateef Abdullah) 


The Malaysian martial art form called silat. 
My experience in Islam began as a graduate student in New York City in 1998. Up to that point in my life, for 25 years, I had been a Protestant Christian, but had not been practicing my religion for quite some time. I was more interested in “spirituality” and looking for anything that didn’t have to do with organized religion. To me, Christianity was out of touch and not relevant to the times. It was hard for me to find anything in it that I could apply to my everyday life. This disillusion with Christianity led me to shun everything that claimed to be organized religion, due to my assumption that they were all pretty much the same, or at least in terms of their lack of relevance and usefulness.
Much of my frustration with Christianity stemmed from its lack of knowledge and guidance around the nature of God, and the individual’s relationship to Him. To me, the Christian philosophy depends on this rather bizarre intermediary relationship that we are supposed to have with Jesus, who on one hand was a man, but was also divine. For me, this difficult and very vague relationship with our Creator left me searching for something that could provide me with a better understanding of God, and our relationship to Him. Why couldn’t I just pray directly to God? Why did I have to begin and end every prayer with “in the name of Jesus Christ?” How can an eternal, omnipotent Creator and Sustainer also take the form of a man? Why would He need to? These were just a few of the questions that I could not resolve and come to terms with. Thus, I was hungry for a more straightforward and lucid approach to
 religion that could provide my life with true guidance, not just dogma that was void of knowledge based in reason.
While in graduate school, I had a Jewish roommate who was a student of the martial arts. While I was living with him, he was studying an art called silat, a traditional Malaysian martial art that is based on the teachings of Islam. When my roommate would come home from his silat classes, he would tell me all about the uniqueness of silat and its rich spiritual dimension. As I was quite interested in learning martial arts at the time, I was intrigued by what I had heard, and decided to accompany my roommate to class one Saturday morning. Although I did not realize it at the time, my experience in Islam was beginning that morning at my first silat class in New York City back on February 28th, 1998. There, I met my teacher, Cikgu (which means teacher in Malay) Sulaiman, the man who would first orient me to the religion of Islam. Although I thought I was beginning a career as a martial artist, that day
 back in 1998 actually represented my first step toward becoming Muslim.
From the very beginning, I was intrigued by silat and Islam and began spending as much time as possible with my teacher. As my roommate and I were equally passionate about silat, we would go to my teacher’s house and soak up as much knowledge as we could from him. In fact, upon our completing graduate school in the spring of 1998, upon his invitation, we spent the entire summer living with him and his wife. As my learning in silat increased, so did my learning about Islam, a religion that I had hardly any knowledge of prior to my experience in silat.
What made my orientation to Islam so powerful was that as I was learning about it, I was also living it. Because I studied at the home of my teacher, being in the presence of devout Muslims allowed me to be constantly surrounded by the sounds, sights and practices of Islam. For as Islam is an entire lifestyle, when you are in an Islamic environment, you cannot separate it out from everyday life. Unlike Christianity, which lends toward a separation between daily life and religion, Islam requires its followers to integrate worship of Allah into everything we do. Thus, in living with my teacher, I was immersed in the Islamic deen (lifestyle) and experiencing first-hand how it can shape one’s entire way of life.

Since Islam is focused on the most healthy, positive way of conducting our lives in every setting, then it is, and always will be, the only real answer to any society’s social dilemmas.

In the beginning, Islam was very different and powerful to me. It was also very foreign in many ways and the amount of discipline it requires was difficult to understand. At the time, I was liberal in many ways, and was used to shunning anything dogmatic or imposed, regardless of where it came from! As time went on, however, and my understanding of Islam grew, I began to slowly see that what seemed to be religious dogma was really a lifestyle put forth to us by our Creator. This lifestyle, I would later learn, is the straight path to true contentment, not just the sensual and superficial way of life that my society and culture promote. I realized that the question


2005-04-05 Terurut Topik no yea

    Setelah al-Harith bin Amr, raja negeri Kandah berkahwin dengan anak perempuan ‘Auf bin Muhlim Asyaibani, pada waktu utusan diraja hendak membawa pengantin perempuan untuk disampaikan kepada Raja tadi, ibunya berwasiat kepada anak perempuannya ini. Dia berkata:-
“Wahai anakku!
Kalaulah wasiat ini untuk kesempurnaan adabmu,
Aku percaya kau telah mewarisi segala-galanya.
Ia sebagai peringatan untuk yang lalai
Dan pedoman kepada yang berakal.
Andai ibubapamu dapat memberikan segala-galanya,
tidak perlu bagimu seorang suami,
 dan kau terlalu berharga bagi kami.
Wanita dicipta untuk lelaki
Lelaki dicipta untuk wanita.
Bercerailah kau dari ayunan buaianmu
Meninggalkan teratak tempat besarmu
Melangkah menuju ke alam baru
Yang belum kau kenal
Yang belum  kau biasa
Kau milik suamimu
Anggap dirimu sebagai hamba
Jadilah teman yang paling setia
Bawalah wasiat dariku
Sepuluh sifat 
sebagai bekalan perjalanan 
menuju alam bahagia
Relakan hatimu 
sekadar yang ada
semoga suci hatimu
dengan taat setia
Dan hulur tanganmu 
tanda mahu berganding bahu.
Jauhkan dirimu
 dari segala yang jelek 
yang dihidu atau dipandang mata
Juga awasi gerak lakumu 
agar tidak sumbang mengguris rasa
Sembunyikan suram wajahmu
Gantikan ia dengan sinar 
secerah sang suria pagi.
Dan badan yang semerbak harum
Bermandikan  bauan
Mata berpasak, kening bercelak
Itu menambah seri
Itu membangkit berahi
Air cukup memada
Bagi yang tiada
Jaga masa makannya
Juga waktu tidurnya
Perut kosong hilang bicara
Mata mengantuk hilang kesabaran di dada
Kunci mulutmu
Tabahkan hatimu
Badanmu terselamat
Jiwa temanmu tidak terseksa
Simpan dulu kerianganmu
Di kala dia berduka
Pendamkan kesedihanmu
Di kala dia bergembira
Akibat aksi tidak senada
Hilang simpatimu disebabkan pertama
Hilang suasana disebabkan kedua…
Hulurkan tanganmu…
Andai kau menghulur sebelah tangan
Nescaya dia menghulur kedua belah tangan
Tidak cukup tangan, nyiur pula ditadahkan
Kasihmu tidak sampai ke mana
Jika hatimu berdua tidak sejiwa
Kasihmu, kasihlah dia
Bencimu, bencilah dia
Allah saja yang menentukan nasibmu.
Kau bawalah wasiatku ini, dan sampaikan salamku kepada suamimu.” 
Beginilah ibu tadi menambah pesan kepada anaknya. Seterusnya wanita itu telah mencapai kedudukan yang mulia disisi suaminya. Dia telah memperolehi tujuh orang anak lelaki, yang kesemua telah menjadi pemerintah negeri Yaman selepas ayahanda mereka. Beginilah seterusnya status wanita-wanita yang memiliki kelebihan.
Sumber: Al-Mustanir
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Bismillah [hidayahnet] Seminar Bahaya Islam Liberal - 21 Mei 2005

2005-04-05 Terurut Topik what a relief
Seminar Bahaya Islam Liberal Benarkah ada Islam Liberal? Kalau benar, siapa pengasasnya? Bagaimana bentuk dan pendekatan Islam jenis ini? Adakah is bercanggah dengan Islam sebenar? Dr. Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin, seorang pakar hadis dari USM, Dr. Fauzi Deraman dari Akademi Pengajian Islam UM, dan Adrian Husaini UIA akan mengupas isu ini secara terbuka. Anda juga boleh berdebat dengan mereka! Jangan lepaskan peluang, dan segeralah mendaftar untuk menyertai seminar sehari ini yang akan diadakan: 

Tarikh: 21 Mei 2005 (Sabtu) 
Tempat: Balai Budaya Tun Syed Nasir, DBP 
Masa: 8.30 pagi – 5.00 petang 
Bayaran pendaftaran hanya RM50 seorang (untuk bahan-bahan seminar, langganan percuma majalah keagamaan selama 6 bulan, minum pagi, dan makan tengah hari). Tempat terhad (hanya 700 peserta!). Penyertaan berdasarkan siapa cepat dia dapat. Lengkapkan borang di dalam majalah berserta bayaran menggunakan kiriman wang pos (atas nama Kumpulan Karangkraf Sdn. Bhd). Cek dan wang tunai tidak diterima. Bayaran juga boleh dibuat menerusi akaun bank atas nama - Kumpulan Karangkraf Sdn. Bhd. (Maybank No. Akaun 014271-20001-1). Untuk pengesahan, slip pembayaran menerusi bank hendaklah difaks kepada Abd. Jalil Ali menerusi no. 03-51013601/3659 dan sertakan butir-butir diri peserta. Sebarang pertanyaan, boleh menghubungi Urusetia Seminar di nombor telefon: Ahmad Yani Abd Manaf : 03-51013856Saharom Abdul Aziz : 03-51013876Ahmad Baei Jaafar : 03-51013881Nurol Shafie Anuar : 03-51013724Faks : 03-51013601/
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Bismillah [hidayahnet] apa nak jadi nieee!!!

2005-04-05 Terurut Topik mansor_adam


Pertama sekali saya ingin mengambil kesempatan ini mengucapkan Selamat hari
Ulangtahun Keputeraan Ke Bawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Al Sultan Kelantan Yang
Ke-55. Semoga Allah swt melanjutkan usia ke bawah DYMM Al Sultan dan Raja

Namun demikian sebagai hamba rakyat saya rasa terkilan apabila membaca
senarai para penerima bintang dan darjah kebesaran sempena ulangtahun
keputeraan Al Sultan itu. Kerana salah seorang penerimanya adalah VINCENT
TAN CHEE YIOUN iaitu Pengerusi Berjaya Group Berhad. Beliau menerima Darjah
Kebesaran Ahli Yang Kehormat Yang Pertama (Seri Paduka) Bagi Darjah
Kebesaran Jiwa Mahkota Kelantan Yang Amat Mulia (SJMK) yang membawa gelaran

Berjaya Group ini adalah syarikat induk yang memiliki Berjaya Sports Toto
syarikat perjudian yang juga tersenarai di Bursa Malaysia. Kedua-dua
Berjaya Group dan Berjaya Sports Toto tidak termasuk dalam senarai saham
yang diluluskan oleh Jawatankuasa Penasihat Syariah Bursa Malaysia.

Kerajaan PAS negeri Kelantan telah mengamalkan dasar MEMBANGUN BERSAMA
ISLAM sejak memerintah negeri itu pada tahun 1990 . Ia telah berusaha
membina dan membentuk rakyat dan negeri Kelantan kearah penerimaan Islam
secara total sebagai satu cara hidup demi kesejathteraan rakyat dan negeri.
Antara langkahnya adalah mengharamkan premis judi sejak tahun 1990 serta
segala aktiviti yang bercanggah dengan Islam setakat mana kuasa yang
terdapat padanya.

Walaupun diperakui bahawa kuasa menganugerahkan bintang dan darjah
kebesaran adalah kuasa DYMM Al Sultan namun saya merasakan ia perlulah
seiring dengan dasar dan matlamat kerajaan negeri. Bukankah sepatutnya
istana dan kerajaan itu laksana isi dan kuku, istana memayungi kerajaan dan
kerajaan mendaulatkan istana.

Tindakan mengurniakan bintang kebesaran kepada pemilik syarikat judi ini
dikira tidak selari dengan hasrat rakyat untuk kembali kepada Islam. Dan
semoga ianya akan diberi perhatian oleh pihak istana dan kerajaan negeri.
Jangan sampai Islam dipersendakan oleh pihak musuh lantaran kealpaan kita.

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Bismillah [hidayahnet] Fwd: Fw: Apa kata anda.

2005-04-05 Terurut Topik mansor_adam
Assalamualaikum wbt.

Especially For All Muslims Staff in Tourism Malaysia

(Embedded image moved to file: pic17673.gif)
Salam sejahtera Muslimin dan Muslimat serta Warga Tourism Malaysia
Seandainya anda tiada keberatan untuk sebarkan maklumat ini kepada
rakan-rakan lain diucapkan berbanyak terima kasih.

"Apakah manusia itu mengira bahawa mereka dibiarkan saja mengatakan; "Kami
telah beriman," sedangkan mereka tidak diuji? Dan sesungguhnya kami telah
menguji orang-orang yang sebelum mereka, maka sesungguhnya Allah mengetahui
orang-orang yang benar dan sesungguhnya Dia mengetahui orang-orang yang
dusta." -Petikan dari Surah Al-Ankabut ayat 2-3

"Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu padahal ia amat baik bagimu, dan boleh
jadi pula kamu menyukai sesuatu, padahal ia amat buruk bagimu, Allah
mengetahui sedang kamu tidak mengetahui." - Petikan dari Surah Al-Baqarah
ayat 216

"Allah tidak membebani seseorang itu melainkan sesuai dengan
kesanggupannya." - Petikan dari Surah Al-Baqarah ayat 286

"Janganlah kamu bersikap lemah dan janganlah pula kamu bersedih hati,
padahal kamulah orang-orang yang paling tinggi darjatnya, jika kamu
orang-orang yang beriman." - Petikan dari Surah Al-Imran ayat 139

"Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Bersabarlah kamu (menghadapi segala
kesukaran dalam mengerjakan perkara-perkara yang berkebajikan), dan
kuatkanlah kesabaran kamu lebih daripada kesabaran musuh, di medan
perjuangan), dan bersedialah (dengan kekuatan pertahanan di daerah-daerah
sempadan) serta bertaqwalah kamu kepada Allah supaya, kamu berjaya
(mencapai kemenangan)." - Petikan dari Surah Al-Imran ayat 200

"Dan mintalah pertolongan (kepada Allah) dengan jalan sabar dan mengerjakan
solat; dan sesungguhnya solat itu amatlah berat kecuali kepada orang-orang
yang khusyuk" - Petikan dari Surah Al-Baqarah ayat 45

"Sesungguhnya Allah telah membeli dari orang-orang mu'min, diri, harta
mereka dengan memberikan Syurga untuk mereka - Petikan dari Surah At-Taubah
ayat 111

"Cukuplah Allah bagiku, tidak ada Tuhan selain dariNya. Hanya kepadaNya aku
bertawakkal." - Petikan dari Surah At-Taubah ayat 129

"... ..dan janganlah kamu berputus asa daripada rahmat Allah. Sesungguhnya
tiada berputus asa dari rahmat Allah melainkan kaum yang kafir." -Petikan
dari Surah Yusuf ayat 12

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Bismillah [hidayahnet] Istimewanya menjadi umat Nabi Muhammad SAW

2005-04-05 Terurut Topik Puteri Nisa Abdullah

Assalamualaikum wbt 
Umat Islam harus sedar betapa istimewanya menjadi umat Nabi Muhammad SAW jika dibandingkan dengan umat nabi terdahulu. Ada pelbagai keistimewaan yang diberikan namun masih ramai yang tidak mahu menjadi umat Nabi Muhammad SAW. Sekiranya mereka tahu akan keistimewaan yang Allah SWT kurniakan pasti mereka berebut-rebut ingin menjadi umat Nabi Muhammad SAW yg mana telah dijanjikan kebahagiaan hidup di dunia dan akhirat.
Salah satu keistiwaaan itu adalah yang ddipetik dari buku Terjemahan Nashaihul Ibad ms 128 - Ibnu Hajar Al Asqalani 
Saad bin Hilal ra mengatakan bahawa apabila manusia berbuat dosa, maka Allah memberikan anugerah kepadanya: 1. Allah tidak halangi dia untuk mendapat rezeki 2. Allah tidak halang dia untuk sehat 3. Allah tidak memperlihatkan dosanya 4. Allah tidak menyiksanya di dunia. Diceritakan bahawa Nabi Adam berkata : Sesungguhnya Allah memberi 4 macam kemuliaan kepada umat Nabi Muhammad SAW yang tidak diberikan kepadaku, iaitu" 1. Penerimaan tobatku di Mekah, sedangkan umat Muhammad bisa tobat di mana-mana tempat 2. Aku berpakaian ketiak aku berdosa, kemudian Allah menjadikanku telanjang bulat. Sedangkan umat Muhammad tetap diberi pakaian , meskipun ia durhaka kepada Allah dalam keadaan bertelanjang 3. Ketika aku berbuat dosa, Allah memisahkan aku dan isteriku (Adam di kaki gunung Himalaya, Hawa di Jeddah) sedangkan umat Muhammad yang berbuat dosa tidak dipisahkan dengan isterinya 4. Aku berbuat dosa di shurga
 lalu Allah mengusirku dari shurga ke dunia, sedangkan umat Muhammad berbuat dosa di luar shurga , Allah tetap memasukkan mereka ke shurga apabila mereka bertobat. ~puteri:D
Assalamualaikum wbt 
Umat Islam harus sedar betapa istimewanya menjadi umat Nabi Muhammad SAW jika dibandingkan dengan umat nabi terdahulu. Ada pelbagai keistimewaan yang diberikan namun masih ramai yang tidak mahu menjadi umat Nabi Muhammad SAW. Sekiranya mereka tahu akan keistimewaan yang Allah SWT kurniakan pasti mereka berebut-rebut ingin menjadi umat Nabi Muhammad SAW yg mana telah dijanjikan kebahagiaan hidup di dunia dan akhirat.
Salah satu keistiwaaan itu adalah yang ddipetik dari buku Terjemahan Nashaihul Ibad ms 128 - Ibnu Hajar Al Asqalani 
Saad bin Hilal ra mengatakan bahawa apabila manusia berbuat dosa, maka Allah memberikan anugerah kepadanya: 1. Allah tidak halangi dia untuk mendapat rezeki 2. Allah tidak halang dia untuk sehat 3. Allah tidak memperlihatkan dosanya 4. Allah tidak menyiksanya di dunia. Diceritakan bahawa Nabi Adam berkata : Sesungguhnya Allah memberi 4 macam kemuliaan kepada umat Nabi Muhammad SAW yang tidak diberikan kepadaku, iaitu" 1. Penerimaan tobatku di Mekah, sedangkan umat Muhammad bisa tobat di mana-mana tempat 2. Aku berpakaian ketika aku berdosa, kemudian Allah menjadikanku telanjang bulat. Sedangkan umat Muhammad tetap diberi pakaian , meskipun ia durhaka kepada Allah dalam keadaan bertelanjang 3. Ketika aku berbuat dosa, Allah memisahkan aku dan isteriku (Adam di kaki gunung Himalaya, Hawa di Jeddah) sedangkan umat Muhammad yang berbuat dosa tidak dipisahkan dengan isterinya 4. Aku berbuat dosa di shurga
 lalu Allah mengusirku dari shurga ke dunia, sedangkan umat Muhammad berbuat dosa di luar shurga , Allah tetap memasukkan mereka ke shurga apabila mereka bertobat. ~puteri:D
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Bismillah [hidayahnet] Targhib Jihad oleh Umar

2005-04-05 Terurut Topik Temie Iswanto

Targhib Jihad oleh Umar
Bismillahir rahmanir rahiem

Qasim bin Muhammad menceritakan bahwa Mutsanna bin Haritsah (ra)
berkhutbah di hadapan pasukan kaum muslimin, "Wahai kaum muslimin,
janganlah kalian merasa khawatir untuk berperang melawan orang2 Persia,
karena sebelum ini kita telah dapat menguasai beberapa daerah Persia.
Kita telah mengambil satu bagian dari dua bagian daerah Irak yang
terbaik. Setengah dari kerajaan itu telah kita kuasai. Mereka telah
mengalami kerugian yang besar dan orang2 kita pun telah berada di sana.
Dan insya Allah, daerah2 lainnya juga akan kita taklukkan."

Kemudian Umar bin Kaththab (ra) berkhutbah di hadapan mereka,
"Sesungguhnya hijaz bukanlah tempat tinggal yang sebenarnya, melainkan
hanya sekedar tempat untuk mencari rumput, karena penduduknya tidak akan
dapat bertahan hidup kecuali dengan melakukan hal itu.

Dimanakah kedudukan orang2 muhajirin yang merantau (dengan yakin yang
sempurna) terhadap apa2 yang dijanjikan oleh Allah (swt)? Maka
berjalanlah di bumi yang telah dijanjikan oleh Allah pada kalian untuk
mewarisinya. (Yang demikian adalah) karena sesungguhnya Allah telah

'Supaya Allah memenangkan dien (agama Islam) diatas segala agama.' (Qs
al Fath 48:28)

Dan sudah pasti Allah (swt) yang akan memenangkan agama-Nya, akan
memberikan kemuliaan kepada orang2 yang menolong agama-Nya. Dan kaum
muslimin akan dijadikan-Nya pewaris atas seluruh kaum. Dimanakah hamba2
Allah yang saleh?"

Yang lebih dulu menjawab seruan ini adalah Abu Ubaid bin Mas'ud (ra),
kemudian diikuti oleh Sa'ad bin Ubaid atau Salith bin Qais. [1]

Catatan kaki:
[1] HR Ibnu Jarir at Thabari dalam kitabnya jilid IV halaman 61.

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Bismillah [hidayahnet] Pertemuan III [10]

2005-04-05 Terurut Topik unicom

III [10]
Banyak hal yang kuperoleh selama 
menjalankan ibadah haji ini,
Tapi apa artinya banyak hal yang kuperoleh 
kalau itu tidak kuamalkan ???
Seandainyapun aku mengalami 
keajaiban-keajaiban di sana,
Tapi kalau itu tidak meningkatkan 
keyakinanku pada Tuhan,
Trus untuk apa ???
Seandainya aku mengalami 
kegembiraan-kegembiraan di sana,
Tapi kalau itu tidak menambah kuat ibadahku 
pada Nya,
Trus untuk apa ???
Seandainya aku punya uang lagi untuk 
berangkat ke sana,
Dan aku berangkat ke 
Tapi akhlakku tetep saja tidak menjadi 
lebih baik, 
Lalu untuk apa ???
Aku jadi teringat ketika sang guru 
menyampaikan keterangannya,
“Haji mabrur atau tidak, itu mudah untuk 
dilihat. Yaitu lihatlah, apakah setelah mengerjakan ibadah haji, akhlaknya 
menjadi lebih baik ataukah menjadi lebih buruk ???
Kalau akhlaknya menjadi lebih baik, maka 
hajinya adalah haji yang mabrur, adalah haji yang diterima oleh Alloh, tetapi 
jikalau setelah menunaikan ibadah haji akhlak seseorang itu menjadi lebih buruk, 
jelas hajinya tidak diterima oleh Alloh”.
Tiba-tiba aku teringat pula ketika Sunan 
Giri berkeinginan untuk menjalankan ibadah haji, dia berpamitan kepada Sunan 
Ampel dan oleh Sunan Ampel, beliau disarankan untuk berpamitan terlebih dahulu 
ke Sunan Kudus…
Apa jawab Sunan 
“Aku merestui engkau untuk berangkat 
menunaikan ibadah haji, dengan satu syarat, terlebih dahulu ambillah segenggam 
tanah dari depan pesantren ini”.
Sunan giri manut 
Dia mengambil segenggam tanah dari depan 
pesantren sunan Kudus.
Kemudian dia kembali menemui Sunan 
Sunan Kudus 
“Aku merestui kepergianmu menunaikan iabdah 
haji, dengan syarat, selama engkau menunaikan ibadah haji, di 
sana, jangan kau lepaskan genggamanmu terhadap 
tanah ini, sampai engkau kembali lagi ke tanah air”.
Sunan Giri mahfum…
Pelajaran tasawuf adalah pelajaran 
Adalah pelajaran tidak 
Adalah bukan pelajaran yang 
Dia paham sekali, bahwa maksud Sunan Kudus 
dengan memerintahkan seperti itu adalah agar beliau, Sunan Giri, tidak melupakan 
tanah airnya, Indonesia ini, dan juga tidak melupakan kewajiban dakwahnya bagi 
orang-orang yang ada di Indonesia ini,
Dan ada yang jauh lebih penting setelah 
melakukan ibadah haji di tanah suci, yakni menjalankan misi kemanusiaan di 
Indonesia ini.
Menyantuni anak yatim, fakir miskin di 
Indoensia ini,
Mendidik dan mencerdaskan mereka, 
mensejahterakan mereka dan melindungi mereka.


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Bismillah [hidayahnet] OUR CHILDREN ARE THE FUTURE

2005-04-05 Terurut Topik Islahonline


A man came to Malik ibn Nabiy asking for advice with his 
daughter's education. Malik asked him, 'How old is she?' 'One month,' he 
replied. 'You missed the train,' he said.
Ibn Nabiy later commented, 'I thought I 
was exaggerating, but when I looked closer, I found what I said to be correct. 
When an infant cries and his mother hastens to offer him her breast, he learns 
that crying is the means to achieve his goals, and grows up with that 
conviction. Later on, when his enemies beat him up, he hastens to the UN 
Security Council for a crying session. He truly thinks that crying will get him 
his rights back.'
A child is a trust in the hands of his 
parents. His pure hearts is a precious gem. If he is taught goodness, and gets 
accustomed to it, he will grow to be happy in this world and in the Hereafter. 
If he is neglected, and gets accustomed to evil, he will be lost. Ibnul Qayyim 
said, 'If you consider the causes of bad behaviour in children, you will in 
general find that the parents are the main cause.'
Allah ordered the parents to give the 
proper education to their children, 'O you who 
believe! Ward off from yourselves and your families a Fire whose fuel is men and 
stones, over which are appointed angels stern and severe who disobey not the 
Commands they receive from Allah, but do that which they are commanded.' 
(66:6). Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) 
said, 'Allah, Subhaanahu Wata'aala, will ask every 
shepherd about his flock: Did you safeguard it or did you neglect it? Until the 
man will be asked about his household.' (Ibn Habbaan) He, also, said: 'Any 
servant of Allah who is trusted with a flock and does not allot it some advice, 
will not smell the fragrance of Paradise.' (Agreed 
The importance of education should even 
be more emphasised in these times when falsehood is so widespread. If the 
parents do not rescue their children with a strong Islamic education, the 
children will melt in the pot, and may join the ranks of those who wage war 
against Allah, His Messenger and the believers.
The Sahaaba (Radhiallaahu Anhu) took this great duty 
of children education at heart. They harshly reprimanded those who give more 
attention to the grown ups than to children. Amr ibn al-Aas saw a group of men 
sitting next to the Ka'abah while they ordered the children to keep away from 
their gathering. He told them, 'Do not do that! Let them join you and be near 
you and give them guidance. They may be young today, but they will be adults 
tomorrow, as we were children yesterday and adults today.' Ibn Muflih commented 
on this saying, 'This, not doubt, is true. Knowledge in childhood is etched in 
the mind, therefore, it is important to pay attention to the children, 
especially the alert, intelligent ones, who show eagerness to acquire knowledge. 
Their young age, poverty or physical weakness should not be taken as a pretext 
to prevent them from the proper attention they deserve.'
From: Uluww al-Himmah by Shaykh 
Muhammad IsmailAl-Jumu'ah vol.11 issue 7

My Lord! surely I stand in need of whatever good you 
may send down to me. 
 Al-Qasas  :24


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Bismillah [hidayahnet] Talk: What Else Can We Do For ISLAM? 10 April 2005

2005-04-05 Terurut Topik what a relief

by Brother Yahya Abdel Ibrahim 
Haven’t we been told time and time again what we should do as Muslims, what we can do for Islam? That the plight of our ummah is a reflection of all that we’re doing wrong? Are we missing something? Why do things look so wrong, in spite of all that we seem to be doing right? What else is there? What else can we do? 
Do join us and Insha Allah, with the will and help of Allah, this talk aims to answer a desperate plea we so often hear these days. 
Date: Sunday, 10th April, 2005 
Place: Kelab Golf Perkhidmatan Awam (KGPA) 
Time: 8.00 p.m. – 10.30 p.m. 
Topic: ‘What Else Can We Do For Islam’ 
Enquries: Diyana 4256 6810 Dr Alini 019 226 8411 Azra Banu 019 282 4500 Budimaniah 019 314 6861 
Entrance is by a minimum contribution of RM 20.00 
Students only RM 10.00 
Brother Yahya Abdel Ibrahim 
Of Egyptian descent, Yahya Adel Ibrahim was born in Waterloo, Ontario Canada. In his quest for authentic, classical Islamic knowledge, he has travelled to meet and study with some of the most prominent scholars of our era. Being proficient in Arabic and English, he began translating for visiting Islamic dignitaries and has reached proficiency in simultaneously translating Arabic to English. One of his greatest personal achievements is memorising the Quran in its entirety. He began memorising the Quran at the age of 16 and finished 20 months later receiving an Ijaazah. He started lecturing at the main mosques in Toronto at the age 17. 
He regularly lectures in New Zealand, USA and Canada and is currently based in Perth, Western Australia and is the Acting Deputy Principal of the Australian Islamic College where he teaches Information Systems, Geography and Islamic Studies. Brother Yahya is 28 years old. 
Khalifah Institute 
The Khalifah Institute is a non profit Islamic charitable trust, founded by Professor Dr. Muhammad al’Mahdi. It offers seminars, training, workshops, and publications (books, CD’s, cassettes, posters, and training programs) for the parents, teachers, work force, youth, and children of Malaysia with the goal of helping to initiate such positive changes in Malaysian society, Insha Allah, that the whole world will come to see us as an example of what a rightly guided Islamic nation can do to combat the evil influences of modern society and will desire to model their society on ours. Close follow-up of the educational programs is carried out through volunteers who are trained as Khalifah Trainers. Target groups for our programs include parents, teachers, workforce, youth, teenagers, children and preschoolers. 
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Bismillah [hidayahnet] Foretelling of the Prophet(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) in the Bible

2005-04-05 Terurut Topik Islahonline

From: "msapublication"
Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2004 1:40 PM
Subject: Foretelling of the Prophet(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon
him) in the Bible

Foretelling of the Prophet(peace and blessings of Allaah
be upon him) in the Bible


Some folowers of Islam tell me that Muhammad and Jesus
were two of the great prophets . They tell me that the
reason Muhammad wasn't mentioned in the Bible was
because he was born after the Bible was already written.
Well, Jesus was born after the Old Testiment was written,
yet there were over 600 prophesy's in the Old Testiment
about Jesus that all came true, yet there are NO prophesy's
about Muhammad in the entire Bible. How can Muhammad
be like Jesus if that is true?


Praise be to Allaah.

This is one of two cases: either this man is ignorant and
what he says is of no significance, or what he says is a
fabrication and a lie. We Muslims know well the aayah
(Qur'aanic verse) in which Allaah says (interpretation
of the meaning):

"Those who follow the Messenger, the Prophet who can
neither read nor write (i.e. Muhammad) whom they find
written with them in the Tawraat (Torah) (Deut, xviii 15)
and the Injeel (Gospel) (John, xiv 16), - he commands
them for Al-Ma`roof (i.e. Islâmic Monotheism and all
that Islam has ordained); and forbids them from
Al-Munkar (i.e. disbelief, polytheism of all kinds, and
all that Islam has forbidden); he allows them as lawful
AtTayyibaat (i.e. all good and lawful as regards things,
deeds, beliefs, persons and foods), and prohibits them
as unlawful AlKhabaa'ith (i.e. all evil and unlawful as
regards things, deeds, beliefs, persons and foods), he
releases them from their heavy burdens (of Allaah's
Covenant with the children of Israel), and from the fetters
(bindings) that were upon them. So those who believe
in him (Muhammad), honour him, help him, and follow
the light (the Qur'aan) which has been sent down with
him, it is they who will be successful

[al-A'raaf 7:157]

Ibn Katheer (may Allaah have mercy on him) said
in his commentary (tafseer) on this verse:

" `Those who follow the Messenger, the Prophet who
can neither read nor write whom they find written with
them in the Tawraat (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel)'
_ this is a description of Muhammad (peace and
blessings of Allaah be upon him) in the books of the
Prophets who gave their nations the glad tidings of
his coming and commanded them to follow him. This
description is still there in their books and their
scholars and rabbis know it. Imaam Ahmad narrated:
Ismaa'eel told us from al-Jareeri from Abu Sakhr
al-`Aqeeli, a man from among the Bedouin told me,
I brought a milch-camel to Madeenah during the
lifetime of the Messenger of Allaah (peace and
blessings of Allaah be upon him). When I had sold
her, I said, "Let me meet this man [the Prophet
(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)] and
listen to him." I met him walking between Abu Bakr
and `Umar, and I followed them until they came to
a Jewish man who was reading from a scroll of the
Torah, consoling himself for the plight of his son
who lay dying, a boy who was very handsome and
good looking. The Messenger of Allaah (peace and
blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, `I ask you
by the One Who revealed this Torah, do you find
any mention in this book of yours of my attributes
and my coming?' The man gestured with his head
to indicate `No'. But his son said, `Yes indeed,
by the One who revealed the Torah, we do find
mention of your attributes and your coming in our
book, and I bear witness that there is no god except
Allaah and that you are the Messenger of Allaah.'
[The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be
upon him)] said, `Keep this Jew away from your
brother.' Then he took care of shrouding him
and praying [the funeral prayer] over him." This
is a qawiy jayyid hadeeth.

It was narrated that `Ataa' ibn Yassaar said: "I
met `Abd-Allaah ibn `Amr and said, `Tell me
about the attributes of the Messenger of Allaah
(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)
described in the Torah.' He said, `Yes, by Allaah
he is described in the Torah as he is described
in the Qur'aan (interpretation of the meaning):
"Verily, We have sent you (O Muhammad)
as a witness, as a bearer of glad tidings, and
as a warner" [al-Fath 48:8] _ and as a saviour
to the unlettered; you are My slave and My
messenger; your name is al-Mutawakkil; you
are not harsh and aggressive; Allaah will not
take him (in death) until He has straightened
a crooked nation through him so that they will
say that there is no god except Allaah, and
has opened hard hearts, deaf ears and blind
eyes.'" `Ataa' said: "Then I met Ka'b (who
was one of the People of the Book who had
become Muslim) and I asked him about that,
and he told me exactly the same, not even
one letter was different."

Al-Bukhaari narrated in his Saheeh that `Ataa'
ibn Yassaar said: " I met `Abd-Allaah ibn `Amr
ibn al-`Aas (may Allaah be ple


2005-04-05 Terurut Topik Islahonline
ARABSWHO ARE THE REAL TERRORISTS?By: Hal TurnerMay 1, 2002 -- For years, we in 
America have supported Israel both financially and militarily because we 
perceived they were the innocent victims of hostile and violent neighbors. 
 The US media has, for years, provided extensive coverage of every incident 
involving Arab-against-Israeli violence.  From shootings, to car bombs to 
suicide bombers, we in America have seen it all.  Or have we?Why 
would rational human beings, given a choice, choose to attack their neighbors 
rather than live together in peace?  More pertinent, why would a rational 
human being choose to blow himself up rather than live?  The Israelis, the 
US media and our politicians would have us believe that the Arabs are simply not 
rational.  They routinely tell us that Arabs are "religious fanatics" who 
"hate freedom" or "hate our way of life" to quote George W. Bush.  These 
arguments are fallacious and intellectually bankrupt.The reason for Arab 
against Israeli violence is simple: The Israelis have been systematically 
repressing and brutalizing hundreds of thousands of Arabs on a scale 
unparalleled since World War 2.   I have the proof.Below are 
photographs of the victims of Israeli violence.  They depict brutal, 
violent death, horrific personal injury and devastation of property which is 
simply unfathomable.  ALL of it was perpetrated by Israelis against Arabs. 
 ALL of the victims are civilians.As you view these pictures ask 
yourself this question: What would YOU or YOUR LOVED ONES do in retaliation for 


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Bismillah [hidayahnet] Gangstas R US! So Sayeth The Judge!

2005-04-05 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===
Gangstas R US! So Sayeth The Judge!
 Isn’t it obvious that our government uses force in
exactly the same manner as organized crime?
By Theodore E. Lang
04/05/05 "ICH" - - Constitutional Chaos: What Happens When
The Government Breaks its Own Laws, is the title of a book written by
former New Jersey Supreme Court Justice, Andrew P. Napolitano. In the
introduction to this well-written, hard-hitting, factual account of
monumental and ever-expanding freedom-destroying government wrongdoing,
Judge Napolitano offers: “It should be against the law to break the law.
Unfortunately, it is not. In early twenty-first century America, a
long-standing dirty little secret still exists among public officials,
politicians, judges, prosecutors, and police. The government – federal,
state, and local – is not bound to obey its own laws. I know this sounds
crazy, but the events recounted in this book prove it true.
Constitutional Chaos should be a wake-up call for every American who
prizes personal liberty in a free society. Because it breaks the law, the
government is not your friend.”
I was invited to attend Judge Napolitano’s book-signing promotion and
talk at my alma mater, Ramapo College, Mahwah, New Jersey, just a few
weeks ago. Judge Napolitano proved to be a very effective and articulate
speaker, and extremely knowledgeable in constitutional law.
It is common to read the many accounts from so many informed political
analysts and observers presented by the ever-growing number of Internet
websites, all of whom can and do so easily demonstrate abundant examples
of the error of big government. 
Conversely, it is likewise astonishing to notice the virtual absence of
such critical commentary in the “mainstream media” [news magazines,
newspapers, radio, network/cable televised news, etc.]. Having a
high-level member of the bureaucratic establishment so effectively “blow
the whistle” on his own, is not only a refreshing affirmation of what
others outside the system have so often written about and said, but
legitimizes all the more the stark revelations made.
Of course, it has been pointed out that a free, unbiased and independent
watchdog press, thought embedded and ensconced as our “media,” just
simply doesn’t exist, and as such, creates a dangerous myth of a
government monitored and held accountable for its actions. And whether
one chooses to believe the distractions offered by partisan pundits
advancing the distraction of a “liberal” media, the lack of any
appreciable difference in available political party alternatives
continues to exhibit itself. 
President George Bush stepped up once again to protect Bill Clinton,
covering up the latter’s crimes, specifically those popularly referred to
as “pardongate,” as the media refuses to expose and bring pressure on the
crimes of both! As pointed out in the March 20th release from the
Associated Press, “The Bush administration blacked out almost all the
information in hundreds of documents before releasing them to a
conservative organization looking into President Clinton’s controversial
pardons four years ago on his last day in office. The only items not
deleted from the material are the names of the person who wrote the
document and the person it was sent to.”
The AP article, “Bush Administration Blacks Out Clinton Docs,” continues:
“The government accountability group, Judicial Watch, said Friday that it
received the Justice Department documents following a court battle that
featured a Republican administration fighting to keep secret documents
generated by its Democratic predecessor.”
Sad to say, Judicial Watch has been labeled as a “conservative
organization,” thereby blunting any semblance or modicum of objectivity.
The determining standard for government wrongdoing should be the
Constitution and its Bill of Rights, but once again, the media resorts to
labeling distractions demonstrating the childish exercise and nonsense of
Democrats versus Republicans, or conservatives versus liberals. 
All of the forgoing is by way of explaining my position on precisely how
we got to be ruled over by a gang of corrupt, treasonous politicians and
big money manipulators; and this on a scale much greater in immorality
and ruthlessness than that of organized crime. The incubator for this
political disgrace is the current system of party politics, rigged
elections, special moneyed interests and a political spoils system on a
scale exponentially grander than that of Boss Tweed and Tammany Hall.

Judge Napolitano revisits some of the more brutal crimes perpetrated by
all levels of government, including in-depth accounts of Waco, Ruby
Ridge, witness-bribing, witness tampering, deliberate incarceration of
known-to-be-innocent victims of government tyranny, and of course, the
horrors of the illegal and unconstitutional USA PATRIOT Act. He
resurfaces many of the horrors originally reported by the