Bismillah [hidayahnet] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 24 July 05

2005-07-23 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

The source of this hysteria

Portraying Muslim scholars such as Yusuf al-Qaradawi and even Tariq Ramadan 
as extremists is absurd - and dangerous,3604,1533945,00.html


America the Beautiful

The Pain of Patriotism

We must erase the insult to the men and women who built this country that 
liberty fears to speak her mind and justice is forced to sell herself to 
the highest bidder.


FLASHBACK  9-11 : Bush asks Daschle to limit Sept. 11 probes

A reminder that by Presidential order, the investigation into 9-11 was only 
allowed to look at "Intelligence failures".

Imagine having an investigation into the sinking of the RMS Titanic and 
confining that investigation into looking at "metallurgical failures". You 
would get a report about where the ship might have survived with better 
metal in certain key locations, but no mention of the misplaced lookout 
binoculars, the ignored radio reports of ice, and of course, Bruce Ismay's 
pressuring Captain E. J. Smith into running along at top speed for the sake 
of favorable newspaper coverage in New York.


I name the four powers who are behind the al-Qaeda conspiracy

Why did the bombers not take the elementary precaution of phoning the 
mastermind from a telephone box?

There is an unwitting conspiracy between four separate powers to represent 
the worldwide al-Qaeda network as fiendishly clever, powerfully effective 
and deeply involved in the London bombings.


Cynicism and the Use of Depleted Uranium

As the controversy swirls around Karl Rove and how blatantly or 
surreptitiously he disclosed the identity of Valerie Plame to the press, 
it's important to remember that the preceding issue was the question of 
whether Iraq was importing yellow cake uranium from Niger to make nuclear 
weapons. Rove, Bush, Cheney, Wolfowitz, et al., wanted to use this issue to 
terrify the American people and win support for the attack on Iraq. They 
wanted Saddam, al Qaeda, Osama, and Mushroom Cloud, like four horsemen of 
the apocalypse, to be synonymous in the American mind. What could frighten 
people more than terrorists willing to detonate atomic bombs and spread 
radioactive fallout?


Resort To Fear

The resort to fear by systems of power to discipline the domestic 
population has left a long and terrible trail of bloodshed and suffering 
which we ignore at our peril. Recent history provides many shocking 


Isn't it time we accepted the truth about Bush?

Shouldn't we have more of a problem with this? We Americans screamed louder 
about a stained dress than we have about this national security mess. 
Where's the call for congressional investigations and impeachment hearings?


Shot man NOT connected to bombing :

A man shot dead by police hunting the bombers behind Thursday's London 
attacks was unconnected to the incidents, police have confirmed.


UK Police: Man Killed Unrelated to Probe :

The man shot and killed on a subway car by London police in front of 
horrified commuters apparently had nothing to do with this month's bombings 
on the city's transit system, police said Saturday in expressing their 


'I saw it all. He was dead, five shots':

'I looked at his face ... He was absolutely petrified'


Suspect shot dead 'had no bomb':

Police are describing him as an "intimate accomplice of the cell". His name 
and address were thought to have been found among the possessions left by 
the would-be bombers on Thursday.


Insurgents launch attacks in Baghdad, Fallujah :

Three Fallujah police officers have been found shot to death in the nearby 
town of Karma.


Baghdad : Barbarism and civilization

He was the Financial Times reporter in Baghdad, Andy Rubber-Ali, earnest, 
energetic and deeply embedded, who occasionally wandered off a good hundred 
and fifty to two hundred meters from the "Bunker" to pick up 'human 
interest' stories.


Does the military serve the country, General?

In a Washi

Bismillah [hidayahnet] Fw: Market report 1: FX Intraday Update: Asia's new baskets

2005-07-23 Terurut Topik Islahonline
Title: Research & Analytics Notification

- Original Message - 
From: Zifri Baharudin 

Sent: Saturday, July 23, 2005 6:13 PM
Subject: Market report 1: FX Intraday Update: Asia's new 

For those interested to read the full report, pls email 
me by 30th July




FX Intraday Update: Asia's new 


Asia FX: A look at Asia's new baskets · 
  Below we give what we believe are approximations to the eventual likely 
  structures of Asia's two new basket exchange rates, the Chinese yuan and 
  the Malaysian ringgit, and for comparison, the region's benchmark basket, 
  the Singapore dollar (Tables 1 - 3).· For the ringgit and the yuan 
  we view the tables below as a look into a possible future, not the current 
  structure of their respective exchange rate "baskets".· In the 
  short term of the next several weeks, we expect the effective weight of 
  the US dollar in these baskets to appear to be 90% - 100%. This implies 
  these exchange rates may look more like low volatility crawling pegs to 
  the dollar than the current arrangements in Singapore.· To be 
  sure, assuming the Chinese authorities were pursuing anything other than 
  depreciation of their exchange rate basket today, the mechanics of a 
  Singapore-like basket would have required dollar-China to fall today, not 
  remain unchanged at 8.11 as it did. This is because almost all of the 
  currencies likely to be in such a basket appreciated against the US 
  dollar. For an unchanged dollar-China, the appreciation of the other Asian 
  currencies against the dollar should translate into a depreciation of the 
  yuan today on an effective exchange rate basis.· We think that the 
  Chinese yuan, and probably the Malaysian ringgit, will go through a 
  transition period over the next 3 - 6 months. During this time, we expect 
  their central banks to allow volatility in their currencies vs. the US 
  dollar to rise only very gradually. One way of thinking about this is to 
  imagine that the dollar weight in their baskets will start high, as we 
  note above, and gradually fall as the central banks become more confident 
  in their ability to manage their newly flexible rates and the impact of 
  these on their economies.· If we are correct, this process should 
  lead initially to low but rising volatility of the exchange rate to the 
  dollar and initially high but falling volatility of the basket value. 
  Chart 1 below suggests that in Singapore SGD basket volatility is lower 
  than dollar-Singapore volatility. It also implies that ultimately there 
  will be days when these countries targets for their baskets will require 
  them to depreciate their currencies vs. the US dollar to adjust to dollar 
  movements against the other currencies in their baskets.· We 
  expect China to accomplish this transition by periodically widening the 
  volatility bands around its reference rate for dollar-China from the 
  current 0.3%.· We currently expect this process to take at least 
  six months and probably more like a year.



  July 22, 2005
  by R.Farris, S.Yeoh



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Divine inspiration



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Bismillah [hidayahnet] Zheng He (Sinbad) and his visit to Ormuz

2005-07-23 Terurut Topik syed dahij

brother_farrukh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
Assalam alaikum,In his eary days, before he became the famous Chinese Muslim Admiral,named Zheng He, was promoted to the post of chief steward of eunuchs,also known as 'Sanbao' (Three Protectors). His voyages were frequentlyreferred to as 'Eunuch Sanbao to the Western Ocean' or 'Zheng He tothe Western Ocean'.Modern researchers believe that Sinbad the Sailor made famous throughthe text 'The Thousand and One Nights' which referenced manyhistorical figures, may in fact be Sanbao, and God knows best.It was in the 10th year of the Emperor Yongle in China (1412 AD), thatthe son of the late King of Sumatra, grew up, killed the fisherman whokilled his father and forced his mother to marry him. In Septemberthat year, after taking the crown he sent an envoy to China seeking help.Zheng He was put in command of this mission.
 After the civil war inSumatra, he sent a fleet to explore the coast of East Africa. He ledthe bulk of that fleet himself towards Silan, via Cochin and Calicut,sailing for 25 days through wind and rain. They crossed the Arabiansea and entered the Persian gulf. Finally they arrived in Ormuz (nowQeshm Island in the Strait of Hormuz, Iran).Ormuz was a large country in the 'western ocean' with a pleasantclimate, abundant produce, and no poverty. The people were strong andwell dressed. When Zheng He's fleet arrived, the people there spreadthe news. The king subsequently held a grand ceremony to present hiswelcome. The hosts and guests exchanged gifts and pleasantries.Ormuz was the first 'western country' in the true sense of the termthat Zheng He's fleet visited. People there from king to commoners,all believed in Islam, so mosques were all around the country. Thestreets were bustling with activities and the markets
 wereflourishing. Zheng He directed his crew to obtain herbs, amber,corals, opals, longans, pearls, and other precious stones, by tradingsilk and porcelain from China.When Zheng He's fleet was leaving, the king of Ormuz held a farewellbanquet and sent an envoy, Jijiding, with the king's signed letter tovisit China with Zheng He. They carried on board with them lions,ostriches, antelopes, zebras, and a great many precious stones. Fromthen on, envoys from both countries exchanged communications with eachother.[Zheng He's Voyages to Xiyang, pp 153 -160, abridged] It seems that the heritage of Muslims as well as that of the Chinese(Muslim or otherwise) has not been mentioned in as much depth in ourhistory books. The history of the world can show us how, that throughtrade, people have sustained and managed prosperous relationships.The diverse multi-faith communities in which we all live today are aresult
 of acceptance of differences from an early period. As the flowof information improves, we are more privelaged in being able to buildupon the successes of those who came before us.May Allah Almighty have mercy and help us learn from the pastsuccesses so that we can continue good relations with those around us,be they our neighbours, or those on the other side of the world, amanillah, assalam alaikum, f
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RE: Bismillah [hidayahnet] Hadith Palsu

2005-07-23 Terurut Topik nik aishah nik aznan

assalamualaikum..ana setuju ngan waja...
kita tak boleh mengatakan ape yg tidak dikata oleh nabi s.a.w sebagai ucapannya...kalau nak quote gak kena mention yg benda tu hanyalah kata2 n bukan hadith nabi...
renungkan semula hadith pasal amaran Rasululah tu..
pasal bidaah pulak..kena isu tu panjang..nasihat ana...tnyalah pada yg lebih arif...ana suggestkan dgr kaset Dr mohd asri zainul abidin (pakar hadith)..kasetnye tajuk "bidaah hasanah istilah yang disalah fahami"..ada dalam betuk buku gak..
Peringatan untuk diri sendiri dan kan ape itu cinta kpd Rasulullah...ia bukan perassan semata2 tetapi seiring dgn ketaatan...ape yg sunnah pun susah nak wat...tak perlulah wat benda2 yang tak de dasarnye...sape lagi nak kita ikut kalau bukan our role model...Rsulullah s.a.w
_masa depan untuk islam_>From: Waja >Reply-To:>To:>Subject: Bismillah [hidayahnet] Hadith Palsu>Date: Fri, 15 Jul 2005 08:45:53 +0800>>Assalaamualaikum wr wb.>Hadith yang melarang dari menggunakan nama Rasulullah SAW secara dusta>adalah antara hadith mutawatir yamg paling banyak diriwayatkan oleh>para sahabat sehingga  ada yang mengatakan sampai mencecah dua ratus>orang seperti yang di catit oleh As-Suyuthi dalam At-Tadrib ar-Rawi.>>Hadithnya bermaksud lebihkurang:>"Barangsiapa yang dengan sengaja berbuat dusta atas namaku, nescaya ia>menempati tempat duduknya dari api neraka">>Islam itu telah sempurna dan sumbernya mestilah diambil dari sumber yang murni.>Allahu 
a'lam.>>AM>>--->  Shah> Sent by:> [EMAIL PROTECTED]  To> 
>cc> 07/06/05 08:18 AM 
Subject>   Re: Bismillah [hidayahnet] Hadith>   Palsu tetapi Popular..> Please respond to> [EMAIL PROTECTED]>>apa permasalahan dgn hadith 
ini>kalau benar pun palsu>kalau ia nya baik dan tidak merosakkan>akidah..>jadikan ia sebagai satu azam atau kata>semangat utk kita menuntut ilmu>seperti baca YASIN malam jumaat>ada yg kata sebagai bidaahtetapi>kan perbuatan tu baikpada tak buat>langsungsekurang2nya...sebagai>permulaan utk hari2 mengaji dan memahami>AL-QURAN>lebih baik kita bincangkan perkara2>yang dah nyata salah.dan cuba>memperbetulkannya...>kalau tak penat aje dpt>pendapat aje>- Original Message ->From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>To: >Sent: Saturday, July 02, 2005 2:49 AM>Subject: Re: Bismillah [hidayahnet] Hadith Palsu tetapi Popular..> > 
Assalamualaikum...> >> > Thanx for infor, bro. Thank you so much! Selama nih saya anggap hadith>nih> > sohih sebab hampir semua ustaz kat sekolah saya sebut (walaupun tak>disebut> > oleh ustaz tak rasmi - yang di luar sekolah).> >> > Semoga Allah memberkati usaha saudara & memberikan balasan yang paling> > setimpal.> >> > Wassalamualaikum...> >> >> >> >> >   [EMAIL PROTECTED]> > To:>> >   Sent by:cc:> >   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Subject: Bismillah>[hidayahnet] Hadith Palsu tetapi Popular..> 
>   .com> >> >> >> >   06/28/2005 05:26 PM> >   Please respond to> >   hidayahnet> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > -- Forwarded message --> > From: Zulhamim Hanbali <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> > Date: Jun 
28, 2005 2:44 PM> > Subject: Hadith Palsu tetapi Popular..> > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> >> >> >> > 1. Dikeluarkan oleh Ibn Abdil Barr, dari Anas r.a., bahawa Rasulullah saw> > bersabda yang bermaksud:> >> > "ÇØáÈæÇ ÇáÚáã æáæ ÈÇáÕíä"> >> > "Tuntutlah ilmu walaupun ke negeri China kerana menuntut ilmu itu adalah> > wajib ke atas tiap-tiap orang Islam. Bahawasanya para malaikat akan> > menebarkan sayap-sayapnya bagi menuntut ilmu kerana redhakan ilmu yang> > dituntutnya."> >> > 2. Ibnu Adiy, Abu Nu'aim, al-'Uqaili, al-Baihaqi, adh-Dhia', Abu al-Qasim> > al-Qusyairi, al-Khateib dan Ibnu 'Alyak an-Nisaburi meriwayatkan dari>jalan> > Abu 'Atikah, dari Anas r.a., bahawa Rasulullah saw bersabda 
yang>bermaksud,> > "Tuntutlah ilmu walaupun ke negeri China kerana menuntut ilmu itu wajib> > atas tiap-tiap orang Islam."> >> > Hadith ini mawdu'. Penyakitnya ialah, Abu 'Atikah ini. Abu 'Atikah ialah;> > Tharif bin Sulaiman yang disepakati ulama' akan keda'ifannya:> > a. Al-'Uqaili memandangnya sangat da'if> > b. Al-Bukhari berkata: Abu 'Atikah mungkar hadithnya.> > c. Kata an-Nasa'i: Ia tidak thiqah.> > d. Kata Abu Hatim: Zahibul hadith.> > e. As-Sulaimani menyebutnya di anatara orang yang dikenal den

Bismillah [hidayahnet] More attacks expected on Ayah Pin’s commune

2005-07-23 Terurut Topik what a relief

More attacks expected on Ayah Pin’s communeClaudia TheophilusJul 18, 05 3:57pm 

Rumours are circulating of fresh mob attacks on the commune led by self-styled spiritual leader Ayah Pin, at Kampung Batu 13 near Jerteh, Terengganu.At 5am today, about 1,000 people from villages surrounding the commune reportedly tried to burn the place down, including a cluster of giant structures symbolising the universality of the world’s major faiths.Contacted today, Hulu Besut state assemblyperson Nawi Mohamad told malaysiakini that the police have the situation under control. “No injuries have been reported, but a couple of vehicles were damaged by fire. None of the houses or structures were burned down. I was told the FRU was also there,” he said by telephone, adding that he had driven past the area. “There were attempts to set the buildings on fire but the flames didn’t catch
 on.” The damaged vehicles were a Pajero  belonging to Ayah Pin (whose real name is Ariffin Mohammad) and a guard’s motorcycle that was parked at the main entrance. ‘Bigger crowd’ anticipated Asked if any political party or government agency could have been behind the attack, Nawi said anything was possible but that he believed neighbouring villagers may have taken it upon themselves to do this. “I got wind that a bigger crowd is planning another round in two or three days’ time. I heard this incident had been planned a few days ago, but it only happened today. “This is not surprising because Ayah Pin and his followers have become a big issue and has been reported on television and in the newspapers. Many people who have come to know about it now are unhappy.” On whether he condoned the mob
 action, he said it was wrong for anyone to take the law into their own hands. “But village folks don’t bother about laws. They will act according to their own thinking if they dislike something,” he added. State authorities could not be reached for further details, while telephone calls to Ayah Pin’s followers at the commune are not being answered. However the state police confirmed that two police reports have been lodged by the villagers on the fire incident.Strangers sighted A follower based in Jerteh, however, said the villagers had been asked by Ayah Pin to leave the commune last night. “We were at home when word got to us about nearby villagers planning an attack some time soon. Ayah Pin then told everyone to leave immediately,” said the follower who requested anonymity. “He sensed that something was going to happen after seeing police officers and unknown persons hanging around
 the village. I don’t know what happened after that because I left the commune soon after.” The follower said the police have been patrolling the commune daily since the July 2 weekend raid when 21 followers were detained.The 21, including a police inspector and an ex-rock band drummer, are to be charged at the Besut syariah court on Aug 23 for violating a religious edict against Ayah Pin’s teachings and for possessions of certain documents and VCDs. The group has filed a formal complaint with several government agencies. Legal and human rights bodies have demanded a probe into the Terengganu Islamic Affairs Department’s conduct of the raid.Contacted in Kuala Lumpur today, a group of Ayah Pin’s followers were distressed to learn about the incident and concerned about the safety of the
 residents of the commune. “We heard that Ayah Pin’s Pajero was torched. We are worried about his safety and the other kampung folk,” said one of them who did not want to be identified.
“We heard many of them had left (the commune) last night but we’re not sure what has happened to the rest. No one is picking up the phone at the village. I don’t know if they have been arrested.” Over the last few weeks, state and federal ministers have repeatedly said that action will be taken, including under the Internal Security Act if this becomes necessary.
Inspektor polis pengikut Ayah Pin digantung kerja Jul 19, 05 1:12pm
Seorang pegawai polis berpangkat inspektor di Perak yang dipercayai terbabit menjadi pengikut kumpulan Ayah Pin di Terengganu, akan digantung kerja. Ketua Polis Perak Datuk Zainal Mohd Tahir berkata pegawai berusia 46 tahun itu, yang sedang bercuti, bertugas di bahagian pentadbiran di satu daerah di negeri itu. Dia diberkas oleh Bahagian Penguatkuasa Jabatan Hal-Ehwal Agama Terengganu pada 2 Julai lalu dalam satu operasi khas di perkampungan kumpulan itu di Kampung Batu 13, Hulu Besut, Terengganu. Seramai 21 pengikut Ayah Pin ditahan dalam operasi tersebut. Mereka dibebaskan kemudiannya dengan ikatjamin polis, sebelum dihadapkan ke mahkamah syariah. "Kita telah menerima arahan daripada Bukit Aman supaya pegawai terbabit digantung kerja," kata Zainal kepada pemberita di sini hari ini. Menurut laporan Bernama, beliau juga berkata, siasatan
 mendapati kegiatan ajaran sesat di Perak tidak membimbangkan. 
Kes buliMengenai satu perkara lain, Zainal berk

Bismillah [hidayahnet] KFC original recipes

2005-07-23 Terurut Topik Mohd Sabri Ismail
masa study dulu saya buat part time jadi 'cook' kat Restoran *** ni, memula
tu saya keje weekend je sbb nak tampung duit study tapi lama2 saya sayang
nak berhenti dan lagi satu manager tak kasi. then bila cuti semester pun
still keje...kiranya boleh dikatakan saya ni 'chicken expert' jugak
la..hehehe..2 tahun saya keje kt situ..

memang betul, OR chicken kt Restoran *** tu mmg tak di basuh masa nak
digoreng. walaubagaimanapun, daging2 ayam tu di datangkan ke restoran dlm
paket kecil (1 bird per packet)...saya tak sure samada diorg dah basuh
semua ayam2 di pusat sembelihan sebelum dibungkuskan, tp yg pasti, masih
ada sisa2 darah yg melekat tetapi daging ayam tu semua "nampak" bersih dan
"tiada kekotoran."

nak tau mcm mana ayam OR di masak?

ok, memula ketulan ayam di dalam bungkusan tadi TERUS dimasukkan ke dalam
satu bekas (penapis). ayam2 tersebut diayak di dalam penapis tersebut agar
sisa2 air dan darah yang ada dapat dibuang. kemudian ayam tersebut TERUS
digaul bersama dengan tepung . kemudian ayam2 tu dimasukkan semula ke dalam
penapis dan dicelupkan sebentar (dlm masa 2 minit) ke dalam air bersih dan
direnjis. lepas tu ayam tersebut digaul utk kali kedua dengan tepung dan
seterusnya digoreng di dalam periuk.

nak tau kenapa kitorg tak dibenarkan membasuh ayam OR?

sebabnya adalah kerana 'JUS AYAM' yang terdapat pada ketulan daging2 ayam
tersebut akan hilang dan itulah secret sebenar ayam OR di restoran
tersebut. lagi satu, sekiranya ayam2 OR dibasuh dengan air, hasil gorengan
tidak akan menarik dan 'smooth' seperti yang korang tengok dlm poster yg
dipamerkan. hasil gorengan akan menggerutu dan tidak cantik utk dipandang.

So, apa pandangan anda tentang semua condition kt atas tu? saya ni tak
berapa arif berkenaan hal ni. lupa nak bgtau, saya berkerja di salah sebuah
Restoran *** di Malaysia dan bukan di luar negara. hehehe


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Bismillah [hidayahnet] Mastika Hadith - Jilid 1 - Bab 4 - Hadith 35.

2005-07-23 Terurut Topik Abu_Nidhal

Mastika Hadith
Jilid 1
Bab 4 : Beriman kepada adanya malaikat.
Hadith 35
Dari Ibn Mas`ud ra, bahwa Nabi saw bersabda: “Orang yang lebih berhak mendapat syafaatku pada hari qiamat ialah orang lebih banyak selawatnya kepadaku.” (Tirmizi)   
Muslimin muslimat yang dirahmati Allah. Hadith yang akan dibicarakan kali ini adalah berkenaan elemen yang boleh membantu kita di Padang Mahsyar. Kita semua kan tahu hari qiamat iaitu hari yang disebut oleh ribuan ayat tentangnya di dalam al-Quran ialah hari yang tidak ada siapa yang sudi menolong kita. Firman Allah dalam Surah `Abasa:34-36 yang bermaksud, “Pada hari itu, saudara mara lari meninggalkan saudaranya, ibu dan ayah lari meninggalkan anak-anak mereka, begitu juga anak-anak lari tidak pedulikan ibubapa mereka, suami lari meninggalkan isterinya, begitu juga isteri tidak lagi mempedulikan suaminya,”…Inilah dia qiamat. Hari yang paling ditakuti oleh sekian para nabi dan rasul alaihimassalam tuwassalam. Contohnya cuba tengok doa Nabi Ibrahim as dalam Surah asy-Syu`arak:87 yang bermaksud, “Dan janganlah aku dihina pada hari kebangkitan,”…Nampak tak tuan-tuan, Nabi Ibrahim pun gerun dengan
 hari qiamat. Walaupun diberi gelaran “Khalilullah” (teman rapat Allah), tapi masih bimbang dia. Berjuang dia sampai kena humban dalam api. Macam tu pun Allah nak hina dia ka?…Tapi itulah yang didoanya. Sebab itu, doa para nabi ni kita kena memorize selalu untuk dijadikan sebagai doa harian sebab apa yang depa sebut tu atas bimbingan wahyu dari Allah. Bukan saja-saja seronok sebut.
Kemudian disebut sikit gambaran Qiamat pada ayat seterusnya ie ayat 88 Surah asy-Syu`arak. Allah kata, “Pada hari itu tidak berguna lagi harta benda dan anak pinak,”…Nampak tak tuan-tuan, Allah sebut harta dulu kemudian baru anak pinak. Inilah dia sunnah al-Quran. Allah sebut begitu sebab Dia tahu manusia sayang lebih kepada hartanya daripada anak-anak. Kita pernah baca kan dalam internet hari tu tentang cerita anak kecik dibelasah makbapak sendiri sampai last sekali hilang tangan si anak kecik tu hanya sebab dia pi guris kereta bapak dia yang baru beli?…Semua dah bacakan cerita tu?…Inilah sebabnya Allah kata manusia ni lebih sayangnya harta dari anak. Dan ayat seterusnya (ayat 89) Allah kata, “Yang nak selamat (pada hari qiamat) ialah orang yang datang bertemu Allah dengan hati yang sejahtera.”
Okay sekarang kita tengok pula doa Nabi Yusuf as yang dirakam Allah dalam Surah Yusuf:101 yang ada hubung-kaitnya dengan hari qiamat. Nabi Yusuf kata, “Ya Allah! …Engkaulah pelindungku dunia dan akhirat. Wafatkanlah aku sebagai seorang Muslim dan kemudiannya tolong hubungkan aku dengan orang-orang yang soleh.”…Tu dia tuan-tuan yang kata Nabi Yusuf tu. Walaupun dia dah nabi, tapi kebimbangannya pada hari qiamat tetap ada sehingga dia berdoa kepada Allah untuk diconfirmkan mati sebagai muslimin dan seterus dikumpulkan bersama orang baik-baik. Ini dia cerita Qiamat tu tuan-tuan yang semua makhluk takut.
Dalam hadith yang disebut di atas, selain sebut tentang Qiamat, Nabi juga sebut tentang “syafaat”. Apa yang kata “syafaat” tu tuan-tuan?…”Syafaat” dalam bahasa kampung mudah fahamnya ialah boleh tolong orang lain. Manakala dalam istilah Islam pula, “syafaat” itu bermaksud suatu keizinan yang Allah berikan kepada beberapa jenis manusia di Padang Mahsyar untuk tolong orang lain ketika kalutnya pada hari itu. Nak tau jenis manusia yang diberi lesen oleh Allah untuk tolong orang lain, tuan-tuan boleh rujuk Surah an-Naba`:38. Pada akhir ayat tersebut Allah kata, “Orang yang diberi keizinan itu ialah di dunia lagi Allah dah redha dengan ucapan-ucapan dan perbuatan mereka.”…Maka disebut dalam suatu hadith Nabi saw, yang dimaksudkan dengan “orang yang Allah redha dengan ucapan dan perbuatan mereka” adalah tiga jenis. Yang pertamanya ialah al-anbiya` (nabi-nabi dan rasul-rasul).
 Keseluruhan nabi dan rasul berjumlah 114000. Ada yang nama mereka disebut dalam Quran dan ada yang tidak. Dan yang keduanya ialah al-ulama`. Dari sudut lughah, alim ulama bermaksud orang yang banyak ilmu. Contohnya, seorang yang mahir dibidang engineering, kita boleh panggil dia sebagai ulama di bidang kejuruteraan. Jadi dari sudut Islam, alim ulama ialah orang yang reti nak differentiate halal haram, orang yang reti hukum hakam. Sehingga disebut dalam hadith Abu Nuaim yang diriwayatkan oleh Tirmizi, kata Nabi saw, “Kalau dua jenis manusia ini baik, maka rakyat juga akan baik. Tapi kalau kedua-duanya lingkup, maka rakyat pun turut lingkup. Mereka ialah ulama` wal umara`.”…Nampak tak tuan-tuan, Nabi letak ulama` dulu baru umara` (pemerintah). Itulah tingginya nilai ulama`. Yang terpaksa menghadapi ujian, cabaran dan makian daripada masyarakat. Ucapan mereka amat suka dikontroversikan. Begitulah juga dengan tindakan mereka yang seringkali disalah-tafsirkan. Inilah dia yang kata
 ulama` tu tuan-tuan. Yang terpaksa menempuh laluan yang begitu sukar dalam nak menerangkan Islam kepada masyarakat. Sebab itu, ulama` juga akan diberi lesen untu

Bismillah [hidayahnet] Nasehat Kepada Anak (097)

2005-07-23 Terurut Topik Temie Iswanto

Nasehat Kepada Anak (097)


Bismillahir rahmanir rahiem




Meskipun kedudukan akal sangat dihargai dalam agama Islam,
namun itu tidak berarti bahwa semua urusan dalam agama ini harus dapat dicerna
atau mesti dapat diterima oleh akal kita. Di atas level akal, ada ketaatan
kepada Allah dan rasul-Nya yang jika seseorang melakukan urusan2-nya dengan
yakin yang benar, maka dia akan mendapat manfaat yang besar tidak saja pada
hari akhirat, bahkan selagi dia tinggal di dunia, jika sekiranya dia


Contohnya, menurut akal rata2 manusia, seseorang akan binasa
jika dia mengeluarkan seluruh harta dan masanya untuk agama. Namun demikian,
Abu Bakar (ra) memberikan seluruh miliknya sedemikian rupa, sehingga dia
tinggal memiliki Allah dan rasul-Nya saja. Alih2 binasa, dia malah berjaya. Dan
kalau saja dia menghendaki, maka berbagai fasilitas terbaik pada masanya akan
menjadi miliknya. Namun demikian, dia lebih memilih mengikuti nabinya (yang
tidak mewariskan kebendaan) dalam menempuh perjalanan pulang ke rabbnya.


Menurut akal manusia, jumlah sedikit dan ketiadaan atau
kekurangan fasilitas akan menyebabkan satu kelompok, satu golongan, bahkan satu
negeri akan dikalahkan oleh lawan2-nya. Akan tetapi sahabat2 Rasulullah (rhum)
malah membuktikan sebaliknya. Betapa banyak keadaan dimana mereka berjumlah
sedikit dan tidak memiliki perlengkapan, tetapi mereka malah kembali dengan
memperoleh kemenangan dan dengan membawa ghanimah dan kemuliaan lainnya. Yang
demikian adalah karena mereka memiliki kualitas ‘kami dengar dan kami
taat’ kepada Allah dan rasul-Nya [1]. Subhanallah.


Subhan ibn Abdullah

Pattaya, 18/07/2005


Catatan kaki:

[1] yakni sami'na wa atho'na, seperti yang dijelaskan oleh
Allah (swt) dalam Qs al Baqarah 2:285.





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Re: Bismillah [hidayahnet] Hadith Palsu

2005-07-23 Terurut Topik ruzaihan . junit

Yes... I was about to say the same thing tapi saudara dah cakap dulu.
Berdusta atas nama Nabi saw adalah sangat besar dosanya. Sebab itu ada
sahabat yang enggan berkata "Nabi saw bercakap begini..." Melainkan dengan
menggunakan ayat "Nabi saw pernah berkata yang bunyinya lebih kurang
begini..." And this is also the reason kenape saya lebih suka guna ayat
pasif dari aktif kalau berkaitan riwayah / hadith.

Hadith kalau dah dusta, tetap dusta. Walaupun perkara baik. Contohnya baca
Yasin tetiap malam jumaat. Walaupun niatnya untuk ajak orang baca Quran
(Hadith ini direka oleh saufi), tetapi mengatakan Nabi saw berkata tentang
sesuatu yang tidak Baginda saw katakan, adalah dusta yang besar & amat2
jahat. Jangan permainkan nama Nabi saw. Ingat, dalam Islam MATLAMAT TIDAK



  Sent by:   cc:

  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Subject: Bismillah 
[hidayahnet] Hadith Palsu 

  07/15/2005 08:45 AM   

  Please respond to 


Assalaamualaikum wr wb.
Hadith yang melarang dari menggunakan nama Rasulullah SAW secara dusta
adalah antara hadith mutawatir yamg paling banyak diriwayatkan oleh
para sahabat sehingga  ada yang mengatakan sampai mencecah dua ratus
orang seperti yang di catit oleh As-Suyuthi dalam At-Tadrib ar-Rawi.

Hadithnya bermaksud lebihkurang:
"Barangsiapa yang dengan sengaja berbuat dusta atas namaku, nescaya ia
menempati tempat duduknya dari api neraka"

Islam itu telah sempurna dan sumbernya mestilah diambil dari sumber yang
Allahu a'lam.


Sent by:
07/06/05 08:18 AM Subject
  Re: Bismillah [hidayahnet] Hadith
  Palsu tetapi Popular..
Please respond to
apa permasalahan dgn hadith ini
kalau benar pun palsu
kalau ia nya baik dan tidak merosakkan
jadikan ia sebagai satu azam atau kata
semangat utk kita menuntut ilmu
seperti baca YASIN malam jumaat
ada yg kata sebagai bidaahtetapi
kan perbuatan tu baikpada tak buat
permulaan utk hari2 mengaji dan memahami
lebih baik kita bincangkan perkara2
yang dah nyata salah.dan cuba
kalau tak penat aje dpt
pendapat aje
- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, July 02, 2005 2:49 AM
Subject: Re: Bismillah [hidayahnet] Hadith Palsu tetapi Popular..
> Assalamualaikum...
> Thanx for infor, bro. Thank you so much! Selama nih saya anggap hadith
> sohih sebab hampir semua ustaz kat sekolah saya sebut (walaupun tak
> oleh ustaz tak rasmi - yang di luar sekolah).
> Semoga Allah memberkati usaha saudara & memberikan balasan yang paling
> setimpal.
> Wassalamualaikum...

Bismillah [hidayahnet] Al-Hadith : 1934

2005-07-23 Terurut Topik Azrul Alwi
Dari Abu Ubaid (Sa'ad bin Ubaid ra), maula Abdul Rahman bin
Azhar,bahawa Rasulullah saw bersabda, "Tidak boleh seorang daripada
kamu pun yang mengharapkan kematian. Jika dia seorang mengerjakan
kebaikkan, mudah-mudahan dia menambah kebaikkannya. Jika dia seorang
yang mengerjakan kejahatan, mudah-mudah dia menghentikan kejahatan dan

Narrated Sa'd bin Ubaid: 

(the Maula of 'Abdur-Rahman bin Azhar) Allah's Apostle said, "None of
you should long for death, for if he is a good man, he may increase
his good deeds, and if he is an evil-doer, he may stop the evil deeds
and repent."

s.bukhari IV::memegang jabatan pemerintah.

~~ ~~ 
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Re: Bismillah [hidayahnet] Re: kepada azwan

2005-07-23 Terurut Topik Ahmad-Hazil Abd-Lateff
Assalamualiakom sahabat...

Sabar-sabar & bertenang... nampak nya ada salah paham disini..
Jangan terlalu ikut emosi.. Kepada mansor & azwan, bersabar lah k?
Malu.. kita sesama Islam macam ni..

Kepada yang lain, marilah liter bersama2 tolong adik Mansor ni dalam
mencari pekerjaan. Begitu juga dgn Azwan..

Ahmad Hazil Abd Lateff
Operations BDO - C345
BASF Petronas Chemicals Sdn Bhd
Kuantan Pahang Darul Makmur.

  @wolf04.basf-it-services To: 
  .com cc:  
  Sent by: Subject: Bismillah 
[hidayahnet] Re: kepada azwan



   07/16/2005 10:38 PM  
 Please respond to  



That is the big problem when it comes to writing, people wont know
the real truth. Lagi tanpa intonasi ayat yang diucapkan people can
assume so many things
--- In, mansor kemaman wrote:
> kepada Azwan...
> kenape awak ni??? saya cuma tanye keje kosong tak nak tolong takpe
jangan cakap macam tu!!.saya ikhlas tanye saudara seAgama kalau ade
yang nak membantu.kalau boleh saya kate nak keje kat petronas sebab
dekat dengan ibu bapa saya.mereka tu dah tua awak tahu saya perlu
jaga mereka !!! kalau dah terpaksa rezeki saya ade kat jauh saya pun
terpaksa pegi kalau dah dekat alhamdulillah.saya nak jaga
mereka.saya pun bukan orang senang.saya tahulah saya sekadar diploma
JE.NAK CAKAP TU JAGALAH HATI ORANG LAIN.rezeki Allah siapa yang tahu
saya cuma berusaha.
> terima kasihlah...
> saya berdoa semoga Allah membuka hati dan minda awak
> jgn memilih kejekeje dulu cari pengelaman...baru grad dah
demand nak keje kat petronas...
> -Original Message-
> From: mansor kemaman [mailto:mansor kemaman]
> Sent: Friday, July 01, 2005 3:05 PM
> To:
> Subject: Bismillah [hidayahnet] kerja
> assalamualaikum
> kawan2 abang2 kakak2 kat saner
> ade tak ape2 maklumat tentang kerja kosong kat luar saner.
> saya baru habis belajar dalam diploma IT.
> tolonglah inform kat saya.
> dah pening kepala saya cari keje.
> kalau boleh kat petronas sebab dekat sikit dengan umah saya.
> tak perlulah merantau jauh sangat.kerja kerani pun takper.
> semoga anda dirahmati oleh allah sentiasa hendaknya.
> __
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> Divine inspiration Islam
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Bismillah [hidayahnet] Mastika Hadith - Jilid 1 - Bab 4 - Hadith 35.

2005-07-23 Terurut Topik Abu_Nidhal

Mastika Hadith
Jilid 1
Bab 4 : Beriman kepada adanya malaikat. 
Hadith 35
Dari Ibn Mas`ud ra, bahwa Nabi saw bersabda: “Orang yang lebih berhak mendapat syafaatku pada hari qiamat ialah orang lebih banyak selawatnya kepadaku.” (Tirmizi)
Muslimin muslimat yang dirahmati Allah. Hadith yang akan dibicarakan kali ini adalah berkenaan elemen yang boleh membantu kita di Padang Mahsyar. Kita semua kan tahu hari qiamat iaitu hari yang disebut oleh ribuan ayat tentangnya di dalam al-Quran ialah hari yang tidak ada siapa yang sudi menolong kita. Firman Allah dalam Surah `Abasa:34-36 yang bermaksud, “Pada hari itu, saudara mara lari meninggalkan saudaranya, ibu dan ayah lari meninggalkan anak-anak mereka, begitu juga anak-anak lari tidak pedulikan ibubapa mereka, suami lari meninggalkan isterinya, begitu juga isteri tidak lagi mempedulikan suaminya,”…Inilah dia qiamat. Hari yang paling ditakuti oleh sekian para nabi dan rasul alaihimassalam tuwassalam. Contohnya cuba tengok doa Nabi Ibrahim as dalam Surah asy-Syu`arak:87 yang bermaksud, “Dan janganlah aku dihina pada hari kebangkitan,”…Nampak tak tuan-tuan, Nabi Ibrahim pun gerun dengan hari qiamat. Walaupun
 diberi gelaran “Khalilullah” (teman rapat Allah), tapi masih bimbang dia. Berjuang dia sampai kena humban dalam api. Macam tu pun Allah nak hina dia ka?…Tapi itulah yang didoanya. Sebab itu, doa para nabi ni kita kena memorize selalu untuk dijadikan sebagai doa harian sebab apa yang depa sebut tu atas bimbingan wahyu dari Allah. Bukan saja-saja seronok sebut.
Kemudian disebut sikit gambaran Qiamat pada ayat seterusnya ie ayat 88 Surah asy-Syu`arak. Allah kata, “Pada hari itu tidak berguna lagi harta benda dan anak pinak,”…Nampak tak tuan-tuan, Allah sebut harta dulu kemudian baru anak pinak. Inilah dia sunnah al-Quran. Allah sebut begitu sebab Dia tahu manusia sayang lebih kepada hartanya daripada anak-anak. Kita pernah baca kan dalam internet hari tu tentang cerita anak kecik dibelasah makbapak sendiri sampai last sekali hilang tangan si anak kecik tu hanya sebab dia pi guris kereta bapak dia yang baru beli?…Semua dah bacakan cerita tu?…Inilah sebabnya Allah kata manusia ni lebih sayangnya harta dari anak. Dan ayat seterusnya (ayat 89) Allah kata, “Yang nak selamat (pada hari qiamat) ialah orang yang datang bertemu Allah dengan hati yang sejahtera.”
Okay sekarang kita tengok pula doa Nabi Yusuf as yang dirakam Allah dalam Surah Yusuf:101 yang ada hubung-kaitnya dengan hari qiamat. Nabi Yusuf kata, “Ya Allah! …Engkaulah pelindungku dunia dan akhirat. Wafatkanlah aku sebagai seorang Muslim dan kemudiannya tolong hubungkan aku dengan orang-orang yang soleh.”…Tu dia tuan-tuan yang kata Nabi Yusuf tu. Walaupun dia dah nabi, tapi kebimbangannya pada hari qiamat tetap ada sehingga dia berdoa kepada Allah untuk diconfirmkan mati sebagai muslimin dan seterus dikumpulkan bersama orang baik-baik. Ini dia cerita Qiamat tu tuan-tuan yang semua makhluk takut.
Dalam hadith yang disebut di atas, selain sebut tentang Qiamat, Nabi juga sebut tentang “syafaat”. Apa yang kata “syafaat” tu tuan-tuan?…”Syafaat” dalam bahasa kampung mudah fahamnya ialah boleh tolong orang lain. Manakala dalam istilah Islam pula, “syafaat” itu bermaksud suatu keizinan yang Allah berikan kepada beberapa jenis manusia di Padang Mahsyar untuk tolong orang lain ketika kalutnya pada hari itu. Nak tau jenis manusia yang diberi lesen oleh Allah untuk tolong orang lain, tuan-tuan boleh rujuk Surah an-Naba`:38. Pada akhir ayat tersebut Allah kata, “Orang yang diberi keizinan itu ialah di dunia lagi Allah dah redha dengan ucapan-ucapan dan perbuatan mereka.”…Maka disebut dalam suatu hadith Nabi saw, yang dimaksudkan dengan “orang yang Allah redha dengan ucapan dan perbuatan mereka” adalah tiga jenis. Yang pertamanya ialah al-anbiya` (nabi-nabi dan rasul-rasul). Keseluruhan nabi dan rasul berjumlah
 114000. Ada yang nama mereka disebut dalam Quran dan ada yang tidak. Dan yang keduanya ialah al-ulama`. Dari sudut lughah, alim ulama bermaksud orang yang banyak ilmu. Contohnya, seorang yang mahir dibidang engineering, kita boleh panggil dia sebagai ulama di bidang kejuruteraan. Jadi dari sudut Islam, alim ulama ialah orang yang reti nak differentiate halal haram, orang yang reti hukum hakam. Sehingga disebut dalam hadith Abu Nuaim yang diriwayatkan oleh Tirmizi, kata Nabi saw, “Kalau dua jenis manusia ini baik, maka rakyat juga akan baik. Tapi kalau kedua-duanya lingkup, maka rakyat pun turut lingkup. Mereka ialah ulama` wal umara`.”…Nampak tak tuan-tuan, Nabi letak ulama` dulu baru umara` (pemerintah). Itulah tingginya nilai ulama`. Yang terpaksa menghadapi ujian, cabaran dan makian daripada masyarakat. Ucapan mereka amat suka dikontroversikan. Begitulah juga dengan tindakan mereka yang seringkali disalah-tafsirkan. Inilah dia yang kata ulama` tu tuan-tuan. Yang terpaksa
 menempuh laluan yang begitu sukar dalam nak menerangkan Islam kepada masyarakat. Sebab itu, ulama` jug

Bismillah [hidayahnet] The Islamic Personality - 1: Trustworthiness

2005-07-23 Terurut Topik ayeh sd

From: "DDN" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2005 12:29:02 -Subject: The Islamic Personality - 1: Trustworthiness

Assalaamu `Alaykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuhu
Dear Brothers and Sisters
To remind ourselves, the important personal qualities that, as Muslims, we all must possess, I am posting the following series in eight (8) installments entitled "The Islamic Personality" by Ustaadz Ayub A.

 1:    Trustworthiness    
                                                                                                 Part 2:    Truthfulness    
Part 3:    'Adl    
 4:    Ihsaan    
 5:    Sabr
                                                     Part 6:    Forgiveness 
                                                     Part 7:    Vision
                                                     Part 8:    Correct Paradigm Summary
We need to work on our personal excellence now, more than ever. These installments will be posted every Thursday. Here is the first in the series.
May Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala bless us and may Allaah give us all wisdom and foresight to dedicate our abilities and energies for the achievement of personal and collective goals of goodness in our Deen. Aameen.
Wa aakhir da`wanni A`nilhamdulilaahi Rabbil A`lameen
Fee Amaanillah,
K a r i m a

B i s m i l l a a h i r   R a h m a a n i r   R a h e e m

Alhamdulillaahi wa kafaa, wa salaamu 'alaa 'ibaadihilladzeen-astafaa
Assalaamu `Alaykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuhu
The Islamic Personality
Part 1 of 8


by Ayub A. Hamid
TrustworthinessThis is the first and foremost quality a believer must have. Being trustworthy implies being honest, fair in dealings and punctual (both in terms of regularity and timeliness) as well as honouring trusts and keeping promises and commitments. In other words,trustworthiness is the quality of honouring and fulfilling at any cost all commitments a person makes whether made formally or informally, verbally or in writing, and whether they are expressed or implied.Also, they cover all sorts of material, moral, social, political, religious and legal obligations and commitments a person needs to observe and fulfill. When talking about trusts, it includes all forms of trusts entrusted to a person ranging
 from physical assets or possessions to confidential matters of others, to exercising of voting rights, to providing expert input on the important issues of the society. Similarly, promises include all serious commitment and covenants as well as any impression of agreement given by a person tacitly, implicitly, through quietness or by implication to a family member, subordinate, friend or colleague.Being known for trustworthiness is such an important personality trait for a Muslim that it cannot be overemphasized. Before our Prophet was even appointed as a messenger by Allaah SWT, he was well known for these qualities. It had become one of his distinguishing characteristics/qualities so much so that he was called Al-Ameen (trustworthy) -- mentioning ‘the trustworthy’ was enough to identify our Prophet. Thus, this quality was so important that Allaah chose it to be the outstanding feature of His Last Messenger.Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala commands (interpretation of the meaning):“Verily, Allaah does command you to render back your Trusts to whom they are due.” (An-Nisaa 4:58)This verse is not only obligating us to honour, pay back and fulfill our trust, but also to ensure that they are given to whom they rightfully belong.This quality is so important to Allaah SWT that when listing in the Holy Qur-aan the qualities of the people who succeed in the eyes of Allaah SWT and the people who are steadfast worshippers of Allaah, they have been mentioned as those: “Who faithfully observe their trusts and covenants.” (Al-Mo’minoon 23:8 and Al-Ma’arij 70:32)Similarly, one of the indications of people having Taqwa is that:“They fulfill the promises they make.” (Al-Baqarah 2:177)On fulfilling the promises and fairness in business, the Holy Qur-aan further instructs:“Fulfill promises, because you will be held accountable for promises. Me

Bismillah [hidayahnet] Mohon Laluan

2005-07-23 Terurut Topik syed dahij

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Tuan Moderator, saya memohon laluan untuk posting ini disiarkan kerana sebab sebab tertera di bawah. Terima kasih.
Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
Azmi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

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Bismillah [hidayahnet] THE HIDDEN PEARLS (good read)

2005-07-23 Terurut Topik ayeh sd

From: Farhad Zhowandai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: Sun, 17 Jul 2005 18:43:19 -0700 (PDT)Subject: THE HIDDEN PEARLS (good read)

Pearls beautiful manifestations of Allah’s design and creation are born and found in the depths of the ocean within the protection of an oyster shell. Many a drivers risk their lives to attain these jewels, their shine unmarred, hidden away from human touch & sight. There are lesson in nature for heedful eyes. Have we ever wondered why pearls, the purest and whitest of natural jewels are not found floating on the surface of the ocean for all to see? Have we pondered why all beautiful things are hidden, the pomegranate seeds in their peel white coconut in a coarse shell, diamonds in a mine? And the most beautiful Being beyond our imaginations Allah Ta’ala . Among his best creation, the human being, Allah chose this honour for a woman in order to preserve, protect and purify her beauty and to make it eternal in paradise.
However, in recent years this great honour bestowed on a woman is now being looked down upon. A symbol of dignity for centuries, it is now being called a symbol of humiliation and imprisonment . Above everything else people have gone to the extent of saying that this ordainment is not there in the Quran.  So let us see what Islam says about Purdah.
A number of words have been used in the Quran to explain the dress code and conduct expected of a Muslim woman. Hijab or “purdah” as we call it, is not only a covering or outer garb but also the kind of conduct and intention that should accompany it. Yet the presence of only a good intention is not sufficient without any action to verify that intention. You can perhaps vouch about your own purity of thought (which is also disliked by Allah because no one can claim to be free from sin) but how can you vouch for the intentions of the hundreds of men you choose to walk amongst? Intention is important but not sufficient by itself for repeatedly Allah says: “Those who believed and performed good actions.” Hence, actions must accompany intention and in the following ayahs, Allah Ta’ala has stated certain specific actions that He
 wishes us to do.
1- Surah An-Nur: 31 states: “And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and protect their private parts and not to show off their adornment except that which is apparent and to draw their khumur over their juyub and not to reveal their adornment except to their husband’s fathers, or their sons or their husband’s sons, or their brothers or their brother’s sons, or their sister’s sons, or their women, or the slaves whom their right hands possess, or old male servants who lack vigour, or small children who have no sense of feminine sex.”
The word ‘Khumur’ (plural of khimar) is used for a head cover in Arabic. Alcohol is also called khamr because it overcomes or covers up the senses of a person. Before Islam, women would tuck this head dress behind their ears and throw its ends over their shoulders to leave their ears, necks and bosoms uncovered. So it was clearly ordained here to extend the head dress (or scarf or dupatta) over the bosoms so they serve their actual purpose of covering a woman’s attraction.
Then women are explicitly told about the people before whom they may reveal their adornment. It is vital to pause here and think, “What was the need of mentioning every mahram by name if there was going to be no difference in the woman’s attire before them and everyone else?”
Not only the clothes but even the manner of walking should not be provocative or such that it draws attention to the women. “And let them not stamp their feet so as to reveal what they hide of their adornment. And all of you beg Allah to forgive you all, O believers, that you may be successful.” (An-Nur; 31)
    We, on the contrary, act against these commands and then except Allah to forgive us.
Men and women have both being asked to lower or restrict stray glances, not because the face is uncovered or covered but also to avoid eye contact or avoid seeing any haram (unlawful) thing that can open the door to many vices. 
Eyes are windows to the soul and betray many an emotion; therefore controlling their unbridled usage was one of the steps to prevent unlawful relationships. Purdah was another step in the same direction
We need to then think about how the shariah (Islamic law), which is full of wisdom, could command the covering of the head and bosom, the lowering of certain gazes and a dignified walk but allow the face to remain uncovered? The face is where the main attraction of a woman lies. It is on the beautification of her face that the woman spends thousands of rupees, the face that attracts men and the face that is used in advertisements to promote many products.
2-In Surah Al-Ahzab: 53, it is clearly stated that the wives of the Prophet SAW are not allowed to remarry and if male strangers have any important thing to ask for, they s

Bismillah [hidayahnet] Mastika Hadith - Jilid 1 - Bab 4 - Hadith 35.

2005-07-23 Terurut Topik Abu_Nidhal

Mastika Hadith
Jilid 1
Bab 4 : Beriman kepada adanya malaikat.
Hadith 35
Dari Ibn Mas`ud ra, bahwa Nabi saw bersabda: “Orang yang lebih berhak mendapat syafaatku pada hari qiamat ialah orang lebih banyak selawatnya kepadaku.” (Tirmizi)   
Muslimin muslimat yang dirahmati Allah. Hadith yang akan dibicarakan kali ini adalah berkenaan elemen yang boleh membantu kita di Padang Mahsyar. Kita semua kan tahu hari qiamat iaitu hari yang disebut oleh ribuan ayat tentangnya di dalam al-Quran ialah hari yang tidak ada siapa yang sudi menolong kita. Firman Allah dalam Surah `Abasa:34-36 yang bermaksud, “Pada hari itu, saudara mara lari meninggalkan saudaranya, ibu dan ayah lari meninggalkan anak-anak mereka, begitu juga anak-anak lari tidak pedulikan ibubapa mereka, suami lari meninggalkan isterinya, begitu juga isteri tidak lagi mempedulikan suaminya,”…Inilah dia qiamat. Hari yang paling ditakuti oleh sekian para nabi dan rasul alaihimassalam tuwassalam. Contohnya cuba tengok doa Nabi Ibrahim as dalam Surah asy-Syu`arak:87 yang bermaksud, “Dan janganlah aku dihina pada hari kebangkitan,”…Nampak tak tuan-tuan, Nabi Ibrahim pun gerun dengan
 hari qiamat. Walaupun diberi gelaran “Khalilullah” (teman rapat Allah), tapi masih bimbang dia. Berjuang dia sampai kena humban dalam api. Macam tu pun Allah nak hina dia ka?…Tapi itulah yang didoanya. Sebab itu, doa para nabi ni kita kena memorize selalu untuk dijadikan sebagai doa harian sebab apa yang depa sebut tu atas bimbingan wahyu dari Allah. Bukan saja-saja seronok sebut.
Kemudian disebut sikit gambaran Qiamat pada ayat seterusnya ie ayat 88 Surah asy-Syu`arak. Allah kata, “Pada hari itu tidak berguna lagi harta benda dan anak pinak,”…Nampak tak tuan-tuan, Allah sebut harta dulu kemudian baru anak pinak. Inilah dia sunnah al-Quran. Allah sebut begitu sebab Dia tahu manusia sayang lebih kepada hartanya daripada anak-anak. Kita pernah baca kan dalam internet hari tu tentang cerita anak kecik dibelasah makbapak sendiri sampai last sekali hilang tangan si anak kecik tu hanya sebab dia pi guris kereta bapak dia yang baru beli?…Semua dah bacakan cerita tu?…Inilah sebabnya Allah kata manusia ni lebih sayangnya harta dari anak. Dan ayat seterusnya (ayat 89) Allah kata, “Yang nak selamat (pada hari qiamat) ialah orang yang datang bertemu Allah dengan hati yang sejahtera.”
Okay sekarang kita tengok pula doa Nabi Yusuf as yang dirakam Allah dalam Surah Yusuf:101 yang ada hubung-kaitnya dengan hari qiamat. Nabi Yusuf kata, “Ya Allah! …Engkaulah pelindungku dunia dan akhirat. Wafatkanlah aku sebagai seorang Muslim dan kemudiannya tolong hubungkan aku dengan orang-orang yang soleh.”…Tu dia tuan-tuan yang kata Nabi Yusuf tu. Walaupun dia dah nabi, tapi kebimbangannya pada hari qiamat tetap ada sehingga dia berdoa kepada Allah untuk diconfirmkan mati sebagai muslimin dan seterus dikumpulkan bersama orang baik-baik. Ini dia cerita Qiamat tu tuan-tuan yang semua makhluk takut.
Dalam hadith yang disebut di atas, selain sebut tentang Qiamat, Nabi juga sebut tentang “syafaat”. Apa yang kata “syafaat” tu tuan-tuan?…”Syafaat” dalam bahasa kampung mudah fahamnya ialah boleh tolong orang lain. Manakala dalam istilah Islam pula, “syafaat” itu bermaksud suatu keizinan yang Allah berikan kepada beberapa jenis manusia di Padang Mahsyar untuk tolong orang lain ketika kalutnya pada hari itu. Nak tau jenis manusia yang diberi lesen oleh Allah untuk tolong orang lain, tuan-tuan boleh rujuk Surah an-Naba`:38. Pada akhir ayat tersebut Allah kata, “Orang yang diberi keizinan itu ialah di dunia lagi Allah dah redha dengan ucapan-ucapan dan perbuatan mereka.”…Maka disebut dalam suatu hadith Nabi saw, yang dimaksudkan dengan “orang yang Allah redha dengan ucapan dan perbuatan mereka” adalah tiga jenis. Yang pertamanya ialah al-anbiya` (nabi-nabi dan rasul-rasul).
 Keseluruhan nabi dan rasul berjumlah 114000. Ada yang nama mereka disebut dalam Quran dan ada yang tidak. Dan yang keduanya ialah al-ulama`. Dari sudut lughah, alim ulama bermaksud orang yang banyak ilmu. Contohnya, seorang yang mahir dibidang engineering, kita boleh panggil dia sebagai ulama di bidang kejuruteraan. Jadi dari sudut Islam, alim ulama ialah orang yang reti nak differentiate halal haram, orang yang reti hukum hakam. Sehingga disebut dalam hadith Abu Nuaim yang diriwayatkan oleh Tirmizi, kata Nabi saw, “Kalau dua jenis manusia ini baik, maka rakyat juga akan baik. Tapi kalau kedua-duanya lingkup, maka rakyat pun turut lingkup. Mereka ialah ulama` wal umara`.”…Nampak tak tuan-tuan, Nabi letak ulama` dulu baru umara` (pemerintah). Itulah tingginya nilai ulama`. Yang terpaksa menghadapi ujian, cabaran dan makian daripada masyarakat. Ucapan mereka amat suka dikontroversikan. Begitulah juga dengan tindakan mereka yang seringkali disalah-tafsirkan. Inilah dia yang kata
 ulama` tu tuan-tuan. Yang terpaksa menempuh laluan yang begitu sukar dalam nak menerangkan Islam kepada masyarakat. Sebab itu, ulama` juga akan diberi lesen untuk

Bismillah [hidayahnet] Dedahkan jumlah cukai dari penerima AP - Husam

2005-07-23 Terurut Topik Amir Hamzah

Dedahkan jumlah cukai dari penerima AP - HusamTuesday, July 19 @ 19:09:45 MYT Setelah mengaut untung belasan juta ringgit 
 KOTA BHARU, 19 Julai (Hrkh) - Selain menerima ucapan tahniah di atas keberaniannya mendedahkan penerima permit import (AP), Perdana Menteri juga diminta mendedahkan berapakah cukai yang dibayar oleh penerima AP ini kepada kerajaan. Naib Presiden PAS, Husam Musa dalam kenyataan medianya berkata, langkah ini perlu kerana rakyat ingin tahu berapa pulangan yang diperolehi negara selepas penerima AP ini menerima kekayaan darinya. 
”Sebagai contoh , jika diandaikan setiap AP bernilai RM30,000 ( kadar terendah, mungkin) ia telah menjanakan kekayaan seperti berikut ; 
a) SM Nasimudin 12,524 AP = RM375.7 juta 
b) Datuk Syed Azman dan Datuk Mohd Hanif 15, 759 AP = RM472.7juta 
”Berapakah jumlah cukai yang telah dibayar oleh mereka bagi setiap tahun ?” soal Husam dalam kenyataannya. 
Bagi Husam, pendedahan Perdana Menteri turut membuktikan dasar kronisme tetap berterusan di zaman beliau:- 
Berikut adalah kenyataan penuh beliau: 
Keberanian YAB Perdana Menteri untuk mendedahkan senarai penerima AP adalah sesuatu yang harus di puji. Ia boleh menjadi satu langkah ke hadapan ke arah pengurusan yang telus dan pruden. 
Kepujian harus diberikan dua kali ke atas langkah berani PM, yang telah mengubah fikirannya untuk mengumumkan penerima AP walaupun sebelum ini menegaskan tidak akan berbuat demikian. 
2. Namun, pendedahan senarai tersebut bukanlah jawapan mutlak terhadap isu bagaimana pengeluaran AP boleh menjurus kepada : 
a) Amalan kronisma, dimana segelintir insan istimewa terpilih menikmati kekayaan mudah yang luar biasa. 
b) Kesan pengeluaran AP ini ke atas kedudukan kereta nasional. 
c) Manipulasi oleh pemegang AP berhubung isu cukai, mengimport kereta lain daripada AP yang diluluskan dan lain-lain. 
3. Pendedahan ini hanya memberikan gambaran kasar seperti berikut : 
i. Ada individu tertentu diberikan jumlah AP yang lebih besar berbanding individu yang lain. Sebagai contoh: SM Nasimudin, Datuk Syed Azman, Datuk Mohd Hanif dan satu dua lagi bolehlah digelar sebagai Raja AP kerana memiliki 28,283 atau bersamaan 56.9% dari 49,632 AP francais yang dikeluarkan oleh kerajaan. 
Mengapa ini berlaku ? 
ii. Amalan memberikan keutamaan kepada insan terpilih ini bukan sahaja berlaku di zaman pemerintahan Tun Dr Mahathir, tetapi berlaku juga pada masa pemerintahan YAB Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. 
Sebagai contoh, selain meneruskan kelululusan AP kepada penerima sedia ada, sebanyak 13, 535 AP tambahan dikeluarkan sepanjang tahun 2004 dan 2005. Dari jumlah ini, 2,487 AP tambahan diberikan kepada Datuk Syed Azman dan Datuk Mohd Hanif, iaitu sebanyak 18.37% dari jumlah tambahan AP yang dikeluarkan pada tahun 2004 dan 2005, semasa Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi sudah menjadi Perdana Menteri. 
iii. Tiada tanda-tanda pemberian AP ini dibuat di atas asas merit sepenuhnya, pengagihan yang lebih meluas dan asas pemilihan yang telus. Ia semacam pembahagian ghanimah secara tersembunyi. 
4. Pendedahan ini mengundang persoalan-persoalan baru. Antara yang paling penting ialah jumlah cukai yang dibayar oleh syarikat-syarikat dan individu ini kepada kerajaan. 
Sebagai contoh , jika diandaikan setiap AP bernilai RM30,000 ( kadar terendah, mungkin) ia telah menjanakan kekayaan seperti berikut ; 
a) SM Nasimudin 12, 524 AP = RM375.7 juta 
b) Datuk Syed Azman dan Datuk Mohd Hanif 15, 759 AP = RM472.7juta 
Berapakah jumlah cukai yang telah dibayar oleh mereka bagi setiap tahun ? 
5. Saya dengan ini mendesak dua langkah segera seperti berikut : 
a). Mendedahkan jumlah cukai yang dibayar oleh pemegang-pemegang AP ini. 
b). Merangka satu dasar baru yang lebih saksama dan telus. 
Sekian terima kasih 
19 Julai 2005 
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Bismillah [hidayahnet] Re: bantu saya...

2005-07-23 Terurut Topik suria
my suggestion, pergi lah ke mana-mana JPN atau PPD, daftarkan diri 
anda sebagai guru sandaran tidak terlatih. ini salah satu cara 
sebenarnya kalau berminat nak jadi guru memandangkan setiap tahun 
pengambilan guru dah semakin strict.
kalau anda dah lama berkhidmat sebagai guru sandaran tidak terlatih, 
besar kemungkinan anda akan diserap sebagai guru tetap dan dihantar 
untuk program lanjutan yang akan dibiayai sepenuhnya oleh kementerian.
satu lagi cadangan, hubungilah mana-mana sekolah yang berhampiran, 
tanyakan samada perlukan guru sandaran/guru ganti. guru ganti biasa 
memang ada sebab menggantikan guru-guru yang cuti bersalin. guru ganti 
biasanya gaji dibayar ikut hari bekerja manakala guru sandaran on 
monthly basis, means cuti sekolah pun anda akan terima gaji. guru 
ganti hanya untuk hari yang dia datang bekerja.
kalau di sekolah ada kekosongan pihak sekolah sendiri yang akan 
membuat urusan perlantikan.
biasa di sekolah ni, kalau ada anak bos-bos yang tunggu dapat kerja 
dah diserap jadi guru ganti tapi cubalah mana tahu ada rezeki.
sekarang ni ada satu program dipanggil Seni reka, dulu mpv khas utk 
murid yang ,lemah. mereka hanya mengambil subject yang wajib dan 
lebihnya adalah kerja2 macam ssekolah vokasional dulu-dulu tapi bukan 
part mekanik etc. its more to seni reka, buat banner, papan tanda, 
kain rentang, etc.
kalau anda berkelayakan dibidang vokasional, boleh lah bertanya pada 
sekolah teknik ( yang old dulu dipanggil vokasional)
good luck
--- In, "puteri noraishah" wrote:


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2005-07-23 Terurut Topik syed dahij

Khalid Latif <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


From: Khalid Latif [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 05 July 2005 09:07Subject: WHY SOME PEOPLE RESIST THEIR CONSCIENCE?
Why Some People Resist Their Conscience?
One of the most important factors that people use to inactivate their conscience is their seeing themselves self-sufficient in everything. For instance, when asked about their observance of Islam, most people would say that it is enough not to harm anyone and to try to be a good person. However, this is pure self-deception. What is important is to be a slave to God and to live as He wishes. Unless man does this, everything else he does is meaningless and harmful. God says in the Qur'an: 
And what of him the evil of whose actions appears fine to him so that he sees them as good? God misguides whoever He wills and guides whoever He wills. (Surah Fatir: 8)
What makes someone see his actions as good and attractive is the belief that his own judgement is flawless. Those who consider themselves to be kind-hearted and generous in the sight of God are such people. The truth is in fact quite different from what they assume. In a verse it is stated that one's seeing himself self-sufficient is the greatest reason for his deviation from the truth: 
No indeed! Truly man is unbridled seeing himself as self-sufficient. (Surat al-'Alaq: 6-7)
The linguistic meaning of the word 'mustaghni' (self-sufficient) is 'without need, satisfied'. Its meaning as referred to in the Qur'an is someone's seeing his nearness to God, his fear of God and the hereafter, his good actions and his piety as sufficient and therefore not striving for the better. Most people deviate from God's way for this reason. 
Although people see themselves as self-sufficient, they actually know in their conscience how incomplete they are, and what they fail to do to please God. This is why they avoid talking about subjects such as death, doomsday and the hereafter. When one raises the subject, they try to close it because it is 'depressing'. The reason they become depressed is because they are resisting their conscience, and dwelling on the subject causes them to feel restless inside.
It is not possible for someone who listens to his conscience to feel self-sufficient. On the contrary, he looks for the better and tries to do the better in everything. For man's conscience always reminds him of the Day of Account. Someone who knows that he will give account to God about the life of this world will never see his deeds sufficient. He practises what he is commanded by his Creator with great attention. In the Qur'an, those who seriously strive for the good pleasure of God and the hereafter are referred to as follows: 
As for anyone who desires this fleeting existence, We hasten in it whatever We will to whoever We want. Then We will consign him to Hell where he will roast, reviled and driven out. But as for one who desires the hereafter, and strives for it with the striving it deserves, being a believer, the striving of such people will be gratefully acknowledged. (Surat al-Isra': 18-19)
Compiled, edited and adapted by Khalid Latif, e-tabligue
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Bismillah [hidayahnet] Pernikahan Nabi Adam -- Cinta II [3]

2005-07-23 Terurut Topik unicom

Cinta II 
“Hari Jum’at adalah hari untuk 
menjalin Shillaturrohmi dan pernikahan”
“Mengapa demikian ya 
“Karena dahulu para Nabi 
menikah pada hari Jum’at”
Nabi Adam
Abu Huroiroh meriwayatkan 
bahwa Alloh menempatkan Adam di surga pada hari Jum’at, begitu juga mengeluarkan 
Adam dari surga juga pada hari Jum’at. Pada hari Jum’at itu pula, do’a taubat 
Adam di kabulkan oleh Alloh.
Setelah penciptaan 
Kemudian penciptaan lawan 
Mulailah rasa cinta itu masuk 
ke dalam hati Adam,
Yang dicintai Adam adalah 
makhluk paling indah yang ada waktu itu,
Alloh telah memakaikan tujuh 
puluh perhiasan surgawi padanya.
“Siapakah engkau ?”, tanya 
“Aku diciptakan Alloh 
“Kalau begitu kemarilah 
“Tidak, engkaulah yang  kesini”
Adam bangkit mendekatinya, 

“Hai Adam, bersabarlah! Ia 
belum halal sebelum engkau menikahinya”
Kemudian Alloh menitahkan 
segenap penghuni surga untuk menghias surga serta mempersiapkan aneka hidangan 
untuk memeriahkan acara pernikahan Adam dengan calon isterinya. 

Para malaikat langit berkumpul di bawah pohon 
Kemudian Alloh menikahkan 
mereka berdua.
“Segala puji hanya 
Keagungan adalah 
Kebanggaan diri adalah 
Keindahan adalah 
Kelembutan adalah 
Makhluk-makhluk adalah 
Dan pernikahan adalah bagian 
dari rahasiaKu”.
“Aku nikahkan Adam dan calon 
Dan Kujadikan para malaikat 
dan para penghuni surga sebagai saksi”
“Ya Tuhanku, apa mas kawin 
yang harus kuberikan kepadanya ?
Apakah Emas, perak atau intan 
kumala ?
“Bukan”, jawab Robbul 
“Kalau begitu, 
“Mas kawinmu adalah membaca 
sholawat sepuluh kali kepada RosulKu, 
Muhammad, penutup para Rosul 
dan penghulu sekalian Nabi”.
Cinta Adam dan Cinta isterinya 
resmi sudah……..


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Divine inspiration



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Bismillah [hidayahnet] SIRA: Rakyat Acheh Harus Bersikap Damai Pasca Perjanjian Helsinki

2005-07-23 Terurut Topik SIRA Presidium
Siaran Pers :
Ref: 017/Pers/07/2005

Rakyat Acheh Harus Bersikap Damai Pasca Perjanjian Helsinki 

Berakhirnya perundingan antara pemerintah Republik Indonesia (RI) dan Gerakan 
Acheh Merdeka (GAM)
putaran ke V di Helsinki, Finlandia pada tanggal 17 July 2005, telah 
menghasilkan beberapa poin
penting penyelesaian konflik politik Acheh secara bermartabat, yang telah 
berlangsung selama
kurang lebih 30 puluh tahun lamanya.

Pelaksanaan Perjanjian Helsinki akan menjadi kenyataan dari harapan rakyat 
Acheh untuk membawa
perubahan dan kemajuan yang sangat signifikan terhadap kehidupan rakyat yang 
telah lama hidup
dalam penderitaan dan kekerasan militer Indonesia.

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yang belum stabil serta masih berpotensi timbulnya agitasi public dari pihak 
yang masih kurang
sepakat adanya perjanjian damai. Karena itu rakyat Acheh mesti berhati-hati dan 
waspada terhadap
segala kemungkinan-kemungkinan yang akan terjadi. 

Banda Acheh, 18 Juli 2005
Sentral Informasi Referendum Acheh (SIRA)

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Bismillah [hidayahnet] PM must explain payment to Heritage Foundation

2005-07-23 Terurut Topik Amir Hamzah

From: Raja Petra Kamarudin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: PM must explain payment to Heritage FoundationWHAT ROLES DID MAHATHIR, DAIM AND MEGAT JUNID PLAY?Three months have passed since Washington Post, in an article “Think Tank’s Ideas Shifted As Malaysia Ties Grew”, dated 17 April 2005, exposed that the Malaysian Government paid the Heritage Foundation to lobby for a meeting between President George Bush with the then Malaysian Premier, Datuk Seri (now Tun) Dr Mahathir Mohamad.Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has several times been called upon to explain, but he has chosen to remain silent. Recently, some new additional information have surfaced in connection with Jack Abramoff, who, according to the Washington Post was “a former Republican lobbying powerhouse...indirectly paid by the government of Malaysia”.To
 be more precise, “the Embassy of Malaysia gave AIC a check for US$300,000 dated March 6, 2002”. (In Malaysian currency the amount is equivalent to RM1.14 million). AIC, the acronym for American International Center, was “a front created in part to hide Abramoff’s representation of Malaysia”. It has now come to light that the AIC, which was set up at Rehoboth Beach by Michael Scanlon, an associate of Abramoff, is a fraud.Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, is a resort town on the Atlantic Ocean, about an hour or so from Washington DC. When the Washington Post investigated, it found that the building was actually a beach house, and the only staff that manned this “international think tank” was a “former lifeguard and a yoga instructor”.Indeed it is a great wonder why the Malaysian Embassy sent an official check of $300,000 to the AIC. But, it is interesting to note that the highest officer at the Embassy at that time was a brother-in-law of ex-Finance Minister
 Tun Daim, one Dato’ Ghazali.According to an article entitled “Abramoff’s Duo Quits US”, published in the The Hill Newspaper of 13 July 2005, “Abramoff and...Michael Scanlon are the target of the Justice Department probe and two Senate investigations into allegations that they bilked (Indian gaming) tribes of more than US$60 million. A federal grand jury has been convened to consider possible criminal charges in the matter.”How could any Malaysian public leader be involved with such dubious character?The story of Abramoff started with the Malaysian efforts to win over public opinion in the US and to open the way for a meeting between then Malaysian PM with the US President. After the economic downturn and the detention of ex-Deputy PM Anwar Ibrahim together with a number of others in 1998, Malaysia was strongly criticized by the media and civil society the world over, especially in the US, for her human rights records.The conservative
 Heritage Foundation joined the chorus against Malaysia, when in a 1998 paper it called upon the Clinton administration to “be prepared to speak out strongly against Mahathir’s actions”. In February 1999, the president of Heritage, Edwin J. Fuelner, praised Vice President Gore for making “an impressive defense of freedom in Malaysia”.Things changed after the 9/11 attacks in 2001. The well-known anti-West Mahathir suddenly offered to “cooperate with the US in the war against terrorism” and stepped up military cooperation by allowing more ‘US overflights and jungle-training programs”. In 2002, Heritage hosted speeches by then DPM Abdullah Badawi and Defence Minister Najib Razak on ways to strengthen US-Malaysia friendship and defence cooperation.As explained in the Washington Post article, this happened at the same time as the Heritage president co-founded a firm called the Belle Haven Consultants, which retained his wife, Linda Fuelner, as “senior
 adviser”. Belle Haven hired Alexander Strategy Group, a Washington lobby firm run by a former chief of staff of the House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, to help represent Malaysian clients. Abramoff was close to DeLay and the Alexander Strategy Group lobbyists.It is most instructive to learn from records of the US Senate that Malaysian client for Belle Haven Consultants is listed as PK Baru Energy Sdn Bhd, 12-4 Level 12, East Wing, Rohas Perkasa, No 8 Jalan Perak, KL 50450. It is believed that the company was owned by Tan Sri Megat Junid.Megat Junid was a minister in Mahathir’s cabinet and always took pride in the claim that he enjoyed special relationship with the former PM. Interestingly, Megat Junid was head of the US-Malaysia Exchange Association (whatever that is), which was established as a front organization partly to orgasnise trips and perhaps also channel funds.It is alleged that about “RM5.3 million (was paid) to secure the White House Visit for
 Mahathir”. It has also been claimed that in February the Government paid RM40 million to the Heritage Foundation through the Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB). There is no concrete evidence of this. But much of the actual proof that several past payment

Re: Bismillah [hidayahnet] interview

2005-07-23 Terurut Topik Roslee Kartawi
Betul tu saya setuju, ini pengalaman saya menghadiri
interview gomen...
1. Saya pernah dimarahi dan dimaki sebab saya tak cari
informasi tentang jabatan tersebut maklumlah masa tu
bukan zaman internet dan nak pergi ke jabatan tersebut
saya kesuntukan masa dan nak tanya dgn rakan tiada yg
berkhidmat dlm jabatan tersebut. Kesimpulannya memang
kelemahan dan salah saya yang akhirnya saya dihalau
keluar daripada interview itu dan hanya mampu duduk
selama lebih kurang tak sampai pun 5 minit saja.
2. Nasib saya baik dipanggil lagi sekali utk interview
tapi untuk jabatan yang berlainan dan saya mempunyai
maklumat yg banyak tentang jabatan ini serta tahu
fungsi jabatan tersebut serta tahu dengan mendalam
tentang undang-undang yang dipraktiskan dalam jabatan
ini...kiranya saya dah hafal semua seksyen2nya lah...
So, masa temuduga tu, semua dapat saya jawab dengan
idea bernas lagi tuntas dan menggunakkan ayat2
power...  Lucu jugak...3 orang yg menemuduga saya
sampaikan hanya anguk-anguk2 saja dan ada ketikanya
semacam melopong... Di akhir sessi interview itu,
ketiga-tiga tersenyum lebar melihat saya yg secara
psikologinya menampakkan saya telah berjaya dlm
interview tersebut Keputusannya...telahan saya mmg
tepat...saya berjaya.
So, ikutilah nasihat rakan kita tadi dan ini telah
saya alaminya sendiri...

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> assalamualaikum,
> harap sempat bagi tips ni, sekarang saya hanya
> berpeluang baca semua 
> during weekend only. first of all kerja dengan gomen
> ni..not trying 
> to give negative aspect..kadang2 kerja tu ada tapi
> dah diperuntukkan 
> untuk sekian polan, interview sebagai
> syarat aja.
> if that is not the case, of course kena tau senarai
> semua menteri 
> kabinet di malaysia ni. kawan sorang kena denda
> hafal kat situ gak 
> bila dia missed sebut sorang menteri, last sekali
> baru dia kena 
> panggil.
> kadang2 si penemuduga ni pun otak tak betul gak
> penah kawan kena 
> nyanyi lagu negaraku, dia nak berdiri, si penemuduga
> kata duduk 
> aja..bila orang tu duduk, he said kenapa awak tak
> hormatkan lagu 
> negaraku? dia jawab dah encik suruh duduk, habis tu
> kalau orang lain 
> suruh awak rosak binasakan negara awak ni pun awak
> ikutlah? so kalau 
> kena beringatlah.
> and thn of course nature of the job, kena lah buat
> research sikit. 
> yang saya tahu time interview ni kalau u boleh beri
> pandangan 
> sendiri yang bernas, guna ayat2 canggih kira oklah. 
> tapi ingat jangan sesekali hentam gomen. dia akan
> tanya apa pendapat 
> you dasar.apa-lah yang ada dasar sekarang
> ni, for example 
> islam hadhari tu ke..kalau u tak setuju pun pandai2
> lah...
> good luck, may god bless you.
> --- In, "Aziz" wrote:
> > Be ur self (ingat kat tuhan slalu)
> > 
> > assalamualaikum.
> > 
> > saya nak mintak tips sikit daripada korang yang
> keja dengan 
> kerajaan.
> > saya dapat interview untuk technician di
> perbadanan bekalan
> > air.masalahnya,saya hanya pernah bekerja di sektor
> swasta.boleh tak
> > korang kongsikan tips untuk berjaya dalam
> interview.please...
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >
> ---
> > 
> > All views expressed herein belong to the
> individuals concerned and 
> do not in
> > any way reflect the official views of Hidayahnet
> unless sanctioned 
> or
> > approved otherwise.
> > 
> > If your mailbox clogged with mails from
> Hidayahnet, you may wish 
> to get a
> > daily digest of emails by logging-on to
> to change
> > your mail delivery settings or email the
> moderators at
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the title
> "change to daily 
> digest".
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> All views expressed herein belong to the individuals
> concerned and do not in any way reflect the official
> views of Hidayahnet unless sanctioned or approved
> otherwise. 
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Bismillah [hidayahnet] Foreign sex workers posing threat to stability of Malaysian families

2005-07-23 Terurut Topik Amir Hamzah

Raja Petra Kamarudin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
By Channel NewsAsia's Malaysia Correspondent Melissa GohMalaysia has witnessed a sharp increase in foreign sex workers in recent months and they are now posing a threat to the stability of Malaysian families. They work illegally in karaoke lounges and pubs scattered across major Malaysian cities. Closely guarded by local agents, they operate in small groups to avoid detection by the police. These foreigners, mostly Chinese nationals, enter Malaysia via an intricate web of agents and dealers. For the first few months of their stay, every dollar the girls earn go towards paying off their debts, including airfare, visa and administrative fees. While some mainland Chinese women go into prostitution with their eyes open, others say they were forced into this grim job. They say
 they came to Malaysia believing in the promise of a better life. Their growing numbers have cast a negative light on legitimate mainland Chinese working or studying in Malaysia. Catherine Wang, Hotel Management Student from China, said: "Their illegal acts have caused Malaysians to be prejudiced against us. Malays and Indians look down on us. To them, we are seen as easy and vulnerable and that puts us in a lot of danger." Many of the Chinese nationals caught soliciting have overstayed their tourist visas. Michael Chong, Complaints Bureau Chief, Malaysia Chinese Association, said: "They should go for the pimps, these girls you catch them you put them in lockups you sent them back but the pimps are still doing the things. According to them they pay about 17,000 to 20,000 ringgit per girl depending on how beautiful they are." Chew Mei Fun, Deputy Minister of Women, Family and Community Development, Malaysia, said: "This problem has broken up
 many happy families. It's a serious social issue and my ministry is very concerned. I received numerous complaints in recent months so I notified the police and they've taken action. However, such activities are everywhere and are spreading from urban to rural areas so they're very difficult to control or eliminate." Aware of the situation, the Malaysian Immigration Department has halved the permitted period of stay for China tourists, from one month to two weeks. Beyond enforcement, Ms Chew says the government will try and revive among Malaysian men a strong sense of duty and responsibility towards their families. Ms Chew said: "What's important is all husbands should put their families first and cherish their relationship with their wives and children because previous instances showed that the husbands always ended up with nothing. Some even had to sell their land and property and were deserted by their families." To counter these negative
 influences, the Malaysian government has launched a nationwide campaign called "Bring Your Hearts Homes". The emphasis is on family and community activities to promote bonding and unity to strengthen the foundation of Malaysian families. --Posted by Raja Petra Kamarudin to MT-news at 7/17/2005 09:36:00 AM 
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Bismillah [hidayahnet] We share the grief

2005-07-23 Terurut Topik suria insani

Assalam u alaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuhu,

Killing of innocent non-combatants without JUST CAUSE is forbidden.  We share the grief of ALL those who lost their love ones, losing their love ones everyday in wide scale state sponsored terrorism in Iraq Palestine, and will still lose when cluster bombs showered in Iraq and Afghanistan detonates for years to come where in many civilians, especially children, are killed.
The UMMAH is like one body, we feel the pain any part of our body is bleeding. We have different ways of easing the pain and Allah knows best, and shall judge us on the  day of Judgment sooner than we expect. Everything written on the preserved tablet (al-Lauh ul-Mahfudh, 22:70), whats happening around us is PART OF THE TEST we must  undergo as travellers or passerby of this TEMPORARY SHORT LIFE of deception. Wonder if we are just being tested if we feel the pain of a fellow brothers being killed without just cause?

Know that every Muslim is the brother of another Muslim, and that Muslims constitute one brotherhood.” (Hadith)
 "None of you is a true believer of Islam until and unless he loves for his brother what he loves for his own self." (Hadith)
What is the life of this world but amusement and play? but verily the Home in the Hereafter,- that is life indeed, if they but knew.[29:064, also 6:32, 47:36, 57:20] 
May Allah accept in the promised Paradise (Jannah) those killed without just cause, who believed in HIM, ameen.

 Letter From Basrah to the British People*
I am sending this letter to the British people and, in particular, to the residents of London.For a period of hours, you lived through moments of anxiety and horror. In those hours you lost a member of your family or a friend, and we wish to tell you, in total honesty, that we, too, grieve when human lives are lost. I cannot tell you how much we feel hurt when we see desperation and pain on the face of another person, for we have lived through this situation-and we continue to live through it everyday-since your country and the United States formed a coalition and laid plans to attack Iraq.The prime minister of your country, Tony Blair, said that those who carried out the explosions did so in the name of Islam. The secretary of state of the United States, Condoleezza Rice, described the bombings as an act of barbarism. The United Nations Security Council met and unanimously condemned the event. I would like to
 ask you, the free British people, in whose name was our country blockaded for 12 years? In whose name were our cities bombed using internationally prohibited weapons? In whose name did the British army kill Iraqis and torture them? Was that in your name? Or in the name of religion? Or humanity? Or freedom? Or democracy?What do you call the killing of more than two million children? What do you call the pollution of soil and water with depleted uranium and other lethal substances? What do you call what happened in prisons in Iraq-Abu Ghraib, Camp Bucca, and many other prison camps? What do you call the torture of men, women, and children? What do you call tying bombs to prisoners' bodies and blowing them apart? What do you call the refinement of methods of torture for use in Iraqi prisoners-methods such as pulling off limbs, gouging out eyes, putting out cigarettes on prisoners' skin, and using cigarette lighters to set fire to the hair on prisoners' heads? Does the word
 "barbaric" adequately describe the behavior of your troops in Iraq?May we ask why the Security Council did not condemn the massacre in Al-Amiriyah and what happened in Al-Fallujah, Tal a`far, Sadr City, and An-Najaf? Why does the world watch as our people are being killed and tortured and not condemn the crimes being committed against us? Are you human beings and we something less? Do you think that only you can feel pain and we can't? In fact it is we who are most aware of how intense the pain is of the mother who has lost her child, or the father who has lost his family. We know very well how painful it is to lose those you love.You don't know our martyrs, but we know them. You don't remember them or cry over them, but we do.Have you heard the name of the little girl Hannan Salih Matrud? Or of the boy Ahmad Jabir Karim? Or Sa`id Shabram?Yes, our dead have names too. They have faces and stories and memories. There was a time when they were among us,
 laughing and playing. They had dreams, just as you have. They had a tomorrow awaiting them. But today they sleep among us with no tomorrow on which to wake.We don't hate the British people or other peoples of the world. This war was imposed on us, but we are now fighting it in defense of ourselves, because we want to live in our homeland-the free land of Iraq-and to live as we want to live, not as your government and the American government wish.Let the families of those killed know that the responsibility for the Thursday morning London bombings lies with Tony Blair and his pol

Bismillah [hidayahnet] Antara Restoran Melayu, Mamak & India

2005-07-23 Terurut Topik inor fosuy

Assalaamu'alaikum warohmatullah.
Sesungguhnya aku bersaksi bahawa tiada Tuhan yang disembah melainkan ALLAH dan sesungguhnya aku bersaksi bahawa Nabi Muhammad itu adalah pesuruh ALLAH.
Segala puji-pujian hanya bagi ALLAH, Tuhan sekelian alam. Selawat dan salam ke atas junjungan Nabi Muhammad saw dan sekelian orang-orang yang beriman & beramal soleh
ALHAMDULILLAH..hari Jumaat minggu lepas (150705) saya bersarapan bersama2 isteri tercinta di sebuah restoran di Bangsar Utama, restoran Warung Daun Pandan (restoran Melayu). Bukanlah saya nak bercerita tentang saya makan bersama isteri saya tu.tapi saya nak menceritakn senario yg berlaku di masa tu. Dalam restoran Daun Pandan tu, selain dari kami, ada satu lagi pasangan suami isteri Melayu dan di meja bahagian luar ada lebih kurang 4-5 orang Cina yg turut breakfast pagi tu. Restoran Daun Pandan ni menghadap kompleks Niaga Utama. Sebelah kiri tuada satu restoran mamak. Tak tau le betul2 restoran mamak @ restoran India tapi nama restoran tu menggambarkan ianya restoran mamak (Restoran Fathima). Kedai ni letaknya di corner lot menghadap Dataran Maybank. Saya tengok, ramai orang Melayu yg breakfast di situ berbanding dengan restoran Melayu tempat saya makan tu. Dan tak jauh dr restoran mamak ni tadi, ada satu restoran India, restoran Sri Ananda Bahwan. Dan sekali lagi
 saya tengok, lebih ramai orang Melayu yg makan kat situ berbanding dgn makan di restoran Melayu.
Persoalannya di sini, sudah hilangkah rasa ke"sensitif"an kita pada perkara2 sebegini? Kita lebih berselera pada makanan yg di masak oleh orang2 yg berlainan agama dpd kita! Kita lebih teruja untuk membelanjakan duit kita di kedai2 yg dimiliki oleh orang2 bukan seagama & sebangsa dgn kita! 
Kalau nak tau, selalu saya tengok dengan mata kepala saya sendiri, di belakang restoran India tu (tempat kenderaan & orangramai lalu lalang), tiap2 pagi pekerja dia siang & potong ayam, ikan, sayur dsb dengan berseluar pendek sambil menghisap rokok (tak tau le dah mandi ke belum! Tak tau le ntah gosok gigi ntah tidak!)
Tapi saya tengok orang2 Melayu yg bersarapan kat situ cukup berselera. Siap pelawa kita duduk minum sekali (yg kenal la!) Tak ada rasa bersalah langsung tengok restoran orang melayu yg sekali tengok macam kosong, dua kali tengok barulah nampak 2-3 orang dok menjamu selera berbanding 20-30 orang yg makan kat kedai India tuh!
Betul kita ada hak utk membelanjakan duit kita sendiri. Betul kita ada hak nak memilih makanan yg mengikut selera kita. Tapi, gunakanlah akal fikiran kita yg masih waras ni utk membantu perniagaan mereka2 yg sebangsa & seagama dgn kita! 
Saya teringat kata2 Prof Dr Izham dari Persatuan Pengguna Islam Malaysia (PPIM) semasa dia berceramah kat tempat saya dulu. Dia kata ada satu rombongan peniaga2 India Muslim yg datang dari India berjumpa & meminta pertolongan dr PPIM. Diaorang mintak PPIM supaya menyeru umat Islam di Malaysia supaya JANGAN MEMBELI barangan di kedai2 India yg non-Muslim. Kenapa? Sebab orang2 India yg buat bisnes ni, diaorg akan hantar 30% dpd keuntungan perniagaan mereka setiap tahun ke India (kira macam zakat diaorg la tuh!). Duit ni la yg akan digunakan di antaranya utk memerangi umat2 Islam di sana. Masih ingat lagi umat Islam yg kena bakar hidup2 di India sampai rentung? Masih ingat lagi macam mana mu'jizat Nabi Muhammad yg juga kitab suci kita yakni Al-Quran di bakar & dipijak2 di sana? 
Itu la semua hasil pelaburan orang2 kita di kedai2 orang India yg kemudiannya digunakan utk membunuh saudara2 yg seagama kita semua!!
Ada mata pandang, ada telinga dengar, ada akalfikir-fikirkanlah.
Bukannya ada mata SEKADAR pandang, ada telinga SEKADAR dengar, ada bijak kita GADAIkan!!
Lihatlah dunia dari mata burung, bukan lihat dari dalam tempurung!
Wabillahi taufik wal hidayahWassalamu'alaikum warohmatullahSend instant messages to your online friends 


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