Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Re: Pembantu Rumah Indonesia

2007-09-17 Thread aidhilin sdnbhd

  Pembantu Rumah Indonesia
  Kami ada membekalkan biodata pembantu rumah kemasukan segera yang sah dari 
Jawa dengan harga yang istimewa. Pakej harga RM4,000 & RM5,000 berserta dengan 
surat perjanjian & jaminan.
  Kepada yang berminat sila hubungi nombor dibawah untuk temujanji melihat 
  016-6808076 - Mazlin 

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Re: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] RAMADAN HANDBOOK

2007-09-17 Thread nasiha nasiha
Assalaamu`alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Hentikan Penyebaran Hadith-hadith tentang fadhilat
solat Tarawih Yang Tidak diketahui asal-usulnya.

Hadith-hadith tentang fadhilat solat Tarawih yang
menerangkan kelebihan solat pada malam pertama
sehingga malam yang ketiga puluh tersebar luas
dikalangan umat islam, samada melalui orang
perseorangan , media cetak atau internet. Oleh itu
kita dapati orang yang cetek ilmu pengetahuan akan
terpengaruh dengan hadith-hadith ini, malah ada pihak
masjid dan surau membaca hadith ini dahulu sebelum
memulakan solat Tarawih.

Sebenarnya saya sudah puas mencari dalam kitab-kitab
hadith dan kitab-kitab yang mu`tabar tentang hadith
yang dikatakan diriwayatkan oleh `Ali
radhiallaahu` anhu ini tetapi saya tidak menemui
ini kecuali dalam sebuah kitab arab berjudul “
Durratun Naasihin “. Namun pengarang kitab ini juga
tidak menyatakan perawi-perawi hadith ini.

Saya berpendapat kemungkinan ia direka oleh puak syiah
yang ingin menonjolkan ketinggian Saidina `Ali
radhiallaahu` anhu.yang banyak menerima hadith yang
belum pernah diutarakan dan diriwayatkan oleh para
sahabat lain radhiallahu` anhum. Mungkin juga hadith
ini bertujuan untuk memikat golongan awam yang jahil
untuk agar mereka terpegun mendengarnya. Kisah-kisah
rekaan ini banyak terjadi pada zaman Imam Ahmad Ibn
Hanbal rahimahullah.

Hadith ini juga mungkin direka untuk membangkitkan
keghairahan oram awam untuk beribadat kerana pada
zaman itu umat islam lalai terhadap perintah ALLAH.
Walau apa pun sebabnya adalah besar dosanya
mereka-rekakan hadith yang bukan dari ucapan Nabi
Sallallaahu` alaihi wasallam . Dalam hal ini
Rasulullallah sallallaahu` alaihi wasallam pernah
memberi amaran dengan sabdanya :"sesiapa yang mendusta
atasku (merekacipta hadith atas namaku ) secara
sengaja maka dia telah menempah tempat diNeraka."

Oleh itu hentikanlah penyebaran hadith yang tidak
diketahui asal-usulnya ini atau pun hadith palsu
supaya kita tidak bersyubhat dalam dosa besar ini.
Masih banyak hadith yang sahih dan dhaif yang boleh
kita sebar.


Semoga Ramadhan kali ini lebih bermakna buat kita
dengan meningkatkan amalan melebihi yang lepas-lepas
dan anggaplah ini adlah Ramadhan terakhir untuk kita
supaya kita tekun beribadah kepada ALLAH.

Sekian Ramadhan Karim. Ramadhan Mubarak.


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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Seoul warns US-India nuke deal could set bad example

2007-09-17 Thread ahmedsohail siddiqui

Seoul warns US-India nuke deal could set bad example

by Staff Writers
Seoul (AFP) Sept 11, 2007
A South Korean envoy has warned that a controversial US civilian nuclear deal 
with India could set a bad precedent for North Korea.   Chun Yung-Woo, Seoul's 
chief negotiator to six-party talks on terminating North Korea's nuclear 
ambitions, was speaking at a forum Monday. His comments, reported by local 
media Tuesday, were confirmed by the foreign ministry.   "The United States has 
made an exception for India and I am afraid North Korea will come back and ask: 
Why not us?" Chun said.   India struck a controversial deal with the United 
States, allowing it to buy US civilian nuclear technology while possessing 
nuclear weapons despite not having signed the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. 
  North Korea, under a six-nation deal, has agreed to abandon its nuclear 
programmes in return for economic, security and diplomatic benefits.   It has 
already shut down its only operating reactor ahead of a full declaration and 
disabling of all nuclear programmes by the end of this year.  
 "If North Korea denuclearises fully and says...that it wants the start of 
construction of a light-water nuclear reactor, then I think there can be a 
deal," Chun said.   "But if it insists that a reactor be provided before it 
abandons its fissile material and nuclear explosive devices, then I think 
devising a new international system along the lines of the US-India nuclear 
deal would take decades, if ever. It would pose a big problem."   Chun also 
criticised John Bolton, a hardline and blunt-spoken former US diplomat who 
angered North Korea with his strong criticisms in the run-up to six-party talks 
in 2003.   "We are still struggling to undo the damage done by John Bolton," 
Chun said in an unusually public personal attack.   "Without his perfectionist 
approach, I don't think North Korea would be where it is now in terms of its 
nuclear capabilities."   Chun praised progress made in the six-party talks that 
began in 2003. "The year 2007 has been an especially bad year for
 sceptics," he said. "And I hope it continues that way."   Community
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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Friday Nasiha - Issue #443: "Surah al-Baqarah (The Cow) - Ch 2: Vs 165 (Partial)" + "Sunnah's to Follow in Ramadan" + "Unlawful Corporate Earnings" - from YoungMuslims

2007-09-17 Thread Mohamed \(Imtiaz\) Bhikoo
Friday Nasiha - Issue #443
Ramadan 2, 1428, A.H. - September 14, 2007, C.E.
Living the Quran
Surah al-Baqarah (The Cow) - Chapter 2: Verse 165 (Partial)

Ramadan - The Month of Love
"those who have faith (i.e. are Muslims) are stronger in their love for Allah."

Concept of Love
The first thing that is needed is to actually conceptualize what love really 
is. We all know that love has many manifestations, degrees, and types. The way 
a child loves his or her parents is not the same as the way a woman may love 
her husband, and likewise, the way a person may love chocolate, per se, is not 
the same way a person would love his or her Lord (or at least we hope not). 
However, in all of these types of love there is a common and key theme, that of 
sacrifice and fulfillment. The more we love something, the more we are willing 
to sacrifice for it, and the more we will strive to fulfill the every command 
and wish of our beloved.

Indeed, sacrifice and fulfillment are from amongst the essential components 
that make up love, along with longing and cherishing. And this is why we should 
see that love, along with hope and fear, is a pillar of our worship. Our 
worship will not be complete or acceptable until it encompasses the right 
amounts of love, hope, and fear.

Association of Love with Ramadan
It is an individual's love for his/her child and family that will make them 
wake up in the late hours of the night to prepare a nice meal for suhur (the 
pre-dawn meal). In the same vein, it is an individual's love for his community 
that will drive him to take time off of work to ensure his fellow Muslims have 
sufficient food for iftar (the meal at sunset). And it is our love for Allah, 
as Muslims, which drives us to sacrifice the two pinnacles of desire, food and 
marital relations, for no other reason than the pleasure of our very Creator.

Our love for Allah (glorified and praised is He) does not stop here but, 
rather, merely just begins. One of the key pillars of loving Allah lies in 
following the Prophet Mohammad, peace be upon him, and an exemplary role model 
he is.

"Ramadhân: The Month of Love" - Abu 'Abdir-Rahman Mohammad Navaid Aziz

Understanding the Prophet's Life
Sunnah's to Follow in Ramadan

1. Waking up to have suhûr, even if it is something little. The Messenger of 
Allah, peace be upon him, said: "Eat suhûr for in suhûr there is blessing." 
[Narrated by al-Bukhârî and by Muslim]

2. Not delaying the iftâr. The Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace, said: 
"The people will remain upon goodness as long as they hasten in breaking their 
fasts" [Narrated by al-Bukhârî and by Muslim]

3. Supplicating throughout the day and night, especially during iftâr time. The 
Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said: "Three prayers are not rejected: 
the prayer of a father, the prayer of a fasting person, and the prayer of a 
traveller." [Narrated by al-Bayhaqi 3/345]

4. Spending the nights in prayer, as well as encouraging the family to do so. 
The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said: "Whoever establishes prayers 
during the nights of Ramadhân out of sincere faith and hoping to attain Allah's 
rewards, all his past sins will be forgiven." [Narrated by al-Bukhârî]

5. Being generous and feeding the people iftâr. The Messenger of Allah said: 
"Whoever gives iftâr to one who is fasting will have a reward like his, without 
detracting from the reward of the person fasting." [Narrated by al-Bukhârî and 
by Muslim]

6. Staying away from all immoral acts, especially those of the tongue. The 
Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said: "Fasting is not abstaining from 
eating and drinking alone, but it is also abstaining from vain speech and foul 
language. If one of you is being cursed or annoyed, he should say: I am 
fasting, I am fasting." [Narrated by al-Bukhârî and by Muslim]

7. Performing 'umrah. The Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace, said: 
"Perform 'umrah when Ramadhân comes, for 'umrah in Ramadhân is equal to hajj 
(in reward)." [Narrated by al-Bukhârî]

"Ramadhân: The Month of Love" - Abu 'Abdir-Rahman Mohammad Navaid Aziz

Unlawful Corporate Earnings

Essentially Lawful

In principle, trading in corporate shares is lawful. A person who purchases 
shares in a company is merely purchasing a part of a company. When that person 
sells his shares, he is selling a part of the company. The purpose of trade - 
whether it be in retail goods or in corporate shares - is to make a profit. 
This requires selling at a price higher than the purchase price, which 

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Meaning of the verse "then he should not have sexual relations (with his wife), nor commit sin, nor dispute unjustly during the Hajj"

2007-09-17 Thread Muhammad Abdul-Rahman
Reference "Islam: Questions and Answers - The Quran and Its Sciences"
Read more:

36808: Meaning of the verse "then he should not have sexual relations (with his 
wife), nor commit sin, nor dispute unjustly during the Hajj" 


What is the meaning of the verse (interpretation of the meaning): 

"The Hajj (pilgrimage) is (in) the well-known (lunar year) months (i.e. the 
10th month, the 11th month and the first ten days of the 12th month of the 
Islamic calendar, i.e. two months and ten days). So whosoever intends to 
perform Hajj therein (by assuming Ihraam), then he should not have sexual 
relations (with his wife), nor commit sin, nor dispute unjustly during the 
Hajj." [al-Baqarah 2:197]?. 


Praise be to Allaah. 

In this verse Allaah mentions some of the rulings and etiquette that have to do 
with Hajj. 

Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): 

"The Hajj (pilgrimage) is (in) the well-known (lunar year) months" 

i.e., the time for Hajj is the well-known months which are Shawwaal, 
Dhu'l-Qa'dah and the first ten days of Dhu'l-Hijjah. Some of the scholars were 
of the view that the whole of Dhu'l-Hijjah is one of the months of Hajj. 

Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): 

"So whosoever intends to perform Hajj therein" 

i.e., whoever enters ihraam for that, because when a person enters ihraam for 
Hajj, he has to complete it, as Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): 

"And perform properly (i.e. all the ceremonies according to the ways of Prophet 
Muhammad), the Hajj and `Umrah (i.e. the pilgrimage to Makkah) for Allaah" 

[al-Baqarah 2:196] 

Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): 

"then he should not have sexual relations (with his wife), nor commit sin, nor 
dispute unjustly during the Hajj" 

i.e., when he has entered ihraam for Hajj, he must respect it and protect it 
from everything that may spoil it or detract from it, of sexual relations, sin 
and argument. 

Rafath (translated here as sexual relations) means intercourse and everything 
that leads up to it of both words and deeds, such as kissing, speaking about 
intercourse and desire, etc. 

The word rafath is also used to refer to obscene speech. 

Fusooq (sin) means all kinds of disobedience and sin, such as disobeying one's 
parents, severing ties of kinship, consuming riba, consuming orphans' property, 
backbiting and gossiping, etc. It also includes the things that are forbidden 
during ihraam. 

Jidaal (dispute) means arguing and debating with no just basis. It is not 
permissible for the person who has entered ihraam for Hajj or `Umrah to argue 
with no basis. 

With regard to debating in a good manner in order to explain the truth, this is 
something that is enjoined by Allaah, as He says (interpretation of the 

"Invite (mankind, O Muhammad) to the way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom 
(i.e. with the Divine Revelation and the Qur'aan) and fair preaching, and argue 
with them in a way that is better" [al-Nahl 16:125] 

Although these things _ obscene speech, sin and false arguments _ are not 
allowed at any time or in any place, the prohibition is even more emphatic 
during Hajj, because the purpose of Hajj is to be humble before Allaah and to 
draw closer to Him by means of the acts of worship as much as possible, and to 
keep away from evil deeds. Thus one's Hajj will be accepted, and an accepted 
Hajj brings no less a reward than Paradise. 

We ask Allaah to help us to remember Him, give thanks to Him and to worship Him 

And Allaah knows best. 

See Fath al-Baari, 3/382; Tafseer al-Sa'di, p. 125; Fataawa Ibn Baaz, 17/144.

Reference "Islam: Questions and Answers - The Quran and Its Sciences"
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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Friday Nasiha - Issue #442: "Surah al-Baqarah (The Cow) - Ch 2: Vs 17-20" + "Sports in Islam" + "Hospitals in the Islamic Civilization" - from YoungMuslims

2007-09-17 Thread Mohamed \(Imtiaz\) Bhikoo
Friday Nasiha - Issue #442 
Shaban 25, 1428, A.H. - September 7, 2007, C.E.
Living the Quran
Surah al-Baqarah (The Cow) - Chapter 2: Verses 17-20
"Their similitude is that of a man who kindled a fire; when it lighted all 
around him, Allah took away their light and left them in utter darkness. So 
they could not see. Deaf, dumb, and blind, they will not return (to the path). 
Or (another similitude) is that of a rain-laden cloud from the sky: in it are 
zones of darkness, and thunder and lightning: they press their fingers in their 
ears to keep out the stunning thunderclap, the while they are in terror of 
death. But Allah is ever round the rejecters of Faith! The lightning all but 
snatches away their sight; every time the light (helps) them, they walk 
therein, and when the darkness grows on them, they stand still. And if Allah 
willed, He could take away their faculty of hearing and seeing; for Allah hath 
power over all things."

The first parable means that when a person, Muhammad (Allah's peace be upon 
him), spread the light of Truth that discriminated right from wrong and virtue 
from vice, those who used their faculties properly began to distinguish between 
these things. But the hypocrites, who were blinded by self-interest, could not 
see the right path even with the help of this light. 

Allah deprives of the sight only he who is not a seeker of truth; who chooses 
error for himself instead of guidance, and who shuts his eyes to the truth. 
When the hypocrites themselves turned away from the light of truth and chose to 
wander only in the darkness of falsehood, Allah also let them go astray.  And 
thus they become "Deaf" to hearing the Truth, "dumb" to speaking the Truth and 
"blind" to seeing the Truth.  

In the second parable, by thrusting their fingers into their ears, the 
hypcorites delude themselves for a while that they have escaped destruction. 
But they cannot, in fact, save themselves because Allah, with all His powers, 
is encircling them on all sides.  The first parable depicts those hypocrites 
who in their inmost hearts did not believe in Islam at all, but had become 
'Muslims' for the sake of self-interest or expediency. The second parable gives 
a description of those hypocrites who were suffering from doubt, suspicion and 
lack of faith. Though they were not wholly unbelievers, they practiced Islam 
only to the extent, which may not involve them in trouble. 

In this parable rainfall stands for Islam which came as a blessing to humanity; 
pitch darkness, thunder and lightning stand for the impending obstacles, the 
threatening dangers and the glaring difficulties which were being experienced 
on account of the strong resistance from the opponents of Islam. When the 
situation eased a little, they began to move onward on the path of Islam, but 
when the clouds of difficulties began to appear, or when they were given such 
commands as were against their self-interest or their superstitious beliefs and 
prejudices, they again stood still in sheer perplexity.  

Finally, it is important that we realize that Allah could, if He so willed, 
totally deprive these hypocrites also, of the power to see the Truth just as He 
deprived the hypocrites described in the first parable. But Allah does not do 
so because it is His will to give them respite to see the Truth and hear the 
Truth to the extent they want to see and hear it. That is why He left them with 
only as much power as they made use of in seeing and hearing the Truth.  

"Towards Understanding the Quran" - Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi

Understanding the Prophet's Life
Sports in Islam
Features of sports in Islam are many. In fact, many Islamic obligations include 
physical activities in addition to spiritual activities and ways of 
straightening behaviour. Prayer, for example, is a spiritual purification as 
well as motions for the body. Hajj also involves physical effort in its various 
rituals. So do visiting fellow Muslims and the sick, and walking to mosques. 
All kinds of social activities in Islam can be considered to be a physical 
exercise of the body and a way to strengthen it, as long as these activities 
are done moderately.

Among the sports that the Prophet, peace be upon him, played are the following:

1. Running. It was a form of training for traveling, jihad, seeking provision, 
etc.  It was reported by Ahmad ibn Hanbal that the Prophet raced Aishah and she 
outran him. Then they had another race where he outran her, whereupon he said, 
"This time makes up for the other."

2. Horsemanship and horse racing. In Sahih Muslim it is reported that Allah's 
Messenger said, "Ride horses, for they are the le

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] AL-Khadeem Sunday Class

2007-09-17 Thread marcelo fidoyoko yokohama
Salam wbt.
  Sepecial Lecture about Ramadhan by Ust Hussein Yee
  Every Sunday in the month of Ramadhan
  Time : 10.45 am to 12.30 pm
  Location: AL-KHAADEM, Lot 1034, Jalan Cempaka, Sungai Kayu Ara, 47400 
Petaling Jaya 
  Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia (near Damansara Utama and 15 minutes from UIA 
PJ insya-allah) 
Tel/Fax: 603-7726 4146 / 03-7726 4149 


  Insya-ALLAH there will be 2 chinese (not sure men or women) will take their 
syahadah (revert to Islam) on Sunday Class 16-9-07. 

Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect.  Join Yahoo!'s user panel 
and lay it on us.

Fwd: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] MIPHC 07 : Ke Arah Memartabatkan Saudara Baru

2007-09-17 Thread surayati othman
Dear Friends/Brothers and Sisters Mukmin,
  Please help Jemaah Islah Malaysia which is one of the most caring and concern 
NGO so far to have proven their proactive and aggressive effort to open the 
eyes of our Muslim community in Malaysia the obligatory of all Muslims to do 
the work of Dakwah.  
  Only by showing our sincerity in taking care of the welfare of new Muslims or 
Saudara Baru do we be able to show and share the true spirit, good morality and 
sense of ukhwahship being practiced by Islam in the true sense of the word. 
Inshaallah our act of generosity will only gain us whopping reward in the 
akhirah if it is not in the world.  
  Our serious attempt to sustain their akidah means our achievement in Dakwah. 
Being 'Khalifah' in this world is our our duty to see that all mankind be 
conveyed the message of Islam. How do we convey that if not through dakwah and 
through display of good conduct and morality of a Muslim . Good deeds will 
speak for itself and Good words will spread to nurture good will and captivate 
the hearts of our non-Muslim brothers to appreciate and accept the sincerity 
and beauty of Islam. Good dakwah will captivate those hearts that Allah has 
chosen and given the hidayah.  Helping to retain the hidayah and Akidah is a 
Victory and a divine success for us in the Dunia wal Akhirat! Inshaallah..
  Jazakallah khairan khatiran
  Sister Suraya 

Note: forwarded message attached.
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Hidayah Centre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL 
From: "Hidayah Centre" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2007 16:35:55 +0800
Subject: [KARISMA-Operasi] MIPHC 07 : Ke Arah Memartabatkan Saudara Baru

Assalamu`alaikum wbt

  Marilah merebut pahala sedekah 
dijanjikan oleh Allah   
di bulan mulia   Ramadhan ini
  membeli sambil meyumbang

  Majlis Berbuka Puasa (Iftar)   
 Perdana Hidayah Centre  
  (MIPHC 07) 


Hidayah Centre
Pertubuhan Jamaah Islah Malaysia

29 September 07 / 17 Ramadhan 1428 H
 5 Petang - 10 Malam
Dewan Persidangan, Kompleks Perbadanan Putrajaya, Presint 3, Putrajaya

 Forum: "Ke Arah Memartabatkan Saudara Baru"  

 RM 1000 =   1 MEJA 
   RM 100 = 1 KERUSI 


   Sila Hubungi :
  Amirul   019-383 6859
Rosmawati019 238 6333 
  Juwairiya019 690 0564

Hidayah Centre, 
Pertubuhan Jamaah Islah Malaysia (JIM)
Lot 300.3, Lorong Selangor,
Pusat Bandar Melawati, 53100,
 Kuala Lumpur
Tel : 03-41089669 Fax : 03-41071754

Take the Internet to Go: Yahoo!Go puts the Internet in your pocket: mail, news, 
photos & more. --- End Message ---

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] MR VILLA HOMESTAY ALOR STAR KEDAH

2007-09-17 Thread Abd. Rahim



Don't let your dream ride pass you by.Make it a reality with Yahoo! Autos. 

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Anjing Sahut Seruan Azan Subuh di Senawang

2007-09-17 Thread Rozmal bin Malakan
Pada subuh Jumaat 14 September 2007 bersamaan 2
Ramadhan 1428 Hijrah di Surau Alamanda, Senawang
terdapat beberapa ekor anjing liar sedang lepak di
padang bersebelahan dengan surau tersebut.

Ketika muazzin sedang melaungkan azan, saya kedengaran
salah seekor anjing tersebut menyalak dalam nada yang
berlainan. Setiap kali muazzin menghabiskan satu lafaz
azan, anjing tadi akan menyahut dengan nada yang
ganjil. Bukan nada salakan ketika bulan purnama, bukan
nada salakan anjing yang nampak penceroboh, bukan nada
salakan anjing sedang memikat, bukan nada salakan
anjing yang sedang bergaduh. Dan lebih menariknya bila
lafaz azan yang ada kalimah Allah, anjing tadi akan
menyalak dengan salakan yang lebih panjang dan lebih

Memang setiap makhluk di muka bumi ini sentiasa
berzikir , memuji kebesaran Allah swt , kecuali
manusia yang ingkar. Kalau anjing pun sahut seruan
azan , takkan orang Islam tak nak sahut seruan azan,
lebih-lebih lagi azan Subuh.

Kebelakangan ini memang terdapat banyak anjing di
taman ini. Dan mereka ini setakat ini tidak mengganggu
penduduk, cuma menyelongkar tong sampah yang tidak
ditutup rapat. Walaupun aduan telah dibuat kepada
Majlis Perbandaran untuk mengawal anjing-anjing yang
berkeliaran, kita tidaklah mahu anjing tersebut
dibunuh atau diseksa. Walaupun anjing untuk kita
mazhab Syafie ini adalah merupakan najis mughallazah
(berat), tidaklah patut untuk kita menghina dan
menganiaya anjing kerana mereka ini makhluk Allah.

Malah anjing ada disebutkan dalam Kisah Ashabul Kahfi
di dalam Al Quran , dimana anjing dalam cerita
pemuda-pemuda Islam yang melarikan diri dari
pemerintah yang zalim dan kejam telah menjadi sahabat
setia pemuda-pemuda tersebut. Begitu juga kisah zaman
silam bagaimana seorang perempuan pelacur yang hanya
membantu memberikan air kepada seekor anjing yang
sangat dahaga telah bertaubat dan dijanjikan ganjaran
pahala yang besar.

Kalau binatang seperti anjing pun kita disuruh
melayaninya dengan penuh kasih sayang apatah lagi
manusia yang datang dari bapa yang sama iaitu Nabi
Adam as, manusia yang seagama dengan kita, manusia
yang sebangsa dengan kita, manusia yang senegeri
dengan kita, manusia yang sekampung dengan kita.

Sempena Ramadhan ini, pereratkanlah persaudaraan dan
kasih sayang sesama manusia. Jauhilah sikap hasad
dengki, zalim menzalimi, dendam berdendam, tamak
haloba sehingga menidakkan kepentingan orang ramai.

Salam Ramadhan Al Mubarak.

  Syarak Mengata , Adat Menurut 
  Sudi-sudi layari blog saya di
  Laman web Misi Kemanusiaan
  Yayasan Amal Malaysia
  Yayasan Aman Palestin


Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha! Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated for 
today's economy) at Yahoo! Games.  

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Conspiracy Theory OR Fact

2007-09-17 Thread merican

The following is a video link on an alternative look, away from the official
story of how the New York Twin Towers collapsed:


It is extremely suggestive that the attacks on the towers in question may
have been perpetuated by the American government itself (however implausible
that may sound) as a pretext to launch a so called modern day crusade to
control and regulate lands occupied by Muslims.

One would assume that a country such as the United States, being the self
proclaimed guardian of world democracy, would adhere better to the
principles of due process rather than hurriedly taking steps to annihilate
two countries without concrete proof.

As the US administration may be guilty of suppressing the alternative story,
ALL other governments who remain silent and doing no more than providing lip
service of their concern are equally guilty.

Do forward this link.

Information is indeed power.

Salams and kind regards.

Megat Shaharuddin Merican
Petaling Jaya

Re: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Bersama Maulana Asri: Soaljawab berkaitan dengan Syiah Imamiyah

2007-09-17 Thread musa amt
  Saya berpendapat lebih baik dibesar2 kan masalah orang Malaysia yang anti 
hadith berbanding bab syiah yang sedikit pengaruhnya terhadap umat Melayu di 
  Bukan kah kita ada Mufti yang  mahir dalam bidang hadith, berdialog lah dgn 
mereka yang anti hadith ni dan tuan sebarkan lah menggunakan apa jua alat yang 
tuan upaya.
  Mengapa soalan syiah kita war2 kan. kenapa tidak umat Melayu anti hadith ni 
diwar2 kan.
  Minta maaf, saya bukan penganut syiah. Tapi pendapat saya keutamaan sekarang 
adalah orang yang menolak hadith dalam kehidupan dan golongan anti hadith yang 
cuba mempengaruhi umat Melayu yang tidak faham agamanya sendiri.

 Bersama Maulana Asri: Soaljawab berkaitan dengan Syiah Imamiyah
Posted by : zain-ys on Sunday, September 09, 2007 - 10:30 AM CCT 80 Reads  
Printer Friendly Page 
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   Siapakah al-Kulaini.   
   Ramai tokoh taqrib yang menyesal.   
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   Anak dari nikah Mut'ah   
   Dan lain-lain persoalan

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] "Ramadhaan Focus (PART 2)" - from Al-Islaah

2007-09-17 Thread Mohamed \(Imtiaz\) Bhikoo
Ramadhaan Focus (PART 2)

Hazrat Abu Huraira(radhiyallahu anhu) reports that Rasullullah(sallallahu 
alaiyhi wassallam) said that: " The wage for every man's deeds is increased (at 
least ) ten times; but for fasting; Allah's declaration is: "Fasting is an 
exception to this rule. Fasting is only for Me and I will apportion its reward. 
It is for Me that my creature gives up food and desires." (Bukhari, Muslim) 

'Suhoor' is the meal one takes in the last hours of the night before the 
commencement of a fast. It is a Sunnah to have 'Suhoor'. If someone has no 
appetite at that time, it is advisable for him to have something light. Even by 
having a few sips of water the sunnah of suhoor can be fulfilled. Although the 
'Suhoor' can be had any time after midnight, but it is more advisable to have 
it in the last hour of the night immediately before the break of dawn. 

The 'Suhoor' can be continued up to the break of dawn. But in order to be on 
the safe side, it is advisable to refrain from eating or drinking a few minutes 
earlier than the break of dawn.

Hazrat Abu Saeed Khudri(radhiyallahu anhu) reported that Rasullullah(sallallahu 
alaiyhi wassallam) said that: " Eating at Sehri is a blessing. If nothing else 
is available, drink some water. Allah and his angels send blessings to those 
who eat Sehri." (Ahmad) 

It is described by Hazrat Abu Huraira(radhiyallahu anhu) that 
Rasullullah(sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) said that: "The best food for Sehri 
is date." (Abu Dawud) . In Tibrani, this statement is from Hazrat Saed bin 
Yazid(radhiyallahu anhu) in which there is also a prayer for divine blessing.

Hazrat Abdullah bin Harith(radhiyallahu anhu) said that once he went to 
Rasullullah(sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) when he was eating Sehri. When I met 
him, he said : "Allah has given His blessings, to Sehri, so you should never 
miss it". (Nasai)

Hazrat Amr bin al Aas(radhiyallahu anhu) reported that Rasullullah(sallallahu 
alaiyhi wassallam) has said : "The difference between our fasting and that of 
the people of the scriptures is that of Sehri." (Muslim)

Hazrat Anas bin Malik(radhiyallahu anhu) reported that Rasullullah(sallallahu 
alaiyhi wassallam) has said : "Do eat Sehri, in which there is blessing". 
(Bukhari, Muslim) 

Rasullullah(sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) called Hazrat Arbaz bin 
Sarya(radhiyallahu anhu) to join him in eating Sehri(suhoor) with the words : 
"Arbaz, come to the auspicious food". (Abu Dawud) 

Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbas(radhiyallahu anhu) says that Rasullullah(sallallahu 
alaiyhi wassallam) said, "Have some sleep at noon, to facilitate waking up in 
the night and eat something at Sehri(suhoor), to gain strength for fasting". 
(Ibn Maaja)

3.  Q & A
Question: I am an Asthma patient. Is it permissible for me to use the inhaler 
during fasting? The inhaler contains salbutamol (liquid medication). If it is 
not permissible, what should I do when I get an asthma attack during fasting?
Answer: Since the inhaler contains a medication (salbutamol), the use of it in 
the state of fasting will invalidate the fast. We advise you take medication at 
the time of Sehri to avoid an asthma attack. However, should you get the attack 
during fasting, if there is no adequate alternative which does not break the 
fast, you may use the inhaler and make-up for that fast later (make 
Qadhaa).(Mufti Ebrahim Desai)

Asthma and Fasting: A medical perspective
Asthma is not a contra-indication to fasting. Long acting preparations eg. 
Euphyllin retard, Volmax, Serevent should be used. An acute attack may 
necessitate termination of the fast.(Source: IMA)

Amongst the wives of Rasulullah(sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam), Sayyidina 
Khadija(radhiyallahu anha) departed from this world in the month of Ramadhaan. 

Together with believers in Muslim countries throughout the world, Muslims 
living in Germany have entered the month of Ramadan. Ramadan in Germany takes 
place in a totally different atmosphere than in countries with a Muslim 
majority. Public and social life continues with the same speed and the running 
of the day does not know any interruptions, like for the Iftar. A difference 
also lies in the length of the day in Germany, which is a challenge in the 
summer, but is quite short in the winter period. This year the sun rises 
roughly at 8 am and sets at 4 pm.

Only those of the estimated 3.5 Million Muslims living in Germany, who live in 
one of the Islamic quarters of Berlin or the Ruhr area with a high percentage 
of Muslims living there might be reminded of the empty streets of Cairo or 
Istanbul during Iftar. Ali Ozkan, a Muslim from Berlin, was quoted by the 
Islamic Newspaper saying that it was a sign of this blessed month that the 
social life of Muslims becomes more noticeable than during the rest of the 
year. That food is offered everywhere and people eating and drinking can be 

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Kelab Nazrey NS lancar Moh Kito Tolong di Sabah

2007-09-17 Thread Rozmal bin Malakan
Sempena Ramadhan 1428 Hijrah , Kelab Peminat Nazrey
Johani (bekas vokali kumpulan Raihan) Cawangan Negeri
Sembilan telah melancarkan Program “Moh Kito Tolong”
untuk menghulurkan sumbangan berbuka puasa, sumbangan
Idil Fitri dalam bentuk kewangan, baju raya, juadah
berbuka puasa dan juadah Idil Fitri kepada golongan
susah, kurang berkemampuan, ibu tunggal, anak-anak
yatim di pedalaman Sabah.

Sepertimana yang sering dipaparkan dalam media, masih
ramai lagi penduduk di pedalaman Sabah yang hidup
dalam kesusahan, tiada kemudahan asas yang sempurna,
pelajar-pelajarnya terpaksa berkaki ayam ke sekolah
dan sebagainya.

Kepada mereka yang ingin mengetahui lebih lanjut
mengenai Program “Moh Kito Tolong”  atau ingin
menghulurkan sebarang bentuk bantuan sila hubungi
Koordinator Program Kelab Peminat Nazrey Johani
Cawangan Negeri Sembilan Tuan Haji Taufek di talian

  Syarak Mengata , Adat Menurut 
  Sudi-sudi layari blog saya di
  Laman web Misi Kemanusiaan
  Yayasan Amal Malaysia
  Yayasan Aman Palestin


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Re: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Avanza VS Citra

2007-09-17 Thread mohamad tun ali
Salam, Sy dah pakai citra selama 2 thn, setakat ni enjin dah tukar, wiring dah 
buat lain, bateri x sampai setahun, horn dah tukar (ha... pagi ni horn dah 
senyap lagi), petrol full tank +-300km je, pintu boot belakang renggang, cat 
tak rata, radiator n kompressor pun baru 1 bln tukar yg baru! Amacam? Kalu 
berani beli ler.. Nak trade in pun tak laku, guna ajelah. Dah nasib 
badan... FIKIR2KANLAH. Wassalam

- Mesej Asal 
Kepada: Ikhwanul Muslimun 
Dihantar: Rabu, 12 September, 2007 11:16:44
Subjek: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Avanza VS Citra


Assaasdsdfdvmgjfrvm kdvmsodnmvposvn_ ._,___ 

Assalamualaikum. ..semua sahabat pembaca...

Disini saya ingin pendapat saudara/saudari pembaca yang mempunyai pengalaman 
dan pengetahuan tentang kereta...

Apakah kebaikan dan keburukan diantara kereta Naza Citra dan Toyota Avanza.

Saya perlu mengetahui sebelum saya membuat keputusan sebelum membeli

Atau jika ada sebarang cadangan MPV lain, sila maklumkan.

Sekian Terima Kasih



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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Madrasah Turun Padang Bantu Saudara Baru

2007-09-17 Thread Rozmal bin Malakan
Ramadhan adalah merupakan madrasah untuk umat Islam
agar mereka dapat mengambil peluang di bulan yang
penuh barakah ini untuk mempertingkatkan amalan,
mempereratkan persaudaraan serta menginsafi diri

Madrasah Tuan Guru Haji Abdul Rahman bin Haji Ali, Kg
Selemak, Bintongan, Rembau tidak ketinggalan mengajak
masyarakat membantu mereka-mereka yang memerlukan di
serata dunia, apatah lagi di sekeliling mereka.

Setelah membaca penderitaan seorang saudara baru
berbangsa Cina dalam akhbar tabloid tanahair Siasah
terbitan 2 September 2007 mukasurat 11, ruangan Dalam
Negeri, Penyelia Madrasah Tuan Guru Haji Abdul Rahman,
Ustaz Mohd Nazri Yusof telah mengumpulkan dana
daripada pelajar-pelajar madrasah, orang-orang kampung
serta rakan-rakan untuk membantu Muhammad Rizal Lye
Abdullah (Lye Soong) untuk menjalani rawatan
pembedahan selaput matanya yang menyebabkannya hampir

Lye Soong, 57 tahun, berasal dari Kuala Pilah dan
telah masuk Islam empat tahun lalu di pejabat Agama
Islam Seremban. 

Kepada mereka yang ingin menghulurkan bantuan bolehlah
menghubungi Penyelia Madrasah Tuan Guru Haji Abdul
Rahman Ali, Rembau, Ustaz Mohd Nazri Yunus di talian

  Syarak Mengata , Adat Menurut 
  Sudi-sudi layari blog saya di
  Laman web Misi Kemanusiaan
  Yayasan Amal Malaysia
  Yayasan Aman Palestin


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Re: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Satu Renungan Di awal Ramadhan

2007-09-17 Thread leon adrianto
dasyat. sungguh dasyat. tapi apakah betul penulisan itu. pemberita selalu salah 
tulis, adakalanya tertulis mengikut fahamannya. sama juga seperti cerita batu 
  tetapi, pada zaman ini, kalau betul berlaku sedemikian, seperti banyak juga 
berita mereka yang murtad secara terang terangan mengaku, dan yang murtad 
secara tersembunyi, yang melakukan semua tabiaat yang tidak dalam ajaran Islam, 
dan ada kalanya tertafsir sebagai yang haram, apa yang hendak dibuat. Bunuh 
dia. Jel dia. Sebagaimana tulisan saya awal awal dan termasuk yang ini 
menegaskan bahawa memang umat islam malaysia lemah, begitu juga seluruh dunia. 
Sehingga mudah di kotak katikkan oleh sesiapa jua. Yang sedar, yang insaf, yang 
tau, tidak mau bersatu. Mementingkan diri dalam dunia sementara yang akan 
hilang satu masa nanti. Mudah mudahan jangan hilang imannya pula.

  Satu Renungan Di awal Ramadhan
  Ruhanie Ahmad

Berita di bawah ini dikirimkan kepada saya oleh seorang blogger yang 
menggunakan nama Pemerhati. Ia adalah mengenai Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri 
Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

Abdullah telah dipetik oleh Channel News Asia – sebuah agensi berita 
berpangkalan di Singapura – sebagai berkata pada 12 Sptember 2007, bahawa umat 
Islam Malaysia yang berhasrat meninggalkan agama tersebut perlu diberikan 
kaunseling oleh pihak-pihak berkuasa agama, dan, sekiranya mereka terus memilih 
untuk keluar daripada agama Islam, mereka perlu diizinkan berbuat demikian.

Menurut agensi berita itu, Abdullah kemudiannya menjelaskan bahawa kenyataan 
beliau dibuat atas kapasiti peribadinya sendiri.

Agensi itu juga mendakwa Abdullah membuat kenyataan di atas kepada para 
pemberita sesudah beliau merasmikan satu persidangan Islam di Putrajaya. 
Anehnya, kenyataan itu tidak pula dilaporkan oleh Bernama, agensi berita 
nasional Malaysia. Bagaimanapun, saya tidak pasti kalau kenyataan itu disiarkan 
oleh mana-mana akhbar perdana.

Kenyataan Abdullah sepenuhnya, dalam bahasa Inggeris, adalah seperti berikut:

KUALA LUMPUR — Malaysian Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has said that 
those who want to leave Islam should be counselled by the religious 
authorities, and, if they still choose to convert, they should be allowed to do 

Mr Abdullah made it clear later that he was making these comments in his 
personal capacity.

"Religious officials should be ready to listen to the problems of those people 
who want to leave the religion. They should not torture them but they should 
counsel them," said Mr Abdullah, speaking to reporters after opening an Islamic 
conference in Putrajaya.

Asked about the growing number of religious disputes dominating news headlines, 
the Prime Minister proposed that Muslims who want to convert to other faiths 
should be allowed to do so.

"This is not something that cannot be done. For those who don't want to be 
Muslims anymore, what can you do? If they want to leave the religion, what are 
you going to do? You might as well let them go."

Under Sharia or Islamic law in Malaysia, it is the duty of religious 
authorities to determine whether a Muslim can leave the religion or not. - 
Channel NewsAsia

Setelah anda membaca kenyataan Abdullah seperti di atas, cuba kita rasionalkan 
sendiri, mengapakah agensi berita terbabit menyatakan yang Abdullah membuat 
kenyataan itu atas kapasiti peribadinya sendiri? Apakah ini bermaksud bahawa 
pendirian rasmi Abdullah adalah berbeza daripada pendirian peribadinya? 
Mengapakah Abdullah membuat kenyataan itu sempena awal Ramadhan? Mengapakah 
jadi begini? Apa sudah jadi? 

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] JANGAN Sambut 1 Januari, Kenapa?

2007-09-17 Thread Noor Azura
  Jgn Sambut 1 Januari Kenapa 
Posted By   : DilaDellila (Dila, Delli
  Kuliah Maghrib yang disampaikan oleh saudara Zulkifli Nordin.  Dibawah ini 
adalah intipati kuliah beliau yang sempat disalin. 

Diantara lain, beliau mengupas ayat 120, surah Al Baqarah, mafhumnya :- 
Orang-orang Yahudi dan Nasrani tidak sekali-kali akan bersetuju atau suka 
kepadamu (wahai Muhammad) sehingga engkau menurut ugama mereka yang telah 
terpesong itu). Katakanlah (kepada mereka): "Sesungguhnya petunjuk Allah ugama 
Islam itulah petunjuk yang benar". Dan demi sesungguhnya jika engkau menurut 
kehendak hawa nafsu mereka sesudah datangnya (wahyu yang memberi) pengetahuan 
kepadamu (tentang kebenaran), maka tiadalah engkau akan peroleh dari Allah 
(sesuatupun) yang dapat mengawal dan memberi pertolongan kepada mu. 

Beliau juga menyebut hadith Rasulullah SAW yang berbunyi, lebih kurang : 
UmatKu dilalaikan tanpa disedari seperti semut hitam diatas batu hitam 
dimalam yang gelap. Siang ia Islam, malam ia kufur; dan siang ia kufur, 
malam ia Islam. Yahudi & Nasarah yang tidak redha akan Islam kita akan 
menggunakan apa saja cara untuk menyesatkan kita. Sekarang mereka 
menggunakan cara yang begitu halus sampai kita sendiri tidak sedar yang kita 
telah mengikuti mereka. Tengok saja disekeliling kita ... 
Contohnya,haribulan. Berapa ramai yang tahu bahawa cara tarikh Masehi ini 
ada kaitannya dengan tuhan mereka 

21hb Ogos 2002 AD. Apa maksud AD dibelakang? Makna AD ialah "Anno Domini" 
bahasa Latin yang bermaksud "Anno" ialah aku/saya dan "Domini" ialah tuhan 
dilahirkan. Jadi 21hb Ogos 2002 boleh diertikan sebagai"... . beberapa hari 
setelah tuhan aku dilahirkan. " Nauzubillah ... . Insaflah kita kerana secara 
halus kita mungkin termasukdalam kategori umat Nabi Muhammad SAW seperti 
diatas. Sebab tulah kita dianjurkan supaya beristighfar selalu. 

Bila sampai 31 Disember, berapa ramaikah umat Islam yang meraikan tahun baru? 
Tetapi sedarkah mereka bahawa telah difatwakan oleh Sheikh-ul-Azhar, Sheikh 
Tantawi, Sheikh Yusof al-Qardhawi dan ulama2 contemporary bahawa menyambut 31 
Dis. bererti menyambut ulangtahun hari jadi tuhan Yahudi & Nasarah? Bagi mereka 
yang tidak tahu, hukumnya fasik, tetapi bagi mereka yang tahu (kita sekarang 
sudah tahu) hukumnya ialah MURTAD. Nauzubillah. 

Sesungguhnya yang baik itu adalah dari Allah S.W.T dan yang kurang serta salah 
dan silap adalah dari kelemahan saya sendiri. 

Wallahualam. Dapatlah kiranya dipanjangkan, Insyallah 

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and lay it on us.

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Salam Di Ambang Pertemuan

2007-09-17 Thread Noor Azura
  Salam Di Ambang Pertemuan 
Posted By   : a111406pi (mawardah, solehah) Author   : Dr.Rokiah Ahmad
  Sebaik-baik pergaulan di kalangan umat Islam ialah apabila bertemu 
saudaranya, dia menunjukkan tingkahlaku dengan perwatakan yang baik, manis muka 
serta menerima dengan penuh rasa gembira yang tidak terhingga. Reaksi seperti 
ini amat disukai oleh Allah dan Rasul-Nya, dan besar ertinya di sisi syariat 
Islam serta mendapat ganjaran pahala yang banyak. Rasulullah s.a.w. melarang 
umatnya menghina atau memandang rendah dan memperkecilkan orang lain ketika 
bertemu, dengan sabdanya: 

‘Jangan sekali kati kamu menghinakan sesuatu yang baik dan kalaulah kamu 
bertemu saudaramu hendaklah dengan muka yang manis.’ (Riwayat Muslim) 

Pengajaran di sebalik hadis di atas ialah Rasulullah s.a.w. menyuruh umatnya 
mengukir senyuman ketika bertemu dengan kawan atau sahabat dan juga sesarna 
saudara dalam, Islam kerana dengan senyuman dapat mengeratkan tali 
persaudaraan. Mulakanlah sesuatu pekerjaan itu dengan senyuman, kerana senyuman 
menceriakan suasana dan mententeramkan. 


Amalan yang merupakan kemuliaan di sisi Allah ialah dengan memberi salam 
apabila bertemu di antara dua orang Islam. Perkara ini merupakan satu saranan 
oleh Allah ke atas hamba-Nya melalui firman-Nya: 

“Apabila diucap dengan satu ucapan maka balas olehmu dengan ucapan yang lebih 
baik daripadanya atau jawab secara yang elok, sesungguhnya Allah ke atas setiap 
sesuatu akan diperhitungkan.” (Surah Al-Nisa': 86) 

Melalui ayat ini Allah menyarankan agar hambanya mengamalkan ucapan yang baik 
ketika bertemu dengan saudara sesame Islam bagi menjaga kesejahteraan yang 
dianugerahkan oleh-Nya. Dengan demikian umat Islam hendaklah memberi salam. 
Setiap kali bertemu saudaranya iaitu yang terdiri daripada orang orang Islam 
sama ada kenal ataupun sebaliknya. (Rujuk Al-Razi: 544, 604H, hlm. 169. juzuk 

Dalil yang menegaskan kenyataan di atas melalui hadis yang diriwayatkan oleh 
Abdullah bin Urnar: 

‘Bahawa seorang lelaki telah bertanya kepada Rasulullah s.a.w. yang mana satu 
antara amalan dalam Islam itu lebih baik? Jawab Rasulullah, Kamu memberi makan 
kepada orang yang memerlukannya dan mengucapkan salam ke atas sesiapa yang kamu 
kenal dan yang tidak kenal’ (Riwayat Bukhari Dan Muslim) 

Cara Memberi Dan Menjawab Salam Serta Ganjarannya 

Cara salam yang disyariatkan pada awal pertemuan diucap dengan salam: 

‘Selamat sejahtera atas kamu dan rahmat Allah serta keberkatannya.’ 

Dan dijawab oleh saudaranya dengan berkata: 

‘Dan ke atas kamu selamat sejahtera dan rahmat Allah serta keberkatannya.’ 

Memadai juga dengan kata bererti "kesejahteraan ke atas kamu" dan setiap 
jawapan ini akan mendapat ganjaran pahala, mengikut kadar ucapannya, iaitu 
sepuluh pahala atau kebaikan, jika ditambah "warahmatullah" akan digandakan 
lagi sepuluh pahala dan sekiranya ditambah "wabarakatuh" maka akan diberi tiga 
puluh pahala atau kebaikan kepadanya. Begitulahjuga sebaliknya bagi yang 
menjawab. Ganjaran pahala memberi dan menjawab salam ini telah dinyatakan 
dalam. hadis yang diriwayatkan oleh A'mran bin Hussaini. 

Telah datang seorang lelaki kepada Nabi s.a.w. dan berkata, ‘Assalamualaikum’. 
Maka Rasulullah menjawab salam kemudian dia duduk. Maka Rasulullah berkata 
sepuluh pahala kemudian datang yang lain memberi salam dengan berkata 
‘Assalamualaikum warahmatullah’, lalu Rasulullah jawab salam tadi, dan berkata 
dua puluh pahala. Kemudian datang yang ketiga terus berkata ‘Assalamualaikum 
warahmatullahi wabarakatuh’. Rasulullah pun menjawab salam tadi dan terus 
duduk, maka Rasulullah berkata tiga puluh pahala. (Riwayat Oleh Abu Daud 
Tarmizi: Hadis Hasan) 

Sekiranya kita renung di sini, didapati amat besar ganjaran pahala yang diberi 
oleh Allah kepada pemberi dan penerima salam yang telah diajar melalui sunnah 
Rasulullah s.a.w. di samping mengerat siratulrahim sesama Islam. 

Salam Ke Arah Keutuhan Ummah 

Berdasarkan demikian apakah pengertian dan maksud salam? 

Salam bermakna memberi keamanan. Sewaktu kalimah salam diucap terhadap 
sescorang muslim dengan berkata sesungguhnya kita mengqasat dan mendoakan 
dijiwanya mempunyai ketenangan, ketenteraman, gembira dan bahagia sepanjang 
masa, begitu juga sebaliknya harapan dari yang menjawab terhadap pemberi salam. 
Dengan demikian terlerailah segala perasaan hasad dengki, dendam kesumat dan 
sebagainya, sebaliknya tersemai dan terjalinlah perasaan persaudaraan antara 
satu sama lain. Kemanisan wajah yang tersenyum manis dan keramahan yang 
diadunkan dengan gerak geri beradab, sopan santun bersama kehalusan budi akan 
mengeratkan tali persaudaraan dengan adanya kalimah salam yang diucapkan. Maka 
di kala itu, bayangan persengketaan jauh sekali. Itulah amalan muslim ke arah 
keutuhan umah. (Rujuk Al-Hafiz Zakiyuddin Abdul 'Azmi bin 'Abdul Qauni 
Al-Munzari 1987M bersarnaan 1407H. 426-428) 

Hukum Memberi Salam 

Salam merupakan asas bagi setiap muslim dan muslimah ya

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Fast2Fund - RM 100 utk Palestin !!! Masih belum terlambat!

2007-09-17 Thread IslahGateway

??? berapa banyak yang sudah dikumpul ???
Ramadhan masih ada 25 hari lagi...
kita masih belum terlambat!!!
Saat penyerahan kian hampir!!!
RM 4 x 25 = RM 100 
jangan sesekali lupa!

More info: 

Untuk tujuan bank in, sila masukkan ke akaun:
Pertubuhan Jamaah Islah Malaysia
Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad (BIMB) - No. Akaun: 1211 301000 5797
Maybank - No. Akaun 5622 0960 8847

Borang hendaklah dikembalikan kepada:
Sekretariat "FAST TO FUND"
Pertubuhan Jamaah Islah Malaysia (JIM) Lot 300.2, Lorong Selangor, Pusat Bandar 
Melawati, 53100 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03-4108 9669 (Cik Ee Azeani)
Faks: 03-4107 1754

*** selamat menggandakan ibadah!!! ***

(please forward)


Gesaan sumbangan RM1.00 satu kepala

  RM1 setiap bulan kepada Palestin 

Masukkan derma anda ke dalam akaun: 
'Pertubuhan Jamaah Islah Malaysia' 
Bank Islam Malaysia - No. Akaun 12113010005797
Maybank - No. Akaun 562209608847

Disaster and Emergency Response Unit [Deru] Donation:
Masukkan ke akaun JIM Johor di 
Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad 
Akaun no.  01014010010372

Ikhwanul Muslimun


Help Palestine [hidayahnet] ******** 8894 EKAR (LEASE HOLD) DLL UNTUK DIJUAL ********

2007-09-17 Thread SUHAILA ABDUL MAJID 237


a)   Mukim Larut Matang, Luas 176 ekar kelapa sawit. Umur pokok antara 8-10 
thn. Status Free Hold. 

 b)   Benta Estate Mukim Changkat Jong & Durian Sebatang, Luas 8894 ekar. 
Status Lease Hold.  
 c)   Langkawi Mukim Kuah, Luas 10 ekar.  Lokasi sebelah galeri Mahathir dan 
1km dr laut. Status Free hold rezab melayu. 

 d)   Tanah 1.5 ekar di sg Penchala. Tempat strategik. Free hold rezab melayu
 e)Kuari di Negeri Sembilan. Luas 80ekar. Batu Granit Anggaran batu 
mempunyai 122,748,237 tan metrik yang belum diterokai.  Permit dah ada. 

 f) Tanah di Sarawak Luas 7200 (17791.2 ekar).  Lease 60 thn.  

g) Bagan Sena, Kulim , Kedah. Estate.Luas 2892 ekar. Kelapa sawit.

h) Kawasan tepi laut di Teluk Senangin,Perak (19.1 ekar).Status =  free 
hold . Bakal naik Universiti Tentera.

contact  Pn Lyna   6 017 - 590 5671



( 24 hours )


Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Laporan Ketua Audit Negara 2006

2007-09-17 Thread Zam Rumie
From: "Al Abrar Abdul Wahid" 
Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2007 11:45:36 +0400
Subject: Laporan Ketua Audit Negara 2006interesting article...worth reading 

Kes 6 kapal peronda TLDM RM6.75 bilion: Najib perlu jawab! Ahmad Lutfi Othman 
Mon | Sep 17, 07 | 1:52:41 pm MYT  
Pendedahan yang dipetik dari Laporan Ketua Audit Negara 2006 tentang perbedaan 
ketara harga pasaran dengan harga yang dibayar untuk beberapa peralatan 
Institut Kemahiran Belia Negara (KBN) menjadi bualan umum baru-baru ini dan 
mendapat perhatian media. Namun ada isu lebih besar, membabitkan lebih banyak 
wang rakyat, dan salah lakunya lebih menjolok mata. 

Ramai terpegun bagaimana harga set screwdriver boleh menjadi RM224.94 sedangkan 
harga pasaran hanya RM40, harga kamera digital (Kodak, DC4800, 3.1 Megapixel) 
melonjak kepada RM8,254.29 (harga pasaran RM2,990), set pasu plastik (3 saiz 8 
inci, 6 inci dan 4 inci) RM42.80 (harga pasaran RM5.20), settee 6 seater (jenis 
PVC) RM9,075 (harga pasaran RM1,500) dan 2 tonne jack RM5,741.69 (harga pasaran 

Selain itu, sebuah kren menara berharga RM2.73 juta dibeli untuk IKBN Chembong 
dan sebuah lagi berharga RM2.990 juta untuk IKBN Bachok, sedangkan harga 
pasaran masing-masing hanya RM1.45 juta dan RM1.53 juta. Sebanyak 152 pakej 
komputer desktop yang dilengkapi perisian Computer Assisted Design and Drafting 
untuk jurusan Pelukis Pelan Seni Bina pada empat IKBN Bachok, Chembong, Kinarut 
dan Kuala Perlis telah dibeli dengan harga R4.47 juta atau RM29,385 setiap 
pakej sedangkan harga pasaran hanya RM9,250 bagi satu pakej, yakni kos 
keseluruhan RM1.41 juta. 

Sebanyak 430 set papan bancuh simen untuk jurusan Jurubina Bangunan dan jurusan 
Jurulepa dan Penjubinan pada empat IKBN yang sama telah dibeli dengan harga 
RM441,610 atau RM1,027 setiap satu. Sedangkan harga pasaran hanya RM150 sahaja 
(harga untuk 430 set hanya RM64,500) dan menurut tenaga pengajar IKBN, kosnya 
boleh dikurangkan lagi sekiranya pihak IKBN membeli papan sendiri dan pelajar 
diberi tugas untuk membuat papan bancuh simen sendiri. 

Tiga unit kabin telah dibeli dengan harga RM425,700 atau RM141,900 setiap satu 
untuk dijadikan bilik kuliah jurusan Operator Kren Menara di IKBN Bachok dan 
IKBN Chembong. Pihak Jabatan Audit Negara mendapatkan sebut harga sebuah kabin 
yang sama termasuk upah pengangkutan, kos memasang 2 penghawa dingin dan sewa 
kren, iaitu RM20,000 sahaja (RM60,000 untuk tiga unit). 

Sebanyak 17 set buku teknikal dengan 10 tajuk telah dibeli untuk jurusan 
Pelukis Pelan di KBN Bachok, Chembong dan Kuala Perlis, dengan harga RM181,900 
atau RM10,700 setiap set. Semua 10 tajuk buku tersebut boleh dibeli daripada 
Koperasi Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka dengan harga RM417 sahaja dan ini bermakna 
harga yang dibayar Kementerian Belia dan Sukan adalah RM174,811 lebih tinggi 
daripada harga pasaran. 

Begitu juga dengan harga satu set pen teknikal yang dibeli dengan harga 
RM1,146.56 sedangkan harga pasaran hanya RM160. Sebanyak 15 pakej kenderaan 
terpakai (tidak melebihi 5 tahun, terdiri daripada 4 jenis kereta, Honda Civic, 
Toyota Corolla, Protoeon Wira dan Iswara) dibeli dengan harga RM4.24 juta (satu 
set RM280,000) untuk jurusan Ketuk Mengetuk dan Semburan Cat, sedangkan harga 
pasaran sekitar RM2.8 juta (satu set RM183,000). 

Pembaziran wang rakyat dalam kes IKBN

Okey, saya tidak mahu membutirkan lebih banyak pendedahan laporan Audit itu 
hanya berlengkar di Kementerian Belia dan Sukan. Dan segala yang dibentangkan 
di atas pun bukanlah prioriti catatan ringkas ini. Ia mungkin boleh diibaratkan 
sebagai kes membabitkan ikan bilis sedangkan ada kes melibatkan ikan jerung 
yang tidak diberikan keutamaan oleh pihak media. Namun tidak pula saya anggap 
pembaziran wang rakyat dalam kes-kes IKBN ini boleh didiamkan begitu sahaja. 

Menteri bertanggungjawab, ketika itu, Dato' Seri Hishamuddin Hussein harus 
menjelaskan bagaimana keadaan pincang itu boleh berlaku. Kita pun pelik juga 
dengan peranan Biro Inovasi dan Perundingan, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia yang 
dilantik sebagai perunding untuk membantu Kementerian Belia dan Sukan mengenal 
pasti keperluan peralatan IKBN, dan sehingga Disember 2006, sejumlah RM6.54 
juta telah dibayar kepadanya. 

Kita tinggalkan sekejap isu-isu yang membabitkan perbedaan harga yang begitu 
ketara itu, dengan menyedari jumlah terkumpul yang sepatutnya boleh dijimatkan 
tidak kurang daripada RM10.80 juta, selain dapat mengelak permohonan penambahan 
perolehan peralatan sehingga kosnya berjumlah RM267,90 juta. Kerajaan juga 
terpaksa membayar tidak kurang RM88.45 juta untuk peralatan yang masih tidak 
digunakan atau tidak digunakan secara optimum disebabkan tiada keperluan, 
tenaga pengajar tidak pakar dan pembelian yang terlalu awal. 

Ooop, cukup dulu hal berkenaan. 

Kita beralih kes yang lebih besar membabitkan Kementerian Pertahanan, yang kini 
diketuai Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Dato' Najib Razak. Semalam (15 September), 
di Pekan, Najib berkata kerajaan bersedia mengguna 

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Islamic State Of Iraq Issues Statement To The Steadfast Ahl As-Sunnah In Baghdad

2007-09-17 Thread ahmedsohail siddiqui
Islamic State Of Iraq Issues Statement To The Steadfast Ahl As-Sunnah In Baghdad
Sep 16, 2007 
By Umm Saad, Jihad Unspun | Translation Copyright © Jihad Unspun 2007
  It should be obvious to all by now that the Islamic State of Iraq has been 
long in warding off the enemies and continue to encourage the Ahl As-Sunnah in 
Baghdad and elsewhere to remain steadfast despite the daily hardships they are 

While mainstream press paints a rosy picture of Iraq, the country is not only 
in chaos but is living under what can only be considered Marshal law; military 
rule headed by America and the Shiites who daily perpetrate crimes against the 
Sunnis who are being further marginalized as each and every day passes.

In this address, the Islamic State or Iraq offers hope to the Sunnis who have 
none left to protect them except Allah and the sons of Ahl As-Sunnah. This 
should come as a stark reminder to the rest of us who consider compromise with 
the enemies of Islam an option.

Here is the Islamic State of Iraq’s address to the steadfast brothers of 
Baghdad, published here uncut and uncensored, as translated by JUS.

We remind our viewers that the opinions and points of view expressed in this 
statement are those of the author and shall not be deemed to mean that they are 
necessarily those of JUS, the publisher, editor, writers, contributors or staff

Islamic State Of Iraq: To Our Steadfast Stationed Brothers Inside The 
Boundaries Of Baghdad

In The Name Of Allah The Most Gracious The Most Merciful

All praise be to Allah, The Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds. Peace and 
prayer be upon our prophet, Muhammad, his family, and his companions.

Allah the Almighty has said:

“And had We not given you strength, you would nearly have inclined to them a 
little.” Quran 17: 74

When a Mujahid becomes steadfast on the path of Jihad, and on the basics of 
this right, in spite of all the deceit that befalls him and the severe 
disappointments he faces, this alone is considered victory for Allah the 
Almighty says:

“Of Allah, to Whom all things in the heavens and on earth belong! But alas for 
the Unbelievers there is a terrible penalty (their lack of faith will bring 
them)!” Quran 14:2

So the one who remains steadfast on the path of Jihad, and continues to perform 
this right, then he has become of the people mentioned in this verse.

Sheikh Ahman bin Ateeq, may Allah have mercy on him, said, “in the way of Allah 
there is safety and freedom, for Allah the Almighty has said that had it not 
been for his making the Prophet (pbuh) steadfast, he would have heeded to the 
unbelievers a little, and had he heeded a little, Allah would have made him 
suffer the punishment of the world and hereafter by double. But Allah the 
Almighty, made him steadfast so that he did not heed them; instead he took 
enmity and cut ties with them. And if the Prophet (pbuh) was addressed like 
this in spite of his innocence, then those other than him are more deserving of 
this warning.

Those who heed or obey the unbelievers or the transgressors, in spite of the 
fact that they have been promised Hell and will face punishment in the 
Hereafter due to this heeding and obedience to them, they declare defeat, a 
great defeat, and the ideology that they so long adhered to has worn off 
because of this heeding and obedience. A tenet of Allah is that the unbelievers 
will continue to retain their enmity with the believers until they make them 
leave their religion. 

Allah the Almighty says:

“They ask you concerning fighting in the Prohibited Month. Say: "Fighting 
therein is a grave (offence); but graver is it in the sight of Allah to prevent 
access to the path of Allah, to deny Him, to prevent access to the Sacred 
Mosque, and drive out its members." Tumult and oppression are worse than 
slaughter. Nor will they cease fighting you until they turn you back from your 
faith if they can. And if any of you turn back from their faith and die in 
unbelief, their works will bear no fruit in this life and in the Hereafter; 
they will be companions of the Fire and will abide therein.” Quran 2: 217

What the cross worshippers are doing with our families in some areas 
surrounding Baghdad province especially the area of Arab Jabour and Karma and 
Tarimiyah today is only an example of it. For the past few weeks, these places 
have been facing a crushing campaign by the cross worshippers and their lackeys 
in an attempt to diffuse the flame of Jihad that has been lit in the hearts of 
the youth of Islam in the area. They are doing this in the following ways:

• Laying a severe siege to the area, and closing it down by stopping food and 
medicine from reaching it.

• Forcing the people in the area, under lures and threats to join the puppet 
local militias or the police or the apostate army and building new police 
stations in their areas.

• Using the apostate militias from the so-called “Anbar Salvation Council” 
along with some of the group

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Remaja, Ramadhan & Raya 24 Sep Senawang

2007-09-17 Thread Rozmal bin Malakan
Motivasi 3 R : “Remaja, Ramadhan & Raya”
Bersama Ustaz Mohd Nazree bin Mohd Yunus
Ketua Pegawai Jaringan Pemikir Anak Muda INSKA
(Institut Kajian Asas Kemasyarakatan), Kuala Lumpur
Bekas Presiden Persatuan Mahasiswa Islam Universiti
Malaya (PMIUM) 2006

Tarikh : Isnin 24 September 2007
Masa : 9:30 malam , selepas solat Witir
Tempat : Surau Taman Alamanda, Senawang, N.Sembilan

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