Secara peribadi, saya memang sangat menyokong pendapat BPPNS. Semasa saya 
belajar di sebuah kolej di Timur tanah air, pensyarah saya juga pernah 
menegaskan hal ni. Alasannya apabila lelaki & perempuan bebas bergaul maka akan 
berlaku banyak masalah sosial. Memang betul pun. Malahan sekarang ni lebih 
banyak kes kemalangan & kematian yang berlaku yg melibatkan perempuan. Saya 
rasa risau & sedih.

Bukan nak memandang rendah pada perempuan & memperkecil-kecilkan kemampuan  
mereka. Saya juga seorang perempuan. Tetapi aktiviti yang seperti ini 
sememangnya kurang sesuai untuk perempuan. Perempuan kadang-kadang cepat lemah 
semangat & kudrat. Mungkin ada aktiviti lain yang boleh diadakan sesuai dengan 

Rasa bertuah pula bila saya tidak diwajibkan untuk PLKN. Tapi saya tetap 
patriotik & memelihara maruah bangsa saya. Cukuplah pengalaman bergiat dalam 
Persatuan Kadet Bersatu MAlaysia dulu semasa saya di sekolah menengah. Memang 
seronok tapi kecekalan fizikal & mental tu sangat penting terutama perempuan 
macam saya ni.  Kemudian terbayangkan pula keseronokan adik2 yang menyertai 
PLKN. Lepas tu teringatkan persoalan kenapa agaknya dalam Islam hanya lelaki 
sahaja yang diwajibkan menyertai perang?

----- Original Message ----
To: Ikhwanul Muslimun <>
Sent: Thursday, March 8, 2007 8:22:43 AM
Subject: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Hentikan PLKN untuk wanita jika ingin jadi 
negara maju

Hakikatnya, Malaysia adalah satu-satunya negara dalam
dunia ini yang mewajibkan wanita untuk menyertai
program khidmat negara. Sedangkan negara maju yang
lain seperti Singapura, Jerman, Greece dan Turki hanya
mewajibkan lelaki untuk menyertai program khidmat

Apakah rasionalnya mewajibkan wanita untuk menyertai
program khidmat negara di Malaysia ini ?

Hentikan penganiyaan terhadap wanita ! Ayuh
persatuan-persatuan , agensi-agensi yang membela
wanita, tuntutlah hak wanita seperti di negara maju
agar wanita dikecualikan daripada menyertai program
khidmat negara secara paksa.

************ ********* *******
National Service in Singapore
National Service (NS) in Singapore is the name given
to the compulsory conscription of all male Singapore
citizens and second-generation permanent residents
upon reaching the age of 18. They serve a two-year
period as Full Time National Servicemen (NSFs) in the
Singapore Armed Forces (SAF), Singapore Police Force
(SPF), or the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF).
http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ National_ Service_in_ Singapore

National Service in Malaysia
The Malaysian National Service, or Program Latihan
Khidmat Negara (PLKN) was first proposed in late 2001,
brought to committee the next year, and finally
brought to action in 2003. Initially it was thought
that all youth of a certain age would be drafted but
later the numbers were restricted due to lack of
resources. The issue of conscription has always been a
sensitive political issue in Malaysia because of the
ethnic divisions of the country. The rationale for
National Service was to bond the youth of Malaysia
together and create a Malaysian nation, as the problem
of racial polarisation was found to pervade
educational institutions in Malaysia
http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Malaysian_ National_ Service

National Service in Greece
As of 2006, Greece (Hellenic Republic) has mandatory
military service of 12 months for men between the ages
of 19 and 45. Citizens discharged from active service
are normally placed in the Reserve and are subject to
periodic recall of 1-10 days at irregular intervals
http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Conscription_ in_Greece

National Service in Germany
Germany has conscription ("Wehrpflicht" ) for male
citizens. They are obliged to serve for nine months
either in the military or in an alternative civilian
service. Although the conscription is of a military
nature, nowadays twice as many draftees serve in
alternative services than in the military. Women are
not part of the draft, but may volunteer as
professional soldiers.
http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Conscription_ in_Germany

National Service in Turkey
In Turkey, compulsory military service applies to all
male citizens from twenty to forty one years of age
(with some exceptions). Those who are engaged in
higher education or vocational training programs prior
to their military drafting are allowed to delay
service until they have completed the programs or
reach a certain age (29 for university degree, 33 for
Masters' Degree, 37 for Doctorate). The duration of
the basic military service varies. As of July 2003,
the reduced durations are as follows: for those
without 4 year university degrees fifteen months as
privates (previously eighteen months); for those with
4 year university degrees or higher either twelve
months as reserve officers (previously sixteen months)
or six months as short-term privates. Those with
medical degrees always serve as reserve officers for
twelve months. Choice of the rest of draftee reserve
officers are believed to be determined by the needs of
the armed forces, but there is no public document
available clarifying the process.
Although women are not conscripted, they are allowed
to become officers.
http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Conscription_ in_Turkey

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