marilah kita sama-sama berdoa dan bertawakkal kepada Allah swt untuk petunjuk, bantuan dan hidayahnya.. kena ingat..adakalanya semua ini berpunca dari kita sendiri..lalai dan pentingkan diri sendiri dan selalu kita mendengar bahawa..apabila terlalu banyak maksiat berlaku maka tunggulah peringatan dari Allah berupa amaran yang keras. Hanya yang benar benar beriman akan selamat. paling penting..jom bersatu wahai saudaraku..muslimin & muslimat

Abdul Wahid Osman Belal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

By Insulting the Holy Prophet of Islam (S.A.W .) Europe have started
crusade against Islam
Muhammad Ishaq
Fri, Feb 17 2006

More than 1800 millions Muslims throughout the world strongly condemn
the insulting, humiliating and racist cartoons published in Danish and
European newspapers. We strongly condemn the Danish and other European
government's arrogance and support for this deliberate act of
antagonizing Muslims.

The sarcastic caricatures and drawings insulting the Holy Prophet of
Islam (S.A.W.) published in the Jyllands Posten newspaper from
Denmark, were first published in its issue dated Tuesday, September
30, 2005 , sparked great uproar and indignation among the Muslims in
the world when several newspapers and magazines in Norway, France
Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain also re-printed the Danish
cartoons to show support for Danish newspaper.

Denmark's Jyllands-Posten paper have maintained it was legal under
Danish law to print the sarcastic caricatures and drawings insulting
the Holy Prophet of Islam (S.A.W.).Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh
Rasmussen has rejected calls to take any action against the paper for
insulting the Holy Prophet of Islam ( S.A.W.). In April last year,
Queen Margrethe of Denmark in an authorized biography argued that
Danish people should stand up against Islam.

Wolfgang Schauble, the German home minister, defended the decision by
four German newspapers to publish the sarcastic cartoons and drawings
insulting the Holy Prophet of Islam (S.A.W.).

The pseudo-Western freedom of _expression does not mean that the media
or the people start insulting and humiliating fellow Muslim Danish
citizens and antagonizing Muslims in the world.

West's beloved freedom of speech, is used by the mainstream Western
media as a justification only to promote the ruling ideology of the
West. The mainstream Western media are 'free' only to publish whatever
they like, so long as it espouses the ascendancy of the West and its
corporate agenda. The very nature of global media ownership means that
only a handful of corporate entities own the vast majority of the
globe's total media output. West's beloved freedom of speech is used
only as a weapon to promote the agenda of the West and to subvert
others, regardless of actual world events.

In Denmark and other European countries, under the patronage of their
racist governments, the European media is creating hate against
Muslims by insulting the Holy Prophet of Islam ( S.A.W.). Holy Prophet
Muhammad (S.A.W.) is our honour and identity. More than 1800 millions
Muslims throughout the world will sacrifice their lives in defending
the honors of our religion, our holy book, the Qur'an and our beloved,
Holy Prophet Muhammad ( S.A.W.).

1800 millions strong Muslims in the world will not allow people to
humiliate our sacred and holy religious values and dignity in the name
of pseudo-Western freedom of _expression.  By publishing these
sarcastic cartoons and drawings insulting the Holy Prophet of Islam
(S.A.W.) Europe have started crusade against Islam. Insulting the Holy
Prophet of Islam (S.A.W.) is a part of the crusade of Europe to
distort and discredit Islam.

1800 millions strong Muslims in the world urge all Muslim countries to
review their trading relationships with Denmark and other European
countries and if the racist governments of these countries continue
backing the racist media then the Muslim governments have every right
to find the alternatives and boycott the Danish and European countries

1800 millions strong Muslims in the world strongly condemn the recent
threat made by EU Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson in which he said
that he will go to WTO against those governments who will boycott
Danish products. Mr. Mandelson, instead of threatening Muslim
countries, should ask racist Denmark and other European governments
not to encourage racism and stop victimizing the innocent Muslims in
Denmark and tender urgent apologies to Muslims.

*Humble Request: *
*We humbly request all the Muslims in the world to forward this Message to
your friends and relatives *



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