In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Seeing Islam as ?Evil? Faith, Evangelicals Seek Converts

On a recent Saturday in a church fellowship hall here, evangelical Christians from several states gathered for an all-day seminar on how to woo Muslims away from Islam.

The teacher urged a kindly approach: always show Muslims love, charity and hospitality, he said, and carry copies of the New Testament to give as gifts. The students, scribbling notes, included two pastors, a school secretary and college students who said they hoped to convert Muslims in the United States, or on mission trips abroad.

SEE ALSO: When U.S. Foreign Policy Meets Biblical Prophecy (Feb 20, 2003)


Iraq: 1,000 days of war :

There is no sign yet of the thousand-day war ending. Every month up to a thousand fresh corpses arrive at the mortuary in Baghdad. A new Iraq is emerging but it is already drenched in blood.


Bush Estimates U.S. Invasion Resulted In 30,000 Iraqis Killed : -

In a rare, unscripted moment, President Bush on Monday estimated 30,000 Iraqis have died in the war, the first time he has publicly acknowledged the high price Iraqis have paid.


Brazilians to 'Try' Bush for Crimes Against Humanity :

According to this article from Brazil's OTempo newspaper, mock trials of U.S. President George W. Bush are to be held as a way of educating young people about the 'crimes' and abuse of power by the Bush Administration.


In case you missed it:

Video: Torture Inc. Americas Brutal Prisons:

They are just some of the victims of wholesale torture taking place inside the U.S. prison system that we uncovered during a four-month investigation for BBC Channel 4 . It?s terrible to watch some of the videos and realise that you?re not only seeing torture in action but, in the most extreme cases, you are witnessing young men dying.


Council of Europe probe backs claims of CIA prison flights

The CIA appears to have abducted suspects in Europe and illegally transferred them to other countries, according to the preliminary results of a Council of Europe investigation released today.


When Allies Become Accomplices to Terror

Does a State become a rogue State because it uses roguish methods? Or does it use roguish methods because it is a rogue state? - " It makes no difference if a State tortures (or outsources torture) in the name of human rights, in the name of a religion or in the name of a dictator. For it then tortures not as a society based on the rule of law but as its antithesis.


Reduced to double talk in defending torture policy

How long will the American people tolerate the shaming of their nation by the inhumane treatment of prisoners of war and the spiriting of detainees to secret prisons outside the United States?


American Taste for Executions Fed by Evangelical Culture

One of the highest murder rates in the world, a tradition of frontier justice and unwavering faith in biblical retribution have helped keep the death penalty alive in the United States even as much of the modern world has rejected it, experts on the subject say.

In the face of international scorn and a trend that has seen a record 105 countries halt capital punishment, America has continued to embrace it, accounting along with China, Iran and Vietnam, for most of the world's known executions.


The Great Perversion

The experience that most Americans live vicariously through television is an utter fraud. As Thoreau said, ?We have become the tools of our tools.? Our lives have become more virtual than real.


What Peace Needs

Our government has told us we must fear the Conscientious Objectors because they have stood against an illegal war of aggression. Our government, threatened by Sgt. Benderman?s moral stand to defend humanity and our constitution, has imprisoned him in the hopes that the slamming of the rusty, mildewed bars will silence his message of truth.


Iraq militant group says won't hit voting stations:

"This does not mean that we back this so-called political process... Our jihad against the Americans and their followers continues," the group said in the statement.


The region will wrest back control when the US stumbles out of Iraq :

This costly intervention has exposed the myth of America as conductor of a grand democratic Middle Eastern orchestra,3604,1665668,00.html


Robert Dreyfuss: Bush's Shiite Gang in Baghdad:

The United States has 160,000 troops in Iraq serving as the Praetorian guard for that Shiite regime. We?re killing hundreds of Sunnis all over western Iraq on their behalf.


Iraqi Army endures desertions:

Desertion has now become a problem too: Of 209 Iraqi soldiers from their battalion on leave or vacation at the time of the attack, 49 have not returned to duty since, Hall said.


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Monday, 12 December 2005

? Four US troops reported killed in Resistance bombing in ar-Ramadi.
? At least one American soldier reported dead as Resistance mounts three attacks in al-Fallujah Monday.
? Resistance seizes temporary control of three Baghdad neighborhoods Monday, mounts attacks on joint US-Iraqi puppet forces.
? Resistance attacks joint US-Iraqi patrol in Baghdad late Sunday night, leaving American soldier reported dead.
? Puppet ?Interior Ministry Shock Troops? abduct, torture, murder Sunnis in ad-Durah.
? US soldier reported killed in bombing on highway north of al-Musayyib Monday.
? Roadside bomb north of ad-Dulu?iyah leaves two US troops reported dead.
? Three US troops reported killed in car bomb attack in Mosul.


Four US soldiers killed in Iraq

Four US army soldiers have been killed in a roadside bombing northwest of Baghdad.


4 U.S. Soldiers Killed :

Four Task Force Baghdad Soldiers were killed when their patrol struck an improvised explosive device northwest of Baghdad Dec. 13.


Taliban claim killing three US soldiers in Kandahar:

Taliban claim to have killed three US troops in southern Afghanistan here on today.
According to the details the a Taliban spokesman Dr Hanif claim that a US tank was blown up by a remote controlled landmine in Maiwand district of Kandahar Province today that resulted in killing three US troops onboard.


Pentagon's use of media firm, company's performance, scrutinized:

When The Rendon Group was hired to help Afghan President Hamid Karzai with media relations in early 2004, few thought it was a bad idea. Though Rendon's $1.4 million bill seemed high for Afghanistan, the U.S. government was paying.


EU covers up Israel's crimes in Jerusalem to avoid 'offending' it

EU shelves East Jerusalem report over fear of alienating Israel

A controversial report that accuses Israel of rushing to annexe Arab areas of East Jerusalem was shelved by European foreign ministers in Brussels yesterday out of
sensitivity to Israel.,,1665872,00.html


Tortured prisoners had their nails pulled, officials say :

"Two of them showed me their nails, and they were gone," the official said, asking to remain anonymous.


CIA abduction claims 'credible'

Allegations that the CIA abducted and illegally transported terror suspects across European borders are credible, an investigator has said. Swiss senator Dick Marty has submitted a report on the claims, made in the media, to a meeting of the human rights committee of the Council of Europe.


Illegal CIA transfer of individuals evident: investigator :

Legal proceedings in certain countries seemed to indicate that individuals had been abducted and transferred to other countries unlawfully by CIA.


Refusal to question US over 'torture flights' may be illegal :

Straw finally admits CIA planes landed in Britain,11538,1665912,00.html


German Khaled El-Masri Tells of Torture in 'Secret' U.S. Custody:

VIDEO: ACLU Holds Briefing With Khaled El-Masri, Announcing His Lawsuit Against the CIA for Torture


Torture may be necessary: former W.House advisor: -

A former top adviser to President George W. Bush on Iraq policy said on Monday there are instances when torture may be appropriate.


U.S. Activists Fast Outside Guantanamo :

American activists camping out at a Cuban military checkpoint outside the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay started their first day of a water-only fast Monday to protest the treatment of suspected terrorists detained at the base.


Australian at Guantanamo Wins Court Battle:

An Australian being held at the U.S. prison camp in Guantanamo Bay won a court battle Tuesday to be registered as a British citizen -- a step he hopes will secure his release.


International Anti-War Movement Builds at UK Conference:

Andrew Murray the Chair of the Stop the War Coalition opened a conference in London on December 10th describing it as an ?historic event? that brings together peace activists from around the world.


Australia: Howard's Leadership Mires Response to Racism - Senator Brown ,:

The Prime Minister, whose infamous 'we will decide who comes to this country' translated for some to 'we will decide who comes to this beach' on Sunday, has mired the issue of racism in Australia, Greens Senator Bob Brown said today.


In case you missed it:

The Man Who Sold the War :

Meet John Rendon, Bush's general in the propaganda war


-muslim voice-


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