In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

9/11: Possible Motives Of The Bush Administration

In the fall of 2000, a year before 9/11, a document entitled Rebuilding America's Defenses was published by an organization calling itself the Project for the New American Century (PNAC). This organization was formed by individuals who were members or at least supporters of the Reagan and Bush I administration, some of whom would go on to be central figures in the Bush II administration. These individuals include Richard Armitage, John Bolton, Dick Cheney, Zalmay Khalilzad (closely associated with Paul Wolfowitz), Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Richard Perle, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, and James Woolsey. Libby (now Cheney's chief of staff) and Wolfowitz (now Rumsfeld's deputy) are listed as having participated directly in the project to produce Rebuilding America's Defenses. Interestingly, John Lehman, a member of the 9/11 Commission, has been a member of the PNAC or at least publicly aligned with it.


America slowly confronts the truth

The old media dog sniffed the air, found power was moving away from the White House, and began to drool

Americans are ready to discuss the United States' relationship with Israel. And America's injustices towards the Arabs. As usual, ordinary Americans are way out in front of their largely tamed press and television reporters. Now we have to wait and see if the media boys and girls will catch up with their own people.


A Cabal of Criminality

What the Iraq/Bush war shows the world is how a Cabal of Criminality, numbering less than a few hundred individuals, can bamboozle a nation into a war whose ramifications on our future we cannot yet fully comprehend. The Bush war, the single-greatest blunder in America?s foreign policy history, was spawned by greed-addicted corporatists and treasonous neoconartists, presstitute lackeys and political hacks, placed in charge of US foreign policy.


Analysis Casts Doubt on Vietnam War Claims

Papers declassified by the National Security Agency point to a series of bungled intelligence findings on the purported clash in the Gulf of Tonkin that led Congress to endorse President Johnson's escalation of the Vietnam conflict in August 1964.


FBI probe on White House's link to forged papers on Iraq reopens

The FBI has reopened an inquiry into one of the most intriguing aspects of the pre-Iraq war intelligence fiasco: how the Bush administration came to rely on forged documents linking Iraq to nuclear weapons materials as part of its justification for the invasion.


?Pacified? Fallujah

The primary reasons given for the massacre in Fallujah were: to provide ?security and stability? for the upcoming January 30 ?elections? and to rid Fallujah of Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi. Let us judge the success or failure of this massacre by their own yardstick.


List of Iraqi civilian martyrs killed in Fallujah by chemical weapons used by the Americans in their assault on the city in April 2004

Posted Dec 3, 2005 08:48 AM PST - Category: IRAQ


US Mercenary Firm Involved in Iraq Killings - Document


Planting stories in Iraqi media is dumb

News reports that the U.S. military in Iraq has been planting upbeat stories in the Iraqi press about the course of the war and reconstruction produce a sense of d骠 vue, and raise troubling questions about U.S . policy.


The Battle for the Control of the Press

With its unprecedented campaign to undermine and stifle independent journalism, Bush & Co. have demonstrated brazen contempt for the Constitution and considerable fear of an informed public.


Poll: Arab distrust of US growing

People in Arab nations believe the Iraq war has brought less peace, more terrorism and contrary to Washington's claims, will result in less democracy, a new poll indicates.


Corrosive Israeli Mossad in Iraqi Kurdistan

For the past year, every single news excerpt that has been posted on this site has been meticulously referenced to its original source. This posting will not be able to do that since the source, Yedioth Ahronoth, is in Hebrew with rare translations of its content in English and Arabic. However, these items are noteworthy.


Eleven Iraqi soldiers killed in attack north of Baghdad

Eleven Iraqi soldiers were killed and two wounded Saturday when a roadside bomb detonated next to their convoy and they were ambushed by insurgents, an army officer said.


18 GIs killed in 72 Hours

The number of announced American military deaths across Iraq in the 72 hours ending at midnight Friday rose to 18, including two other Marines killed by small-arms fire Wednesday who belonged to the same unit struck by the bomb attack Friday


Bomb Kills 10 Marines


America: The Giant's Daughter

The Americans would like to withdraw most of their forces from Iraq and leave behind only a small garrison, to secure their hold on the oil resources. This is a rapidly fading dream.'s%20Daughter%20By%20Uri%20Avnery.htm


'Four killed' in Afghan attacks

Militants have killed the head of a district administration and three police officers in two attacks in southern Afghanistan, officials say.


Policeman killed in Taliban ambush in S. Afghanistan

One policeman was killed, five others were injured Friday in Taliban ambush in Afghan southern province of Helmand, a local official said Saturday.



Israeli plans for expansion during the Suez Canal War of 1956 were dashed as a result of the adamant stand by U.S. President Eisenhower. The Zionist leadership, however, did not abandon their greed for more Arab lands and had to wait for a more accommodating American President. The new opportunity was provided in 1967.


Bolton Says Palestinian Resolutions Demonstrate UN Irrelevance

The U.S. was joined by no more than seven other nations in rejecting the resolutions, which won up to 160 votes. #


Canadian Christian leaders warned of divestment "dangers"

TORONTO, ON -- A group of U.S. clergy representing mainline denominations joined with B'Nai Brith Canada for a recent news conference in Toronto to warn their Canadian counterparts about the "dangers inherent" in divestment from Israel.


The truth you don't hear

The on-the-ground reality of Israel's moral bankruptcy in its genocidal policies towards the Palestinians remains as clear as ever


Death By Torture: US Media Ignores Hard Evidence

Military autopsy reports provide indisputable proof that detainees are being tortured to death while in US military custody. Yet the US corporate media are covering it with the seriousness of a garage sale for the local Baptist Church.


ACLU to take CIA to court

The ACLU charged the CIA with violating U.S. and international human rights laws by transporting terrorist suspects to other countries to interrogate them, the BBC reports.


Reports say 437 CIA flights over Germany

The German authorities have received reports of 437 flights by the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)through Germany in recent years, the German magazine Der Spiegel reported Saturday.


Back off about terror suspects: Rice

US SECRETARY of State Condoleezza Rice is expected to give allies in Europe a response this week to their pressure about Washington's treatment of terrorism suspects: back off.


Scandals unveil the seamier side of Washington politics

Big money is buying influence in Washington these days on a scale seen rarely, if ever, before.


International outcry as US puts 1,000th person to death

"God bless everybody in here," Boyd said in his last words from the death chamber at Central Prison in North Carolina's state capital, Raleigh. Boyd, 57, was a Vietnam War veteran with a history of alcohol abuse.,12271,1656810,00.html


State Department using ideological litmus tests to screen speakers

The State Department has been using political litmus tests to screen private American citizens before they can be sent overseas to represent the United States, weeding out critics of the Bush administration's Iraq policy, according to department officials and internal e-mails.


-muslim voice-


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