In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===
The next holocaust

Islamophobia is not a uniquely British disease: across Europe, liberals openly express prejudice against Muslims. Do new pogroms beckon? Ziauddin Sardar reports from Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium and France.

It's a bitterly cold night and the centre of Dortmund is deserted. On weekdays, says our taxi driver, everything closes by ten o'clock. It is not easy to find a place to eat. Eventually, he drops us at the Cava restaurant in Lindemannstrabe. Just one couple punctuate the ultra-chic of this postmodern bistro. We sit near them and order our food. Dortmund, Germany is the first port of call on my journey through the industrial heartland of northern Europe. After the terrorist attacks in London and the riots in the French suburbs, I want to assess the racial divide, the fear and the loathing that permeate so much of our European continent.


(Ottawa, Canada ­ 01/12/05) ­ The Canadian Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-CAN) and the McGill University chapter of the Muslim Students Association (MSA) will hold a press conference to discuss their next action in fighting for religious freedom and the accommodation of religious rights at McGill University.


Freedom? What freedom?
Americans don't know freedom. Americans know fear ­and so America goes to war. We will continue to imprison or destroy anyone who disagrees ­ as long as we fear facing the question of being wrong.

Racial Poverty Gaps in U.S. Amount to Human Rights Violation, Says U.N. Expert 
UNITED NATIONS - Despite enormous wealth and various federal and social welfare schemes at work, the United States is failing to help millions of its people trying to get out of poverty, according to an independent United Nations rights expert.

The Autumn of the Patriarchy

Things had been going so smoothly. The global torture franchise was up and running. Halliburton contracts were flowing. Tax cuts were sailing through. Oil companies were raking it in. Alaska drilling was thrillingly close. The courts were defending his executive privilege on energy policy, and people were still buying all that smoke about Saddam's being responsible for 9/11, and that drivel about how we're fighting them there so we don't have to fight them here.


Posted Dec 1, 2005 03:26 PM PST - Category: 911


The 9/11 WTC Collapses: You Want the Truth? You Can't Handle the Truth!

Posted Dec 1, 2005 03:23 PM PST - Category: 911


The Secret Service at Booker Elementary: The Dog That Did Not Bark

Posted Dec 1, 2005 03:18 PM PST - Category: 911


CNN Online Poll: 89% Believe There's Been a 9/11 Cover-up

Posted Dec 1, 2005 03:17 PM PST - Category: 911

Note that the "no" votes are an even number, suggesting someone was using an automated system to run up the numbers.

U.S. Is Said to Pay to Plant Articles in Iraq Papers :

"I think it's absolutely wrong for the government to do this," said Patrick Butler, vice president of the International Center for Journalists in Washington, which conducts ethics training for journalists from countries without a history of independent news media. "Ethically, it's indefensible."

The Face of War :

Through silence and lies, most of the Western mainstream media have been cooperating with the "US-led invasion of Iraq", and therefore they are directly responsible for "an illegal act that contravened the UN charter" or, to use the Nuremberg trials' words, "the supreme international crime."

Why did you want to bomb me, Mr Bush and Mr Blair? :

Al-Jazeera's quest for answers has been met with silence from both the White House and Downing Street

Niger forgeries update:

When the US State Department finally gave international weapons inspectors its "evidence" that Saddam was trying to buy uranium from the African State of Niger in 2003, they held back the one document even their own analysts knew was "funky" and "clearly a forgery".

Bushwhacking the Constitution:

This nation has survived grave constitutional crises before, but recent events in the U.S. Senate that further strengthen and deepen presidential powers are reason to be alarmed at what can follow under the present administration.

Iraqi city of Ramadi attacked:

Armed groups have fired mortar rounds and rockets at a US base in Iraq, the day after Washington announced its strategy for victory in the country.

Iraqi rebels control city of Ramadi after fierce assault
"Order a whole shitload of that White Phosphorus, and napalm, or whatever euphemism we call that stuff now. We gotta bring Democracy to Ramadi!" -- Official White Horse Souse.
Iraq reality belies Bush's bravado:

The much-feared paramilitary police commandos drive at breakneck speed through the streets firing into the air to clear a way for their vehicles. Civilian cars scatter in terror to avoid them.

Democracy Now!: Is the U.S. Training Iraqi Death Squads to Fight the Insurgency? :

Investigative journalist Arun Gupta was one of the first to report on the presence of death squads in Iraq back in April of this year. We interviewed him at the time, he joins us again in our firehouse studios.

Chris Floyd: Death Mask: The Deliberate Disintegration of Iraq :

What if this murderous chaos is not the fruit of rank incompetence but instead the desired product of carefully crafted, efficiently managed White House policy?

Israelis training Kurds in northern Iraq - report:

Private Israeli security firms have sent experts to Iraq's northern Kurdish region to give covert training to Kurdish security forces, an Israeli newspaper reported on Thursday.

Iraq bars entry by non-Iraqi Arabs before election:

The latest decision, issued three days ago, appeared to apply to even those with valid visas to enter Iraq.

Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Thursday, 1 December 2005

- Four US troops killed in Thursday morning bomb attack on US patrol in al-Habbaniyah.
- Resistance seizes control of ar-Ramadi Thursday morning, then withdraws four hours later, having disrupted US plans to launch a mass arrest campaign in the city.
- US sniper kills four-year-old boy playing in front of his house in one part of al-Fallujah, as Iraqi Resistance sharpshooter kills US soldier in Nazal neighborhood, and car bomb blasts US patrol near US camp elsewhere in city.
- Zionist newspaper reports: ??Israeli? experts? training Kurdish separatist ?security services? in secret locations in northern Iraq.
- Resistance bomb leaves one American soldier reported dead in Ba?qubah.
- Resistance shoots down unmanned US reconnaissance airplane, ar Ramadi
- Resistance bombards US-occupied al-Bakr base with Katyusha rockets
- Resistance ambushes joint US-Iraqi puppet army patrol in Mosul
Four U.S. Servicemembers Killed in Separate Iraq Incidents:

Four U.S. servicemembers were killed in Iraq on Nov. 30, military officials reported. 

US to pull out most of National Guard:

THE US National Guard is planning to cut the number of its troops in Iraq by 75 per cent over the next year in a dramatic change of approach by the American military

Murtha predicts most U.S. troops will leave Iraq within a year:

Most U.S. troops will leave Iraq within a year, and the Army is "broken, worn out" and may not be able to meet future military threats to the country's security, U.S. Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa. said.

No more Watergates :

Bob Woodward brought down Nixon, but failed to exhibit the same scepticism about Bush

Twist to terror suspects row as logs show 80 CIA planes visited UK :

The transatlantic row over the secret transfer of terror suspects by the Bush administration took a new twist yesterday when it emerged that more than 300 flights operated by the CIA had landed at European airports.

Video: The Wall of Hate:

If the International community cannot stop Israel's partheid wall and the destruction of people and their livelihood, then humanity is at stake.

National Guard begins exchange with Israeli forces: ­

 National Guard leaders visited Israel last week to forge a new relationship with that country's Home Front Command ­ to help keep both countries safe.

War pimp alert:

America, Israel Bracing for Violence From Syria:

Proxy Attacks Seen as Lebanon Probe Heats Up

War pimp alert:

Sharon: Israel will not accept nuclear Iran:

Prime minister says Israel is making all necessary preparations to handle with such a situation; warns that nuclear Iran also threat to Arab world and other western countries

End of the road for the Bedouin :

The Arab Bedouin are Israeli citizens and many fight in the Israeli army. But an attempt to force them off their land has led to violent clashes with the police

Israel may turn fence into border :

Israeli Justice Minister Tzipi Livni has said that the West Bank separation barrier that Israel is constructing will be a future border with the Palestinians.

Sharon: Israel to keep Jordan Valley under any deal:

 Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said on Thursday Israel intended to keep control of the Jordan Valley in the occupied West Bank, signalling its insistence on retaining settlements there under any future peace deal.

Video: Debate: Noam Chomsky & Alan Dershowitz.:

Israel And Palestine After Disengagement: "Where Do We Go From Here?"

Jewish settler population seen growing 4.3 percent in 2005:

The settlement population at the end of September was 242,700, up from 235,100 at the end of December 2004, the Central Bureau of Statistics said.

PNA Slams Israel for Using Dogs against Palestinian Children
Mofaz Threatens to Close Israeli Border with Gaza Strip
The Palestinian National Authority (PNA) on Wednesday sharply criticized Israel for unleashing sniffer dogs against Palestinian children and launching military incursions into the West Bank, which wounded at least ten teenagers in Nablus yesterday.

By God, another awful Bush appointment:

The Bush administration has taken promotion of the latter to embarrassing extremes, selecting unqualified people for posts because of their political loyalty and ideological persuasion.

Filipino Theologian Embraces Islam

Europe condemns Blair as new Sheriff of Nottingham
Tony Blair was denounced as a modern-day Sheriff of Nottingham by the European Commission yesterday as he embarked on a seemingly impossible diplomatic tour to persuade the poorest countries in the EU to accept less Brussels funding so that Britain can keep more of its £3 billion annual budget rebate.

-muslim voice-


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