In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Treat Us Like Human Beings, Saudi Reporter Tells US Ambassador:

Omar Al-Zubaidi, a well-known reporter for the Arabic satellite channel ?Al-Arabiya?, ripped his visa application and other papers in two in front of the American ambassador at a press conference.


'I am not a terrorist'

For the past 14 months, Abdullah Khadr says he has done nothing but talk. In Pakistan, the spies, cops and consular officials were asking the questions and recording his answers. Since his return to Toronto last Friday, it's been the lawyers.

'I was never in al-Qaeda,' newly freed Khadr says

Khadr's life here likely to be hard, sister says


'Sleeper Cell' movie awakens fears in Muslim viewers

Adults more concerned than teens, Israeli actors play Muslims. "Sleeper Cell," a 10-hour thriller about American Muslim terrorists that's set to debut at 10 p.m. Sunday on Showtime, contains some of the most disturbing  depictions of Muslims ever shown on American television and already has religious leaders bracing for a possible upswing in bigotry.

Islamic action hero fails to win over Muslims,1,223317.story

Is America ready for `Sleeper Cell'? Showtime's controversial news series looks at Islamic extremists


Showtime's 'Sleeper Cell' has Muslims as terrorists but goes beyond stereotypical depictions of the faith


Thirteen Years Later: The destruction of the Babri Masjid

Montreal -  December 9, 2005 (MMN): This past Tuesday, December 6, marked thirteen years since the destruction of the Babri Masjid at the hands of a "mob" (of at least 150,000, other estimates of up to 1 million) of Hindutva zealots, led by Hindu extremist leaders like Lal Krishna Advani. It was the jewel of Faizabad, Ayodhya, a beautiful three-domed mosque structure erected in 1526 and named after its builder, Babur, the first of the Mughals.


Debating The American Crusade:

Bush sold America his global war using an old Christian heresy. Not surprisingly, it's led to a new crusade.


The Iron Fist of Jesus :

Under Bush (who believes he is fulfilling a divine mission), America's regime continues its ongoing military, economic, and social assault on the Arab world, which according to the Christo-Fascists, is populated by "evil" Muslims ready to slice the white, Christian throats of "good" Americans if given the chance.


The New Face Of America:

When you close your eyes and picture America, what do you see?


US terror watchlist 80,000 names long:

A watchlist of possible terror suspects distributed by the US government to airlines for pre-flight checks is now 80,000 names long


What We Said vs. What We did

The administration lied about WMD, lied about their earnest intent to go to war only as the last possible option and only when it was demonstrably unavoidable, lied about every aspect of the Iraqi situation, did so from the start and at every available opportunity, and continues to do so to this day.


In Pictures: What our dollar's Buy: Faces of war.

- Warning - Images depict the reality and horror of war.


Pictures presents about 4,000 photographs showing the Iraq War killing and maiming


The American Terror on the Iraqi children  Pictures htm


Un-American & inefficient :

Team Bush is hell-bent on preserving torture as an option if they think we, the public, will let them get away with it.


Truth for the Troops

If, as Samuel Johnson said, "patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel," then "support our troops" is very close by. It is being used to deflect criticism of the war in Iraq, or to rebut those who call for a pullout or question how incompetents seized control of the government in a coup by ideologues. In the lexicon of some, the only way to support our troops is to ensure that more of them die.


The Posse Gathers: Bush War Crimes:

The task is now upon us all to better understand the criminality of our government's aggression and, as citizens, to act accordingly to demand that our government adheres to international law."


Beyond Spin : The propaganda presidency of George W. Bush.:

Propaganda is the only word for the Pentagon's recently exposed secret efforts to plant positive stories in the Iraqi press.


The Case Against Secretary Rumsfeld :

Defending American Values in Court ? Torture Victims Visit United States Seeking Accountability and Justice


Hidden in Plane Sight:

U.S. Media Dodging Air War in Iraq: there are strong indications that the U.S. military command will intensify its bombardment of Iraq while reducing the presence of American occupying troops before the U.S. congressional elections next fall. With the White House eager to show progress toward U.S . disengagement from Iraq, we should expect enormous media spin to accompany any pullout of troops in 2006.


Heads roll at Veterans Administration :

Mushrooming depleted uranium (DU) scandal blamed


No torture of terrorist suspects? We can't guarantee it, says Rice

THE row over treatment of terrorist suspects by the US showed no signs of abating yesterday as Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said she could give no guarantee that terrorism detainees would not be abused despite clear rules against torture.


Taken for a ride in the 'war on terror':

Since the onset of the "war on terror", the US has detained more than 3,000 people worldwide in a network of secret prisons established by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in a number of regions, from Southeast Asia to North Africa, South Asia and Eastern Europe.


US bars access to terror suspects :

The US has admitted for the first time that it has not given the Red Cross access to all detainees in its custody.


Ten Steps to Creating Evil Traps for Good People

Let's outline some of the procedures in this research paradigm that seduced many ordinary citizens to engage in this apparently harmful behavior. In doing so, I want to draw parallels to compliance strategies used by "influence professionals" in real-world settings, such as salespeople, cult recruiters, and our national leaders (see Cialdini, 2001).

The Psychology of Power and Evil:
All Power To the Person? To the Situation? To the System?
Philip G. Zimbardo, Psychology Department, Stanford University

Blair Tries to Cover Up $1.3 Billion Iraqi Theft:

The British government is trying to stall an investigation into the theft of more than $1.3bn (?740m) from the Iraqi Ministry of Defense, senior Iraqi officials say.


Claim of al-Qaida ties to Iraq called coerced:

The Bush administration based a crucial prewar assertion about ties between Iraq and al-Qaida on detailed statements made by a prisoner in Egyptian custody who later said he had fabricated them to escape harsh treatment, according to current and former government officials.


The Truth Comes Out...

The one and only piece of "evidence" that the Bush administration had linking Iraq and Al Qaeda was a confession extracted under torture.
Rudolf H?must be laughing in his grave.


Turkish PM offers blunt message on Iraq:

PRIME Minister John Howard has received an obvious but unwelcome message from his Turkish counterpart: Iraq is going badly.


Iraq war debate enters new phase:

You might not expect a West Point graduate, Vietnam vet and career soldier to come out with a book titled "The New American Militarism: How Americans Are Addicted to War." But that's what Andrew Bacevich, who now directs the program in International Relations at Boston University, has done.


Saddam Hussein's Trial - IAC Statement on Why the Anti-War Movement Must Reject Colonial 'Justice'

The trial of Saddam Hussein, which has opened with much international publicity, is a desperate attempt to justify and convey some legitimacy on the criminal U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq. It is an effort to demoralize and divide the resistance to the occupation. It has nothing to do with justice or truth.
Montreal Muslim News Network -


Iraq's oil production declines this year:

Despite President Bush's optimism on Iraq's reconstruction, the country appears set to pump less crude in 2005 than last year's disappointing showing and far less than under Saddam Hussein.


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Thursday, 8 December 2005

-  Iraqi Resistance sharpshooter reportedly kills US soldier driving truck in al-Fallujah.
-  US sniper kills 12-year-old Iraqi boy on his way to al-Fallujah market.
-  Three US troops said killed in Resistance ambush in ?Arab Jabbur, south of Baghdad.
-  Two US troops reported killed in bombing near Balad.
-  Resistance bomb in southern city of an-Nasiriyah leaves one US soldier reported dead.


One US Marine killed in bomb attack
BAGHDAD, Dec 8 (KUNA) -- A US Army Marine died in a bomb blast that targetted a patrol of the army east of Baghdad early on Thursday, the Multi-National Forces reported in a statement.


Two Christian Aid Partners Killed in Afghanistan :

The bodies of two men working for a Christian Aid partner have been uncovered in the Farah province of Afghanistan.


Afghan policeman killed in ambush :

Suspected Taliban rebels ambushed a police patrol in volatile southern Afghanistan, killing one policeman and injuring two others, an official said on Friday.


Documenting zionist warcrimes and daily human rights abuses against the Palestinian people

B'Tselem Update for, 7 Dec. 2005 -



Palestinians driven from homes by Jewish 'cleansing' in Hebron

Life under siege in a divided city; Palestinian families driven from homes by settlers in 'cleansing' of Hebron in the West Bank,,1663249,00.html


War pimp alert: Israeli Aides Warn U.S. Not To Drop Ball on Iran:

As Israeli-Iranian tensions mount, Jerusalem is increasingly concerned that the Bush administration is not doing enough to block Tehran from acquiring nuclear weapons.


Blast off! We can hit Iran, warns Sharon :

"Such a capability exists," the Israeli prime minister said.


War pimp alert: Israel expands war arsenal to deal with Iranian nuclear threat :

Israel has acquired dozens of warplanes with long-range fuel tanks to allow them to reach Iran and signed a deal with Germany for two submarines reportedly capable of firing nuclear missiles.


Israel: Foreign Ministry denounces U.S. lawsuit against ex-Shin Bet chief :

The Foreign Ministry condemned on Friday a civil lawsuit filed in the U.S. against former Shin Bet chief Avi Dichter for the deaths of 14 Palestinian civilians who were killed in a targeted hit on a senior Hamas operative in 2002.


'I feel I'm carrying the world on my shoulders' :

"I don't blame the people who killed Casey but the people who brought us into this, who lied and deceived the world," she says,12809,1663388,00.html


Poland was main CIA detention base in Europe: : -

 Poland was the heart of the CIA's secret detention network in Europe, with bases there until recently holding a quarter of the 100 detainees estimated held in such camps worldwide, a human rights group said.


German Suing CIA Barred From U.S.:

Lawyers asked the Bush administration on Thursday why a German citizen, taken prisoner by the CIA in a case of mistaken identity in 2004, was not allowed into the United States last weekend.


Rogue State? US Spurns Treaty After Treaty :

In 1989, the United Nations put forth the Convention on the Rights of the Child -- a treaty that protects the civil and economic rights of children around the world.


White House wins over some with Patriot Act compromise:

Republican negotiators accepted a White House-brokered deal Thursday that clears the way for Congress to vote next week on whether to renew the USA Patriot Act's most controversial provisions for four years, in slightly modified forms.


Terror case result casts shadow on Patriot Act :

Arian's indictment in 2003 was hailed by the government as a triumph of the Patriot Act, which allowed secret wiretaps and other intelligence collected over nine years to be used to charge Arian and others with supporting the Palestinian Islamic Jihad.


Pentagon sticks with 2-war plan :

When the Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) is completed next month, it will retain the requirement that the Pentagon maintain active forces and reserves able to repel and occupy an enemy in one war and defeat a second enemy but not necessarily occupy the capital.


Let's See Some I.D.:

What happens if you refuse to surrender identification when authorities demand it?


Judge: NYC Subway Bag Searches OK:

Random police searches of riders' bags to deter terrorism in America's largest subway system do not violate the U.S. Constitution and are a minimal intrusion of privacy, a federal judge ruled Friday.


-muslim voice-


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