In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Muslim groups angry over 'racist' citizenship test 

BERLIN - Blunt questions posed to Muslims seeking German citizenship in a Christian Democratic-ruled federal state are fuelling anger and the threat of discrimination lawsuits from Islamic groups.'racist'+citizenship+test


Losing the War on Terrorism

It is impossible to exaggerate the damage caused by the President's improvident decisions. Yes, these tactics are immoral. Yes, they violate American norms and values. Yes, they are in many respects illegal. All this, by itself, is enough to warrant condemnation by Congress and the public.


How Many Iraqis Have Died Since the US Invasion in 2003? 30,000? No. 100,000? No.

President Bush's off-hand summation last month of the number of Iraqis who have so far died as a result of our invasion and occupation as "30,000, more or less" was quite certainly an under-estimate. The true number is probably hitting around 180,000 by now, with a possibility, as we shall see, that it has reached as high as half a million.


The Economic Costs Of The Iraq War
 Linda Bilmes, Kennedy School, Harvard University
 Joseph E. Stiglitz,  University Professor, Columbia University
 We estimate that the total economic costs of the war, including direct costs and macroeconomic costs, lie between $1 and $2 trillion.


'You can tell he's not a terrorist': 4-year-old boy shows up on government 'no-fly' list

HOUSTON ? Edward Allen's reaction to being on the government's "no-fly" list should have been the tip-off that he is no terrorist.

"I don't want to be on the list. I want to fly and see my grandma," the 4-year-old boy said, according to his mother.


Bush Advisor Says OK to Torture Children -  including the  crushing of a child?s testicles

Bush Advisor Says President Has Legal Power to Torture Children

John Yoo publicly argued there is no law that could prevent the President from ordering the torture of a child of a suspect in custody ? including by crushing that child?s testicles.


15-Year-Old Combatant to Face Guantanamo Trial Three Years Later  

Omar Khadr, a Canadian citizen, faces imminent trial by military commission at Guantanamo Bay for war crimes he had allegedly committed at the age of 15, his lawyers say.


Scandal of force-fed prisoners

Hunger strikers are tied down and fed through nasal tubes, admits Guantᮡmo Bay doctor

New details have emerged of how the growing number of prisoners on hunger strike at Guantᮡmo Bay are being tied down and force-fed through tubes pushed down their nasal passages into their stomachs to keep them alive. They routinely experience bleeding and nausea, according to a sworn statement by the camp's chief doctor.


Army Won't Try Officer in Afghan Abuse Case

The U.S. Army has dropped its case against the only officer to face criminal charges in connection with the beating deaths of two prisoners held by the U.S. in Afghanistan, a military spokesman said Saturday.


The Quiet Death Of Freedom

Bush has carried out the recommendations of a Messianic conspiracy theory called the "Project for a New American Century". Written by his ideological sponsors shortly before he came to power, it foresaw his administration as a military dictatorship behind a democratic fa硤e: "the cavalry on a new American frontier" guided by a blend of paranoia and megalomania.


The 'Fin de Regime'?

An out-of-touch George Bush now presides over a lost foreign war and a morass of influence peddling

China's Taoists philosophers warned that you become what you hate. We see this paradox in Washington, where the current administration increasingly reminds one of the old Soviet Union.


"We don't get it that wrong"

Scott Ritter speaking at the Commonwealth Club

George W. Bush was not the originator of the policy that led to the invasion of Iraq. He inherited from the administration of Bill Clinton, a policy of regime change. Listen here.


Like arsenic in the water supply, lobbyists have poisoned Washington

Both Democrats and Republicans have got rich off the millions that flow to those in power, leaving the poor sidelined

Court papers reveal that this key financier of the Bush administration's high-minded agenda of moral piety is a foul-mouthed, greedy bigot. In intercepted emails, he refers to his Native American clients - whom he played off against each other for millions of dollars which he then used to pamper politicians - as "morons", "monkeys", "fucking troglodytes" and "losers".


Pre helicopter crash, US troops raided Sunni Cleric, scrawled Christian crosses

MMN Note: The 20% figure, indicating the percentage of those Muslims who are Sunni in Iraq, at the end of this article is simply untrue. Of course, the Kurdish areas, which are 100% Sunni, are carved out before coming to this figure.

U.S. troops raid Sunni clerics' Iraq office:


Suicide bombers kill 28 at Iraqi ministry

Two suicide bombers dressed as senior police officers blew themselves up inside the Iraqi Interior Ministry compound in Baghdad on Monday, killing 28 people and wounding 25 as officials marked National Police Day.


US helicopter "crash" kills12

The UH-60 Blackhawk came down just before midnight on Saturday, some 12km (seven miles) east of the town of Talafar, seen as a rebel stronghold


Three Marines killed in Fallujah 

Three Marines assigned to Regimental Combat Team 8, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), were killed by small-arms fire in separate attacks .


Marine killed by IED near Ferris 

His vehicle was attacked with an improvised explosive device while conducting combat operations against the enemy near Ferris, Jan 7.


Marine killed by IED near Al Karmah 

His vehicle was attacked with an improvised explosive device while conducting combat operations against the enemy near Al Karmah Jan 7.


Three Marines Killed In Fallujah

Three Marines assigned to Regimental Combat Team 8, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), were killed by small-arms fire in separate attacks while conducting combat operations against the enemy in Fallujah Jan 8.


Five Bodies Found In Baghdad

Gunmen also killed an Iraqi intelligence officer in western Baghdad


US troops seize award-winning Iraqi journalist 

American troops in Baghdad yesterday blasted their way into the home of an Iraqi journalist working for the Guardian and Channel 4, firing bullets into the bedroom where he was sleeping with his wife and children.


Australia: Beazley in push to get troops home

THE United States, Australia and their allies should seriously consider pulling their armed forces out of Iraq because their presence is undermining the chances of peace in the war-torn country, Opposition Leader Kim Beazley has stated.


U.S. Kills Eight Civilians Including Women and Children In Pakistan

?The helicopter fired one missile, which completely destroyed the house,? said another official source.


Pakistan protests to U.S. over incident

Pakistan has protested to the U.S. military in Afghanistan over firing at a Pakistani village near the Afghan border that killed eight people, the Foreign Ministry said Monday.


Taliban's Omar calls for jihad against U.S

"The United States has forcibly occupied the real and financial resources of the Muslim world so jihad has become obligatory for Muslims in light of the Holy Koran." he was quoted as saying.


U.S. Warns the Netherlands 

A decision not to send more troops in Afghanistan would be damaging for Dutch interests in the US, former American diplomat Paul Bremer III warned on Monday.


Palestinians Won?t Miss Sharon

Palestinians are not weeping for ?the butcher of Beirut,? Ariel Sharon, as he battles for his life. One of the world?s most ruthless leaders


Robertson: Sharon stroke is God's revenge for 'leaving' Gaza

Robertson Links Sharon's Stroke to Wrath

NORFOLK, Va. -- Christian broadcaster Pat Robertson suggested Thursday that Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's stroke was divine punishment for "dividing God's


Sharon is the King Kong of massacres

Hamad Shamus remembers the morning in September 1982 when the right-wing Lebanese forces and their Israeli advisers sealed the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps on the outskirts of Beirut and began to massacre the Palestinians inside.,16937,1681720,00.html


The Whitewashing of Ariel Sharon

From the beginning to the end of his career, Sharon was a man of ruthless and often gratuitous violence. The waypoints of his career are all drenched in blood, from the massacre he directed at the village of Qibya in 1953


Audio: Eye-Witness To Sabra-Shatila Massacare

"The slaughter of unarmed children, women, the aged and the infirm was shocking. For me, I was doubly outraged that I had to discover the truth about a brave and generous people only through their deaths. Until then, I never knew Palestinian refugees existed. As a fundamentalist Christian, I had been a supporter of Israel, hated Arabs and saw the Palestinian Liberation Organisation as terrorists to be loathed and feared."


U.S. Financial Aid To Israel: Figures, Facts, and Impact 

A Conservative Total for U.S. Aid to Israel: $91 Billion?and Counting


The Wiretappers That Couldn't Shoot Straight

The louder the reports of failures on this president's watch, the louder he tries to drown them out by boasting that he has done everything "within the law" to keep America safe and by implying that his critics are unpatriotic, if not outright treasonous.


Angry and Furious at the Collaborationist Democrats

Representative Nancy Pelosi, the Democratic leader in the House, and Senator Jay Rockefeller, the Democratic senator from West Virginia, a man known for some sensitivity to civil liberties infringements, and a substantial number of congressmen, plus the New York Times, all knew of Bush's illegal spying.


Specter Seeks AG's Testimony on Spying

The chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee said Sunday he has asked Attorney General Alberto Gonzales to testify publicly on the legality of warantless eavesdropping on telephone conversations between suspected terrorists and people in the United States.


The NSA Spy Engine - Echelon

A top-secret program code-named Tempest, is capable of reading computer monitors, cash registers and automatic teller machines from as far away as a half-mile and is being used to keep a close eye on an untold number of American citizens, the sources said, pointing to a little known declassified document that sheds light on the program.


Cracks in an evil edifice

America's monstrous system of commercial political lobbying has long needed to be cut down to size. In Washington, more than 35,000 professional lobbyists now spend at least $5bn every year trying to influence the votes of members of the US Congress.,3604,1682198,00.html


A Donor Who Had Big Allies

In a case that echoes the Jack Abramoff influence-peddling scandal, two Northern California Republican congressmen used their official positions to try to stop a federal investigation of a wealthy Texas businessman who provided them with political contributions.


Let us prey

Jack Abramoff and his deeply religious right-wing cronies express their "biblical worldview" by swindling Indian tribes and bribing legislators. Verily, mysterious are the ways of the Lord.


Jack Abramoff's, former firm takes survival course 

Lawyers for the firm represented George W. Bush in the weeks after the disputed 2000 election. Its partnership ranks include high-powered lawyers like John Scalia, the son of Justice Antonin Scalia of the Supreme Court.


In case you missed it:

Controversial lobbyist had close contact with Bush team

In President Bush's first 10 months, GOP fundraiser Jack Abramoff and his lobbying team logged nearly 200 contacts with the new administration as they pressed for friendly hires at federal agencies


The Case Against Alito 

There's reason to think that Alito's views on executive power are the main reasons Bush wants him on the Court.


Belafonte Calls Bush 'Greatest Terrorist'

The American singer and activist Harry Belafonte called President Bush "the greatest terrorist in the world" on Sunday and said millions of Americans support the socialist revolution of Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez.


-muslim voice-


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