No bridge, PORR and Monorail for Penang?Written by notarazi on 1:23 AM

Sunday April 27, 2008           After bridge delay, PORR and monorail projects 
in doubt for Penang      By CHRISTINA CHIN and DERRICK VINESH            
Four days after being told of delays in the second Penang bridge
project, the state could face further setbacks – the monorail and
Penang Outer Ring Road projects may not take off.
 Second Finance
Minister Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop said the mega projects have yet to
be approved by the Federal Government and have not reached the
“approval stage”.
meeting: Nor Mohamed chairing the inaugural meeting of the state
Federal Action Council at Bangunan Persekutuan in Penang yesterday. The
council, which replaces the state action council, was formed in all
five states controlled by the Pakatan Rakyat. 
are many stages and procedures to follow before the projects can be
approved, including land acquisition issues and tenders.
cannot give a commitment on the two projects as they have yet to reach
the level where approval is being considered,” he said.

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