Brooklyn, NY, August 21, 2007.

Recent claims by Evangelical Christians that the State of Israel is the 
fulfillment of a biblical prophecy and the upcoming series on Christian 
Zionists scheduled for airing on CNN beginning this week has caused great alarm 
among many in the traditional Jewish community.
Even in a practical context, Torah-true Jews find it hard to believe that these 
Christians have the Jews' best interest at heart. They are sending them off to 
the battlefield called the West Bank, where every successful Zionist settlement 
is an obstacle to peace, a victory in the war of these extremists to dominate 
the land and subdue its inhabitants. The true goal of these Christians is not 
to be "those who bless Jews" but to prepare the ground for the final battle at 
the end of the world, when they believe their messiah will return and all who 
did not believe in him (i.e. Jews and Muslims) will perish and burn in hell.
Historically, those gentiles who welcomed Jews into their country and allowed 
them freedom to practice the Torah and full rights were considered friends of 
the Jews. Anti-Semites were those who expelled Jews from their country and 
wanted them elsewhere. "These millions of Christians have, by means of the 
pragmatic Zionist money-takers, managed to sell themselves as friends of the 
Jews when in reality they are putting all their resources into settling Jews 
far away, in the most dangerous part of the world," said a spokesperson for 
True Torah Jews.
Additional information concerning the position of the Anti-Zionist Orthodox 
Jews may be found at

True Torah Jews is dedicated to informing the world and in particular the 
American public and politicians that all Jews do not support the ideology of 
the Zionist state called "Israel" which is diametrically opposite to the 
teachings of traditional Judaism.  We are concerned that the widespread 
misconception that all Jews support the Zionist state and its actions endangers 
Jews worldwide.
- END -

Jews Against Zionism
True Torah Jews
183 Wilson St, PMB 162, Brooklyn, NY 11211

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