In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Israel Builds Synagogue Under Al-Aqsa: Palestinians – January 3, 2006

Occupied Jerusalem - The Supreme Islamic Association and Al-Aqsa
Association for Construction of the Holy Shrines accused Israel on Tuesday,
January 3, of building a Jewish synagogue beneath Al-Aqsa Mosque, warning
that the continued Israeli excavations jeopardize the mosque's structure.

"The synagogue has been built right beneath Al-Aqsa Mosque, some 90m from
the Dome of the Rock," Raed Salah, the leader of the Islamic Movement
inside the Green Line, told a press conference in the holy city, reported

He said the synagogue includes seven rooms tracing the Jewish history.

"One of these rooms features Germany's Nazi rule and the World War II

Salah said that works were in full swing to build another synagogue for
women under the mosque.

The conference featured video footages and photos documenting the synagogue
as well as the continued Israeli excavations.

Al-Haram Al-Sharif, which includes Al-Aqsa Mosque, represents the heart of
the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

Jews claim that their alleged Haykal (Temple of Solomon) exists underneath
Al-Haram Al-Sharif which was the first qiblah (direction Muslims take
during prayers).

Al-Haram Al-Sharif's significance has been reinforced by the incident of
Al-Israa’ and Al-Mi`raj (the night journey from Makkah to Al-Quds and the
ascent to the Heavens by Prophet Muhammad).

"Full Swing"

Sheikh Ekrema Sabri, the Mufti of Al-Quds and Palestine, echoed a similar

"The Israeli authorities have been exploiting the big gates of the western
side of al-Aqsa since 1996 through conducting a series of excavation works
which ended with clandestinely erecting a synagogue," he told the same

"Constructing such a synagogue proves that the Israelis did not find any
sign for their alleged Haykal, that is why they made up some rooms to
vaguely narrate their religious history," Sabri added.

He urged the Arab and Islamic worlds to intervene to halt Israeli
excavations under Al-Aqsa.

Salah, meanwhile, warned that Israeli excavations under the holy site were
threatening the structure of the mosque.

"A truck driver was assigned to move equipments to the excavation sites and
he was shocked to see a huge tunnel under the mosque that can allow a truck
to pass through," he said.

He said excavations under the mosque are continuing in full swing to
establish the Haykal before 2007, dismissing them as a "black stain" on

Israeli authorities recently unveiled an underground site that they say
strengthens Jewish ties to the compound.

Palestinian and Jordanian archeologists have warned that ongoing Israeli
excavations have weakened the foundations of the mosque, cautioning it
would not stand a powerful earthquake.

A part of the road leading to one of the mosque’s main gates collapsed in
February, 2004 due to the destructive Israeli digging work.

New Intifada

Salah warned that the Israeli aggressions against the Muslim holy site
would have grave repercussions.

"You are inviting an uprising against you just to stop your attack on the
mosque," he said, addressing himself to the Israeli government.

Al-Aqsa Intifada broke out in September 2000 after a provocative visit by
then opposition leader Ariel Sharon to the mosque.

In 1996, eighty people were killed in clashes with the Israeli occupation
forces to protest the opening of an Israeli tunnel alongside the compound.

On August 21, 1969, Al-Aqsa was set ablaze, gutting its southern wing –-
some 1,500 square meters out of a total of 4,400 -- and destroyed the
historical pulpit established by Muslim hero Salahudin Al-Ayyubi.

Palestinians pointed the finger at Jewish extremists and the Israeli
government, which claimed that the fire was triggered by a short circuit
but later admitted that a man from Australia, who sought refuge in a
kibbutz, was found guilty.

The man was set free after receiving psychiatric counseling


The above report is likely to inflame Muslim opinion worldwide – maybe as
intended – and coupled with growing tension over Iran, could ultimately
lead to a global clash of cultures.

However, this is not entirely unexpected. It has in fact been in the
pipeline for a long time. Over a century ago one of modern Freemasonry’s
guiding lights outlined just such a clash when he spoke of how a Third
World War could be ignited by provoking a clash between Islam and Zionism

According to Pike: "The Third World War must be fomented by taking
advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati"
between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World.”

We could be witnessing the opening moves in just such a clash of cultures.



-muslim voice-

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