Re: [Histonet] RE: B-cell Ab to work on rat tissue

2012-01-15 Thread koellingr

Carl's choice is excellent. The classical B-cell marker might be CD20, and does 
work great, but as with all antibodies, you have to be aware of exactly what 
you are after. CD20 comes on line after CD19 induction so CD20 might not be 
seen on very early b-cells. Like wise CD79a is accompanied by chaperone 
proteins prior to it's assemblage with the B cell receptor (during the pro-B 
stage). Won't mark these very early cells well. The assemblage is complete at 
pre-B stage and continues expression even till plasma cell stage. So true for 
almost all b cells, CD79a is great and you can see rat tissue IHC of CD79A out 
on the web, have used several of them, along with protocols (HIER as Carl 
pointed out works well). The complex is found on virtually no other cell as it 
is the signalling complex for the b cell receptor. 

Ray Koelling 
PhenoPath Labs 
Seattle, WA 
- Original Message -
From: "Carl Hobbs"  
Sent: Sunday, January 15, 2012 8:24:59 AM 
Subject: [Histonet] RE: B-cell Ab to work on rat tissue 

It may be that CD79a Ab is appropriate? 
It works well on Pwax sections, after HIER. 
I do not know the specificity of this Ag for B cells, so would be interested in 

Check here for images : 

Carl Hobbs 
Histology Manager 
Wolfson CARD 
School of Biomedical Sciences 
Kings College London 
Guys Campus 
SE1 1UL 
Tel: 020 78486813 
Fax: 020 78486816 
020 78486813 

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RE: [Histonet] Re: Formalin Neutralizing

2012-01-15 Thread Tony Henwood (SCHN)
Thanks Rob for reminding me.

It was John A. Kiernan who originally posted the message that I refer to below 
on Histonet back in 2002.

As everyone will agree John is a great teacher and one of our "National 
Treasures" in Histotechnology.

Tony Henwood JP, MSc, BAppSc, GradDipSysAnalys, CT(ASC), FFSc(RCPA) 
Laboratory Manager & Senior Scientist 
Tel: 612 9845 3306 
Fax: 612 9845 3318 
the children's hospital at westmead
Cnr Hawkesbury Road and Hainsworth Street, Westmead
Locked Bag 4001, Westmead NSW 2145, AUSTRALIA 

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Bob Richmond
Sent: Saturday, 14 January 2012 4:43 AM
Subject: [Histonet] Re: Formalin Neutralizing

Three years ago Tony Henwood in Australia posted a formula for neutralizing 
formaldehyde with ammonia. He also alludes to using sodium bisulfite (a.k.a. 
metabisulfite), but I don't know the proportions or how the reaction works. - 
I've posted a copy of his note, below.

A lot of commercial formaldehyde neutralizers are pure mumbo-jumbo. Of course, 
this has become an issue where what managers and regulators think is a great 
deal more important than what actually happens at the chemical level where 
MBA's fear to tread.

Bob Richmond
Samurai Pathologist
Knoxville TN
Date: Wed, 25 Mar 2009 09:45:43 +1100
From: "Tony Henwood" 
Subject: RE: [Histonet] FW: formalin neutralizers
To: "Burton, Lynn" ,

This is what we use:
Neutralization and Disposal of Formalin Fixative

10% Formalin can be neutralised with sodium bisulfite or concentrated ammonia. 
The reaction with ammonia results in the formation of hexamethylenetetramine 
(commonly known as hexamine or methenamine).
This can then be safely disposed of either as a liquid fertiliser or via the 
sewage system (check with your local authority).

The reaction proceeds as follows:

6 CH2O + 4 NH3  ---> C6H12N4 (Hexamethylenetetramine) + 6 H2O


1.  Before beginning, personnel must have the following safety equipment 
readily available in the event of an accidental spill:
sorbent material (spill pillows, bulk sorbent) formaldehyde rated respirator.
2.  Personnel must wear a lab coat or apron, safety goggles and neoprene gloves.
3.  A pH meter or pH paper
4.  To 1000 ml of 10% formalin (= 4% formaldehyde) add 56 ml of strong ammonia 
solution (27%). This will generate 31 g of hexamine (approximately a 3% 
5.  Stir well.  Reaction may produce heat.
6.  Initially, the pH of the formaldehyde solution will be about 6.
As ammonia is added and stirred, a fluffy white precipitate will result.  
Addition of sufficient ammonia will raise the pH to about 8.
Because the neutralization of the formaldehyde requires less molecules of 
ammonia than the apparent acid-base reaction supplies hydronium ions, the pH 
change from acid to base is used as an indicator that an excess of ammonia has 
been added.
7.  Let set overnight (12 hours).
8.  The smell of formalin is greatly reduced or replaced by a faint whiff of 
9.  Schiff's reagent is perhaps the best, most sensitive and available reagent 
in any lab to test for the presence of aldehydes. If the "neutralized" formalin 
turns purplish with the addition of Schiff's reagent, it is not totally 
neutralized and you will need to add more ammonia.
10. Dispose of appropriately.

I am not sure how the bisulphite method works. I picked it up from a reference 
on formalin neutralisation but have never tried it.

And would you believe that after some searching I can't even find that 
reference (I probably have it on my home computer).

The notes come from my "Infamous" text book I have been writing for the last 20 
years. As my staff call it, the book that will probably never be published. But 
then the chapters are quite usefull for teaching so they are of some use.

Tony Henwood JP, MSc, BAppSc, GradDipSysAnalys, CT(ASC) Laboratory Manager & 
Senior Scientist
Tel: 612 9845 3306
Fax: 612 9845 3318
the children's hospital at westmead
Cnr Hawkesbury Road and Hainsworth Street, Westmead Locked Bag 4001, Westmead 

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[Histonet] Cryostat cutting?

2012-01-15 Thread Francis OBrien

We need to cut clean and consistent 50 micron sections of OCT embedded
tissue on our leica cryostat (CM-1850). Does anyone on the list have
any tips or tricks for doing this when compared to cutting the usual
<10 micron sections that we usually deal with in our lab.



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[Histonet] Gary Steinke is out of the office

2012-01-15 Thread Gary_Steinke

I will be out of the office starting  01/15/2012 and will not return until

I will be out of the office starting  01/15/2012 and will not return until

I will be attending our National Sales Meeting, and may not be able to
respond in a very timely manner. For immediate assistance, please contact
Healthcare Customer Service at 877-881-1192. Otherwise leave a message and
I will return it as soon as possible. Thank you.

Histonet mailing list

RE: [Histonet] B-cell Ab to work on rat tissue

2012-01-15 Thread jstaruk
Are you asking about pancreata B-cells?

James E. Staruk HT(ASCP)

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Louro, Pedro
Sent: Friday, January 13, 2012 3:12 PM
Subject: [Histonet] B-cell Ab to work on rat tissue


Hello out there in Histoland,


I'm looking for a B-cell antibody will stain rat paraffin embedded tissues. 

Anyone out there that has had any luck with this?

Thanks in advance for your input.



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[Histonet] RE: B-cell Ab to work on rat tissue

2012-01-15 Thread Hobbs, Carl

It may be that CD79a Ab is appropriate?
It works well on Pwax sections, after HIER.
I do not know the specificity of this Ag for B cells, so would be interested in 

Check here for images :

Carl Hobbs
Histology Manager
Wolfson CARD
School of Biomedical Sciences
Kings College London
Guys Campus
Tel: 020 78486813
Fax: 020 78486816
020 78486813

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Re:

2012-01-15 Thread WILLIAM DESALVO
..I can give you a good advice: visit this drugstore and your problem will be 
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