[Histonet] Cryostat Disinfection

2014-01-30 Thread Vickroy, Jim

In the CAP checklist it states that The cryostat must be4 defrosted and 
decontaminated by wiping all exposed surfaces with a tuberculocidal 
disinfectant.  The cryostat should be at room temperature during 
decontamination unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer.   The newest 
cryostat by Thermofisher uses cold disinfection with a chemical called Sanosil. 
  Am I right thinking that on that cryostat we do not have to disinfect at room 

Your thoughts?

James Vickroy BS, HT(ASCP)

Surgical  and Autopsy Pathology Technical Supervisor
Memorial Medical Center

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[Histonet] Cryostat disinfection

2013-08-17 Thread Cynthia Baranowski
In my previous email regarding weekly cryostat disinfection-- I meant to say 
that we clean with 70% alcohol, then bring to room temp, disinfect with 
Cavicide, wipe down with abs alcohol, bring back down to -22C. We also use 70% 
alcohol for our routine daily cleaning.
Cindy Baranowski
Emory Healthcare 

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