May 14, 2011
Desmond Hotel and Conference Center
Albany, NY
The NYSHS has planned a wonderful program for this spring allowing its
members to receive 6 CEU’s of credit in one day!  You will be receiving
your programs in the mail very soon but we would like to give you the
meeting overview for those that need to submit for funding. Registration
opens at 7:00am and the first session is at 8:00am. Program and
registration will be posted on the NYSHS website www.nyhisto.org (
http://www.nyhisto.org/ )soon.
 1) Virgil Hernadez CT (ASCP)
Title: Digital Pathology Specialist, Ventana Medical Systems
Talk Title: Digital Pathology 101
Abstract:This course will introduce meeting participants to the
exciting new world of Digital Pathology. This 1 hour presentation will
provide broad overview of basic system hardware and software required
for converting prepared slides to whole slide images. Participants will
become familiar with key applications of Digital Pathology which
include: Telepathology, teleconsultation, web conferencing, IHC
analysis, tumor board, and robotic microscopy. Current market trends in
Digital Pathology adoption and products will be discussed.
2) Dr. Kari Reiber
Title: Chief Medical Examiner, Dutchess County, NY.
Dutchess County Department of Health
Talk Title:  The role of Histopathology in Forensic Postmortem
Abstract: The ever increasing popularity of crime fiction has done
little to improve the public’s understanding of forensic pathology.
Fictional dramatizations focus on the forensic sciences rather than on
forensic pathology, and often confuse the two. The popularity of
“forensics” is having a positive effect, in that many young people
are opting for a career in science. Unfortunately the so-called “CSI
effect” is having a negative impact in the courtroom as a result of the
unrealistic expectations of some jury members. Fictional medical
examiners have many unrealistic identities and are portrayed as
gun-toting vigilantes, forensic technology wizards, glamorous law
enforcement officers, or cranky eccentrics, but almost never with their
one essential instrument: the microscope. One forgets that forensic
pathologists are actually pathologists specialized in the anatomy of
injury and injury patterns. When investigating sudden, unexplained, and
violent deaths, the forensic pathologist is mandated by law to perform a
postmortem examination which generally consists of an autopsy. A
complete forensic autopsy usually requires an external examination, an
internal examination, a microscopic examination, and a comprehensive
toxicological analysis. The purpose of this presentation is to define
forensic pathology and forensic science, to clarify the actual role of
the forensic pathologist and to illustrate by way of specific examples
the crucial role of histopathology in forensic postmortem
3) Joseph Dudek, M.D. , US Oncology Incorporated – New York Oncology
Talk Title:  Personalized Approach for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
The treatment of non-small cell lung cancer will be reviewed and a
discussion of how systemic treatment is determined based on the
histology and stage of the tumor.  The importance of adenocarcinoma,
squamous cell carcinoma and NOS will be discussed in regard to first
line and second line systemic treatments. There are definite differences
in regard to the choice of chemotherapy and its effectiveness in
squamous and non-squamous histologies. We will also discuss EGFR
mutations and there can influence on choice of systemic therapy for
non-small cell lung cancer.  Tyrosine kinase Inhibitors provide an
alternative systemic treatment for patients with EGFR mutations. 
Toxicities of the treatment will be reviewed.  Lastly the EML4- ALK
mutation will be reviewed and its influence on potential treatments will
be discussed.
4) Valantou Grover, HT, HTL(ASCP), PA, MBA
Title: Biosciences Product Line Manager, Polysciences, Inc.
Talk Title:  The Right Stain, Troubleshooting Histology Stains
Abstract: When routine stains go wrong, pathologists return slides to
the responsible department for restaining: histology (routine and
special stains), cytology or hematology.  The repeat staining process on
the old and/or the new slides reduces the expected turnaround time. 
Processes exist far beyond the control of the technician/technologist,
not related to their skill, technique, and/or experience.  Inconsistent
staining may occur because townships change additives in water supply
systems or filtration processes, mistakes in manufacturing processes as
simple as water temperature variance, market supply, market demand,
quality of the raw materials, availability of raw materials, incorrect
shipping department standards, and/or the environment.  The presentation
allows lab professionals to examine troubleshooting techniques
considered “outside the box” or scope of what is routine troubleshooting
in the lab.  Staff shortages, pressure on pathologists and lab
professionals by clinicians, and/or specimen diagnosis quotas allow
laboratory validation standards to be completed on a stain or
protocol/process developed by another entity other than the end-user. 
Commercial batches are manufactured in such large quantities, that a
reduction in lot to lot variation makes validation more accurate and
allows for accurate reproducibility of the stain process, regardless of
which end user is performing the staining process: the human and/or the
5) Susan Ryan, HTL(ASCP), Genzyme, Inc.
Talk Title: Hard, Harder and Hardest:  Choosing the right process for
your bone project
Abstract: Processing tissue containing bone and cartilage has
challenged histologists throughout the years. It is our responsibility
to understand these challenges, know the tissue and cell components and
provide the pathologist and/or investigator with quality stained slides.
 In recent years digital pathology has created new opportunities for
routine labs to incorporate different processing methods for bone.  In
this workshop we will discuss decalcified (paraffin and frozen) and
undecalcified (methyl methacrylate and Epon) methods for processing bone
that best fits the diagnosis and or analysis.  Detailed protocols will
be presented pertaining to processing and staining of samples containing
bone and cartilage.  We will discuss the common problems with both
methods and share some of the “tricks of the trade”.  We will focus on
aiding pathologists and/or investigators with understanding diseases
such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, renal osteodystrophy and
osteoporosis.  Upon completion participants will 1) identify tissue
components and cells 2) identify which processing procedure best fits
the diagnosis or analysis 3) identify the staining differences in each
processing methods 4) identify artifacts in each method.
6)  Amy Farnan, HT (ASCP)
Title: Supervisor, Histology: Albany Memorial Hospital/Samaritan
Hospital, North East Health
Talk Title: Formalin Recycling: “Is your lab safe?"
Abstract: The recycler is installed; everyone has been trained on its
use and its go time right?  Wrong!  How many of you that have a recycler
had safety training before you started using the recycler?   In this
seminar learn what measures your lab should have in place to keep your
employee’s safe and the histology laboratory regulatory compliant. 
Participating vendors to date:
Neogenomics laboratories
Tech One Biomedical Services
Azer Scientific
Electron Microscopy Sciences
Source Medical Products
Leica Biosystems 
VWR International
Newcomer Supply
                                         Poly Scientific
Registration: 7:30 am to 10:00 am
First session commences at 8:00 am          
Registration price includes: All sessions and lunch.
$100.00 /member
$60.00/ student
Desmond room rates: $129.00/ night
When booking your room reference group ID# 11O344 (O not a zero)
Booking deadline is April 21, 2011
Desmond contact number: 1-800-448-3500
Hope to see you all there!!
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