
We have recently noticed strange translucent patches that can be seen within 
our 3 micron tissue sections when they are floated out. From the surface of the 
water bath they look like holes within the tissue but when the slides are 
viewed, the tissue is still present. This region of tissue however, creases and 
folds when mounted. The rest of the section looks and behaves perfectly - it is 
only this translucent region that is causing the problem. I have seen this 
region as a small blob but also as a thin streak that runs through the entire 
section. This region can only be seen for the first 7-10 sections taken. After 
this the translucent region gets smaller and disappears. This is making getting 
perfectly flat, artefact free sections of tissue (mouse / rat gut / liver) 
difficult. Does anyone have any idea what this could be? My thoughts are a 
possibly processing issue - currently process without vacuum wax infiltration 
or an embedding issue. Our metal moulds were cleaned with a methanol based 
para-release spray about 2 months ago by mistake - we have had subsequent 
tissue spreading issues as a result. Could traces of this affect the cutting 
surface of the tissue causing this patch?
Any ideas would be great,
Many thanks,

Adam Boanas
Senior Research Associate
Epistem Ltd
48 Grafton Street
Manchester, M13 9XX

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