I remember when I lived in Ohio there was statute regarding release of POC to 
parents who were permitted to have it returned to them for mass & burial as a 
formed fetus. The legislature extended the burial right to earlier gestation, 
and for the most part it was truly not to the point of recognition as a fetus 
on gross. I don't remember the gestational age, but it was early. We had to 
package it in a special protected manner, transfer to 70% ethanol as I 
remember,  and they signed some sort of release or consent. The actual transfer 
to them was done by pastoral care. On other rare occasions, patients or their 
families have wanted other tissues. It went kind of the same way ( after sign 
out & 2 week period), with consent, and agreement to dispose in  accordance 
with local regulations, except for no pastoral care. 
My suspicion is this may be something that varies by state statute. 

Joelle Weaver MAOM, HTL (ASCP) QIHC
> Date: Mon, 5 May 2014 16:52:21 -0400
> From: rsrichm...@gmail.com
> To: histonet@lists.utsouthwestern.edu
> Subject: [Histonet] Re: specimen release
> Gale Limron HT,CT (ASCP), Histology Supervisor, Union Hospital, Dover, Ohio
> 44622 asks:
> >>We are looking into revising our policy/release form regarding the
> release of specimens to patients and I am interested in knowing what others
> are doing.<<
> This practice (gallstones, tonsils, etc.) has been pretty well stopped by
> the regulatory agencies, JCAHO I think. To no one's regret.
> There are some special problems: amputated legs and breasts for burial,
> fetuses, placentas for (uh, never mind) - and all of these are worth
> developing policies for.
> Off-topic, Gale, but congratulations on qualifying both as a
> histotechnologist and a cytotechnologist. This is going to become a
> necessity in small hospitals in the very near future.
> Bob Richmond
> Samurai Pathologist
> Maryville TN
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