Re: H-Net* FW: [PAS-news] Remarks by the President and Prime Minister Mahath irof Malaysia in Photo Opportunity

2002-05-16 Thread Amir Isa
these people are nothing but cold-blooded killers, and there's no
 > rehabilitation program, except for bringing them to justice. I mean,
 > there's no way that -- these people made up their minds, the leaders of
 > these groups have decided that they're going to come and kill. And it may
 > be an American, it may be a Malaysian, who knows -- but we're going to
 > stop them.
 > And so the best program is to use our respective militaries, intelligence
 > gathering, cutting off money, to go after these killers.
 > Now, in terms of youngsters who are looking for -- you know, who are
 > searching for a future, if there's a hopeless future there may be an
 > opportunity to convert them into potential suiciders or potential 
 > And that's what I think we need to talk about, about how to ease
 > hopelessness where there is no hope; I mean, to help people and to help
 > people realize there's a better future other than joining up with a
 > terrorist organization whose sole intent is destruction.
 > That's why education is important. Good health care initiatives are
 > important. That's why it's important for, you know, people in the Middle
 > East to feel like there is a future. It's one of the reasons I've
 > advocated a Palestinian state to be able to live side by side with Israel
 > in peace, so that there -- people realize there's a future. And there's a
 > better -- provide better choices for people other than suicide killing.
 > But in terms of the senior al Qaeda members or some of these -- listen,
 > there's no -- as I say, I want to repeat, there's no rehabilitation
 > program for them. There's only one thing to do, is to get them, and we're
 > going to. We're going to bring them to justice. And I will remind the
 > Prime Minister it's going to take a while. This is a -- and we're 
 > He needs to know that the American President, our government is a very
 > patient government. And we're steadfast. And we're resolved. And we're
 > going to hunt them down. And we look forward to continue working with him
 > to do just that. And we'll bring them to justice, and that's precisely
 > what's going to happen to these people.
 > END 4:16 P.M. EDT
 > --
 > Return to this article at:
 > --
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Re: H-Net* Malaysiakini:Mahkamah tolak rayuan Anwar

2002-07-09 Thread Amir Isa
 dah agak dah pon.. chief justice tu pun makan gaji dari kerajaan mamak tu..nak mampos kalau bebaskan anwar..cubalah bebaskan anwar...habis la periok nasik dia... ala...semua ni dalam poket mamak  tu..semua dah siap plan dari awal-awal lagi. sikit hari mat dzaiddin ni dapet la Bonus dari mamak tu...percayalah..   p.s.  ..undang-undang dunia buatan sendiri (by mamak & kroni2 naya) boleh la..berdepan dengan undang-undang Allah tau lah engkau dunia tinggi rendah...   Mampos UMNO  - Original Message - From: Perak Man Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2002 12:05 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: H-Net* Malaysiakini:Mahkamah tolak rayuan Anwar  *~*{  Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net - }{    Hantarkan mesej anda ke:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] }{    Iklan barangan? Hantarkan ke [EMAIL PROTECTED] }*~*  PAS : KE ARAH PEMERINTAHAN ISLAM YANG ADIL~~~Mahkamah tolak rayuan AnwarJul 10, 07 10:15amBekas Timbalan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim gagal dalamrayuannya untuk mengenepikan tuduhan menyalahguna kuasa dan hukumanpenjara enam tahun.Mahkamah Persekutuan hari ini sebulat suara menolak rayuannya denganalasan tidak berlaku sebarang "kesilapan undang-undang' dan oleh itu,tidak berlaku ketidakadilan dalam keputusan awal mahkamah dalam kestersebut.Tiga orang hakim, yang diketuai oleh Ketua Hakim Negara MohamedDzaiddin Abdullah, mendengar kes rayuan itu. Dua hakim lagi ialah KetuaHakim Sabah dan Sarawak Steve Shim dan Hakim Mahkamah PersekutuanHaidar Mohd Noor.Anwar didapati bersalah atas tuduhan menyalahguna kuasa dan dijatuhkanhukuman enam tahun penjara pada 1999.Ketika mengulas keputusan itu, Anwar menyifatkannya sebagai "satupengkhianatan yang dahsyat" terhadap keyakinan umum kepada bidangkehakiman.Kira-kira jam 10 pagi, Dzaiddin muncul dan mengumumkan keputusan penalhakim rayuan itu, tanpa membaca keputusan bertulis setebal 56 muka."Adalah mencukupi bagi saya untuk menyatakan di sini bahawa berdasarkanasas-asas (penghakiman) daripada mahkamah, tidak berlaku sebarangkesilapan undang-undang (dalam keputusan awal)," katanya.Oleh itu, katanya, mahkamah menolak rayuan Anwar.Sementara itu, Anwar, dalam ulasannya kepada mahkamah, mengutuk bidangkehakiman yang didakwanya bersifat 'palsu' dengan cubamemperlihatkannya seolah-olah wujud "ketelusan".Anwar juga mendakwa, semuanya dibuat berdasarkan kepada arahan dari'atas'.Ketika menjawab dakwaan itu, Dzaiddin berkata beliau akan memberiperhatian terhadap apa yang disebut oleh Anwar.Sementara itu, polis menahan seorang lelaki yang tidak dikenali keranamengedar risalah kepada orang ramai.__Do You Yahoo!?Sign up for SBC Yahoo! Dial - First Month Free Melanggan ? To : [EMAIL PROTECTED]   pada body : SUBSCRIBE HIZB)( Berhenti ? To : [EMAIL PROTECTED]  pada body:  UNSUBSCRIBE HIZB)( Segala pendapat yang dikemukakan tidak menggambarkan )( pandangan rasmi & bukan tanggungjawab HIZBI-Net  )( Bermasalah? Sila hubungi [EMAIL PROTECTED]    )Pengirim: Perak Man <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>