H-Net* [Fwd: Statement from Ulema]

2002-04-11 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam



This is a roughly translated Bayyan. Obviously some of these points are
not related to us, but we can call on governments and participate in
demonstrations and do anything in our legal means to defend these armless
civilians and Masjid Al Aqsa.

Allahu Akbar, Walilah Al Hamd,

In the name of Allah, The Most compassionate, The Merciful

This is a Call to the Scholars of the Muslims Ummah (Nation), the Muslim
Intellectual leaders, and the Arab and Islamic nations.

Allah the exalted says: To those who against who the War is made,
permission is given (to fight), because they are oppressed, and verily
Allah is the Most capable to give them victory. Those who were expelled
from their homes with out any justification, except they say Allah is our
Lord. Chapter 22 A39-40

To the masses of the Arab and the Muslim Nations everywhere. The heroic
Palestinian people have entered a battle against the Zionist enemy, and
are resisting against their heavy machinery weapons.  They are resisting
against an enemy that is committing barbaric massacre, who make no
difference between an infant, a woman, elders, and men.  These Zionists
are cutting off the supply of medicine, electricity, food, and even water.
The streets of the Palestinian cities are filled with dead bodies that
have no body to burry them.  The streets are painted with the flowing
blood of the injured and the dead.  Our brothers and sisters are calling
upon us, anybody to help them, but to no avail, no one is responding to
their call.

Yet, all this is not stopping the children of this heroic nation to offer
themselves and their own blood to defend themselves.

To masses of this Nation, the Palestinian people have entered this battle;
indeed they are doing it on behalf of the Arab Nations and the Islamic

The bodies of the men and women of Palestine are shields against the
Zionist agenda, which its greater target is to destroy the entire Islamic

With all these hardships, the Palestinian people, AL Mujahideen, are
offering their own souls to defend the honor of this Ummah.  They are
holding themselves steadfast against these Zionist attacks.  They have
realized that Muslim Ummah governments have betrayed them, and they
realized that they only can depend on themselves.  Our Ummah (governments)
have turned their back on the Palestinian people and they act like they
havent heard the words of Allah, the exalted, where He says, And why
should you not fight in the cause of God, and of those who being weak,
from the men, women, and children, whose cry is:  Our lord rescue us from
this town whose people are oppressors; and raise from us a Wali (one who
protect) and raise from us one who will help. Chapter 4 A75

In this time they posses (the Arab and Islamic nations) all the military
and army capabilities.  Therefore, some of the scholars and thinkers of
the Islamic Ummah are signing this historic document to affirm, as
religious leaders, that Jihad is an Obligation (Fardh ain) on the Muslims
at this crucial time.  We have the obligation of giving victory to the
people of Palestine and we should try to liberate the land and its holy
places from the hands of the Israelis.

Based on this, they (the scholars who signed this document), are asking
the Muslim Ummah to put pressure on the leaders to call onto the

1- Call for a state of emergency in their country and prepare people to
for Jihad to liberate Holy Land from the Zionist regime.

2-Apply pressure to cut off oil on Israel and America, the strategic
partner in killing the Palestinian. The scholars are calling on all the
Arab and
Islamic nations to follow the footstep of Iraq in cutting off exporting
oil for one

3-Cutting all diplomatic, economic, and security relations and to stop
normalization with the Zionist state of Israel. All Muslim countries
close all Israeli embassies and consulates in all Islamic countries.

4-To come up with means to support any efforts that strengthen the
resistance in Palestine. And to go to demonstrations to support the
Palestinian people
and to make that day of Al Jumaa 4-12-?2002 a day of outrage against the
barbaric massacres committed against the Palestinians.

5-To increase the assistance to the Palestinian people by any means
Money, food, armory, etc

6-To allow the general Muslim public to demonstrate as a form of
their anger about whats going in Palestine.

7-Send letters to the world governments, human right institutions to
its responsibility and stop the blood shed in Palestine.

8-Boycotts all Zionist and American products in the Arab and Islamic

9-Calling on all government and independent media offices to be in the
service of this battle against the Zionists propaganda.

O Allah we have convey O Allah be our witness


Signed by:

1-Shaykh Mustafa Mashhour, The 


2002-04-10 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam
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H-Net* Israeli soldiers die in Jenin ambush

2002-04-09 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam
 infrastructure, the IDF said.

  Israeli forces entered Dura, a town southwest of
Hebron, with the goal of
 apprehending wanted suspects, the IDF said.

  A rocket was fired into northern Israel from south
Lebanon Tuesday following clashes
 between Hezbollah guerrillas and Israeli troops,
Lebanese security sources said. There
 were no immediate reports of casualties. Earlier,
Israeli forces in the area fired artillery into
 Lebanon after coming under Hezbollah attack. No
casualties were reported.

  Three Palestinians were killed in fights with Israeli
troops in Hebron, Palestinian
 sources said.

 Israeli troops began their offensive in the West Bank
on March 29. The operation
 started during a wave of Palestinian suicide bombings
over the Passover holiday.

 Arab anger

 Arab nations have condemned the Israeli incursions,
launched during a wave of
 Palestinian suicide bombings over the Passover holiday.

 We have seen how many civilians have been killed, how
many civilians have been
 maimed, how many houses have been destroyed, and how
people have not been
 allowed to get medical help that they needed, said
Egyptian Foreign Minister
 Ahmed Maher.

 Secretary of State Colin Powell, in Cairo for a meeting
with Egyptian President
 Hosni Mubarak, said he spoke with Sharon Tuesday. The
prime minister reaffirmed
 his commitment to bring this to an end as quick as he
can, said Powell, who is
 due to arrive in Israel Thursday.

 Powell also said he intends to meet with Palestinian
leader Yasser Arafat at some
 point after he arrives in Israel. Arafat has been holed
up for more than a week at his
 compound in Ramallah, on the West Bank. (Full story)

 Meanwhile, Israeli officials said they would allow
Arafat to meet with his senior
 aides once the aides meet with U.S. Middle East envoy
Anthony Zinni. Palestinians
 said they need to meet with Arafat first, because they
have not talked him in days.

 Arafat's senior officials will confer with Arafat on
Wednesday, said Saeb Erakat,
 the Palestinians' chief negotiator. After that session,
another group of senior
 Palestinian officials will meet with Zinni, he said.

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H-Net* [Fwd: Sheikh Qaradawi's Jumu'ah Khutbah: Jihad is fard 'ayn (meaningobligatory for every Muslim in the world and that if you do not do it youare a sinner and may go]

2002-03-26 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam



Reported in Qatari newspaper Ar-Raayah, 23 March 2002)

Important: Sheikh Qaradawi's Jumu'ah Khutbah: Jihad is fard 'ayn

Sheikh Yusuf Qaradawi during the Friday Sermon at Doha: I am a

Jihad is no longer fard kifaayah, but is now fard 'ayn on every Muslim:
Each has the duty to strive with what is possible to him- his life, his
words, with all he can.

Doha, Dr. Hasan Ali Daba

The eminent scholar Dr. Yusuf Qaradawi deplored the state of Arabs and
Muslims who have been driven out of the conflict and have become mere
intermediaries, considering the resistance of the Palestinian people the

sole achievement of the Ummah in the past Hijri year. He criticised
preachers who neglect the state of the Ummah, focusing instead on
individual account. His eminence called during yesterday's Friday sermon,
which came after an absence of many weeks due to travels and health
problems, for the provision of Palestinians with arms and funds which will
- if the Arabs and their leaders had a little patience - bring about
victory to the Intifada. He considered jihad to be an individual
obligation on every Muslim (fard

'ayn) and not only a collective obligation (fard kifaayah) on the
Palestinians alone, and he called on Arabs and their leaders at the Summit
to oppose the attack on Iraq and not support the U.S. in that regard.

The prominent scholar also denounced the targeting of Muslims in America
and the raiding of their institutions, while they are only active in the
cultural and educational fields and have no links to violence or terrorism
or physical jihad. The Islamic university was victim to such a raid, their
books and equipment were confiscated and its director Dr Taha Jaabir
al-'Alawani detained, and so were the Islamic Fiqh Council and the
Institute of International Islamic Thought; sisters were detained, and one
had her

hands tied behind her back for 3 hours until she cried, then they kept her
hands tied to the front for 2 hours. He said: America which claims
adherence to freedom and human rights treats people in this way, detaining
over 1,000 people in America, with no charge leveled at anyone except one
out of 1,000! Are these international standards? We are puzzled that
America has reached such a level of contravention of law, giving complete
freedom to its services to carry out such acts and treat people as
sub-humans!! We raise our voice, and demand that these people - many of
whom are American-born - be granted their citizenship rights and be
treated with the respect and dignity bestowed by the Creator: And we have
indeed ennobled the sons of Adam.

His eminence began his sermon by remembering his days as a student
awaiting the advent of the new Hijri year to read what was written by
writers and

poets on the occasion which was celebrated in some literary and cultural

magazines, where poets and authors used to write on the Hijri year and the
Ummah's pains and aspirations. He criticised preachers and imams who focus
on the actions of the individual and personal account, saying: That is a
good thing, but the neglect of the state of the Ummah is a dangerous
matter. He continued, We were concerned with the state of the Ummah,
what it has achieved and what it has lost. Islamic poets used to feed our
emotions at the time. I recall one such poet whose poems we used to
appreciate. He was a great Islamic poet, Mahmood Ghuneim who on the
occasion of a new hijri year wrote a poem lamenting the state of Muslims
at the time which he called: standing at the ruins, in which he cries,
deplores and laments saying: [..]

The Sheikh commented: Thus this man stood watching the ruins of the past,
weeping over the state of the Ummah in those days. And its state was not

like our state now. Our state now is a deplorable state, which makes our

eyes cry and our hearts bleed.


As we say farewell to a hijri year and welcome a new one - what have we
achieved in the past year? And what gains has this Ummah made? Sharon and
his gang can say that we have done a lot and achieved a lot. He could with
his tanks destroy villages and towns, raid people's homes, enter their
bedrooms, violate their sanctity. They could spill blood, violate
everything, destroy homes, burn lands, and destroy mosques and schools.
They were not content with imposing a blockade on this people to starve
it; they wished to kill it and finish it off. Sharon did a lot, with tanks
and planes. He cared for nothing and feared no one. For he has money, arms
and the American veto, and he has the humiliation of the Arabs who
silently watched what was happening. The only thing achieved by the Ummah
is the resistance of the Palestinian people, its heroism, so let us salute

Palestinian people, salute the daughters of Palestine, and the mothers of
Palestine, and the elderly of Palestine, and the youth of Palestine. Let
us alute this heroic people who turned weakness into strength, and made
out of nothing 

H-Net* Taliban bargaining on 18 US soldiers

2002-03-21 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam

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Taliban bargaining on 18 US soldiers

   uploaded 22 Mar 2002

   ISLAMABAD: While the American Special
   Forces are continuing their efforts to locate
   the 18 US soldiers taken hostage by the
   Taliban and AlQaida fighters during the most
   intense fighting in the snow covered peaks of
   the Arma region of the eastern Paktia
   Province, bargaining efforts are going on at
   highest level between the Americans and the
   Taliban who now are demanding the safe
   release of more than 350 Taliban and non
   Afghan prisoners languishing in X-Ray Cells
   in Cuba.

   Reliable and informed sources have told The
   Frontier Post that 18 US soldiers were taken
   hostage during the severe fighting in the snow
   covered mountains of Gardez in Afghanistan
   between the US soldiers and the Taliban forces.

   Sources said that Taliban are now “ demanding
   the release of all the Taliban and non Afghan
   prisoners from Guantanamo X-Ray cells but so far
   diplomacu is going on with no positive signs from

   Bush administration”.

   More than 400 Ame! rican forces had not only
   withdrawn from the Gardez region but also
   provided safe passage to the AlQaida and Taliban
   forces for the safety of the US soldiers who were

   taken hostage during a night time operation.

   With the arrival of extra 1700 British forces and

   American reinforcements in Afghanistan, the
   forces have started a rigorous hunt of the
   forces to secure the release of the US hostages,
   sources added.

   Already the US Central Command General Tommy
   Frank is in Kabul.

   Sources have said that US may try to use the
   good offices of the JUI-F leader Maulana
   Rehman who has been released recently after six
   month government custody but Rehman has
   denied playing any such role while talking to the

   Frontier Post on Tuesday from his residence in

   “I have also heard some reports about the US
   soldiers taken hostage by the Taliban but no one
   has approached me and I am not in touch with any
   body” said Rehman.

   Source:  The Frontier Post

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H-Net* [Fwd: The new face of Islam (a must read)]

2002-03-19 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam



The new face of Islam
by Nick Compton

At first she tried to resist. She did not want this to happen. She was not
that sort of person. After all, there were no gaps in her life, no
spiritual ache, she did not need support or direction. But she kept reading
and it kept making sense.

'I had absolutely no expectation or desire to end up where I am,' she says.
'It was almost with trepidation that I kept turning the pages and the
trepidation just increased. I kept thinking: OK, where's the flaw? Where's
the bit that doesn't make sense? But it never came. And then it was like:
Oh no, I can see where this is leading. This is disastrous. I don't want
to be a Muslim!

Caroline Bate is 30 years old, blonde, blue-eyed and pretty, with a soft
Home Counties accent. She has a degree from Cambridge (she studied Russian
and German before switching to management studies) and works for an
investment bank in the City. She is Middle England's dream daughter or
daughter-in-law. And though she has yet to make her formal declaration of
faith in Allah and the prophet Mohammed - a two-line pledge called the
Shahada - she considers herself Muslim. She ticked the box on a form
recently. It felt good, she says.

Caroline is not alone. Though data is hard to come by, several London
mosques have been reporting an increase in the number of converts to Islam,
especially since 11 September. Like Caroline, many of these converts are
from solid middle-class backgrounds, have successful careers, enjoy active
social lives and are fundamentally happy with their lot.

This is not a new trend, however. Matthew Wilkinson, a former head boy of
Eton, became Tariq, when he converted to Islam in 1993. Jonathan Birt, son
of Lord Birt, late of the BBC and now the government's transport guru,
converted in 1997. The son and daughter of Lord Justice Scott also
converted and Joe Ahmed Dobson, the 26-year-old son of the former Health
Secretary Frank Dobson, has recently and, somewhat reluctantly, emerged as
the voice of new Muslim converts in Britain. But it is a trend that has
been pushed along by recent events. So far it has gone largely unnoticed,
as the press concentrates on some of the more colourful characters that 11
September has thrown up.

Since 11 September, the luridly painted poster boys of British Islam have
been radical clerics such as Abu Hamza al-Masri, the steel-clawed,
milky-eyed so-called 'mad mullah' of Finsbury Park mosque. Here are
Victorian villains, fiendish emissaries of some ancient and foreign evil,
straight out of an Indiana Jones movie.

Their followers are blank-eyed drones like Richard Reid, packing his
high-tops with high explosives. Or James McLintock, the 'Tartan Taliban'.
There are lost boys, dislocated and dysfunctional, petty thieves preyed on
in South London prisons and young offenders' institutions by fakir Fagins
who forge an untempered anger into a righteous ire and provide it with a
target. (Three imams working in British prisons have been suspended since
11 September for making 'inappropriate remarks' about the terrorist attacks.)

But that is a sideshow, a compelling melodrama played out beyond the
fringes of Islamic culture in this country. And while it might be
stretching a point - and answering caricature with caricature - to insist
that a demure English rose is the exemplar of the modern British convert to
Islam, Caroline Bate is certainly more representative than Richard Reid.

Talking to recent Muslim converts, it is striking how similar the
descriptions of their embrace of Islam are. Most were introduced to Islam,
and Islamic history and teaching, by friends. And, given that Islam is not
generally a missionary faith, these were gentle introductions. For most,
conversion was born of curiosity, an attempt to better understand the
people around them.

Caroline first started reading about Islam last April. A school friend she
has known since she was 11 was marrying a Tunisian, a Muslim. 'My best
friend was marrying into a different culture so I wanted to know more about
it,' she explains. 'I came at it from more of a cultural perspective than a
religious one. But the literature that I picked up just stimulated me. And
Islamic teaching made perfect, logical sense. You can approach it
intellectually and there are no gaps, no great leaps of faith that you have
to make.'

Roger (not his real name) is a doctor in his mid-thirties. About a year and
a half ago, he started talking about Islam to Muslim colleagues at work.
'All I had ever heard about Islam in the media was Hezbollah and guerrillas
and all of that. And here were these really decent people whom I was
beginning to get to know. So I started to ask a few questions and I was
amazed at my own ignorance.' He became a Muslim a couple of months ago.

For these new converts, embracing Islam is usually a 

H-Net* ::KAVKAZ CENTER::news::facts::analysis

2002-03-10 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam


Title: ::KAVKAZ CENTER::news::facts::analysis








 11 03 2002 Monday 04:04on Djokhar time 















Talking Point

















US negotiations to free 18 captured US soldiers


Special Report(Daily Ummat): Reliable sources have disclosed that the US has offered to negotiate with the Mujahideen and make some deal in exchange for the freedom of 18 US soldiers, captured by the Mujahideen. These arrested US soldiers include at least two senior high ranking officers. It is believed that Operation Anaconda has been stopped because of American concern as to the fate of these 18 prisoners. More to come shortly, Allah Willing. 

French Soldier Killed in Kabul Whilst Trying to Neutralize Explosive Device

KABUL(Special Reporter, Daily Ummat) : A French soldier was killed in Kabul airport, as he was trying to neutralize what believes to be an unexploded shell or bomb. It seems as if this bomb had been planted and this comes as the second incident in a week involving the occupying forces in Kabul. Previously, five of these soldiers stationed at Kabul were killed, whilst trying to neutralize a booby trapped explosive device. 

Us-Afghan allied commander surrenders to the mujahideen in Girdees

Special Reporter( Daily Ummat): The interim government had sent one of its most trustworthy commanders, Baseer Salangi, along with a contingent of 1000 Afghan soldiers in order to assist US operations in Girdeez. They had been assigned the responsibility to attack Taliban and Arab Mujahideen positions, but when they reached the front line, Commander Baseer Salangi surrendered to the Mujahideen along with 32 of his men. This resulted in many US-Afghan allied troops retreating from their positions and fleeing from the front line. 

Western media has claimed that Northern Alliance soldiers have retreated back due to intense fighting etc. but the 

H-Net* Mum, I've decided I want to follow Allah

2002-03-10 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam
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H-Net* [Fwd: Peter Popham: The myth of Ram's temple has become a licence to killin India]

2002-03-05 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam



Peter Popham: The myth of Ram's temple has become a licence to kill in

'Muslim equals terrorist, Hindu nationalists tell each other; we have 140
million terrorists in our midst'

05 March 2002


India is a big country, and it is usually big-hearted enough not to betray
signs of being bothered by what we Delhi-based foreign correspondents
write. So it was a rare event when, nearly a year ago, I was politely
summoned to the office of Raminder Singh Jassal, then Chief Secretary for
External Publicity in the Ministry of External Affairs, and given a sound
ticking off.

The main complaint was that I had written at some length about
Hindu-Muslim clashes that had broken out in several towns and cities
across India following the Taliban's demolition of the Bamiyan Buddhas.

The Indian officials didn't question the veracity of my report, but they
made it plain that they regarded it as unfriendly of me to have written
on the topic of communal disturbances at all. Relations between majority
and minority communities have been far better under this government than
they were before, Mr Jassal told me. So when there is some little
incident, why focus on it?

I expect no such call from the ministry this week. The deaths of at least
450, and probably more than 1,000, Gujaratis, nearly all Muslims, in four
days of communal bestiality have exploded for ever the Hindu nationalist
Bharatiya Janata Party's (BJP) claim to have presided over an era of
communal peace.

And now, riding the crest of that particular wave, the Vishwa Hindu
Parishad (VHP, or World Hindu Council), an extremist group within the
same Hindu nationalist family as the BJP, is pressing ahead with its plans
to begin construction of the long dreamed-of temple to the god Ram in
Ayodhya, on the ruins of the mosque torn down by a mob of the same people
in December 1992. These two events, the Gujarat bloodbath and the Ayodhya
temple, are intimately connected. Taken together they throw into urgent
focus the question: what sort of people are ruling the world's biggest
democracy today? Where are they headed?

The first man on earth was an Indian, and a Hindu. Hinduism was the
primeval religion, not just of India but of the world. There was no Aryan
invasion of India, no enslavement of the southern Dravidians. Hindus were
here from day one. Other people arrived on these shores, but eventually
they bent the knee to Bharat Mata, Mother India, and were knitted into the
Hindu fabric. Only the Muslims (and to a lesser extent the Christians)
stood out. They smashed temples and erected mosques on the rubble, with
sword and fire they tore millions of Hindus from the breast of Mother
India and brought them forcibly over to Islam. It is the duty of patriotic
Hindus to reverse that historic wrong.

That, reduced to its crude essentials, is the Hindu nationalist creed, and
it helps to explain why the primary goal of the most powerful political
party in this vast, impoverished country, with all its desperate problems,
should be the construction of a temple in a squalid little town in Uttar
Pradesh. Ayodhya, goes the mythology, is Ramjanambhoomi, the birth place
of Ram, an avatar of Vishnu. The Muslim invader Babur (and this, too, is
myth) tore down the great temple that stood here and built the Babri
Masjid mosque, demolished by the mob in 1992. Hindu Rashtra, the true
Hindu nation, cannot come into being until the temple is rebuilt.

The men who have been ruling India for nearly four years, including the
Prime Minister, Atal Behari Vajpayee, and his powerful second-in-command
Lal Krishna Advani, the Home Minister, are true believers in this, India's
exotic variety of neo-fascism. But the world at large has gradually lost
sight of that fact. The nuclear tests conducted in May 1998, immediately
after they came to power, gave due warning that they meant business. But
the need to keep a squabbling and disparate coalition intact forced
Ayodhya off the government's agenda. Mr Vajpayee's became the first Indian
government to develop cordial relations with the US. Last September, India
became a front-line ally in the war against terrorism.

But while India's stature grew abroad, at home Mr Vajpayee was often
described by critics on the left as the mask of the BJP, the acceptable
face of a neo-fascist movement that was only biding its time.

Mr Vajpayee, increasingly doddery at the age of 78, remains in place; but
in the past week the party's mask has been ripped away. The war on
terrorism and India's long military stand-off with Pakistan, which
continues undiminished, have given a new licence to the Hindu
nationalists. Muslim equals terrorist, they tell each other: we have it on
American authority; we have 140 million terrorists in our midst. At the
same time, recent BJP losses in state elections both in Gujarat and Uttar
Pradesh have given the hardliners a new urgency and and a new

H-Net* [Fwd: GUARDIAN UK: An insidious result of September 11 is that the UStreats many non-whites as terrorists]

2002-03-05 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam



War on the third world

An insidious result of September 11 is that the US treats many non-whites
as terrorists

George Monbiot

Tuesday March 5, 2002


Those of us who opposed the bombing of Afghanistan warned that the war
between nations would not stop there. Now, as Tony Blair prepares the
British people for an attack on Iraq, the conflict seems to be
proliferating faster than most of us predicted. But there is another
danger, which we have tended to neglect: that of escalating hostilities
within the nations waging this war. The racial profiling which has become
the unacknowledged focus of America's new security policy is in danger of
provoking the very clash of cultures its authors appear to perceive.

Yesterday's Guardian told the story of Adeel Akhtar, a British Asian man
who flew to the United States for an acting audition. When his plane
arrived at JFK airport in New York, he and his female friend were
handcuffed. He was taken to a room and questioned for several hours. The
officials asked him whether he had friends in the Middle East, or knew
anyone who approved of the attacks on September 11. His story will be
familiar to hundreds of people of Asian or Middle Eastern origin.

I have just obtained a copy of a letter sent last week by a 50-year-old
British Asian woman (who doesn't want to be named) to the US immigration
service. At the end of January, she flew to JFK to visit her sister, who
is suffering from cancer. At the airport, immigration officials found that
on a previous visit she had overstayed her visa. She explained that she
had been helping her sister, who was very ill, and had applied for an
extension. When the officers told her she would have to return to Britain,
she accepted their decision but asked to speak to the British consul.

They refused her request, but told her she could ring the Pakistani
consulate if she wished. She explained that she was British, not
Pakistani, as her passport showed. The guards then started to interrogate
her. How many languages did she speak? How long had she lived in Britain?
They smashed the locks on her suitcases and took her fingerprints. Then
she was handcuffed and chained and marched through the departure lounge.
I felt like the guards were parading me in front of the passengers like
their prize catch. Why was I put in handcuffs? I am a 50-year-old
housewife from the suburbs of London. What threat did I pose to the safety
of the other passengers?

Last week, a correspondent for the Times found 30 men and a woman camped
in a squalid hotel in Mogadishu, in Somalia. They were all
African-Americans of Somali origin, who had arrived in the US as babies or
children. Most were professionals with secure jobs and stable lives. In
January, just after the release of Black Hawk Down (the film about the
failed US military mission in Somalia), they were rounded up. They were
beaten, threatened with injections and refused phone calls and access to
lawyers. Then, a fortnight ago, with no charges made or reasons given,
they were summarily deported to Somalia. Now, without passports, papers or
money, in an alien and frightening country, they are wondering whether
they will ever see their homes again.

All these people are victims of a new kind of racial profiling which the
US government applies but denies. The US attorney general has called for
some 5,000 men of Arab origin to be questioned by federal investigators.
Since September 11, more than 1,000 people who were born in the Middle
East have been detained indefinitely for immigration infractions.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations has recorded hundreds of recent
instances of alleged official discrimination in the US. Muslim women have
been strip-searched at airports, men have been dragged out of bed at
gunpoint in the middle of the night. It reports that evidence which
remains shielded from the suspect, of the kind permitted by the recent US
Patriot Act, has been used almost exclusively against Muslims and Arabs
in America. In the US, people of Middle Eastern and Asian origin are now
terrorist suspects. Some officials appear to regard them as guilty until
proven otherwise.

Similar policies appear to govern the judicial treatment of detainees.
During his press conference on December 28, President Bush initially
misunderestimated a question, and provided a revealing answer. Have you
decided, he was asked, that anybody should be subjected to a military
tribunal? Bush replied, I excluded any Americans. The questioner
pointed out that he meant to ask whether Bush had made any decisions about
the captives in Guantanamo Bay. But what the president had revealed was
that the differential treatment of those foreign fighters and John Walker
Lindh, the American Talib currently being tried in a federal court in
Virginia, is not an accident of process, but policy. He couldn't treat a
white American 

H-Net* ummahnews.com || Original Accurate News for the Ummah

2002-03-05 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam


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H-Net* [Fwd: INDEPENDENT: Muslim villagers fleeing firebomb attack are electrocutedby murderous Hindus]

2002-03-04 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam



Let's put the blame where it belong. The Hindoos are murderous and
fanatical, But Muslims, who want peace and justice, are protecting their
rights and lives. You are either with us or with the terrorists some jerk
in the white house recently said.


Muslim villagers fleeing firebomb attack are electrocuted by murderous

By Peter Popham in Ahmedabad

04 March 2002


The cement homes in the narrow cul-de-sac on the edge of the village stand
open today, ready for their owners to return, to light a wood fire in the
kitchen, turn on the small television on a shelf in the corner and bolt
the door. But after what happened here early on Saturday morning, no one
believes the Muslim labourers of Sadarpur will come back.

The assault began soon after 2am. I was told that 10,000 people (likely to
be an exaggeration), from surrounding Hindu-majority villages descended on
Sadarpur and in little more than one hour slickly eviscerated this little
community of about 140 Muslims.

Tree branches and lengths of concrete sewer piping were dragged across
access roads to stop army and police reaching the village. When the thugs
arrived they flooded the dead-end lane with water, then electrified the
water with cables hooked up to the mains. They clambered on to the low
roofs of the houses, smashed holes in them and hurled in petrol bombs and
Calor gas cylinders that exploded inside, driving the residents out into
the lane. There, many were electrocuted. Their bodies were dragged back
into the houses to burn.

Others fled out of back windows into fields. Some got away, others were
hunted down and incinerated. Some were sheltered in homes of sympathetic
Hindus in the village, but the marauders tracked them down and butchered
them. At least 28 men, women and children died.

Now it's not possible for Muslims to stay here, a Hindu living near by
says flatly.

Fifty kilometres (30 miles) away, in the majority-Muslim village where the
survivors have found shelter, one of them agrees. We decided that we must
leave that place, says MY Pathan, a teacher. We left everything behind,
we came with what we were wearing. And we don't want to go back, even to
collect our belongings.

The Hindu-Muslim violence in the west Indian state of Gujarat has claimed
almost 500 lives in the past five days, though senior police say privately
the figure may exceed 1,000. The first 58 to die were Hindus, pilgrims
returning from Ayodhya, incinerated in their train carriages. But in wave
after wave of retribution that followed, almost all who died have been

The violence spread yesterday to the country's most populous state, Uttar
Pradesh, where Hindus and Muslims clashed. While arsonists continued to
attack Muslim homes and businesses in Ahmedabad, the state's commercial
capital, yesterday, Gujarat was struggling to come to terms with the fact
that these new waves of murder and destruction have been different from
anything the state has seen before. Across Gujarat, Hindu militants are
seizing the opportunity to kick-start a programme of brutal communal

Like many of last week's victims, the Muslim labourers of Sadarpur were
extremely vulnerable: their simple homes are notably smaller and more
primitive than those of the Hindus who surround them on three sides. But
until last week, such exposure meant nothing. As well as a temple, the
village has a sizeable mosque, and a higher-caste Muslim community living
close to it.

Hindu-Muslim riots have broken out almost every year in Gujarat  the
fountainhead of Hindu nationalism  but they have been confined to the big
cities. With the killing of the Hindu pilgrims last Wednesday, a new era
arrived. A Hindu hotel clerk in Ahmedabad said: Now each and every Muslim
is a target.

There was rumour of trouble in Sadarpur on Friday evening. Mr Pathan says:
We were told some people will attack.So we called the police. An officer
and five constables showed up, distributed bland assurances and went away

Far from being an outburst of communal frenzy, this was a surgical strike,
carried out with military ruthlessness and discipline. All the bodies had
been removed when The Independent visited the site, but evidence of the
massacre was all around: the huge puddle in the lane, anomalous in this
parched zone; a burnt-out jeep; bags hastily half-packed for flight; and
in home after home, beds where victims had died, burnt out, nothing left
but the charred frame and a stinking black spongy mess on the floor.

Yet there was no looting here. Televisions sit untouched. Shiny galvanised
food dishes are still neatly aligned on sideboards. The murder of 28
people in Sadarpur  one survivor claims the true figure is 55  followed
precise instructions.

In Sawala, where 20 survivors from Sadarpur have taken refuge, I spoke to
GM Bahelim, a teacher. about the Muslims' future. Hindus from 

H-Net* [Fwd: Kill the Muslims, Hindoos chanted. Kill the Muslims.]

2002-03-03 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam



Trapped in House of Fire

By Rajiv Chandrasekaran
Washington Post Foreign Service

SARDARPURA, India, March 2 – Carrying wooden sticks and plastic jugs of
kerosene, the mob of 500 Hindus made no secret of its intentions as it
swarmed into this tiny farming town late Friday night. Kill the Muslims,
they chanted. Kill the Muslims.

Trying to flee but surrounded on all sides by the Hindu crowd, most of the
town's Muslims holed up in the one place they believed was safe: a
one-room house with thick concrete walls and metal-barred windows at the
end of their neighborhood.

But the throng soon followed them there and encircled the house. Get rid
of the Muslims, some of the Hindus said, according to a Hindu man who
witnessed the attack.

Panicked and crying, those inside the house begged for their lives. We
said, 'Please forgive us. Please let us go,'  said Ruksanabano Ibrahim,
20, who was packed inside with a dozen family members. We kept saying,
'We are not your enemies. What have we done to you?'‚

Then, just as it did moments earlier with shops, cars and other homes in
the neighborhood, the mob doused cloth-wrapped sticks with kerosene,
ignited them and hurled them through the windows. The terrorized
occupants, who were locked inside the house, tried in vain to smother the
flames with wool shawls and douse them with bottles of drinking water.

When police officers arrived a half-hour later and broke down the door, 29
people were dead. Most of the 20 others in the house were seriously

The gruesome attack was the latest in a wave of retaliatory killings by
Hindus that have plunged India's western Gujarat state into anarchy over
the past three days, after a train carrying Hindu pilgrims, who had been
rallying to build a temple at the site of a destroyed mosque, was
firebombed by Muslims on Wednesday, killing 58 people. The subsequent
clashes, which have claimed more than 350 lives, are the most severe
religious strife in India in almost a decade.

Although police imposed a curfew in 37 towns and army troops sent to the
state received orders to shoot rioters on sight, the unrest continued
today. In Ahmadabad, which was the scene of brutal slayings and arson
attacks on Thursday and Friday, Hindu gangs set fire to shops in several
Muslim neighborhoods. In the town of Vadodra, police said seven Muslims
working in a bakery were burned alive by a Hindu mob.

Police said more than 120 people were killed Friday in Ahmadabad,
Sardarpura and another village in eastern Gujarat.

Despite fears among some government officials that the fighting would
spread to other cities, most of the violence has been confined to Gujarat,
which has a long history of Hindu-Muslim clashes.

Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee delivered a nationally televised
address calling for peace. He said the attacks were a blot on the
country's face.

About 12 percent of India's 1 billion people are Muslims, while 82 percent
are Hindu. Although India is an officially secular nation, religious
tension between Hindus and Muslims has existed for centuries.

In 1947, when India gained its independence and was partitioned to create
the Muslim nation of Pakistan, hundreds of thousands of people were killed
as they tried to move between the countries. And in 1993, in the last
major round of religious fighting, more than 800 people died in sectarian
riots in Bombay.

While the police and military have increased their presence in large
cities, the revenge attacks appear to be spreading to rural areas like
Sardarpura, where security forces are stretched thin. Local police
officials expressed concern at their ability to stem a wave of vigilante
attacks across the state's farming villages, many of which have small
Muslim enclaves but lack full-time police protection.

In Sardarpura, which has the largest Muslim population in a 30-mile
radius, the violence began on Friday afternoon, when several hundred irate
Hindus arrived from Ghantral, a nearby village. Claiming that two Ghantral
residents were killed aboard the train on Wednesday, the mob used pickaxes
to demolish a light blue mosque on the road into Sardarpura, located about
40 miles north of Ahmadabad.

Forced to disperse from the mosque by police, the Hindus later regrouped
and returned to the village around 9 p.m., police officials said. Once
again, the police pushed them back by firing tear gas canisters, the
officials said.

But then, the 14-man police contingent left the town to patrol neighboring
villages. As soon as they departed, the mob returned – with devastating

We couldn't just stay here, said B.K. Purohit, a police sub-inspector.
We had to patrol other areas.

After an emergency call from the town, the officers headed back, but said
they were stopped a few miles away by roadblocks.

Muslims who used to 

H-Net* [Fwd: LONDON OBSERVER: Police took part in slaughter. India's lawmenoffered little protection against Hindu gangs massacring Muslim neighbours.So much for Bush's BS]

2002-03-03 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam



Police took part in slaughter

India's lawmen offered little protection against Hindu gangs massacring
Muslim neighbours

Luke Harding in Ahmedabad

Sunday March 3, 2002
The Observer


In an alley next to her affluent bungalow, Mrs Rochomal's mobile phone was
still ringing yesterday. Her son's jeans were drying on the washing line.
The dishes of her last meal had been carefully stacked, ready to be

Mrs Rochomal - an elderly Muslim lady - was not in a position to take her
call. Her charred, mutilated corpse lay in the sunny courtyard, framed by
the metal posts of an upturned bed. It was not just the kerosene that had
killed her. The Hindu mob that poured into her home two days ago had
slashed her twice across the face. They had also cut her throat.

A few clues hinted at Mrs Rochomal's final terrifying hours: a small blue
address book was abandoned next to her Nokia cellphone. She clearly knew
what was coming and had been trying to summon help while hiding in her
outside pantry.

The fact that Mrs Rochomal lived 80ft away from a police station reveals a
bleak truth about the violence that has convulsed India over the past four
days: it has been state-sponsored.

The authorities have done little to prevent the inferno that has swept the
western state of Gujarat - not because of incompetence but because they
share the prejudices of the Hindu gangs who have been busy pulping their
Muslim neighbours.

Indian troops yesterday finally took control of the rubble-strewn streets
of Ahmedabad, the state's main city. They took up positions on the edges
of Hindu neighbourhoods. The mood was calmer. But the army's belated
deployment seemed little more than a political calculation that the
Muslims had now got the beating they deserved.

'Everything is finished,' rickshaw driver Narinder Bhai said, gesturing at
the charred interior of his home and his ruined fridge. 'Many people have
been killed here. My wife and children have disappeared. I don't know
where they are.'

Narinder's home is almost next door to Mrs Rochomal's, in the Ahmedabad
district of Naroda, which suffered the worst battering. Hindu mobs armed
with iron bars and machetes burned down the entire colony on Thursday and

Yesterday, it was almost completely deserted: a ruin of smouldering
rickshaws, charred family photographs and abandoned homes. 'The crowd was
so big, the officers could not control it,' one policeman said. 'They have
done their job very well.'

The reality is that the police made no effort to hold back the mob, and in
certain places even joined in. 'Several policemen without uniforms started
firing guns at us,' said one Muslim resident, Naseem Aktar, in the suburb
of Bapunagar. 'They killed six or seven people.'

The violence - prompted by last week's gruesome attack on a train carrying
right-wing Hindu activists back from the temple town of Ayodhya - is
clearly an embarrassment for Hindus of moderate views.

In an address to the nation, India's elderly Prime Minister, Atal Bihari
Vajpayee, yesterday appealed for peace in his country. But Vajpayee's own
Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is part of the problem.

Gujarat is one of the few Indian states still controlled by the BJP. It
has a reputation as a laboratory for Hindu revivalist thinking. Since
sweeping to power in the mid-1990s, the BJP has pursued a communal
pro-Hindu agenda. It has also supported the construction of a temple on
the disputed site in Ayodhya, where Hindu zealots demolished a mosque in
1992. Several members of the present Cabinet, including India's hawkish
Home Minister LK Advani, watched.

The Ayodhya issue now threatens to tear India apart. The extremist Vishwa
Hindu Parishad (VHP) or World Hindu Council has called for construction on
the temple to begin by 15 March. It has so far not been swayed by pleas
from Vajpayee to abandon its plan.

The official death toll since last Wednesday is now 250 - but few dispute
that the real total is vastly higher. The army has restored some order to
Ahmedabad, and the first bulldozers embarked yesterday afternoon on the
epic task of clearing up.

But in the vast countryside around Gujarat, where Hindu and Muslim
villagers live side by side, local massacres were still going on. On the
national highway leading to Bombay, Hindu gangs yesterday manned
roadblocks and set fire to all trucks driven by Muslims.

Last night, meanwhile, Mrs Rochomal still lay face up in front of her
veranda, her gruesome remains a warning to those who survived the flames.
Her white flip-flops were where she had left them, next to the shoe rack
and a brightly-painted swing-seat. Before being murdered, she had
padlocked her front door. The ferocity that killed her left her home
largely untouched. She was clearly a lady of fastidious habits and through
the windows it was possible to make out black-and-white photographs of 

H-Net* Welcome to Khilafah.com

2002-02-28 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam


Title: Welcome to Khilafah.com



















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  Narrated Abu Bakra: During the battle of Al-Jamal, Allah benefited me with a Word (I heard from the Prophet). 

When the Prophet heard the news that the people of the Persia had made the daughter of Khosrau their Queen (ruler), he said, "Never will succeed such a nation that makes a woman their ruler." 
 [Volume 9, Book 88: Afflictions and the End of the]







Prince Abdullah admits to blowing away his peoples wealth
audi Arabia, Its Wealth on the Wane, Courts Foreign Investors 

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Feb. 26 (Bloomberg) -- A generation ago, oil was Saudi Arabia's blessing, turning the desert kingdom of Bedouin tribes into one of the wealthiest  nations on earth. 

Today, the country's leaders blame their dependence on oil for ills ranging from a male unemployment rate of at least 15 percent to a ballooning national debt of $170 billion, to near zero economic growth. 

Prince Abdullah bin Faisal, head of the newly created Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority and a member of the ruling al- Saud family, is trying to help the largest oil producer out of its slump. He's traveling the world, speaking at conferences and meeting with journalists in an effort to publicize new investment rules aimed at attracting foreign investment into nonoil projects. Saudi Arabia hasn't reached out to foreign investors this way since before the kingdom nationalized many of its industries, beginning in the 1970s. 

The prince hasn't found it easy. Foreign companies remain skeptical of Saudi Arabia, which has yet to put into place laws that will govern such investment. ``We're essentially starting from scratch,'' the prince says, tapping off the ash from his ever- present cigarette. Foreign companies have made $8.5 billion of commitments in the past two years, and only a fraction of that has actually been spent. 

Heavy Debt 

Saudi Arabia needs the money. The building of new power, water, gas and telecommunications capacity will cost $15 billion a year for the next several years, says Brad Bourland, chief economist of Saudi American Bank, or Samba, the kingdom's second- largest bank. 

The government is already carrying debt equivalent to nearly 100 percent of gross domestic product -- almost twice Argentina's ratio. This year, the debt figure is set to rise by $10 billion as the government borrows more beccause of a projected decline in oil revenue. 

In the meantime, Saudi Arabia's wealth has dwindled. According to the International Monetary Fund, Saudi GDP per capita was $15,319 in 1980 compared with $17, 283 for the U.S. By the end of 2000, Saudi GDP per capita had fallen to $8,452, slightly above Argentina's $7,778. 

``Fifty years ago, we were desert Bedouin,'' says Prince Abdullah. ``Then, we discovered oil -- and money. Lots of money. So we spent it. Now, those days are over, and we have to think again.'' 

Under Pressure 

A Saudi Arabia short of money is a daunting prospect for the Middle East and its Western allies. Saudi Arabia is not only the producer of 25 percent of the world's oil supplies and the largest supplier to the U.S.; it's also a linchpin of political stability in the region. 

As it struggles with growing unemployment and wider disparities in 

H-Net* [Fwd: FBI Closes in on Anthrax Terrorist - Prime Suspect is a Zionistwhich explains why FBI has not yet made an arrest!!!]

2002-02-26 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam



see also: FBI knows anthrax mailer but wont make an arrest, US scientist
charges at: http://www.wsws.org/articles/2002/feb2002/anth-f25.shtml

FBI Closes in on Anthrax Terrorist

Prime Suspect is a Zionist

Hector Carreon
La Voz de Aztlan


Los Angeles, Alta California - 2/26/2002 - (ACN)
Jewish microbiologist Dr. Philip M. Zack may be
behind the deadly anthrax contaminated letters that
were mailed to NBC's Tom Brokaw, Senator Tom
Daschle and others, according to FBI sources. In a
rapidly unravelling investigation by the FBI, it appears
that the Arab-hating-Jew was behind a vile conspiracy
to frame a colleague who was born in Egypt and who
worked, along with Dr. Zack, at the U.S. Army's
Medical Research Institute for Infectious Diseases in
Fort Detrick, Md.

La Voz de Aztlan has maintained from the beginning
that the anthrax-laced letters seemed contrived and
were purposely written to make them appear that they
were coming from someone in the Islamic World. New
information just released by the FBI confirms our
suspicions. On October 9, 2001 we published Anthrax
Terrorists may be Zionists in which we outlined the
reasons for our suspicions and in addition reported
on a letter we received with a yellowish powder. On
October 24, 2001 we published an editorial Anthrax
Letter Messages Seem Contrived in which we
commented on our theory concerning the origin of the
letters. We also published pictures of the three actual
letters and envelopes. We have now compared the
handwriting on these letters to the one we received
and it looks suspiciously the same. We are not
handwriting experts and have made the decision to
publish the envelope and letter we received so that
our readership can see for themselves. Our local
police department never came to pick up the envelope
and letter and we still have them in a double
zip-lock plastic bag. The letter and envelope
addressed to La Voz de Aztlan are published at

The case against Dr. Phillip M. Zack begin
unravelling when Egyptian-born scientist Dr. Ayaad
Assaad, now a U.S. citizen, was called in by the FBI
for an interview on October 2, 2001. The FBI had
received an unsigned letter falsely accusing Dr.
Assaad of being responsible for mailing the anthrax
tainted letters. The letter stated, among other
things, Dr. Assaad is a potential biological
terrorist, and I have worked with Dr. Assaad, and I
heard him say that he has a vendetta against the U.S.
government and that if anything happens to him, he
told his sons to carry on. Rosemary A. McDermott,
attorney for Dr. Assaad, stated that here is a very
close connection between the person who sent that
letter and the person who sent the anthrax. Ms.
McDermott said The person who wrote that letter
knew intimate details of my client's life and his
professional history, and about the Fort Detrick
operation. I don't think that is a coincidence. The
Fort Detrick biochemical research laboratory has
maintained stores of weapons-grade anthrax that is
commonly known as the Ames strain of Bacillus

The anonymous letter falsely accusing Dr. Assaad was
was sent a little after the September 11 terrorist
attacks but before anyone knew about the
anthrax-laced letters. On October 5, 2001, about 10
days after the anonymous letter was mailed, Robert
Stevens, Photo Editor of The Sun in Florida, became
the first of five individuals to die from an anthrax

The racist and bigoted attacks on Dr. Ayaad Assaad by
Zionist Philip Zack and others started while he
worked at the Army's bioweapons lab at Fort Detrick
in Maryland during the 1990's. This is when a vicious
racist vendetta was launched against the scientist of
Arab descent. A group of coworkers led by then Army
Lt. Col. Philip Zack began a hateful campaign to
harass and get Dr. Assaad fired from his duties. The
Zionists apparently wanted to get rid of anyone that
could uncover their sinister plans which consisted in
stealing weapons grade anthrax and other deadly
viruses used in biological weapons. The conspirators
had the support of the lab's former commander. Among
other things, the bigots wrote and passed around a
very crude poem denigrating Arab Americans, an
obscene rubber camel and constantly poked fun at Dr.
Assaad's use of the English language. In 1991 Dr.
Assaad discovered the eight-page poem in his mailbox.
The poem was lewd and mocked Dr. Assaad. The poem
also referred to the rubber camel that was passed
around. It was outfitted with all manner of sexually
explicit appendages. The poem in part read: ``In
Assaad's honor we created this beast; it represents
life lower than yeast.'' The bigots noted that the
rubber camel will be given each week ``to who did the

It appears that the conspirators created an extremely
toxic workplace on purpose in order to take control
of the laboratory. The lab became very dysfunctional
and hostile to the few 

H-Net* Islam Online- News Section

2002-02-20 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam

Title: Islam Online- News Section  








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Islamic Party Sues Malaysian Government Over Oil Royalties

by IOL Correspondent, Kazi Mahmood

LUMPUR, Feb. 19 (IslamOnline) - The battle over hundreds of millions of U.S.
dollars of oil royalty between the Malaysian government and the Islamic Party of
Malaysia (PAS) is now being fought, since Monday in the High Court in Kuala

legal battle became inevitable after the Malaysian government withdrew royalty
payments for offshore petroleum to the Terengganu state government run by the

withdrawal took effect in September 2000 and has since then denied the PAS run
state government a valuable source of income.

PAS maintained the decision was politically motivated and is suing the federal
government and the national oil company Petroliam Nasional Bhd (Petronas) for
default payment.

officials say the decision to stop the royalty was a punishment meted by Prime
Minister Mahathir Mohamad against the party which has wrestled the state in a
landslide victory in 1999.

party, the United Malays National Organization (UMNO) ruled over Terengganu for
25 years and had always been paid the royalty, which 

H-Net* ummahnews.com || Original Accurate News for the Ummah

2002-02-20 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam


Description: GNU Zip compressed data

H-Net* The Massacres of Hama: Law Enforcement Requires Accountability

2002-02-19 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam


Title: The Massacres of Hama: Law Enforcement Requires Accountability







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in Arabic












  The Massacres of Hama: Law Enforcement Requires Accountability


  Violations of
Human Rights
  Executers of the


  the 20th anniversary of the massacres in the city of
  Hama: Did the Syrian authorities have to commit those atrocities
  and violations of human rights?
  the twentieth anniversary of this massacre, two questions still
  desperately await adequate and convincing answers from the regime
  in Syria:
  did the massacre of Hama on Feb 2nd, 1982 take place?
  those atrocities committed to enforce the law and preserve order
  or just to save the regime?
  Al-Tallia magazine, which is issued in Paris after the massacre,
  conveyed a statement from a Syrian official trying to reason what
  happened during the massacre: “About 200 armed men emerged at
  the night of February 2nd, 1982 and occupied the city.
  They executed about 90 people of the regime followers, took over
  important city offices and landmarks, and announced an armed
  disobedience, which forced the Syrian authority to undertake a
  decision to clean the city of them and to restore law and
  hearing this statement, the following question comes to mind: if
  200 people had announced disobedience, then why did the state kill
  30,000 human beings? Isn’t this an outrageous violation of the
  right to live? Isn’t this a decision to commit mass murder? Why
  did the regime deliberately order the destruction and levelling of
  one third of 

H-Net* [Fwd: The Bush administration and John Walker Lindh: who are the realconspirators?]

2002-01-27 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam



The Bush administration and John Walker Lindh: who are the real

By David Walsh - 25 January 2002


The Bush administration is proceeding with its brutal legal vendetta
against John Walker Lindh, the young American who joined the Taliban in
Afghanistan last year and surrendered to Northern Alliance forces in
November. Walker (who generally goes by his mothers name) arrived in the
US late Wednesday after being taken off the USS Bataan warshipwhere he has
been imprisonedby helicopter and transferred to another military plane at
the airport in the southern Afghan city of Kandahar. He was restrained
during the flight to the US. Walker made an initial appearance Thursday in
US District Court in Alexandria, Virginia. US Magistrate Judge W. Curtis
Sewell set a preliminary hearing for February 6.

On January 15 the US government charged Walker with four criminal counts.
The charges include two counts of providing material support to terrorist
organizations, conspiring to kill US nationals abroad and engaging in
prohibited transactions with the Taliban.

The charges, which carry a maximum penalty of life imprisonment, are based
almost entirely on Walkers own alleged confession, extracted from him by
the military and FBI on board the US military vessel where he was held
incommunicado for more than six weeks. The 20-year-old was neither granted
access to the lawyer engaged by his parents nor was he apparently informed
that an attorney was available. The International Committee of the Red
Cross was prevented from delivering letters to Walker.

On January 16 Attorney General John Ashcroft defended the charges brought
against Walker and indicated that the government had not foreclosed
charging other crimes against this individual, including those which carry
the death penalty. The attorney general asserted that Walker had waived
his right to remain silent, hypocritically declaring, in regard to the
parents efforts to provide their son with legal counsel, that No other
individual has a right to impose an attorney on him or to choose an
attorney for him.

In his reactionary and ignorant, albeit defensive, comments to the press
Ashcroft did his best to poison public opinion against the young man. John
Walker Lindh chose to fight with the Taliban, Ashcroft said, chose to
train with Al Qaeda, and to be led by Osama bin Laden. We may never know
why he turned his back on our country and our values, but we cannot ignore
that he did. He added: Youth is not absolution for treachery, and personal
self-discovery is not an excuse to take up arms against ones country.
Misdirected Americans cannot seek direction in murderous ideologies and
expect to avoid the consequences.

Ashcrofts denunciations of Walker follow the comment made by George W.
Bush on December 21 that Walker was the first American al Qaeda fighter
that we have captured. This assertion prompted Anthony Arend, a professor
at the Georgetown University law school in Washington, to tell a reporter:
He shouldnt have said it It can prejudice various people and make
selecting a jury more difficult.

In response to Ashcrofts inflammatory remarks, Avern Cohn, a district
judge from Detroit, in a letter to the New York Times, observed that the
attorney general appears to have violated Justice Department guidelines on
release of information relating to criminal proceedings that are intended
to ensure that a defendant is not prejudiced when such an announcement is
made Mr. Ashcrofts statement and news conference seem to suggest that
there is really no need for a trial. Moreover, evidence has yet to be
presented to a grand jury.

The judge is referring to a section of the Code of Federal Regulations
which prohibits the type of prejudicial comments made by the attorney
general January 16 and in subsequent interviews with the media. The
regulation instructs Justice Department personnel not to furnish any
statement or information for the purpose of influencing the outcome of a
defendants trial, nor shall personnel of the Department furnish any
statement or information, which could reasonably be expected to be
disseminated by means of public communication, if such a statement or
information may reasonably be expected to influence the outcome of a
pending or future trial. Furthermore: Disclosures should only include
incontrovertible, factual matters, and should not include subjective
observations. The regulation specifically prohibits the release of
Statements, admissions, confessions, or alibis attributable to a

In his comments Ashcroft clearly violated both the letter and the spirit
of this regulation. The Bush administration treats Justice Department
guidelines with the same contempt it reserves for the Geneva Convention on
the treatment of prisoners of war. At every step the administration
reveals its authoritarian and anti-democratic proclivities.

H-Net* [Fwd: US military intervention in Somalia]

2002-01-24 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam



The biggest training camp in the world for international terrorists is the
US army.


US military intervention in Somalia

24 January 2002

By Abdullah Vawda

The US and its allies have intensified military activities in Somalia and
along its 2000-mile coastline to prevent 'al-Qaeda terrorists' from
finding refuge or setting up new bases there, according to American
officials. But the scale of the military preparations, the nature of the
deals US officials have struck with rival forces, and the involvement of
Ethiopia suggest that the plan goes much further. And, as Washington's
alignment with Sudan's Christian neighbours indicates, that strategy is to
fight Islamic movements.

The Pentagon has recently increased the number of Marine Corps units in
the Arabian Sea. Germany is also sending ships to the Somali coast and the
Arabian Sea. Reconnaissance flights over Somalia have also increased, and
France and Britain have also sent planes. In the first week of January
flights went up from one or two to four or five daily.

According to media reports, US navy P-3 planes flying out of a base in
Oman  have been used to carry out the main aerial-reconnaissance effort.
Their main task is to take photographs of suspected Qaeda sites, the
reports say, adding that the photographs can show changes in numbers of
trainees or vehicles arriving at or leaving sites.

Donald Rumsfeld, US defence secretary, has refused to say whether these
activities mean that an invasion of Somalia is imminent, but he spoke
about the presence of al-Qaeda there: we know there have been training
camps there and that they have been active over the years and that they go
inactive when people are attentive to them. Other officials say that no
decision has been made to take specific action, but insist that Washington
is determined to prevent al-Qaeda and other terrorists groups from using
Somalia as a safe haven.

The Americans are not only after alleged 'al-Qaeda terrorists' in Somalia,
but are also determined to dispose of local Islamic groups, which they
claim are linked to al-Qaeda and have received support from Usama bin
Ladin. The Bush administration believes that it has successfully tarred
al-Qaeda and bin Ladin with the brush of terrorism, and therefore that it
can target Islamic movements said to have ties with them without being
accused of an anti-Islam strategy.  Bush has already put al-Ittihad on the
list of terrorist groups, and has frozen the assets of al-Barakah, one of
Somalia's biggest business groups.

According to a report in the London Sunday Times on January 6, there are
up to 100 al-Qaeda terrorists said to be operating in Somalia already
who are linked to al-Ittihad al-Islami. Vincent Cannistraro, the CIA's
former head of counter-terrorism, claims that the heavy naval patrol of
the Somali coast cannot keep them out. Al-Qaeda terrorists could easily
be hidden away in Mogadishu,  he said; despite heavy naval patrols they
could be entering in small fishing vessels and dhows.

Somalis, unlike Muslims elsewhere, have no sectarian divisions. Like
Muslims anywhere, they are likely to sympathise with fellow Muslims being
hunted down by 'infidels'. But they are also strongly polarised along
clan-lines: they have been unable to form a national government since the
overthrow of Said Barre, military dictator, more than a decade ago.
Barre's divisive policies, the clan-based response to his rule by the
opposition groups overthrowing him, and the decade-long absence of central
government have made this polarisation worse.

So it is difficult for them to organise viable and radical organisations
that cut across clan lines. The alleged march of Islamic fundamentalism is
a myth that the US and its allies promote to justify their intervention in
Somalia. The transitional government has made strong efforts to convince
Washington that there are no al-Qaeda bases or training sites in Somalia,
and that al-Ittihad al-Islami is not a terrorist organisation.

US officials have brushed all this as an inconvenient irrelevance. And
when a government delegation tried to visit Washington and deliver a
formal letter to president George W Bush to explain that there is no need
for US military intervention, the delegation were refused US entry visas.

On December 12, 1992, the U.S. sent 28,000 soldiers into Somalia under the
cover of the United Nations Operation in Somalia (UNOSOM) in what they
said was a humanitarian mission to bring food to starving people. The
invasion came when a several-year drought that had taken tens of thousands
of lives was actually abating.  At the time, the evening news showed
images of thousands of starving Somalis. What people didn't see was U.S.
troops not delivering food but instead engaged in daily gun battles and
bombing raids in heavily populated neighbourhoods. In ten months, more
than 10,000 Somalis died as the U.S.  engaged in aggressive military

H-Net* [Fwd: PROOF THAT AMERICA IS A TERRORIST ROGUE STATE: Day 100: another raidin the bombing war without end (Guardian)]

2002-01-17 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam



Day 100: another raid in the bombing war without end


The Taliban may have vanished but the conflict is far from over for many in Afghanistan

Suzanne Goldenberg in Zhawar
Tuesday January 15, 2002
The Guardian

The rocket screeches low overhead, and the world stands still for a second
before US munitions slam into an Afghan mud hut and the mountains shudder
in a sickening explosion. It is a direct hit on this abandoned training
camp of the Taliban and al-Qaida, a moment of pure terror for the Afghans
of these neighbouring mountain hamlets.  In darkness and in light, for 10
long days, US bombers have prowled above the winter clouds, pulverising
the slate and lava rock of Zhawar. The villagers gauge the danger by the
engine noise. When the low whirr rises to a grinding roar, it's time to
take cover.

All the mountains are shaking, says Khali Gul from Kaskai, a small
hamlet a few hundred metres from the Americans' target. We are very
afraid of these planes. We just want this to stop.

In the capital, Kabul, delegations come and go. Aid workers draw up charts
for reconstruction; diplomats leave their calling cards with the interim
government. As America's war on terror entered its 100th day yesterday,
the world speculated on its next venue: will it be Somalia or Sudan; Yemen
or Iraq?

Here, in the mountains of Zhawar, there is only war. US warplanes are
destroying, day after day, one of the last redoubts of the Taliban.
Overnight, the bombing was so heavy the windows shook in Khost, a town 22
miles from America's latest theatre of war.

Fifteen people were killed two days ago in Shudiaki village, says Noorz
Ali, rattling down the dried-up river bed in a pick-up truck piled with a
wheelbarrow, a brass basin, and four baby goats - the pitiable sum of his
belongings as he joins the exodus for the safety of the plains.

The village is completely flattened. My house was destroyed, and my
neighbours were killed, he says. There were so many bombs I lost count.
The dead remain there in the village. Everybody else has left.

Like all the other villagers, he swears there are no Taliban or al-Qaida
in Zhawar anymore. They bundled into their four-wheel drives and vanished
into the mountains.

It is impossible to verify Mr Ali's story, or other accounts of civilian
casualties as the American bombing of Afghanistan enters its fourth month.
Mr Ali's village lies on a ridge behind the Zhawar camp, and the extensive
network of caves dug into the sides of the gorge below. The bombing is too
intense for any exploration, and the area is too remote, accessible only
by four-wheel drive jolting along through the mountains.

Every vehicle is a target for the American bombers as they hunt down the
stragglers of the Taliban and al-Qaida, and the warplanes begin to circle
over our pick-up truck - the vehicle of choice for Afghanistan's old
rulers. Apart from the growling of the bombers, and the thunder of
rockets, there is silence.

The isolation was crucial to the establishment of the Zhawar caves and
training camps in the early 1980s. Two decades later, it allows the US
bombardment of the base - and the calamity that has befallen the civilian
hamlets clinging to the mountain tops - to go largely unremarked, and
unlamented. For those outside this small corner of the world, the Afghan
war is over.

Afghans say the bombing began 10 days ago when 20 special US forces
descended on the district capital of Khost. They emerge at dusk, night
vision goggles strapped over furled woollen Afghan caps, and assault
rifles smothered in blankets in a vain attempt at disguise to meet the
local tribal chieftain of Khost who is their patron and protector.

By day, they hunker down in a two-storey building the colour of egg yolk.
The locals call it mechanik ; it's the vocational high school. We send up
our business cards. The Americans send down a polite refusal, fat printed
letters written in a careful hand. Be safe, the note ends.

In the hills around Zhawar, it's a difficult proposition. The men sent
their women and children down to Khost several days ago, but stayed to
guard their herds. At night, they sleep in bunkers above their mud and
chaff houses. By day, they squat beneath the parched acacia trees that
provide what little cover there is on these barren mountains.

What can we do? Where can we go? asked Khalil Jan, a shepherd squatting
by the road.

Everyday, the Americans are dropping bombs. Last night there were six and
this morning there were five. We are very afraid of the bombs, and we are
very angry at the Americans. There is no reason for this. The camps are
empty, but still the Americans are dropping their bombs.

A generation ago the CIA helped anti-Soviet rebels tunnel through the
mountains to create the camp: an impenetrable system of connecting caves
that served as arms depot, training camp, and safe haven.

When that stage of 

H-Net* [Fwd: LONDON OBSERVER: The treatment of al-Qaeda and Taliban prisoners bythe United States offends a sense of justice]

2002-01-14 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam



NOTE: Throughout the world, on any given day, a man, woman, or child is
likely to be displaced, tortured, killed, or disappeared', at the hands of
governments or armed political groups. More often than not, the United
States shares the blame.  - Amnesty International, 1996

The treatment of al-Qaeda and Taliban prisoners by the United States
offends a sense of justice

Peter Beaumont
Sunday January 13, 2002
The Observer


Imagine the scene. A group of alleged Irish terrorists is seized and
handed over to the British Government by a third country. They are held
without access to any lawyers. Some are threatened by interrogating
intelligence officers. They are told that if they don't tell them what
they want to know then they might simply 'disappear'. Some of the men are
tortured while being held in prison and forced into confessing that they
are members of a terrorist organisation.
These men are drugged and bound and then flown out of the country to an
island camp, where lawyers are appointed for them but where the normal
guarantees of defendants' rights do not apply. Those lawyers cannot appeal
for their release - no mechanism exists - nor can they challenge their
extradition or the criteria for it.

In that island camp, they will face an emergency military tribunal that
has the right to kill them. Confronted with these gross violations, the
international media and human rights organisations would rightly be up in
arms in protest.

Yesterday, a group of unidentified men, including a Briton, completed a
journey identical in almost every detail to the one described above.
Manacled, with some sedated, they were chained to their seats in the
aircraft that delivered them. The difference is that this group of 20 men
were alleged terrorists with the Taliban and al-Qaeda and their
destination was the US base at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba. The difference,
too, is that what complaint there has been about their treatment has been
curiously muted.

The reality of what is happening to the prisoners of Afghanistan is a
scandal of international proportions. Brutalised, often tortured, these
are men who have been stripped of their most basic rights under
international and US law, rights guaranteed at the International Tribunal
in the Hague even for the alleged architects of the genocide in Yugoslavia
and Rwanda.

In a few deft strokes, the administration of President George W. Bush has
dropped a 'daisycutter' not only on the Geneva Conventions, designed to
protect the rights of prisoners of war, but also America's own
constitutional guarantees for defendants.

It is possible, even likely, that many of these people committed terrible
crimes - some many even have had foreknowledge of the attacks of 11
September - but their special treatment presupposes a special guilt.

They are the kind of people, we are assured, after all, by General Richard
B. Myers, US Chief of the Joint Staffs, who are so 'dangerous that they
would gnaw through the hydraulic cables' on their transport plane to bring
it down.

It is a description appropriate to an animal, not to a man.

A few weeks ago, I was in Afghanistan looking for some of these almost
mythically self-destructive creatures. The first man we tried to see was
an elderly Taliban official our fixer had come across at an anti-Taliban
base in the suburbs of the former Taliban stronghold of Kandahar.

When our fixer saw him, he was being beaten slowly and methodically to
death by a local warlord. We reached the camp too late. When we arrived,
the man who had been doing the beating told us that he no longer had any
Taliban prisoners. They had buried some al-Qaeda fighters that day whom
they had killed in the liberation of the city, he told us. We asked again
about the prisoner. He clarified the situation: 'There are no prisoners
any longer.'

It was not an isolated incident. Ten days later, I found myself with a
group of Western journalists in the office of the governor of the Third
Directorate prison in Kabul.

Abdul Qayum, a lean and hard-faced man in his fifties, had been promising
for a week to let reporters see his prisoners and check on their
conditions. He told us he was both jailer and the man who leads the
interrogations. He told us, too, that he regarded the Taliban and al-Qaeda
as indistinguishable.

So how, we asked, does he persuade them to confess? 'We ask them in a
friendly and Islamic way to confess their crimes,' he explained to us. 'If
they do not confess, then we use force.'

If one cannot condone this sort of behaviour, perhaps one can understand
it in a virtual state, stripped of its institutions and atomised by two
decades of war. But the role of America and its allies in the maltreatment
of the Taliban and al-Qaeda prisoners defies comprehension.

What is most alarming are the potential consequences of those beaten and
forced confessions in the 

H-Net* [Fwd: Kandahar comes out of the closet - Northern Alliance openly promotingsodomy (Times of London)]

2002-01-13 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam



Kandahar comes out of the closet



Our correspondent sees the gay capital of South Asia throw off strictures
of the Taleban

NOW that Taleban rule is over in Mullah Omars former southern stronghold,
it is not only televisions, kites and razors which have begun to emerge.
Visible again, too, are men with their ashna, or beloveds: young boys they
have groomed for sex.

Kandahars Pashtuns have been notorious for their homosexuality for
centuries, particularly their fondness for naive young boys. Before the
Taleban arrived in 1994, the streets were filled with teenagers and their
sugar daddies, flaunting their relationship.

It is called the homosexual capital of south Asia. Such is the Pashtun
obsession with sodomy  locals tell you that birds fly over the city using
only one wing, the other covering their posterior  that the rape of young
boys by warlords was one of the key factors in Mullah Omar mobilising the

In the summer of 1994, a few months before the Taleban took control of the
city, two commanders confronted each other over a young boy whom they both
wanted to sodomise.

In the ensuing fight civilians were killed. Omars group freed the boy and
appeals began flooding in for Omar to help in other disputes.

By November, Omar and his Taleban were Kandahars new rulers. Despite the
Taleban disdain for women, and the bizarre penchant of many for eyeliner,
Omar immediately suppressed homosexuality.

Men accused of sodomy faced the punishment of having a wall toppled on to
them, usually resulting in death. In February 1998 three men sentenced to
death for sodomy in Kandahar were taken to the base of a huge mud and
brick wall, which was pushed over by tank. Two of them died, but one
managed to survive.

In the days of the Mujahidin, there were men with their ashna everywhere,
at every corner, in shops, on the streets, in hotels: it was completely
open, a part of life, said Torjan, 38, one of the soldiers loyal to
Kandahars new governor, Gul Agha Sherzai.

But in the later Mujahidin years, more and more soldiers would take boys
by force, and keep them for as long as they wished. But when the Taleban
came, they were very strict about the ban. Of course, it still happened
the Taleban could not enter every house  but one could not see it.

But for the first time since the Taleban fled, in the past three days, one
can see the pairs returning: usually a heavily bearded man, seated next
to, or walking with, a clean-shaven, fresh faced youth. There appears to
be no shame or furtiveness about them, although when approached, they
refuse to talk to a western journalist.

They are just emerging again, Torjan said. The fighters too now have the
boys in their barracks. This was brought to the attention of Gul Agha, who
ordered the boys to be expelled, but it continues. The boys live with the
fighters very openly. In a short time, and certainly within a year, it
will be like pre-Taleban: they will be everywhere.

This Pashtun tradition is even reflected in Pashtun poetry, odes written
to the beauty and complexion of an ashna, but it is usually a terrible
fate for the boys concerned. It is practised at all levels of Pashtun
society, but for the poorer men, having an ashna can raise his status.

When a man sees a boy he likes  the age they like is 15 or 16  they will
approach him in the street and start talking to him, offering him tea,
said Muhammad Shah, a shop owner. Sometimes they go looking in the
football stadium, or in the cinema (which has yet to reopen).

He then starts to give him presents, hashish, or a watch, a ring, or even
a motorbike. One of the most valued presents is a fighting pigeon, which
can be worth up to $400 (277). These boys are nearly always innocent, but
such is the poverty here, they cannot refuse.

Once the boy falls into the mans clutches  nearly always men with a wife
and family  he is marked for life, although the Kandaharis accept these
relationships as part of their culture.

When driven around, ashna sit in the front passenger seat. The back seat
is simply for his friends. Even the parents of the boys know in their
hearts the nature of the relationship, but will tell people that their son
is working for the man. They, like everyone else, will know this is a lie.
They say birds flew with both wings with the Taleban, Muhammad said. But
not any more.

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H-Net* Dr.Zakir's program-ISLAM:The Religion of Peace

2002-01-03 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam

From: SABA Coordinator
Sent: Tuesday, 01 January, 2002 5:07 PM
Subject: UPDATE 2 : Dr. Zakir's program - ISLAM : The Religion of Peace
Dear members,
Assalamu'alaikum and greetings.
Here's the latest update (AS OF 1st Jan 02) on Dr. Zakir's Lecture
program, plz spread the news and
come :

Date : Friday, 4th January 2002 - 8:30pm
Venue : Islamic Arts Museum, Jalan Perdana, KL

Date : Saturday, 5th January 2002 - 8:30pm
Venue : Compound near - SABA Islamic Media, Prima Peninsula, Jalan
Setiawangsa 11, Taman
Setiawangsa, Kuala Lumpur. (Please see attachment for Map)

Date : Sunday, 6th January 2002 - 8:30pm
Venue : Kompleks Belia  Kebudayaan Negeri Selangor
7, Shah Alam (near UITM Shah Alam)

Date : Monday, 7th January 2002 - 8:30 pm
Venue : Semarak Hall, FELDA, Jalan Semarak, KL

Admission is FREE!!.. People of ALL FAITHS INVITED.
NOTE : All lectures will be followed by QUESTION  ANSWER session.
So bring your family
 friends for an eye-opening evening with the world expert on the

To know more about Dr. Zakir and his works, click on: www.irf.net/irf/drzakirnaik/index.htm

For latest updates and more info, please contact Sabariah (019-3500995)
or Shah (019-5557770) or
Lana (019-2127040).

Don't miss out, see you there..!!

SABA Islamic Media

H-Net* [Fwd: 'My dad buys me books about Islam']

2002-01-02 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam



'My dad buys me books about Islam'
(Filed: 30/12/2001)


CONVERTS to the faith of Mohammed are increasingly drawn from the British
middle classes - often idealists or disillusioned Christians, reports
Jonathan Petre.

The son of Frank Dobson, the former Cabinet minister, is one of a growing
number of the British middle classes to convert to Islam.

Joe Ahmed-Dobson, who is 26 tomorrow, was brought up in an atmosphere which
he describes as agnostic at best; now he prays to Allah five times a day
unless prevented by some act of God, reads the Koran and is planning a
pilgrimage to Mecca.

Unlike many of the estimated 10,000 to 20,000 Britons who have converted to
Islam over the past 20 years, his decision was not greeted with horror by
his family - even though his father was the Secretary of State for Health at
the time.

Speaking publicly about his faith for the first time, he said his initial
impressions of Islam were almost entirely negative. When he was 16, however,
a friend gave him an English translation of the Koran.

Reading through it was a revelation, he said. It was entirely contrary to
all the perceptions I had of Islam. It praised education, for both men and
women. It said that you had to treat everyone with respect.

I had never believed that politics answered the 'why' question rather than
the `what' question. What Islam does is answer the 'why' question: why you
should treat every man as your brother, every woman as your sister, why you
should strive to do your best for yourself and for your fellow human beings.
That's what the Koran did for me, it gave me an answer as to why I should
live in this way.

A trip to Indonesia also impressed him, though it was another six years -
January 1998 - before he formerly converted by declaring his faith in front
of witnesses in a north London mosque.

My belief that this was the truth with a big 'T' was a feeling that grew. I

didn't want to say I was a Muslim until I was sure that I could live by it.

Now when I make decisions about most things in life, from small things like
whether I should do the washing up to big things like career decisions, I am
guided by Allah.

His family have always been supportive, he said. My dad buys me books about
Islam every Christmas.

Now married to a Muslim, he lives in south London, not far from the Brixton
mosque once attended by Richard Reid, though his approach to his faith could
not be more different.

Cleanly shaven and sporting a fashionable haircut, Joe Ahmed-Dobson is the
chairman of the Muslim Council of Britain's Regeneration Committee and is
involved in a range of inner-city projects.

His criticism of Western capitalism and the bombing of Afghanistan derives
from socialist principles rather than any extremist Muslim views, of which
he is contemptuous.

These groups are tiny, powerless organisations which live in a fantasy
world. They are paper dragons, he said.

The September 11 terrorist attacks on America, paradoxically, have swelled
the numbers of Westerners converting to Islam. One Manchester mosque has
reported 16 conversions in the past few weeks alone.

Mohammed Siddique Saddon, 41, a research fellow at the Muslim Institute in
Leicester and a convert, said: There is a resurgence. The constant
demonisation of Islam has awakened the Western inquisitive mind to ask what
is so evil.

Given the perception in the West that Islam treats females as second-class
citizens, it is surprising that most of the converts are women. In America,
women converts outnumber men by about four to one, and in Britain by about
two to one.

Many of Britain's new Muslims are from middle-class backgrounds. They
include Matthew Wilkinson, a former head boy of Eton who went on to
Cambridge; a son of John Birt, the former director general of the BBC, and
the son and daughter of Lord Justice Scott, the judge who headed the
arms-to-Iraq inquiry.

Harfiyah Ball-Haleem, a graduate of St Anne's College, Oxford, whose father
was Jewish and mother a Roman Catholic, converted at the age of 26 in 1971.
I was a very trendy Sixties chick and now I'm a very respectable Muslim
matron, she said.

What's happened in the West is that feminism has robbed women of their
right to be women. It has forced them out to work and fewer and fewer are
getting married. This is something that Islam protects against.

I feel that I'm more liberated now because I was terribly confused about
the values that society held. Society expects women to be both men and
women, to be sexy and virtuous, beautiful and clever and everything else.

No one can sort this mix-up out, whereas in Islam you have your role shown
to you. Your femininity is recognised and appreciated and valued but you are
not restricted from working or doing anything else.

Many converts are former Christians disillusioned by the uncertainty of the
churches. Others are 

H-Net* US warplanes now targeting civilians

2001-12-12 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam

US warplanes now targeting civilians
PESHAWAR: Having run out of military targets in Afghanistan with the
of Tora Bora near Jalalabad, the US warplanes wanting to get rid of
payloads, have in recent days bombed vehicles carrying civilians and
villages that have nothing to do with the Taliban or Al-Qaeda's Arab
In the latest instance of what has come to be known as collateral damage,
US jets killed at least ten civilians and caused injuries to another
12 when they
bombed the Mashikhel village in Jaji district of Paktia province.
Two village mosques were badly damaged in the attack on Monday noon.
incident came to light when Mashikhel villagers brought the injured
across the
border to Parachinar, headquarters of Pakistan's Kurram's tribal agency,
medical treatment. An eyewitness, Soorat Gul, told reporters in Parachinar
the bombing outraged the villagers because there were neither Taliban
Arabs in the village or even in the while area. Earlier on Sunday night,
by US warplanes killed 16 civilians in the neighbouring Paktika province
that also
borders Pakistan.
Eyewitnesses who reached Peshawar said Paktika's provincial capital,
and Mashkhel village sited 20 kilometres away were bombed by at least
two jets.
The losses were higher in Mashkhel, where four men sitting in "Etkaaf"
in the
Saqawa mosque were among those killed. Among them were two old men,
Fakhrak and Dadan Khan.
An entire family comprising Ghulam Shah, his wife and four children
was wiped
out in the bombing raid. It was the second time that Mashkhel village
bombed. Two weeks ago, the US jets killed four civilians when their
missed an abandoned Taliban base and instead fell on a populated area.
Earlier, another mosque was hit on the outskirts of Khost town killing
over two
dozens of the faithful when the US warplanes struck in a bid to eliminate
former Taliban minister and known mujahideen commander Mulla Jalaluddin
Haqqani. Among the dead were several young Taliban below the age of
studying at a nearby madressa to learn the Holy Quran by heart.
The raid took place when the mosque was full during the late evening
Isha'a and
Taraweeh prayers. In another recent incident, a number of villagers
living near
the Shamshad Ghar, where a former mujahideen and Taliban base is located,
were killed in US aerial strikes. The area is close to the border town
of Torkham.
Several reports claimed between 60 to 100 civilians were killed in
the almost
round-the-clock US air raids in the Tora Bora area near Jalalabad.
The massacre prompted elders of the area to condemn the US bombing and
demand an end to the operation. But they found themselves helpless
in the face
of anti-Taliban military commanders such as Haji Mohammad Zaman, Hazrat
and Haji Zahir who have reportedly received substantial American military
monetary assistance to launch a ground offensive against Arab fighters
loyal to
Osama bin Laden and his Al-Qaeda organization.
Two of the most well documented cases of US bombing of civilian targets
Khrum village in Surkhrod district near Jalalabad and Chokar Karez
village in
Daman district of Kandahar province. This was made possible when the
took international journalists to the two villages to assess the damage
and meet
survivors and relations of the victims.
Though the Taliban officials and Khrum villagers claimed that about
200 people
were killed in the US aerial strikes, it would be safe to conclude
that the death toll
was about 100. In Chokar Karez, about 50 villagers perished in two
bombing sorties by US jets and helicopter gunships.
Almost all the journalists, included those from the West, who visited
the two
villages felt that there were no military targets in the area and that
the US pilots
had erred in their judgement while offloading their payloads. Earlier,
a mosque
was bombed in a village near Herat killing several people.
Besides, a place hit by bombs in Herat was described as an old people's
by the US authorities and the human losses regretted. It was a revelation
people in this part of the world that an old people's home existed
in Herat
because such institutions have yet to be set up in most eastern countries,
so in a tribal society like Afghanistan where the presence of old people
in a
home is considered a blessing.
The bombing errors by US pilots, the straying of the so-called smart
bombs and
the killing of American and pro-US Afghan fighters by friendly fire
have terrorized
large sections of the Afghan population.
The US aerial strikes that began on October 7 have displaced hundreds
thousands of people, exposing them to cold and hunger and depriving
them of
dignity. Afghans arriving in Pakistan told The News that driving in
convoys of
vehicles, which is necessary to tackle bandits and highwaymen who have
re-emerged after the collapse of the Taliban regime, has become dangerous
because they are a 

H-Net* Four crew saved after American bomber crashes

2001-12-12 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam

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Four crew saved after American bomber crashes

 By Rupert Cornwell

 13 December 2001

 All four crew from an American B-1 bomber that crashed in the
 Indian Ocean were rescued yesterday.

 The bomber crashed into the sea 30 miles north of the British
 air base at Diego Garcia at 4.30pm British time and were
 rescued within two hours by a helicopter from an American

 Pentagon officials did not know the condition of the men, who
 were reported to have spent two hours in the water.

 The supersonic bomber was on its way back to the island
 when the crash happened, and a nearby flying tanker was sent
 to see if it could locate the crew. It spotted their distress
 beacons and spoke to one of the men, and within an hour a
 helicopter from the USS Russell had picked up all four men
 and taken them to the ship.

 The plane's loss is the first of a fixed-wing aircraft in the
 conflict. A helicopter has been lost and another badly

 Marine General Peter Pace, vice-chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
 Staff, said B-1s had been taking part in the same missions in
 Afghanistan as B–52 and B-2 bombers.

 What we most hope for right now is good news on the
 condition of the crew. If we lost the airframe, that would be
 unfortunate, but if we lost the crew that would be totally
 different, he said.

 All these airframes are doing the same type of mission. They
 are providing support to our teams that are with the opposition
 forces that are on the ground.

 The £140m swing-wing B-1 bomber can fly supersonically, and
 has a crew consisting of a pilot and co-pilot, a bomber and an
 offensive systems officer, the modern equivalent of a

 The American Air Force's official description of it says: The
 B-1B's speed, superior handling characteristics, and large
 payload make it a key element of any joint/composite strike

 It has some stealth technology, including electronic jamming
 equipment and a body shape designed to minimise its size on
 a radar screen. It is designed to launch precision-guided
 munitions as well as traditional dumb bombs and cluster

 The 72 planes the air force has, 51 of which are in active
 service, entered service between 1984 and 1998 and were first
 used in combat against Iraq in 1998. They were also used in

 Diego Garcia, which is British-owned, has been used as the
 base for the B-1s and B–52s deployed in the Afghan conflict,
 while B2 stealth bombers have flown from Missouri in the
 central United States.

 There was no indication of the cause of the crash, the
 Pentagon spokeswoman Victoria Clarke said.

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H-Net* [Fwd: JOHN PILGER'S LATEST: The truths they never tell us]

2001-11-29 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam



The truths they never tell us

Behind the jargon about failed states and
humanitarian interventions lie thousands of dead

John Pilger


Polite society's bombers may not have to wait long for round two. The US
vice-president, Dick Cheney, warned last week that America could take
action against '40 to 50 countries'. Somalia, allegedly a 'haven' for
al-Qaeda, joins Iraq at the top of a list of potential targets. Cheered by
having replaced Afghanistan's bad terrorists with America's good
terrorists, the US defence secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, has asked the
Pentagon to 'think the unthinkable', having rejected its 'post-Afghanistan
options' as 'not radical enough'.

An American attack on Somalia, wrote the Guardian's man at the Foreign
Office, 'would offer an opportunity to settle an old score: 18 US soldiers
were brutally killed there in 1993 . . .' He neglected to mention that the
US Marines left between 7,000 and 10,000 Somali dead, according to the
CIA. Eighteen American lives are worthy of score-settling; thousands of
Somali lives are not.

Somalia will provide an ideal practice run for the final destruction of
Iraq. However, as the Wall Street Journal reports, Iraq presents a
'dilemma', because 'few targets remain'. 'We're down to the last
outhouse,' said a US official, referring to the almost daily bombing of
Iraq that is not news. Having survived the 1991 Gulf war, Saddam Hussein's
grip on Iraq has since been reinforced by one of the most ruthless
blockades in modern times, policed by his former amours and arms suppliers
in Washington and London. Safe in his British-built bunkers, Saddam will
survive a renewed blitz - unlike the Iraqi people, held hostage to the
compliance of their dictator to America's ever-shifting demands.

In this country, veiled propaganda will play its usual leading role. As so
much of the Anglo-American media is in the hands of various guardians of
approved truths, the fate of both the Iraqi and Somali peoples will be
reported and debated on the strict premise that the US and British
governments are against terrorism. Like the attack on Afghanistan, the
issue will be how 'we' can best deal with the problem of 'uncivilised'

The most salient truth will remain taboo. This is that the longevity of
America as both a terrorist state and a haven for terrorists surpasses
all. That the US is the only state on record to have been condemned by the
World Court for international terrorism and has vetoed a UN Security
Council resolution calling on governments to observe international law is
unmentionable. Recently, Denis Halliday, the former assistant secretary
general of the UN who resigned rather than administer what he described as
a 'genocidal sanctions policy' on Iraq, incurred the indignation of the
BBC's Michael Buerk. 'You can't possibly draw a moral equivalence between
Saddam Hussein and George Bush Senior , can you?' said Buerk. Halliday was
taking part in one of the moral choice programmes that Buerk comperes, and
had referred to the needless slaughter of tens of thousands of Iraqis,
mostly civilians, by the Americans during the Gulf war. He pointed out
that many were buried alive, and that depleted uranium was used widely,
almost certainly the cause of an epidemic of cancer in southern Iraq.

That the recent history of the west's true crimes makes Saddam Hussein 'an
amateur', as Halliday put it, is the unmentionable; and because there is
no rational rebuttal of such a truth, those who mention it are abused as
'anti-American'. Richard Falk, professor of international politics at
Princeton, has explained this. Western foreign policy, he says, is
propagated in the media 'through a self-righteous, one-way moral/legal
screen with positive images of western values and innocence portrayed as
threatened, validating a campaign of unrestricted political violence'.

The ascendancy of Rumsfeld and his deputy, Paul Wolfowitz, and associates
Richard Perle and Elliot Abrams means that much of the world is now
threatened openly by a geopolitical fascism, which has been developing
since 1945 and has accelerated since 11 September.

The present Washington gang are authentic American fundamentalists. They
are the heirs of John Foster Dulles and Alan Dulles, the Baptist fanatics
who, in the 1950s, ran the State Department and the CIA respectively,
smashing reforming governments in country after country - Iran, Iraq,
Guatemala - tearing up international agreements, such as the 1954 Geneva
accords on Indochina, whose sabotage by John Foster Dulles led directly to
the Vietnam war and five million dead. Declassified files now tell us the
United States twice came within an ace of using nuclear weapons.

The parallels are there in Cheney's threat to '40 to 50' countries, and of
war 'that may not end in our lifetimes'. The vocabulary of justification
for this militarism has long been provided on both 

H-Net* [Fwd: US atrocity against Taliban POWs: Whatever happened to the GenevaConvention?]

2001-11-28 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam



US atrocity against Taliban POWs: Whatever happened to the Geneva Convention?

By Jerry White

28 November 2001


Despite the silence in the American media and the lies from Bush
administration officials, there is growing international outrage over the
systematic massacre of hundreds of Taliban prisoners of war in
Mazar-i-Sharif on Sunday and Monday. This act of mass murder was carried
out by US warplanes and helicopter gunships, directed by US Special Forces
and CIA personnel, and backed by several thousand soldiers of the Northern
Alliance. As many as 800 prisoners were killed at the Qala-i-Janghi

The government of Pakistan, under intense public pressure because hundreds
of Pakistani volunteers were among the Taliban troops taken prisoner,
strongly condemned the prison massacre and declared that it contravened UN
Security Council resolutions urging respect for the Geneva Convention.
President Pervez Musharraf, the military strongman who seized power in
Pakistan two years ago, has backed the US military onslaught against his
former allies in the Taliban, and US forces used Pakistani bases as part
of the campaign against the prisoners in Mazar-i-Sharif.

A columnist in the Pakistani newspaper The Nation declared that the
killings at Mazar-i-Sharif can only be quantified as a conspiracy and
premeditated genocide. Rejecting the claims that the prisoners caused
their own deaths by engaging in a suicidal uprising, he wrote, it is most
unlikely that only recently surrendered captives would rise in sudden and
open revolt against their captorsunless their very lives were at stake.

No matter how US officials try to gloss over what happened, there could be
no justification, even from a military standpoint, for the wanton
slaughter of hundreds of captured soldiers. News accounts acknowledge the
19th century fortress was encircled by thousands of heavily armed Northern
Alliance troops, as well as US and British special forces, whose base is
located at a military airport just outside of the fort.

Even if some prisoners had seized their guards weapons, as US officials
and the media claim, they did not have the manpower or ammunition to hold
out against the tanks, jets and the superior ground forces arrayed against
them. The only proper designation for the action taken by the US military
is a premeditated war crime.

What was done in Mazar-i-Sharif was entirely in line with the policies
advocated by top US officials, including Defense Secretary Donald
Rumsfeld, who has repeatedly said that he favors the killing of Taliban
soldiers, especially those from outside of Afghanistan, rather than their
capture and imprisonment.

Almost as sickening as the massacre itself is the universal silence on the
part of the American media, including the so-called liberal press, about
the cold-blooded murder of Taliban prisoners. Not a single US newspaper or
media outletmany of which had reporters on the scene who know exactly what
happenedhas raised any serious questions about the action.

Demonstrating a racist contempt for the lives of hundreds of Afghan and
foreign prisoners killed by bombs and bullets, the US news media focused
its attention on half a dozen American military and CIA personnel hit by
friendly fire when US warplanes bombed the compound. While CNN broadcast
pictures of dozens of mutilated corpses strewn around the inside of the
prison, as well as earlier scenes of Northern Alliance and US and British
forces firing over the walls of the compound at prisoners, there was much
more media interest in the possible death of one CIA interrogator. One
could only imagine how the US media would have reported the killing of
Northern Alliance prisoners by Taliban troops if the sides had been

The two leading US daily newspapers offered radically different
explanations of the massacre. The New York Times quoted a Red Cross
official claiming the prisoners started the fight and that the Northern
Alliance troops had not sought to attack them. It cited the controlling
role of American Special Forces and CIA personnel, who took over the
operation, as though this guaranteed that no extrajudicial killings could
have taken place.

The Washington Post, on the other hand, essentially admitted that the
prisoners were murdered, but attributed the killings to the Northern
Alliance: A precise death toll could not be determined, but the apparently
large number of Taliban deaths, compared to the reported killing of about
40 Northern Alliance fighters, raised questions here about the whether the
violence was less an uprising than a massacre orchestrated by alliance
troops, the Post wrote Tuesday.

These accounts are diametrically opposite presentations of the facts, but
they serve an identical political purpose: to deny that the US forces were
responsible for a monstrous war crime. This perfectly expresses the role
of the 

H-Net* [Fwd: FISK: Another war on terror. Another proxy army. Another mysteriousmassacre. And now, after 19 years, perhaps the truth at last...]

2001-11-28 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam



Another war on terror. Another proxy army. Another mysterious massacre. And
now, after 19 years, perhaps the truth at last...

The eyes of the world are on Afghanistan, but today a Belgian appeals court is
due to consider a case with disturbing contemporary parallels. Robert Fisk
reveals shocking new evidence that the full, horrific story of the Sabra and
Chatila massacres of 1982 has not yet been told

28 November 2001


Sana Sersawi speaks carefully, loudly but slowly, as she recalls the chaotic,
dangerous, desperately tragic events that overwhelmed her just over 19 years
ago, on 18 September 1982. As one of the survivors prepared to testify against
the Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon – who was then Israel's defence
minister – she stops to search her memory when she confronts the most terrible
moments of her life. The Lebanese Forces militia [Phalangists] had taken us
from our homes and marched us up to the entrance to the camp where a large hole
had been dug in the earth. The men were told to get into it. Then the
militiamen shot a Palestinian. The women and children had climbed over bodies
to reach this spot, but we were truly shocked by seeing this man killed in
front of us and there was a roar of shouting and screams from the women. That's
when we heard the Israelis on loudspeakers shouting, 'Give us the men, give us
the men.' We thought, 'Thank God, they will save us.' It was to prove a
cruelly false hope.

Mrs Sersawi, three months pregnant, saw her husband Hassan, 30, and her
Egyptian brother-in-law Faraj el-Sayed Ahmed standing in the crowd of men. We
were told to walk up the road towards the Kuwaiti embassy, the women and
children in front, the men behind. We had been separated. There were Phalangist
militiamen and Israeli soldiers walking alongside us. I could still see Hassan
and Faraj. It was like a parade. There were several hundred of us. When we got
to the Cité Sportif, the Israelis put us women in a big concrete room and the
men were taken to another side of the stadium. There were a lot of men from the
camp and I could no longer see my husband. The Israelis went round saying 'Sit,
sit.' It was 11am. An hour later, we were told to leave. But we stood around
outside amid the Israeli soldiers, waiting for our men.

Sana Sersawi waited in the bright, sweltering sun for Hassan and Faraj to
emerge. Some men came out, none of them younger than 40, and they told us to
be patient, that hundreds of men were still inside. Then about 4pm, an Israeli
officer came out. He was wearing dark glasses and said in Arabic: 'What are you
all waiting for?' He said there was nobody left, that everyone had gone. There
were Israeli trucks moving out with tarpaulin over them. We couldn't see
inside. And there were jeeps and tanks and a bulldozer making a lot of noise.
We stayed there as it got dark and the Israelis appeared to be leaving and we
were very nervous. But then when the Israelis had moved away, we went inside.
And there was no one there. Nobody. I had been only three years married. I
never saw my husband again.

Today, a Belgian appeals court will begin a hearing to decide if Prime Minister
Sharon should be prosecuted for the massacre of Palestinian civilians at the
Sabra and Chatila refugee camps in Beirut in 1982. (Belgian laws allow courts
to try foreigners for war crimes committed on foreign soil.) In working on this
case, the prosecution believes that it has discovered shocking new evidence of
Israel's involvement.

The evidence centres on the Camille Chamoun Sports Stadium – the Cité
Sportif. Only two miles from Beirut airport, the damaged stadium was a natural
holding centre for prisoners. It had been an ammunition dump for Yasser
Arafat's PLO and repeatedly bombed by Israeli jets during the 1982 siege of
Beirut so that its giant, smashed exterior looked like a nightmare denture. The
Palestinians had earlier mined its cavernous interior, but its vast,
underground storage space and athletics changing-rooms remained intact. It was
a familiar landmark to all of us who lived in Beirut. At mid-morning on 18
September 1982 – about the time Sana Sersawi says she was brought to the
stadium – I saw hundreds of Palestinian and Lebanese prisoners, probably well
over 1,000, sitting in its gloomy, dark interior, squatting in the dust,
watched over by Israeli soldiers and plain-clothes Shin Beth (Israeli secret
service) agents and men who I suspected were Lebanese collaborators. The men
sat in silence, obviously in fear. From time to time, I noted, a few were taken
away. They were put into Israeli army trucks or jeeps or Phalangist vehicles –
for further interrogation.

Nor did I doubt this. A few hundred metres away, inside the Sabra and Chatila
Palestinian refugee camps, up to 600 massacre victims rotted in the sun, the
stench of decomposition drifting over the prisoners and their captors 

H-Net* Robert Fisk: We are the war criminals now

2001-11-28 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam
 by the United States, the European
 Union, the United Nations and the civilised world. We are the
 masters of human rights, the Liberals, the great and good who
 can preach to the impoverished masses. But when our people
 are murdered – when our glittering buildings are destroyed –
 then we tear up every piece of human rights legislation, send
 off the B-52s in the direction of the impoverished masses and
 set out to murder our enemies.

 Winston Churchill took the Bush view of his enemies. In 1945,
 he preferred the straightforward execution of the Nazi
 leadership. Yet despite the fact that Hitler's monsters were
 responsible for at least 50 million deaths – 10,000 times
 greater than the victims of 11 September – the Nazi murderers
 were given a trial at Nuremberg because US President Truman
 made a remarkable decision. Undiscriminating executions or
 punishments, he said, without definite findings of guilt fairly
 arrived at, would not fit easily on the American conscience or
 be remembered by our children with pride.

 No one should be surprised that Mr Bush – a small-time Texas
 Governor-Executioner – should fail to understand the morality
 of a statesman in the Whitehouse. What is so shocking is that
 the Blairs, Schröders, Chiracs and all the television boys
 should have remained so gutlessly silent in the face of the
 Afghan executions and East European-style legislation
 sanctified since 11 September.

 There are ghostly shadows around to remind us of the
 consequences of state murder. In France, a general goes on
 trial after admitting to torture and murder in the 1954-62
 Algerian war, because he referred to his deeds as justifiable
 acts of duty performed without pleasure or remorse. And in
 Brussels, a judge will decide if the Israeli Prime Minister, Arial
 Sharon, can be prosecuted for his personal responsibility for
 the 1982 massacre in Sabra and Chatila.

 Yes, I know the Taliban were a cruel bunch of bastards. They
 committed most of their massacres outside Mazar-i-Sharif in
 the late 1990s. They executed women in the Kabul football
 stadium. And yes, lets remember that 11 September was a
 crime against humanity.

 But I have a problem with all this. George Bush says that you
 are either for us or against us in the war for civilisation against
 evil. Well, I'm sure not for bin Laden. But I'm not for Bush. I'm
 actively against the brutal, cynical, lying war of civilisation
 that he has begun so mendaciously in our name and which has
 now cost as many lives as the World Trade Centre mass

 At this moment, I can't help remembering my dad. He was old
 enough to have fought in the First World War. In the third Battle
 of Arras. And as great age overwhelmed him near the end of
 the century, he raged against the waste and murder of the
 1914-1918 war. When he died in 1992, I inherited the campaign
 medal of which he was once so proud, proof that he had
 survived a war he had come to hate and loathe and despise.
 On the back, it says: The Great War for Civilisation. Maybe I
 should send it to George Bush.

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H-Net* [Fwd: COMMENTARY: Americas Disgraceful History Of Military Trials]

2001-11-27 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam



Americas Disgraceful History Of Military Trials

by Thomas J. DiLorenzo

Nov 15, 2001


The latest assault on the civil liberties of the American people in the
name of fighting terrorism is President Bushs recent decision to use U.S.
military tribunals to try foreigners accused of terrorist attacks and to
decide on sentences, including the death penalty. This is a horrible idea
with a horrible precedent: the largest mass execution in U.S. history.

In 1851 the Santee Sioux Indians in Minnesota sold twenty-four million
acres of land to the federal government for $1.4 million. By August of
1862 thousands of white settlers continued to pour into the Indian lands
even though none of the money had been paid to the Santee Sioux. There was
a crop failure that year, and the Indians were starving. The Lincoln
administration refused to pay them the money they were owed, breaking yet
another Indian treaty, and the starving Sioux revolted.

A short war ensued, with Lincoln putting one of his favorite generals,
General John Pope, in charge of federal forces in Minnesota. Pope
announced that It is my purpose to utterly exterminate the Sioux . . . .
They are to be treated as maniacs or wild beasts, and by no means as
people with whom treaties or compromise can be made. (Similar statements
were being made at the time by General William Tecumseh Sherman, who said
that to all Southern secessionists, why, death is mercy).

The Santee Sioux were overwhelmed by the federal army by October of 1862,
at which time General Pope held hundreds of Indian men, women, and
children who were considered to be prisoners of war. The men were all
herded into forts where military trials were held, each of which lasted
about ten minutes according to David A. Nichols in Lincoln and the
Indians. They were all found guilty of murder and sentenced to death even
though the lack of hard evidence was manifest and they were not given any
semblance of a proper defense. Most were condemned to death by virtue o
the fact that they were merely present during a battle, during a declared
(by the Indians) war.

Minnesota political authorities wanted the federal army to immediately
execute all 303 of the condemned men. Lincoln, however, was concerned that
such a mass execution of so many men who had so obviously been railroaded
would be looked upon in a bad light by the European powers who, at the
time, were threatening to support the Confederate cause in the War for
Southern Independence. His compromise was to pare the list of condemned
down to 39, with a promise to the Minnesota political establishment that
the federal army would eventually kill or remove every last Indian from
the state. As a sweetener to the deal Lincoln also offered Minnesota $2
million in federal funds.

On December 26, 1862, Abraham Lincoln ordered the largest mass execution
in American history in which the guilt of the executed could not be
positively determined beyond reasonable doubt. (The cartel of Lincoln
scholars actually praises Lincoln for this act, claiming that it is yet
another example of his humanitarianism and his culture of life. He may
well have killed 39 innocent people, they say, but it could have been much

This is not to suggest that the Bush administration, with its decision to
use military tribunals instead of civil courts to try suspected
terrorists, will exercise the kind of tyrannical behavior that occurred
during the Lincoln administration, but it could. Military men who are
influenced by the passions of war are not suitable as unbiased judges. The
administration should use the current crisis as an opportunity to speed up
our sclerotic legal system and prosecute accused terrorists under the
normal rules of trials that are consistent with the U.S. Constitution.

November 15, 2001

Thomas J. DiLorenzo [send him mail at [EMAIL PROTECTED]] is professor of
economics at Loyola College in Maryland. His book, The Real Lincoln: A New
Look at Abraham Lincoln, His Agenda, and an Unnecessary War, will be
published in February.

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O you who believe, fasting is made obligatory on you as it was made for
those before you, so that you may achieve Taqwa (God Consciousness).

H-Net* US, Alliance in no mood to spare Taliban

2001-11-27 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam

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US, Alliance in no mood to spare Taliban

   Reported by: Naveed Miraj

   ISLAMABAD, Pakistan , 11/27/2001 (Frontier Post) :: The
massacre of
   prisoners in Mazar-e-Sharif on Sunday is an indication
that Northern Alliance
   and USA are not in any mood to spare non Afghan
supporters of Taliban and
   Qandhar may become yet another bloody battle ground.

   Sources in diplomatic sources said that they had
confirmed reports that in
   Mazar-e- Sharif the drama of uprising of prisoners was
stage managed by
   Northern Alliance Forces.

   These sources said that this was done in full knowledge
of the US forces.

   “It was necessary for Northern Alliance forces to give
positive hints that foreign
   fighters wont be massacred to secure a surrender of
Konduz” these sources
   said an added once that was managed foreign fighters had
to meet the fate as
   was feared before their surrender.

   Analysts believe that USA and its military strategists
were in no mood to let
   foreign supporters of Taliban to slip away or escape

   “They (US) believes that all of these foreign fighters
are Al Qaeda supporters
   and must be dealt with accordingly”.

   USA does not want to spend time to sift through many
hundreds of these
   people to check which ones are hardcore and which ones
are only naiave
   volunteers, sources added.

   Once US forces move into Qandahar, as their intention is
that, more such
   massacres are expected.

   US ground forces have started landing in large numbers to
take over the last
   stronghold of Taliban in Afghanistan.

   In Mazar-e-Sharif General rahsid Dostum is known for his
butchery and his
   love for launching mass scale massacres of opponents.

   The question is who will do it for USA in Kandahhar?

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H-Net* [Fwd: NEW YORK TIMES: Swept Up in a Dragnet, Hundreds Sit in Custody andAsk, 'Why?']

2001-11-26 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam



Swept Up in a Dragnet, Hundreds Sit in Custody and Ask, 'Why?'



Osama Elfar was dozing on a hard bench under the ever-present drone of the
prison television set when a guard's voice crackled over the intercom,
Happy birthday. Otherwise, Nov. 9 would have passed without Mr. Elfar
even noticing he had turned 30.

When you're here, you don't know day from night, Thursday from Friday
it's all the same, Mr. Elfar said in a telephone interview from the
Mississippi County Correctional Facility in Charleston, Mo. A new decade
start for me. Unfortunately, I was locked up.

An Egyptian who came to the United States five years ago to attend a
Florida flight school, Mr. Elfar recently worked as a mechanic for a small
airline in St. Louis. He has been in jail for two months and began a
hunger strike on Friday to protest his incarceration.

Mr. Elfar is among hundreds of little- known foreigners swept up in a vast
dragnet after the terrorist attacks  some of whom have rsums suspiciously
like those of the 19 hijackers, and others who have spent days, weeks and
now months in prison for immigration violations that before Sept. 11 would
probably have been ignored or resolved with paperwork. Government
officials say that the aggressive response is warranted by the
extraordinary situation, and that they are simply enforcing longstanding

Sept. 11 has forced the entire government to change the way we do
business, said Mindy Tucker, a spokeswoman for the Justice Department.
Our No. 1 priority right now is to prevent any further terrorist attacks.
Part of that entails identifying those who may have connections to
terrorism who are here in America and making sure they're not in a
position to carry out any further terrorism.

Over all, more than 1,200 people have been detained as part of the
sweeping investigation, including men traveling the country with large
amounts of cash and box cutters, and those who sought information on
crop-dusters and flying lessons on large jets.

But a senior law enforcement official said for the first time last week
that just 10 to 15 of the detainees are suspected as Al Qaeda
sympathizers, and that the government has yet to find evidence indicating
that any of them had knowledge of the Sept. 11 attacks or acted as

While most members of this small group are being held in New York on
material witness warrants, some 500 others  almost twice as many as
previously believed  are in federal custody on immigration charges for
violations like overstaying their visas or lying on documents.

A handful of those arrested are believed to have known some of of the
suspected hijackers. Osama Awadallah, for instance, wrote about one of
them in a college exam book, prosecutors say. Another student, Mohdar
Abdallah, is in jail because his name was found on a slip of paper in a
rental car one of the hijackers parked at Dulles International Airport in
Washington before his suicide mission.

Others seem to have drawn suspicion for more coincidental reasons. An
Egyptian antiques dealer from Arkansas named Hady Hassan Omar made plane
reservations on a Kinko's computer around the same time one of the
hijackers did so at the same place; he spent two months in jail before
being released on Friday. A Pakistani gas station attendant was just a few
minutes ahead of Mohammed Atta, the suspected ringleader, in the line to
renew his driver's license; he was denied bail by a Miami judge.

Of those snared in the government's net, many have cooperated with the
F.B.I., admitted that they violated their visa agreements and agreed to
leave the country. But they remain in jail.

Now, as the Justice Department seeks to interview 5,000 young men who have
arrived here from the Middle East on temporary visas in the past two
years, immigration attorneys and Arab-American community leaders are
worried that cooperation may lead to the same fate as that of those
already detained.

The impact of all this is alienating the very community whose confidence
and support is critical to a successful investigation, said Lucas
Guttentag, director of the immigration rights project of the American
Civil Liberties Union.

The F.B.I. has so far denied a Freedom of Information Act request filed by
a coalition of 21 Arab-American and human rights groups demanding a list
of who is jailed, where and why. Earlier this month, six members of
Congress made a similar request. Ms. Tucker said that the department was
prevented from releasing some information because judges have sealed
criminal cases, and that some information has been given to Congress.

People don't want to step forward to help with bail, said Randall Hamud,
a San Diego lawyer who represents three detained students, one of whom has
been released. They're afraid if they give money, they'll be put on an
F.B.I. hit list.

H-Net* Kunduz falls, and a bloody vengeance is executed

2001-11-26 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam
 stand may end in a massacre.

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H-Net* Blood, tears, terror and tragedy behind the lines

2001-11-26 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam
 to prevent foreign correspondents
witnessing in Kandahar the kind of war crimes committed by Britain's
in the Northern Alliance at the fall of Mazar-i-Sharif.

As for Mullah Najibullah, the Taliban's only foreign ministry
representative this
side of Kandahar, he looked tired and deeply depressed, admitting he had
Spin Boldak the previous night and had not slept since. But Kandahar was

calm, he claimed. The Taliban's Islamic elders continued to stay there.
he admitted that all Taliban men had been ordered to leave Spin Boldak
Saturday night for fear that Alliance gunmen would invade the camps
disguised as refugees.

Only God Almighty has allowed the Muslims to continue to fight the
armed might of the United States,'' he added. If he had looked out the
he would have seen the contrails of the bomber streams heading for

It was an eerie phenomenon. Taliban men ­ rifles over their shoulders ­
into the sun, up high into the burning light through which four white
columns of
smoke burnt from jet engines across the sky. I stood behind them and
wondered at the battle I had watched for 20 years: a swaying host of
eighth-century black turbans and, just behind them, the contrails of a
heading in from Diego Garcia. God against technology.

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H-Net* [Fwd: Sikhs Narrate N. Alliance's atrocities]

2001-11-25 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam



Sikhs Narrate N. Alliance's atrocities

(Dawn Islamabad, Pakistan Page: 18: Metropolitan: Saturday 24th November
2001 By Our Correspondent)

Taxila, Nov 23:Over 150 Sikhs living in Afghanistan fled different parts
of the country and took shelter in Hassanabdal, their religious center.

Talking to Dawn the Sikhs refugees, included elderly women and children,
said they were settled in Jalalabad and doing business there, but the
uncertainty forced them to leave their home and business. They said they
posed as pro-Taliban and left their homes to save their lives from
Northern Alliance's excesses and high handedness.

They admitted that Taliban were peace-loving people and protected the
lives and property of the minorities. It was the Western media, that
portrayed them as inhuman and rude but they respected every citizen,
except those who took law into their hands.

They crossed borders through unmanned routes of Khyber Agency to avoid
being caught. The Sikh refugees disclosed that following entry of Northern
Alliance in the cities, their life and property were endangered as their
men looted and plundered in the cities where they occupied.

The fleeing Sikhs said that if a broad based government comprising all the
groups particularly Pakhtoons were not immediately formulated, Afghans
will not accept the domination of Northern Alliance. This will only add to
the miseries of the already worn-torn country. A Sikh refugee said that
the US should intervene in Afghanistan to halt the massacre of Pakhtoon
community which could end up in another civil war

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O you who believe, fasting is made obligatory on you as it was made for
those before you, so that you may achieve Taqwa (God Consciousness).
(Fasting) for a fixed number of days; but if any of you is ill, or on a
journey, the prescribed number (Should be made up) from days later. For
those who can do it (With hardship), is a ransom, the feeding of one that
is indigent. But he that w ill give more, of his own free will,- it is
better for him. And it is better for you that ye fast, if ye only knew.
Ramadhan is the (month) in which was sent down the Qur'an, as a guide to
mankind, also clear (Signs) for guidance and judgment (Between right and
wrong). So every one of you who is present (at his home) during that month
should spend it in fas ting, but if any one is ill, or on a journey, the
prescribed period (Should be made up) by days later. God intends every
facility for you; He does not want to put to difficulties. (He wants you)
to complete the prescribed period, and to glorify Him in that He has
guided you; and perchance ye shall be grateful. (Holy Qur'an 2:183-185)

Information on Fasting In Islam: http://www.inin.net/fasting.htm

---End Message---

H-Net* Last authentic news of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan

2001-11-22 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam
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H-Net* [Fwd: Afghanistan: US sets stage for a massacre in Kunduz]

2001-11-22 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam



Afghanistan: US sets stage for a massacre in Kunduz

By Peter Symonds - 22 November 2001


The conditions are being established for a slaughter at Kunduz, in
northern Afghanistan. Up to 20,000 Taliban fighters, including several
thousand of the Talibans foreign supporters, are trapped in the citymany
of them fled there last week after neighbouring cities such as
Mazar-e-Sharif and Taloqan fell to the US-backed Northern Alliance. Apart
from the southern city of Kandahar, it is the last significant Taliban

According to Pakistani newspapers, Taliban leaders inside Kunduz indicated
on Monday their willingness to surrender but not to the Northern Alliance,
which has already carried out the summary execution of prisoners
elsewhere. Taliban commanders indicated that they were prepared to lay
down their arms before a UN observer team or a multinational coalition
force and hand over the city in return for safe passage.

The US quickly stepped in to scotch any such plan. US Defence Secretary
Donald Rumsfeld said he would do everything he could to prevent a
negotiated deal to end the stalemate in Kunduz. Referring to the foreign
Taliban fighters, he said: My hope is that they will either be killed or
taken prisoner. Theyre people who have done terrible things. He left any
talks up to the Northern Alliance, saying that the US was not inclined to
negotiate a surrender.

The UN rapidly followed suit, washing its hand of any involvement in a
surrender. Special representative to Afghanistan Lakhdar Brahimi
acknowledged that the UN had been contacted by Taliban leaders in Kunduz
but was not in a position to agree as it had no forces in the area. He
told the press that he would ask his deputy Francesc Vendrell to ask the
Northern Alliance to treat this situation with as much humanity as

As a result, the Northern Alliance will decide the fate of thousands of
Taliban fighters. General Mohammed Daud, the Northern Alliance commander
on the Kunduz front, has already made his attitude clear. He is prepared
to negotiate a deal with Afghan Taliban leaders but has ruled out any
talks with foreign terrorists. He declared last week: We will not deal
with them, they are killers... The foreigners are living between life and

Another Northern Alliance commander Pir Muhammad was even more explicit:
These foreigners have killed thousands of civilians. Their hands are
covered with the blood of our people. We will avenge this. He said the
Northern Alliance would have no trouble picking out the terrorists and
foreigners among the thousands of other troops in Kunduz. We know who the
criminals are, he said.

Daud has issued an ultimatum to the Taliban to surrender by Friday or face
the consequences. Negotiations are still underway but only with Afghani
representatives of the Taliban.

Sketchy details from refugees fleeing Kunduz, which had a population of
around 100,000, paint a picture of chaos. The US is continuing to heavily
bomb the city on a daily basis. A number of civilians have been killed and
injured, including three children who were playing when a bomb hit a
nearby house. One refugee, who made clear she did not support the Taliban,
said: People are not happy with the bombing... They say the Americans
should bomb the front lines [rather than the city] because our children
are being killed.

The international media have highlighted reports that foreign Taliban
supporters in Kunduz are preparing to fight to the death and have executed
hundreds of Afghani deserters. The press routinely identifies all
foreigners with Osama bin Laden, the alleged perpetrator of the September
11 attacks, and his Al Qaeda network. Within Afghanistan, US propaganda
transmitted in local languages by radio from US planes reinforces the same
message, exhorting Afghanis to drive the foreign terrorists out of the

The majority of foreigners fighting alongside the Taliban, have not,
however, been recruited by bin Laden. Many are supporters of Islamic
fundamentalist parties in Pakistan. Some are not even trained fighters but
raw recruits who joined in recent weeks after being incensed by the US
attacks on Afghanistan. Mahsood Ali, 22, held prisoner by the Northern
Alliance in a squalid jail in Taloqan is one such foreign terrorist. He
came to Afghanistan from Peshawar three weeks ago with three of his
friends. They are all dead and, clearly fearing for his own life, he told
a Time reporter: I think I made a mistake coming to Afghanistan.

The exact composition of Taliban forces in Kunduz is unclear. Even General
Daud, however, who claims that there are more than 10,000 foreign fighters
in the city, says that only 1,000 are connected to Al Qaeda network.
According to him, at least two-fifths are Pakistanis and the remainder are
from Central Asia and the Middle East. The purpose of branding all foreign
Taliban as terrorists is 


2001-11-20 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam




Legendary foreign correspondent argues the conflict is a sham.. not one
terrorist has either been caught or killed


There is no victory in Afghanistan's tribal war, only the exchange of one
group of killers for another. The difference is that President Bush calls
the latest occupiers of Kabul our friends.

However welcome the scenes of people playing music and shaving off their
beards, this so-called Northern Alliance are no bringers of freedom. They
are the same people welcomed by similar scenes of jubilation in 1992, who
then killed an estimated 50,000 in four years of internecine feuding.

The new heroes so far have tortured and executed at least 100 prisoners of
war, and countless others, as well as looted food supplies and
re-established their monopoly on the heroin trade.

This week, Amnesty International made an unusually blunt statement that
was buried in the news. It ought to be emblazoned across every front page
and television screen. By failing to appreciate the gravity of the human
rights concerns in relation to Northern Alliance leaders, said Amnesty,
UK ministers at best perpetuate a culture of impunity for past crimes; at
worst they risk being complicit in human rights abuse.

The truth is that the latest crop of criminals to liberate Kabul have
been given a second chance by the most powerful country on earth pounding
into dust one of the poorest, where people's life expectancy is just over

And for what?

Not a single terrorist implicated in the attacks on America has yet to be
caught or killed. Osama bin Laden and his network have almost certainly
slipped into the tribal areas of the North-West Frontier of Pakistan. Will
Pakistan now be bombed? And Saudi Arabia, and Egypt, where Islamic
extremism and its military network took root? Of course not.

The Saudi sheikhs, many of them as extreme as the Taliban, control
America's greatest source of oil. The Egyptian regime, bribed with
billions of US dollars, is an important American proxy. No daisy cutters
for them.

There was, and still is, no war on terrorism. Instead, we have watched a
variation of the great imperial game of swapping bad terrorists for
good terrorists, while untold numbers of innocent people have paid with
their lives: most of one village, whole families, a hospital, as well as
teenage conscripts suitably dehumanised by the word Taliban.

It is perfectly understandable that those in the West who supported this
latest American tenor from the air, or hedged their bets, should now seek
to cover the blood on their reputations with absurd claims that bombing
works. Tell that to grieving parents at fresh graves in impoverished
places of whom the sofa bomb-aimers know nothing.

The contortion of intellect and morality that this triumphalism requires
is not a new phenomenon. Putting aside the terminally naive, it mostly
comes from those who like to play at war: who have seen nothing of
bombing, as I have experienced it: cluster bombs, daisy cutters: the lot.

How appropriate that the last American missile to hit Kabul before the
liberators arrived should destroy the satellite transmitter of the
Al-Jazeera television station, virtually the only reliable source of news
in the region.

For weeks, American officials have been pressuring the government of
Qatar, the Gulf state where Al-Jazeera is based, to silence its
broadcasters, who have given a view of the war against terrorism other
than that based on the false premises of the Bush and Blair crusade.

The guilty secret is that the attack on Afghanistan was unnecessary. The
smoking gun of this entire episode is evidence of the British
Government's lies about the basis for the war. According to Tony Blair, it
was impossible to secure Osama bin Laden's extradition from Afghanistan by
means other than bombing.

Yet in late September and early October, leaders of Pakistan's two Islamic
parties negotiated bin Laden's extradition to Pakistan to stand trial for
the September 11 attacks. The deal was that he would be held under house
arrest in Peshawar. According to reports in Pakistan (and the Daily
Telegraph), this had both bin Laden's approval and that of Mullah Omah,
the Taliban leader.

The offer was that he would face an international tribunal, which would
decide whether to try him or hand him over to America. Either way, he
would have been out of Afghanistan, and a tentative justice would be seen
to be in progress. It was vetoed by Pakistan's president Musharraf who
said he could not guarantee bin Laden's safety.

But who really killed the deal?

The US Ambassador to Pakistan was notified in advance of the proposal and
the mission to put it to the Taliban. Later, a US official said that
casting our objectives too narrowly risked a premature collapse of the
international effort if by some luck chance Mr bin Laden was 

H-Net* alliance

2001-11-18 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam


Title: alliance



Un Talib capturé par les communistes





La population civile 
n'appréciera que miux les Talibans maintenant


H-Net* Opposition admits to massacre of 520 soldiers

2001-11-18 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam

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Opposition admits to massacre of 520 soldiers

   Reported by: Anne Penketh

   11/18/2001 (The Indepedent) :: War on Terrorism: Victims

   Northern Alliance soldiers admitted yesterday they had
killed hundreds of
   pro-Taliban fighters holed up in a school, providing the
first direct evidence of
   massacres by the victorious opposition forces.

   An ITN journalist went to the school in the northern city
of Mazar-i-Sharif where
   the bodies of 520 mostly Pakistani fighters were still
being brought out from
   the rubble yesterday – three days after the massacre.

   The stand-off between the forces of the veteran Uzbek
commander Abdul
   Rashid Dostum and more than 700 fighters lasted all
weekend, after the
   Alliance forces captured the strategic city on Friday.
According to the
   Alliance, the fire-fights at the school intensified when
the pro-Taliban fighters
   refused to surrender.

   Andrea Catherwood, a reporter, said: They claim they
sent elders into the
   school to try and persuade them to give themselves up.
When they wouldn't,
   the Northern Alliance went in with tanks.

   General Dostum's forces, reputed for their brutality from
their previous spells in
   power in Mazar, crushed the resistance. I saw those
tanks today and they
   demolished most of the school, Ms Catherwood said.

   The Red Cross was bringing out bodies on stretchers from
the ruins of the
   school yesterday. Reports had circulated since Monday
that Pakistani fighters
   had been massacred after surrendering, but the British
television crew was the
   first to confirm what happened by talking to the

   Theydid not deny having killed the 520 fighters, but
refused to describe their
   actions as a massacre. They are saying that they were,
in fact, trying to
   make these men give up, Ms Catherwood said.

   Human Rights Watch pointed out yesterday that it had to
be established
   whether the Pakistani fighters were killed after
surrendering or not. If they were
   already prisoners or had expressed their intention to
surrender, this would
   constitute a war crime by the Northern Alliance, the
organisation said.

   In a further chilling move, the Alliance troops based in
a building across the
   street from the school, displayed 42 Taliban prisoners
who had been kept
   inside a freight container in the dark – traditionally
the Alliance's detention
   centre of choice for Taliban prisoners.

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H-Net* Chaos rules Afghan roads

2001-11-18 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam

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Chaos rules Afghan roads

   11/18/2001 (Sydney Morning Herlad) :: Efforts to supply
aid to Afghanistan
   have been severely hit by the return of anarchy on the
highways which plagued
   the country before the Taliban came to power.

   Companies that have ferried aid and commercial goods into
Afghanistan since
   the collapse of Taliban rule have cut back operations
after being forced to hand
   over much of their cargo amid fears for their drivers'
   The UN High Commission for Refugees suspended its convoys
into the
   northern city of Mazar-i-Sharif last week after fears
that two drivers of a private
   haulage company had been killed.

   Before the Taliban came to power, Afghanistan's roads
were notorious for their
   roadblocks with local warlords forcing companies to hand
over much of their
   cargo or large amounts of cash.

   Most of the drivers based in Pakistan are ethnic Pashtuns
who were
   supportive of the Taliban.

   Karim Agha, a director of Agha Goods, which has driven
convoys of aid for
   agencies such as the UNHCR and the UN's children's fund,
said he was only
   allowing his drivers to go as far as the southern city of
Kandahar, where the
   Taliban was still struggling to retain power.

   I am worried for my drivers outside Kandahar. There are
many thieves on the
   roads. I am worried for their safety, he said.

   There was no crime during the Taliban.

   Aziz Khan, manager of Green Ziarat Goods, said he had
decided to halt any
   further trips to Afghanistan after some of his drivers
had been victims of
   highway robbery.

   When they tell you to stop, you stop. They have guns and
they may torture
   you, he said.

   Before with the Taliban, there was not any problems.
With the Taliban
   government gone, we have decided not to go into

   We are sitting still until a new government appears and
brings back security.

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H-Net* [Fwd: Is Oil the Real Target in Afghanistan?]

2001-11-16 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam





For more analysis, visit http://www.iacenter.org/warcrisis.htm

Why are the Bush Administration and the Pentagon so intent on invading
Afghanistan?  If Bush has the evidence he claims, why not bring Bin
Laden before the World Court?  Are they really just interested in
bringing down the Taliban and Osama Bin Laden?  After all, it was the
U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, along with Pakistan's intelligence
forces who helped establish the Taliban as a base of power in
Afghanistan in the first place.  As recently as May 2001, George W. Bush
sent the Taliban $43 million allegedly to aid in the fight against drugs
in northern Afghanistan, the one part of the country controlled by
opposition forces.  Now Congress is allocating billions more dollars for
America's new war.  There's not much new about it, however.

U.S. bombs and missiles have killed hundreds of thousands of civilians
in Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine, Sudan, Somalia and Afghanistan in the past
two  decades alone.  More often than not the aim has been to secure U.S.
control over the oil rich resources of the Middle East and southern
Asia, and this latest war drive, with the pretext of revenge for
September 11, may be no different.

Ever since the fall of the former Soviet Union ten years ago, Exxon,
Mobil, Chevron and the other big oil monopolies have been scheming to
get  their hands on the vast oil and gas wealth around the Caspian Sea,
just north of Afghanistan.  This region's oil reserves may reach more
than 60 billion barrels -- enough to service Europe's oil needs for 11
years.  Some estimates are as high as 200 billion barrels.  The Caspian
Sea reserves are 10 percent of the world's known supply -- worth about
$5 trillion at today's prices.

In February 1998, Unocal Corporation testified to the House Committee on
Internal Relations Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific that the
Taliban government in Afghanistan is an obstacle to having an oil
pipeline from the Caspian region to the Indian Ocean -- that is, through
Afghanistan.  In 1997, Unocal even tried to woo the Taliban with
billions of dollars to support the proposed pipeline through their
country. The unrecognized Taliban government, however, was a set back to
their plans.

Having a government in Afghanistan that is beholden to U.S. interests,
along with stationing U.S. troops in the former Soviet Republics of
Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan, would secure the region and
allow this project to proceed.  And just in time, as far as the U.S. oil
companies are concerned, because there is international competition for
the Caspian Sea oil resources.

Russia and German companies had been trying to establish a pipeline from
the Caspian Sea through Eastern Europe, but U.S. bombing of Yugoslavia
blocked this plan.  Russia, however, also brokered a treaty with Iran
for a pipeline route.  China also began negotiating to build oil and gas
pipelines from Kazakhstan.  In January 2001, oil industry journals
lamented that any chance the U.S. had of cementing alliances in the
region seemed doomed.  They noted, however, that the incoming Bush
administration, heavy in oil and related interests, would likely try to
reverse this trend (www.caucasuswatch.com).

The U.S. has it's own oil reserves, and does not need to rely on oil
from abroad.  However, Europe, Japan and Asia are dependent on oil from
the Middle East (oil that is controlled by U.S. and British companies)
and they are eager for alternative and cheaper sources.  The continuous
U.S. bombing of Iraq has kept oil prices high enough to make
construction of a U.S.-owned pipeline seem possible.  The profits to be
made from controlling the flow of oil are the issue at stake in America
's new  war.

Issued by Philadelphia International Action Center, 813 S. 48th St.,
Philadelphia, PA 19143, 215-724-1618, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Posted 10/14/01

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H-Net* [Fwd: COMMENTARY: Americas Disgraceful History Of Military Trials]

2001-11-16 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam



Americas Disgraceful History Of Military Trials

by Thomas J. DiLorenzo

Nov 15, 2001


The latest assault on the civil liberties of the American people in the
name of fighting terrorism is President Bushs recent decision to use U.S.
military tribunals to try foreigners accused of terrorist attacks and to
decide on sentences, including the death penalty. This is a horrible idea
with a horrible precedent: the largest mass execution in U.S. history.

In 1851 the Santee Sioux Indians in Minnesota sold twenty-four million
acres of land to the federal government for $1.4 million. By August of
1862 thousands of white settlers continued to pour into the Indian lands
even though none of the money had been paid to the Santee Sioux. There was
a crop failure that year, and the Indians were starving. The Lincoln
administration refused to pay them the money they were owed, breaking yet
another Indian treaty, and the starving Sioux revolted.

A short war ensued, with Lincoln putting one of his favorite generals,
General John Pope, in charge of federal forces in Minnesota. Pope
announced that It is my purpose to utterly exterminate the Sioux . . . .
They are to be treated as maniacs or wild beasts, and by no means as
people with whom treaties or compromise can be made. (Similar statements
were being made at the time by General William Tecumseh Sherman, who said
that to all Southern secessionists, why, death is mercy).

The Santee Sioux were overwhelmed by the federal army by October of 1862,
at which time General Pope held hundreds of Indian men, women, and
children who were considered to be prisoners of war. The men were all
herded into forts where military trials were held, each of which lasted
about ten minutes according to David A. Nichols in Lincoln and the
Indians. They were all found guilty of murder and sentenced to death even
though the lack of hard evidence was manifest and they were not given any
semblance of a proper defense. Most were condemned to death by virtue o
the fact that they were merely present during a battle, during a declared
(by the Indians) war.

Minnesota political authorities wanted the federal army to immediately
execute all 303 of the condemned men. Lincoln, however, was concerned that
such a mass execution of so many men who had so obviously been railroaded
would be looked upon in a bad light by the European powers who, at the
time, were threatening to support the Confederate cause in the War for
Southern Independence. His compromise was to pare the list of condemned
down to 39, with a promise to the Minnesota political establishment that
the federal army would eventually kill or remove every last Indian from
the state. As a sweetener to the deal Lincoln also offered Minnesota $2
million in federal funds.

On December 26, 1862, Abraham Lincoln ordered the largest mass execution
in American history in which the guilt of the executed could not be
positively determined beyond reasonable doubt. (The cartel of Lincoln
scholars actually praises Lincoln for this act, claiming that it is yet
another example of his humanitarianism and his culture of life. He may
well have killed 39 innocent people, they say, but it could have been much

This is not to suggest that the Bush administration, with its decision to
use military tribunals instead of civil courts to try suspected
terrorists, will exercise the kind of tyrannical behavior that occurred
during the Lincoln administration, but it could. Military men who are
influenced by the passions of war are not suitable as unbiased judges. The
administration should use the current crisis as an opportunity to speed up
our sclerotic legal system and prosecute accused terrorists under the
normal rules of trials that are consistent with the U.S. Constitution.

November 15, 2001

Thomas J. DiLorenzo [send him mail at [EMAIL PROTECTED]] is professor of
economics at Loyola College in Maryland. His book, The Real Lincoln: A New
Look at Abraham Lincoln, His Agenda, and an Unnecessary War, will be
published in February.

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O you who believe, fasting is made obligatory on you as it was made for
those before you, so that you may achieve Taqwa (God Consciousness).

H-Net* [Fwd: FISK: No surprise at rumours of new atrocities by our 'foot-soldiers']

2001-11-14 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam



No surprise at rumours of new atrocities by our 'foot-soldiers'

War on terrorism

By Robert Fisk

13 November 2001


The Northern Alliance's sudden victories in Afghanistan may be good news for
the West but the bad news is not far behind. The Uzbek, Tadjik and Hazara
gunmen who make up this rag-tag army have a bloody reputation for torturing
and executing prisoners which ­ if resumed in the coming days ­ will plunge
America and Britain into a moral abyss.

Chilling stories of more than 100 pro-Taliban Pakistani fighters shot dead
after their surrender in Mazar-i-Sharif ­ and of Alliance gunmen roaming
the streets'' of the abandoned city ­ will not come as a surprise to those
who are aware of the atrocities committed by America's new allies during the
1992-96 fighting in Kabul.

For the Americans ­ and for the minuscule British component of the West's
military forces inside Afghanistan ­ the behaviour of the Northern Alliance
presents a grave problem. As our foot-soldiers are in Afghanistan, we
cannot disclaim responsibility for human rights abuses by the Alliance's
gunmen; yet neither the Americans nor the British appear to have tried to
control the army they are now helping. Indeed, it seems they may not even be
able to prevent the Alliance from entering Kabul.

The massacres committed by malicious fighting in the name of outside powers
have regularly brought shame upon their more powerful allies. The Contras in
Nicaragua and the Phalangist militiamen in Lebanon contaminated their
respective American and Israeli masters ­ the latter in the notorious
Palestinian camp massacres of Sabra and Chatila in 1982. A glance at the
Alliance's track record of rape, pillage and street executions in Kabul
between 1992 and 1996 suggests that the so-called Allies ­ America, Britain
and just about anyone else who wants to join in ­ have good reason to exert
their influence over the newly victorious militiamen from the north of

In Mazar-i-Sharif and Herat there are comparatively few Pashtun communities,
which traditionally favour the Taliban.

A bit further south the Alliance will find itself among its ethnic enemies.
In 1997, Mazar's Hazara defenders killed more than 600 Taliban militiamen
who had taken over the city and then massacred dozens of Pakistani students
who had accompanied the Taliban into the region. In later bloodbaths,
thousands of Taliban prisoners were shot into mass graves, with dozens more
Pakistanis. A Northern Alliance turncoat, General Pahlawan Malik,
subsequently executed 2,000 Taliban prisoners of war who had been tortured
and starved before being put to death.

Many were drowned in wells. Others met a more carefully planned death. One
of General Malik's generals recalled: At night when it was quiet and dark
we took about 150 Taliban prisoners, blindfolded them, tied their hands
behind their backs and drove them in truck containers out to the desert. We
lined them up 10 at a time, in front of holes in the ground, and opened
fire. It took about six nights.''

On other occasions Taliban prisoners were locked inside containers in
mid-summer; 1,250 were deliberately asphyxiated in this way, their corpses
dragged from the containers, blackened by the heat.

Could it happen again? There is no reason to believe the Alliance has been
taking lessons in human rights. It has been receiving ammunition from Russia
and logistics from the United States. Photographs in yesterday's Pakistani
papers showed Alliance gunmen leading a small party of Western troops
through the terrain of northern Afghan-istan. But our soldiers are highly
unlikely to have been distributing copies of the Geneva Convention to their
new friends.

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First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out because I was
not a socialist.  Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not
speak out because I was not a trade unionist.  Then they came for the
Jews, and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.  Then they came for
me, and there was no one left to speak for me. - Pastor Martin Niemoller
regarding the Nazi reign.

---End Message---

H-Net* [Fwd: Many Afghans haunted by Northern Alliance's past (because they areblood thirsty murderers)]

2001-11-13 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam



Many Afghans haunted by Northern Alliance's past


The Atlanta Journal and Constitution
November 12, 2001


Chaman, Pakistan --- Haji Abdul Ghani placed a forefinger in his
mouth, and cocked his thumb like a pistol.

They put the nozzle of the gun in the baby's mouth, said Ghani, an
Afghan refugee. The baby began sucking it like the nipple of his
mother's breast. Then they fired. Ghani, a truck driver, swore his
story was true. It happened, he said, three weeks ago in Central
Afghanistan. A fighter with the Northern Alliance pulled the
trigger, he added.

Beyond its abject horror, the story told by Ghani --- who has no
love for the Taliban either --- illustrates the anger and fear many
Afghans harbor for the Northern Alliance.

Far from the underdog militia trying to overthrow the despotic
Taliban regime, Northern Alliance troops are reviled across much of
Afghanistan for their brutality.

They are also despised because they are primarily Uzbeks, Hazaras,
Tajiks. Pashtuns comprise the main Afghan ethnic group in a country
whose ethnic stew never stops boiling.

Strange bedfellows

The United States is the Northern Alliance's main benefactor,
providing materiel, advisers and an intensive bombing campaign aimed
at weakening Taliban resistance.

The Northern Alliance has taken advantage of heavy bombardments to
advance into the northern city of Mazar-e-Sharif, a key military

Kabul would be next in Northern Alliance sights. While the United
States, at Pakistani insistence, suggests that the Northern Alliance
won't be allowed to single-handedly run Afghanistan, refugees and
others remain wary of any leadership role for the mujahedeen.

We have lived under them before and they were not good rulers,
said Sayed Noor, an Afghan farmer who arrived last week at Killi
Faizo refugee camp along Pakistan's border. They cannot rule
Afghanistan again because we had such bitter experiences with them.
They are vicious.

Many of the mujahedeen, or holy warriors, now fighting for the
Northern Alliance are war veterans who served in the decadelong
battle against the Soviets. Northern Alliance commanders also filled
key government positions after the Soviets withdrew in 1989.

General Abdul Rashid Dostum was --- and is again today --- a top
mujahedeen leader. The Uzbek warlord's mutiny in 1992 led directly
to the downfall and execution of Najibullah, the last Communist
ruler. It also ensured the mujahedeen would roll into Kabul.

Michael Griffin, in his book Reaping The Whirlwind: The Taliban
Movement in Afghanistan, labeled Dostum a backwater Saddam Hussein
. . . ruthless . . . cunning.

Return from exile

Although included in a succession of Afghan governments, Dostum
never garnered the power he so coveted. Ethnic hatred between
Uzbeks, Hazaras, Tajiks and the majority Pashtun also scuttled any
chance at real peace.

In January 1994, Dostum's 20,000-man strong militia laid siege to
Kabul. Two months of back-and-forth rocket and artillery fire led to
the deaths of 4,000 Kabul residents and the exodus of 200,000 more.

Of Dostum's troops, Griffin wrote: These Uzbek fighters inspired
even greater fear among civilians who named them galamjam --- or
carpet-thieves --- a term that Afghans diversified to embrace anyone
with bad intentions.

Dostum eventually retreated to Mazar-e-Sharif, until losses to the
Taliban pushed him over the border and eventually into exile in
Turkey. But Dostum returned this year to lead one of the main
Northern Alliance factions.

Listen to me carefully, warned Haji Abdul Ghani. Those opposed to
the Northern Alliance are not on the side of the Taliban or
al-Qaida. We just want our children's survival, our women's
survival. If the Northern Alliance comes, we will all be killed.

Ghani and other Afghans also fear a return to lawlessness. When the
mujahedeen ran Afghanistan from 1992 to 1996, life was cheap. Rape
was common. Truckers like Ghani paid tolls to bandits on virtually
every roadway.

The horror of the past

The Taliban's Pashtun rulers restored order to Afghanistan, albeit a
harsh and twisted Islamic version of order. A Northern Alliance
victory, even with the United States looking over its shoulder,
scares many Afghans.

The Americans can't save us from the Northern Alliance, said Noor,
25, the farmer. I'm from northern Afghanistan and I've seen Dostum
rule. His brand of justice [favored] the people of his tribe and
everyone else was neglected, beaten or killed before the Taliban

Noor threw a pebble he was fingering into the sand.

I have no doubt it will be no different if the Northern Alliance
comes to power again.

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H-Net* Routed Taliban 'collapsing like dominos'

2001-11-12 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam

Pengirim: Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam [EMAIL PROTECTED]

H-Net* U.S. Counter-Insurgency School

2001-10-31 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam

U.S. Counter-Insurgency School
Targeted By Watchdog Group
LONDON, Oct 31 (IslamOnline  News Agencies)
The United States has been running a
"terrorist training camp" for the last 55 years,
whose victims massively outnumber the people
killed by the attack on New York, the embassy
bombings and the other atrocities laid, rightly or
wrongly at al-Qaeda's door, The Guardian
newspaper said Tuesday.
Guardian writer, George Monbiot, spoke about
the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security
Cooperation (WHISC), formed in 1946 and based
in Fort Benning, Georgia.
It was formally known as the U.S. Army School
of the Americas (SOA), whose graduates include
60,000 Latin American soldiers and policemen.
Many of them have been accused of torturing
and terrorizing civilians in several Latin American
countries, Monbiot explained in his article.
"Among its graduates are many of the
continent's most notorious torturers, mass
murderers, dictators and state terrorists. As
hundreds of pages of documentation compiled by
the pressure group SOA Watch show, Latin
America has been ripped apart by its alumni,"
said Monbiot.
In June of this year, Colonel Byron Lima Estrada,
once a student at the school, was convicted in
Guatemala City of murdering Bishop Juan Gerardi
in 1998.
Gerardi was killed because he helped write a
report on the atrocities committed by
Guatemala's D-2, the military intelligence agency
run by Lima Estrada with the help of two other
SOA graduates. D-2 coordinated the
"anti-insurgency" campaign, which obliterated
448 Mayan Indian villages and murdered tens of
thousands of their people.
In 1993, the United Nations Truth Commission on
El Salvador named the army officers who had
committed the worst atrocities of the civil war.
Two-thirds of them had been trained at the
School of the Americas, said Monbiot.
Among them was Roberto D'Aubuisson, the
reputed leader of El Salvador's death squads.
Also named were the men who allegedly killed
Archbishop Oscar Romero, as well as 19 of the
26 soldiers who murdered Jesuit priests in 1989.
In Chile, the school's graduates ran both
Augusto Pinochet's secret police and his three
principal concentration camps.
One of them allegedly helped murder Orlando
Letelier and Ronni Moffit in Washington D.C. in
Argentina's dictators, Roberto Viola and Leopoldo
Galtieri, Panama's Manuel Noriega and Omar
Torrijos, Peru's Juan Velasco Alvarado and
Ecuador's Guillermo Rodriguez all benefited from
the school's instruction.
"All this, the school's defenders insist, is ancient
history. But SOA graduates are also involved in
the dirty war now being waged, with U.S.
support, in Colombia," Monboit said.
In 1999, the U.S. State Department's report on
human rights named two SOA graduates as the
murderers of the peace commissioner, Alex
Last year, Human Rights Watch revealed that
seven former pupils are running paramilitary
groups in Colombia and have commissioned
kidnappings, disappearances, murders and
In February of this year, a SOA graduate in
Colombia was convicted of complicity in the
torture and killing of 30 peasants by
paramilitaries. The school is now drawing more of
its students from Colombia than from any other
country, Monbiot added.
"The FBI defines terrorism as 'violent acts...
intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian
population, influence the policy of a government,
or affect the conduct of a government', which is
a precise description of the activities of SOA's
graduates," he said.
In his article, Monbiot elaborated on the effect
of the school's education on how many of it's
alumni are involved with torture practices.
"How can we be sure that their alma mater has
had any part in this? In 1996, the U.S.
government was forced to release seven of the
school's training manuals. Among other top tips
for terrorists, they recommended blackmail,
torture, execution and the arrest of witnesses'
relatives," he said.
Several U.S. Congressmen tried to shut the
school down last year, says Monbiot, as a result
of a campaign organized by School of the
Americas Watch (SOA Watch). The bid was
defeated by ten votes.
"Instead, the House of Representatives voted to
close it and then immediately reopen it under a
different name…the School of the Americas
washed its hands of the past by renaming itself
On its website, WHISC courses says it covers "a
broad spectrum of relevant areas, such as
operational planning for peace operations;
disaster relief; civil-military operations; tactical
planning and execution of counter drug
SOA Watch describes on its websites that
despite the name change, the course catalog
has had very minimal changes done to it.
"On January 17, 2001, the U.S Army School of
the Americas was re-named the Western
Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation
[the Department of Defense refers to it as
"The name change is part of an ongoing effort
by the Department of Defense [DOD] to alter
the school's image, which has been diminished

H-Net* The Taliban proves a durable foe.

2001-10-28 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam

The New Rules of Engagement
War always has surprises. As the Taliban proves a durable
foe, TIME's
Romesh Ratnesar tells us what to watch for
Sunday, Oct. 28, 2001
For anyone who has been clinging to the notion that America
can win this war
the easy way, the fate of Abdul Haq should serve as a
powerful antidote. Few knew how
to fight in the rugged Afghan steppes and summits better
than Haq, a legendary mujahedin
guerrilla who lost his right foot to a land mine while
helping rout the Soviets.
He left Afghanistan during the post-Soviet power struggle
and renounced
politics after his wife and son were murdered in his
Peshawar, Pakistan, home.
But he recently returned to the Afghan frontier, hoping
to enlist defectors and
warlords in an anti-Taliban southern alliance. Because
he was Pashtun--the
dominant tribe of southern Afghanistan and the Taliban
itself--Haq was a
precious asset to the U.S., which desperately wants an
erosion of Taliban
authority in the south and east, where American commandos
have launched
the hunt for Osama bin Laden.
Last week Haq and 19 lightly armed aides
slipped into Taliban territory to persuade
fighters to rise up against the regime. But
informers trailed him. For two days the Taliban
staked out the home where Haq was staying.
Early Friday morning Taliban troops
surrounded him on three sides. Cut off in the
Khyber Pass, Haq placed a call on his satellite
phone to his nephew in Pakistan; word of
Haq's distress soon reached the CIA. As Haq
tried to escape on horseback, the U.S. sent an
unmanned Predator surveillance plane to shoot
a Hellfire missile at his pursuers. It missed.
Soon after the Taliban captured Haq. He was
taken to Kabul and executed as a U.S. spy.
For the American military, Haq's demise was a
humbling end to a humbling week. Since the
beginning of the campaign, the President's men
have reminded Americans that this "new" kind
of conflict could end up being as protracted as
the cold war. And yet for a while the war
seemed to be following a faster
script--precision bombs clearing the way for a
quick ground operation. After less than two
weeks, the Pentagon was claiming that its
bombs had "eviscerated" the Taliban's military
capability. But last week that optimism faded.
Dreams of a hit-and-run war gave way to the
reality of a long twilight struggle that seems sure
to drag into the Afghan winter. After more than 3,000
American bombs, the
Taliban still has plenty of fight left in it; Taliban
troops have thwarted a
Northern Alliance offensive at Mazar-i-Sharif; civilian
deaths are climbing; and
many coalition partners--most crucially Pakistan--have
grown impatient.
The war is only three weeks old, and U.S. and British
officials insist things are
going as expected. "You always hope for a lucky punch,"
says an Air Force
commander. "But you usually don't get lucky, so you just
keep pressing on."
Pentagon officials have said some ground operations aimed
at crushing the
Taliban and al-Qaeda may not get under way until next
spring. "We're not
setting timetables," Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld
said Thursday. In a
remarkable admission, Rear Admiral John Stufflebeem said,
"I am a bit
surprised at how doggedly they're hanging onto power.
We definitely need to
have patience," he added. "This is going to be a long,
long campaign."
Even in a new kind of war against an elusive adversary,
some basic rules of
engagement have emerged. Knowing them won't guarantee
victory, but it may
help us get through the dangerous months ahead.
Rule 1: Dig in--This Is Going to Take Some Time
American air power can do plenty of damage, but Afghan
experts say the
Taliban's morale won't crack until it suffers heavy battlefield
losses. So long as
the U.S. limits its ground operations to commando raids,
the job of inflicting
those casualties lies with the Northern Alliance. Alliance
commanders have
provided their strategy for toppling the regime to anyone
who will listen: once
American bombs softened Taliban forces, the Alliance
planned to make its
move into the key northern outposts of Mazar-i-Sharif,
Kunduz and Taliqan,
cutting a swath through the heart of Taliban country.
As the Alliance rolled
back the Taliban in the north, the thinking went, the
certainty of defeat would
produce mass defections from the Taliban's ranks, and
the regime would
Time for Plan B. The first major ground battle, near Mazar-i-Sharif,
place last Monday, when hundreds of Northern Alliance
troops serving under
two commanders, Uzbek warlord Rashid Dostum and Tajik
general Mullah
Ustad Mohammed Atta, swept toward the city and the 20,000
Taliban troops protecting it. The Alliance forces advanced
to within 12 miles
of Mazar, but a fierce Taliban counterattack led to savage
street battles;
Alliance forces managed to hold their front line but
failed to advance much
further. It's unlikely that the Alliance will march on
Mazar anytime soon. The
Taliban's antiaircraft weapons and control of the 

H-Net* Haq 'received U.S. assistance'

2001-10-28 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam

Haq 'received U.S. assistance'
October 28, 2001 Posted: 8:45 PM EST (0145 GMT)
Mujahedeen leader Abdul Haq
requested and received U.S. assistance
in his failed mission to convince
several Taliban leaders to defect, U.S.
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld
said on Sunday
"The assistance, unfortunately, was from
the air, and he was on the ground,"
Rumsfeld said on ABC's This Week. "And
regrettably, he was killed."
Rumsfeld would not specify what kind of
assistance Haq received, but he said it was
not from the U.S. military.
"It was from another element of the
government," he said.
A former U.S. government official who helped Haq arrange
and finance his return
to Afghanistan told CNN that his trip was coordinated
with U.S. intelligence
agencies as part of the effort to improve the fighting
capabilities and coordination of
opposition forces, and to try to persuade some Taliban
forces to lay down their
arms or defect to the opposition.
Haq was captured by the Taliban last week in Afghanistan
and along with two
others, was executed on Friday in Kabul, independent
sources told CNN.
CNN sources who spoke to the Taliban in
Afghanistan said Haq was buried Sunday in the
Afghan town of Surkhrud, about six miles west of
Kurt Lohbeck, a former colleague of the anti-Taliban
leader, said Haq was in Afghanistan on a covert
mission to convince several Taliban leaders to defect
when he was captured and killed.
Haq was traveling with a large contingent of his own
men, including former Mujahedeen and three
foreigners, Lohbeck said.
"There was a double cross, apparently by one of the
Taliban people, and they were surrounded," he said.
"[Haq] and his intelligence chief, they were captured,
put on a phony, mock trial.
I'm sure Abdul Haq proudly stood up and said that he
was guilty of treason against
the Taliban."
Lohbeck said after the trial, the Taliban shot and hanged
Friday, the Taliban said they also executed Haq's nephew
and anti-Taliban
commander, Haji Dawran, after they were found guilty
of spying for the United
In the 1980s, Haq successfully led the Mujahedeen against
the Soviets in
Afghanistan. He split with the Taliban in the early 1990s
and went into exile.
He lived in Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates, for the
past decade before returning
to Pakistan in late September.
"He was a devout Muslim, a dedicated patriot, but he also
looked forward to a
modern world for Afghanistan to enter the 21st century,"
Lohbeck said.
"That's what he was working on when he was killed."

H-Net* 93 killed in bombing of Kandahar village

2001-10-24 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam

93 killed in bombing of Kandahar village
Air attacks hitting civilian districts in Kabul: UN
DUBAI: Qatar's al-Jazeera television reported that US
military strikes on Afghanistan on
Tuesday had killed 93 civilians in a village near Kandahar,
including 18 members of one
The satellite channel said that at least 40 other civilians
were wounded in the attack by US
warplanes on the village some 60 km northeast of Kandahar,
which it identified as Chukar.
It said the 18 family members who died in the attack
had fled Kandahar for safety in the
village following US military strikes on the city, a
Taliban stronghold.
Jazeera broadcast videophone footage provided by its correspondent
in Kandahar,
Youssef al-Shouli, showing a row of corpses wrapped in
white shrouds lined up against
the wall inside a room. At least one of the corpses was
that of a child and a second was
of an elderly man. The television also broadcast footage
of children, women and elderly
men receiving treatment at a hospital in Kandahar.
In a similar atrocity, fleeing refugees told Tuesday how
20 civilians, including nine children,
were killed when a bomb from a US war plane hit a tractor.
One survivor said refugees
were on the back of a tractor at Tarin Kot village in
southern Afghanistan on Sunday when
it was hit by a bomb. Some of those who escaped managed
to cross the border on
Abdul Maroof, 28, said that after the bombings, injured
people were left screaming for help
with no hospitals nearby in the village, a six hour drive
north of Kandahar, in Uruzgan
After the initial bombing, 25 people decided to flee and
climbed onto a trailer hitched to the
back of a tractor. Faizul Mohammad said as the tractor
was leaving Tarin Kot, US
warplanes homed-in on the village and a bomb hit the
tractor and trailer. Nineteen died in
the strike.
Mohammad lost a foot in the bombing and with six other
survivors travelled to Kandahar in
the back of pick-up trucks where they were told no treatment
was possible. He said the
injured then travelled to Chaman where Pakistan border
guards allowed them to travel to
Quetta for treatment. One of the injured, a women who
had lost four children in the
bombing later died, Mohammad said.
The United Nations said Tuesday that US air attacks were
hitting civilian districts in the
Afghan capital, Kabul, because the Taliban was sending
troops into those areas. "Reports
are indicating that several bombs have hit residential
areas in Khair Khana close to health
and feeding centres," UN spokeswoman Stephanie Bunker
told a press conference in
"In addition a residential area called Macroyan has been
hit. "Residential areas and some
villages around Kabul are becoming more dangerous because
Taliban troops are moving
into those areas." It further said that a US bomb had
destroyed an Afghan hospital as
Taliban fighters resisted mounting attacks by US warplanes
and opposition forces.
The United States admitted at the same time that a missile
had gone off target in an attack
on the western city. "It was a military hospital in a
military compound on the outskirts of the
city," Bunker said, adding it was believed the bomb fell
on Monday on the eastern outskirts
of the city. Casualties were not known, she said.
The Pentagon also acknowledged on Tuesday US bombs missed
their targets in two
separate incidents over the weekend, striking a residential
area northwest of Kabul and an
open area near a senior citizens home outside Herat
Earlier in the day, a US-led bid to score quick wins over
Taliban forces ahead of
Afghanistan's winter snows met stiff resistance.US forces
and their Afghan opposition
allies pursued a three-pronged attack on Taliban frontline
positions in the north, on the
Islamic regime's southern power base of Kandahar and
targets in and around the capital,
But an assault by opposition forces backed by US military
advisers ran out of steam, while
bombing north of Kabul failed to silence the Taliban
missile batteries that killed at least two
civilians in a rebel-held town.
The defiant Taliban fighters repulsed an offensive by
opposition troops during heavy
fighting around their key northern stronghold of Mazar-i-Sharif.
US fighter jets flew in
support of an opposition force, which was accompanied
by small teams of US
commandos, but the rebels failed to capitalise on a three
day bombardment and made no
US aircraft dropped at least seven bombs on Kabul late
Tuesday as night attacks resumed,
an AFP reporter said. One plane was heard in the night
sky around 8.50 pm (1620 GMT),
followed by the sound of a large explosion within the
limits of the city and mild anti-aircraft
fire from the Taliban militia's gunners. Three more explosions
were heard to the north or
northeast near the airport almost one hour later around
9.35 pm as one or more jets roared
overhead, apparently at a high altitude. Anti-aircraft
fire intensified during the second
attack. US-led forces attacked Kabul twice before 

H-Net* Islam Attracts Converts by the Thousands, Drawn Before

2001-10-24 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam

Islam Attracts Converts by the Thousands, Drawn Before
and After Attacks
"I'm asked to give up my religion for my kids,"
says Angela Davis, "but I won't do it." Ms.
Davis discovered Islam this spring in an Internet
chat room. Her estranged husband did not
return the children after a visit.
ALLWIN, Mo., Oct. 20 — Since she became a Muslim
six months ago, Angela Davis has
given up many things. She stopped listening to
music, started sleeping on the floor, put
away her 100 Disney videos and traded her porcelain
doll collection for velvet posters with
verses from the Koran.
Now, in the aftermath of the Sept. 11 terrorist
attacks, Ms. Davis may have to give up her
After her photograph, in full veil, appeared in the
local newspaper on Sept. 30, Ms. Davis's
soon-to-be-ex- husband refused to return their
children, 5 and 2, from a weekend visit.
She has not seen them since.
"It's a test that is given to me from Allah to see
if my faith is strong enough," said Ms. Davis,
27, who discovered Islam in an Internet chat room
this spring and now teaches
pre-kindergarten at the Al-Salam Day School in this
St. Louis suburb. "I'm asked to give up
my religion for my kids, but I won't do it. On
Judgment Day, as much as I love my kids, they
won't be there with me."
Though her situation is extreme, Ms. Davis is one
of thousands of new Muslim converts
struggling with their identities amid anti-Muslim
fervor and declarations of an Islamic holy
war being broadcast on television. Already
estranged from relatives and friends, some of
whom accuse them of joining a cult, these new
Muslims face catcalls and fresh challenges
to their faith
Tim Parker for The New York Times -``Giving up the
pork and the alcohol was the easy
part,'' says Jim Hacking, a St. Louis lawyer who
studied to be a Jesuit priest before
choosing Islam.
Many say the events of Sept. 11 only confirmed
their commitment. Shannon Staloch is not
sure why, but upon hearing of the hijackings, she
immediately grabbed a book from her
backpack and recited the Arabic declaration of
belief; she made the conversion official 12
days later.
"You know how the world changed when that happened
and everyone was shaky?" Ms.
Staloch said. "I wanted something steady."
With some 6 million adherents in the United States,
Islam is said to be the nation's
fastest-growing religion, fueled by immigration,
high birth rates and widespread
conversion. One expert estimates that 25,000 people
a year become Muslims in this
country; some clerics say they have seen conversion
rates quadruple since Sept. 11.
Experts say Islam is attractive because of its
universal message — the faithful believe that
everyone is born Muslim and thus call the
transformation reversion, not conversion — and
because its teachings incorporate other traditions,
honoring Jesus Christ, the Jewish
patriarch Abraham and other Biblical figures as
prophets. Though missionary work is rare
in Islam, spreading the message is demanded by the
Koran. Conversion is as simple as
reciting one sentence — "I bear witness that there
is no deity except Allah and that
Muhammad is his messenger" — in front of witnesses,
a ceremony known as Shahadah.
"There's no class," said Khalid Yahya Blankinship,
chairman of the religion department at
Temple University. "There isn't really a formalized
requirement, you don't have to be tested."
Mr. Blankinship, who converted to Islam in 1973 and
has since witnessed 100 Shahadahs,
added: "It's very important that Islam should
spread. The idea is that one should want other
souls to be saved."
The vast majority of converts are
African-Americans, who make up about a third of
Muslims in the United States. Thousands find Allah
while in jail or in recovery from drug or
alcohol addiction. Less familiar are the lapsed
Catholics and lost Jews, often highly
educated professionals, who come to the mosque.
Many convert because they want to marry a Muslim
who demands it, a common reason for
conversions in any religion.
"I would never have changed if it wasn't for
Rania," David Nerviani, a St. Louis police
officer, said of his Egyptian-born wife, a
bartender he met on patrol. "It's probably not that
deep for me."
Others find Islam through friendships on college
campuses, research papers on world
religions or trolling the Internet.
Some just feel called. Abdullah Reda of Reston,
Va., said the news of Susan Smith, the
South Carolina woman who drowned her two sons,
brought him to Islam. A 13-year-old
California girl had an epiphany during a sunset
drive through the red rocks of Arizona.
Katie Mathews, a graduate student at Washington
University in St. Louis, who plans to
make her Shahadah on her 23rd birthday in November,
prayed for a sign and soon saw a
license plate, "4 ALLAH."
Nine years ago, Jim Hacking was in training to be a
Jesuit priest. Now, he is an admiralty
lawyer in St. Louis who has spent much of the last
month explaining Islam at interfaith
gatherings. Mr. Hacking's search began in the
12-step program 

H-Net* Saudi Kingdom fights growing anger

2001-10-24 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam

Saudi Kingdom fights growing anger
CAIRO - Saudi Arabia, home to a quarter of the world's
oil reserves and
the birthplace of
Islam, faces growing popular opposition to the American
campaign in
Afghanistan - anxiety
that could force the Saudi government to temper its crucial
in the US pursuit of
Osama bin Laden's network, analysts and diplomats say.
In the past week, the powerful Saudi interior minister
has warned his
countrymen not to
sympathize with bin Laden and his followers - an acknowledgment
of the
popularity the
Saudi exile enjoys in his homeland. The religious
affairs minister,
meanwhile, has reminded
the populace that no one other than the king could declare
holy war, a
move meant to head
off such calls from popular and more radical preachers
in the kingdom.
Across the country, home to Islam's two holiest shrines,
at Mecca and
Medina, prayer
leaders - with a rare forum for public expression in
the restrictive
kingdom - have
dismissed the minister's warning and urged a holy war
against ''the
enemies of Islam.''
Others praised bin Laden as a ''true Muslim hero.'' Both
calls were
issued amid reports in
an Arabic-language newspaper that Saudis were volunteering
to fight in
Saudi Arabia's government has weathered such opposition
before, most
notably during the
1991 Gulf War when US troops were stationed on Saudi
land. But the
anxiety on the part
of Saudi leaders over popular opposition to the US-led
campaign in
Afghanistan points to
the delicate balancing act the Saudi government has faced
for much of
its history - a deep
alliance with the United States that, in public, cannot
appear so deep.
''The more they're seen as closely associated with the
US, the more
difficult for them to
justify their own pronouncements that they have independence
of decision
making,'' said
Aziz Abu Hamad, a Saudi analyst in Riyadh. The United
States ''doesn't
realize that if the
government cooperates more they will jeopardize their
own security.''
Saudi leaders, so far noticeably reluctant to endorse
the US campaign,
began this week to
air their displeasure with the course of the attacks
on a fellow Muslim
Their messages, albeit subtle, suggested that Saudi Arabia
increasingly uneasy with the
duration and scope of the US campaign, both in its military
attacks on
Afghanistan as well
as the less visible moves against financial sources of
Osama bin Laden's
network, many
of which traditionally sprung from Saudi Arabia's elite.
US officials have publicly said that they are satisfied
with the support
the Saudis are
providing. ''The cooperation has been much better than
the general
public perception,'' said
Robert H. Pelletreau, former assistant secretary of state
for Near
Eastern affairs.
But requests for more cooperation may be dangerous, Hamad
So far, the Saudis have allowed the United States to use
a sophisticated
command and
control system at Prince Sultan Air Base near Riyadh
during the strikes.
More help will be
needed to crack down on funding believed headed
for bin Laden's network
- something the
Saudi government has sought to do since 1993 - and in
the investigation
into those behind
the Sept. 11 attacks on New York and Washington, analysts
With Egypt and Israel, Saudi Arabia remains one of the
pillars of US
foreign policy in the
Middle East, a strategic region in a world dependent
on fossil fuels.
The US-Saudi alliance dates to 1945, when President Roosevelt
met King
Abdul Aziz
aboard the USS Quincy in the Suez Canal. It has weathered
Arab-Israeli wars, and it
grew far deeper and more public after Iraq's invasion
of Kuwait in 1990,
which led to the
arrival of US troops on Saudi soil.
But the relationship, bound by oil, remains sensitive.
While the Cold War united them as opponents of the Soviet
Union - the
United States
because of communism, Saudi Arabia because of atheism
- the Saudi
government has
shied away from appearing too close in public to a country
unpopular for
its support of
Israel and increasingly perceived as hostile in
foreign policy and
lifestyle to Islam.
''They have a lot of ambivalence toward us and we have
a lot of
ambivalence toward them,
but our mutual interests are so strong, they've overridden
ambivalence,'' said David
Long, a former US diplomat in Saudi Arabia. ''Our mutual
interests are
so close that the
policies have stayed remarkably close for the last 60
The crisis today, analysts and diplomats say, has introduced
a new and
perhaps more
dangerous element into that relationship. The test, they
say, could
prove as severe as the
1991 Gulf War, which gave rise to a dissident movement
- both militant
and peaceful -
upset about the arrival of US soldiers on land considered
by Muslims to
be sacred.
The challenge revolves around bin Laden himself, a Saudi
exile who was
long a hero in his
country for fighting Soviet troops in Afghanistan in
the 1980s.
That campaign, backed by the United States in one of its
biggest covert

H-Net* Islam Attracts Converts by the Thousands, Drawn Before

2001-10-23 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam
 they bowed and knelt like old pros. They murmured
bismillah (in the name of Allah)
 before starting a game, astaghfirullah (I beg
Allah for forgiveness) after a misstep. But
 they say their father says their mother worships

 I got one person saying they want me to be Muslim
and then I got my dad saying no
 Muslim, said Krashanna Agers, 9. I don't know,
I'm not grown up yet.

 Source:  NY Times

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H-Net* Saudi Kingdom fights growing anger

2001-10-23 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam

Saudi Kingdom fights growing anger

CAIRO - Saudi Arabia, home to a quarter of the world's oil reserves and
the birthplace of
Islam, faces growing popular opposition to the American campaign in
Afghanistan - anxiety
that could force the Saudi government to temper its crucial cooperation
in the US pursuit of
Osama bin Laden's network, analysts and diplomats say.

In the past week, the powerful Saudi interior minister has warned his
countrymen not to
sympathize with bin Laden and his followers - an acknowledgment of the
popularity the
 Saudi exile enjoys in his homeland. The religious affairs minister,
meanwhile, has reminded
the populace that no one other than the king could declare holy war, a
move meant to head
off such calls from popular and more radical preachers in the kingdom.

Across the country, home to Islam's two holiest shrines, at Mecca and
Medina, prayer
leaders - with a rare forum for public expression in the restrictive
kingdom - have
dismissed the minister's warning and urged a holy war against ''the
enemies of Islam.''
Others praised bin Laden as a ''true Muslim hero.'' Both calls were
issued amid reports in
an Arabic-language newspaper that Saudis were volunteering to fight in

Saudi Arabia's government has weathered such opposition before, most
notably during the
1991 Gulf War when US troops were stationed on Saudi land. But the
anxiety on the part
of Saudi leaders over popular opposition to the US-led campaign in
Afghanistan points to
the delicate balancing act the Saudi government has faced for much of
its history - a deep
alliance with the United States that, in public, cannot appear so deep.

''The more they're seen as closely associated with the US, the more
difficult for them to
justify their own pronouncements that they have independence of decision
making,'' said
Aziz Abu Hamad, a Saudi analyst in Riyadh. The United States ''doesn't
realize that if the
government cooperates more they will jeopardize their own security.''

Saudi leaders, so far noticeably reluctant to endorse the US campaign,
began this week to
air their displeasure with the course of the attacks on a fellow Muslim

Their messages, albeit subtle, suggested that Saudi Arabia is
increasingly uneasy with the
duration and scope of the US campaign, both in its military attacks on
Afghanistan as well
as the less visible moves against financial sources of Osama bin Laden's
network, many
of which traditionally sprung from Saudi Arabia's elite.

US officials have publicly said that they are satisfied with the support
the Saudis are
providing. ''The cooperation has been much better than the general
public perception,'' said
Robert H. Pelletreau, former assistant secretary of state for Near
Eastern affairs.

But requests for more cooperation may be dangerous, Hamad said.

So far, the Saudis have allowed the United States to use a sophisticated
command and
control system at Prince Sultan Air Base near Riyadh during the strikes.
More help will be
 needed to crack down on funding believed headed for bin Laden's network
- something the
Saudi government has sought to do since 1993 - and in the investigation
into those behind
the Sept. 11 attacks on New York and Washington, analysts say.

With Egypt and Israel, Saudi Arabia remains one of the pillars of US
foreign policy in the
Middle East, a strategic region in a world dependent on fossil fuels.

The US-Saudi alliance dates to 1945, when President Roosevelt met King
Abdul Aziz
aboard the USS Quincy in the Suez Canal. It has weathered four
Arab-Israeli wars, and it
grew far deeper and more public after Iraq's invasion of Kuwait in 1990,
which led to the
arrival of US troops on Saudi soil.

But the relationship, bound by oil, remains sensitive.

While the Cold War united them as opponents of the Soviet Union - the
United States
because of communism, Saudi Arabia because of atheism - the Saudi
government has
shied away from appearing too close in public to a country unpopular for
its support of
 Israel and increasingly perceived as hostile in foreign policy and
lifestyle to Islam.

''They have a lot of ambivalence toward us and we have a lot of
ambivalence toward them,
but our mutual interests are so strong, they've overridden the
ambivalence,'' said David
Long, a former US diplomat in Saudi Arabia. ''Our mutual interests are
so close that the
policies have stayed remarkably close for the last 60 years.''

The crisis today, analysts and diplomats say, has introduced a new and
perhaps more
dangerous element into that relationship. The test, they say, could
prove as severe as the
1991 Gulf War, which gave rise to a dissident movement - both militant
and peaceful -
upset about the arrival of US soldiers on land considered by Muslims to
be sacred.

The challenge revolves around bin Laden himself, a Saudi exile who was
long a hero in his
country for fighting Soviet troops in Afghanistan in the 1980s.

That campaign, backed by the United States in one of its 

H-Net* Saudi Kingdom fights growing anger

2001-10-22 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam
, they say, could
prove as severe as the
1991 Gulf War, which gave rise to a dissident movement - both militant
and peaceful -
upset about the arrival of US soldiers on land considered by Muslims to
be sacred.

The challenge revolves around bin Laden himself, a Saudi exile who was
long a hero in his
country for fighting Soviet troops in Afghanistan in the 1980s.

That campaign, backed by the United States in one of its biggest covert
operations ever,
joined bin Laden with many of the 6,000-strong Saudi royal family. Among
his supporters
were Prince Salman, the powerful governor of Riyadh, and Crown Prince
Abdullah, all but
certain to be the next Saudi king, who donated dozens of trucks in the
war's early years.

On his return to Saudi Arabia, bin Laden was in demand as a speaker in
mosques and
homes across the desert kingdom. More than 250,000 cassettes of his
speeches are said
to have been distributed, and they usually sold out as soon as they

Bin Laden was forced into exile in Sudan in 1991 and his passport was
revoked three
years later when he refused to quiet his forceful opposition to the
royal family. But he
remains a symbol to the politically disenchanted in the country,
particularly among religious
youth, who face a future in which population growth isn't keeping up
with the creation of
 jobs, in an economy that is still overwhelmingly dependent on oil.

''They always have to be careful because he's a very charismatic guy,
and they have a
partially marginalized younger generation,'' Long said.

That popularity is not only among the young. A Saudi journalist said
that some of his
newsroom colleagues began crying as they listened to bin Laden's
videotaped message
and his denunciation of US policies on the night the US campaign

Bin Laden's place in conservative Saudi society has merged with the
unpopularity of those
strikes. As in much of the Arab world, the campaign is seen as directed
less at bin Laden's
network and more at a fellow Muslim country.

Images broadcast on Al-Jazeera last week inflamed viewers in Saudi
Arabia and
elsewhere with footage that graphically detailed an American strike on
Kabul: crying and
wounded civilians, houses pulverized in the attack.

''If you talk to anyone, even a secular Saudi while he is finishing his
glass of whiskey, and
you ask him about how does he feel about bombing Afghanistan, he will
say this is
harram[forbidden], this is wrong, this is ridiculous,'' said Jamal
Khashoggi, deputy editor of
the English-language Arab News. ''So, yes, there is a general unease.
People are not
comfortable with the bombing, especially the way it's turning out to

 Source:  Daily Globe, Boston

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H-Net* Taliban say American bombings have killed 1,000 civilians

2001-10-22 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam

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Taliban say American bombings have killed 1,000 civilians

 Islamabad, Oct 21, IRNA -- The relentless American
bombardment in Afghanistan has so
 far killed one thousands civilians, a senior
Taliban diplomat said Sunday.

 The Americans are targeting civilians. Even today
(Sunday) Americans rained bombs on
 civilians in Khair Khana locality of capital
Kabul, Taliban Deputy envoy Suhail Shaheen

 Why the so-called Western human rights groups are
silent over the brutal killings of the
 Afghan civilians, Shaheen asked.

 About the American ground attacks, he said Taliban
forces had laid down a siege around
 the American invading ground forces in Kandahar,
forcing them to flee in frustration in the
 darkness. He said that Taliban anti-aircraft guns
had hit and badly damaged a fighter plane,
 which later landed in Pakistani territory.

 The American fighter plane can not now take off
due to the severe damages, Shaheen

 About fighting near the northern city of
Mazar-e-Sharif, the Taliban diplomat said that the
 opposition forces have been pushed back up-to 15
kilometers. A huge quantity of
 weapons has also been seized from the fleeing
alliance forces, he said.

 To a question, he said supreme leader Mulla
Mohammad Omar and Osama bin Laden are

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H-Net* Azhar scholars reject Islamic alliance with America

2001-10-02 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam

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  Azhar scholars reject Islamic alliance with America


   Cairo- The Azhar Ulama Front has rejected Americas
   calls for an international alliance to include Arab and
   Islamic countries.

   The Front, which consists of around 30,000 religious
   scholars, urged the Arab and Islamic countries to keep
   aloof from such an aggression against innocent people
   whether Muslims or non-Muslims.

   In a statement signed by 16 senior Ulama on behalf of
   the 30,000 members, the Front denounced voicing
   charges against Arabs and Muslims over the explosions
   in America without any concrete proof given.

   The statement said that terrorism should not be fought
   by generalizing terrorism but rather by according
   justice to the oppressed and respecting the people’s
   rights in their countries.

   Islam does not allow the shedding of innocent blood or
   terrorizing people regardless of their creed or
   and incriminates attacking civilian targets even in
   defensive wars as long as they are not directly linked
   to war, the statement elaborated.

   The Front underlined that Muslims were the target of
   terrorism and cited many examples in Bosnia and
   Palestine that were carried out and still are under the
   very nose of the whole world, which remained silent.

   It said that the Zionist entity's ongoing atrocious acts
   against the Palestinians were no less terrible than what
   happened in New York an Washington.

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H-Net* Israeli-American Writer Calls for Destruction Of Ka`ba

2001-10-02 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam

Israeli-American Writer Calls for Destruction Of Ka`ba
CAIRO, Oct 1 (IslamOnline  News Agencies) – An Israeli-American
writer invited the Western world to destroy the Ka`ba, the house of Allah,
built by the Prophet Ibrahim and his son Isma`il, and to which Muslims
turn to in times of prayer fives times a day.
In an article entitled "Time to face Mecca," published in the Israeli
Insider Online Magazine, Reuven Koret said, "Should the jihadists (Muslim
strugglers) ever again dare to execute a genocidal assault on the people
and symbols of Western civilization - let them know beyond any possible
doubt that they will have no direction in which to turn when they bow and
worship their deity of destruction."
Commenting on the article, the Egyptian independent weekly Al-Usboo
said, "Those who
think that the upcoming war is not a crusade, or who claim that the
comments expressed by U.S. President George W. Bush was just a slip of
the tongue must think twice and be prepared for what's to come. This article
is one of the mad calls that prove that we need to be prepared for the
worst scenario."
Koret said that the destruction of the World Trade Center complex and
the Pentagon are a
"great danger", claiming it would become a "precedent" for future outrages.
"Within months or years, if not now, the fundamental Islamic states
and terror groups will have at their disposal nuclear weapons to complement
their existing stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons. As the abomination
in New York proves, they will not hesitate to use genocide as a policy."
Koret demanded "a new strategy of deterrence calculated to stop the
momentum of radical Islam that is threatening the free world. The Islamic
fanatics have declared jihad - [struggle] - against the West. An appropriate
and immediate response is imperative."
"Next in line, if the Jihadists have their way, will be the White House,
the Statue of Liberty, the Golden Gate Bridge, Big Ben, the Eiffel Tower,
the Kremlin. All are at immediate risk, everyone knows it, and the inspired
followers of radical Islam have
had their appetites opened," claimed Koret.
The West, says Koret, must find ways to deter the "Jihadist", that is
"by understanding and answering them in terms of their value system, not
ours. Will it do anyone any good to bomb the airport of Kabul, or the military
bases of the Taliban? Been there, done that. The concentrated efforts of
the Western World did not bring Saddam Hussein to his knees. George Bush
senior failed, and George Bush junior will be scorned at if that is the
main approach."
Instead, Koret's suggestion is, "In Mecca there are two tall towers,
minarets that stand guard over a large black box that serves as the object
of worship for the faithful, the destination of their holy pilgrimage.
It is to this symbolic object to which all Moslems pray.
"Americans, like Israelis, are distinguished among the nations in their
respect for innocent human life. We will not as a policy target civilians,
and if civilians are harmed as an unintended result of a military action,
they will be genuinely sorry.
"But the Western World must first protect its own people, and that means
creating a deterrent policy that will make the next suicide bombers and
their masters think twice. Whether it is publicly announced or merely communicated
through quiet channels, the Jihadists must know with absolute certainty
that the next outrage against a Western target will prompt an immediate
and massive military strike against a prominent symbol of Islam.
"No one can doubt that the destruction of one or more of the sacred
symbols of Islam – even without harming a single civilian - would send
the Moslem world into an anti-Western frenzy."
He added that the only solution is to attack Mecca, "The West must face
Mecca now, dealing directly with the threat that the cowards of Jihad have
forced us to confront, speaking to murderers in the only language they

H-Net* Israeli-American Writer Calls for Destruction Of Ka`ba

2001-10-01 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam
 announced or merely communicated
 through quiet channels, the Jihadists must know
 with absolute certainty that the next outrage
 against a Western target will prompt an
 immediate and massive military strike against a
 prominent symbol of Islam.

 No one can doubt that the destruction of one or
 more of the sacred symbols of Islam - even
 without harming a single civilian - would send the
 Moslem world into an anti-Western frenzy.

 He added that the only solution is to attack
 Mecca, The West must face Mecca now, dealing
 directly with the threat that the cowards of Jihad
 have forced us to confront, speaking to
 murderers in the only language they understand.

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H-Net* Impact After Tragedy

2001-09-18 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam


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Arif Faridi

The Fallout After the Attack

(At the moment it is vital that Muslim governments especially in Egypt, Saudi Ar...

catman thoughts

The Fallout After the Attack

There exists in the realm of all, two dimensions. One is the realm of the physic...

Patrick Someguy

The Fallout After the Attack

"Not only because it's not allowed in Qur'an, our Holy Book."

I don't underst...
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			   Internet privacy at threat after terror attacks, experts fear		




















			 The Fallout After the Attack 

			 Copyright: http://www.iviews.com

			 Published  Wednesday September 12, 2001




	By Muqtedar  Khan









What has happened

Tuesday was catastrophic. It was even bigger than pearl

harbor. Words cannot describe the magnitude of the human tragedy that has

taken place. The consequences of this event will be far reaching and will

necessarily have global as well as local impact on Muslims.

If the perpetrators of this extremely horrible, senseless and inhuman act

are Muslims, then it can be safely assumed that decades of work by

scholars, groups and activists to improve relations between the US and

the Muslim World has been severely reversed.

The response to today's terrible tragedies will have an impact on the US role

in world politics, and will effect US immigration policy.  And now it seems

unlikely that the secret evidence act will be repealed.  In fact, one

may expect more laws which will curtail the civil rights of all Americans to be


Muslims in America will be at the mercy of the wisdom of American

leadership. Muslims must encourage the US government not to compromise American

values of democracy because it would mean that the terrorists have

succeeded in destroying the American way of life, and that would be their

greatest victory.



Muslims must encourage the US

government not to compromise American

values of democracy because it would mean that the terrorists have

succeeded in destroying the American way of life, and that would be their

greatest victory.



This event will eventually strengthen the US both internally and

externally. More and more countries traditionally aligned against the US,

like India, Russia and China will enhance their cooperation with the US to

fight international terrorism, global militancy from non-state actors and

other forms of non-state violence. It may provide a rallying

point around which the world may unite behind the US to more aggressively

deal with global terrorism and conflicts.

At the moment it is vital that Muslim governments especially in Egypt,

Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Jordan, Iran and Iraq cooperate with US

H-Net* Islam Online- News Section

2001-09-14 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam


Title: Islam Online- News Section  







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Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi Condemns Attacks Against Civilians: Forbidden in Islam

DOHA, Qatar, Sept 13 (IslamOnline  News Agencies) - Renowned Muslim scholar Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi denounced the attacks against civilians in the U.S. Tuesday and encouraged Muslims to donate blood to the victims of the attack.

In response to the bloody attack against civilians in the U.S., Sheikh Yusuf issued a statement Wednesday saying that:

"Our hearts bleed for the attacks that has targeted the World Trade Center [WTC], as well as other institutions in the United States despite our strong oppositions to the American biased policy towards Israel on the military, political and economic fronts.

"Islam, the religion of tolerance, holds the human soul in high esteem, and considers the attack against innocent human beings a grave sin, this is backed by the Qur'anic verse which reads:

Who so ever kills a human being for other than manslaughter or corruption in the earth, it shall be as if he has killed all mankind, and who so ever saves the 

H-Net* Ceramah Dr Siddiq Fadhil

2001-03-12 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam

Peluang untuk mengikuti kupasan dan ulasan yang bernas dan tajam oleh
seorang penceramah yang berwibawa. Sila ikuti ceramah beliau.

H-Net* Hari Raya Open House

2001-01-10 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam

Tuan-tuan  puan-puan adalah dijemput ke Rumah Terbuka Hari Raya
Aidil Fitri ini, tolong forward, print dan war-warkan kepada kawan-kawan,
kenalan dan jiran-jiran.

Terima kasih

H-Net* Kuliah Ugama Ust Abd Ghani

2000-11-09 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam

Peluang untuk mengikuti kupasan dan ulasan yang bernas dan tajam oleh
seorang Ustaz yang berwibawa dan alim. Sila ikuti kuliah beliau.

Re: H-Net* Sekadar di pinggiran

2000-11-01 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam

 {  Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net -  http://www.hizbi.net }
 {Hantarkan mesej anda ke:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] }
 {Iklan barangan? Hantarkan ke [EMAIL PROTECTED] }

 ( Melanggan ? To : [EMAIL PROTECTED]   pada body : SUBSCRIBE HIZB)
 ( Berhenti ? To : [EMAIL PROTECTED]  pada body:  UNSUBSCRIBE HIZB)
 ( Segala pendapat yang dikemukakan tidak menggambarkan )
 ( pandangan rasmi  bukan tanggungjawab HIZBI-Net  )
 ( Bermasalah? Sila hubungi [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Pengirim: "Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

H-Net* Ceramah Siddiq Fadhil

2000-10-05 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam

Peluang untuk mengikuti kupasan dan ulasan yang bernas dan tajam oleh
seorang penceramah yang berwibawa. Sila ikuti ceramah beliau.

H-Net* Re: Ceramah Ugama

2000-08-20 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam

Peluang untuk mengikuti kupasan dan ulasan yang bernas dan tajam oleh
seorang penceramah yang berwibawa. Sila ikuti ceramah beliau.

H-Net* Ceramah Ugama

2000-08-20 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam

Peluang untuk mengikuti kupasan dan ulasan yang bernas dan tajam oleh
seorang penceramah yang berwibawa. Sila ikuti ceramah beliau.

H-Net* Senarai Kuliah Ceramah

2000-07-06 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam

Disenaraikan kuliah and ceramah yang menarik around Subang Jaya dalam
next 5 days. So don't miss this oppurtunity untuk mengikuti kuliah dan
ceramah oleh Tok-tok guru dan Penceramah yang berwibawa dan hebat-hebat





7 Julai 2000
(Jumaat malam Sabtu)

9:05 malam

Prof Madya Dr Siddiq Fadhil

Surau Nur Hidayah, USJ 9, Subang Jaya

8 Julai 2000
(Sabtu malam Ahad)

Kuliah Maghrib

Tuan Guru Nik Aziz

Surau Al Muttaqun, USJ 12, Subang Jaya

9 Julai 2000
(Ahad malam Isnin)

9:00 malam

Mohd Sabu

Perkarangan Masjid Airport Subang

10 Julai 2000
(Isnin malam Selasa)

9:15 malam

Datuk Dr Hassan Ali

Masjid Al Falakh, USJ9, Subang Jaya

11 Julai 2000
(Selasa malam Rabu)

Kuliah Maghrib

Taib Azimuuddin

Masjid Al Falakh, USJ9, Subang Jaya

H-Net* Ceramah Ugama Dr Siddiq Fadhil

2000-07-05 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam

Peluang untuk mengikuti kupasan dan ulasan yang bernas dan tajam oleh
seorang penceramah yang berwibawa. Sila ikuti ceramah beliau.

H-Net* Ekspo Keilmuan, Ekonomi Dakwah

2000-06-13 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam

H-Net* Ceramah Ugama by Dr Siddiq Fadhil

2000-05-23 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam

H-Net* Jihad in Chechnya by Azzam Publications: Latest Authentic News

2000-04-24 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam

Title: Jihad in Chechnya by Azzam Publications: Latest Authentic News



Front Page News 

Photos Videos 

Facts Interviews 



News From the Front-Line

  Maps: Know the 

locations of the Mujahideen

Detailed Map of Chechnya 
Line of Tactical Withdrawal 
From Grozny - Feb 2000
  24 April 2000 Russian Reinforcements Receive 
Their First Battering
24 April 2000 Russians Sustain 
Heavy Losses in New Ambush
23 April 2000 Russian Offensive Falters Before it Starts
21 April 2000 Russian Casualties Mount
19 April 2000 Mujahideen Ambush Russian Convoy Near 
18 April 2000 A Very Quick and Pleasant Piece of News
18 April 2000 Mujahideen Ambush Russian Military Intelligence 
17 April 2000 Mujahideen Ambush Continues Extermination 
of OMON Units
13 April 2000 Three Foreign Mujahideen Earn Their Martyrdom
10 April 2000 Mujahideen Launch First Attack on Russian 
10 April 2000 Mujahideen Revel in the Freshness of Spring
07 April 2000 Russian Minister of Interior Inspects 
His Units Deteriorating Situation
07 April 2000 Putin Echoes Lenin’s Lies
07 April 2000 An Exposure of Contradictory Russian Statements 
and Blind Western Media and Relief Organizations
06 April 2000 Mujahideen Attack Russian Convoy Near Argun
06 April 2000 Putin: One Judgement is Executed, More Judgements 
to Come!
05 April 2000 Nine Omon Prisoners 
Executed at 0500 GMT Today
05 April 2000 The Heat of Battle Set to Rise With the Advent 
of Summer
04 April 2000 Final Announcement With Regards to the 
War Criminal Yuri Budanov
04 April 2000 Russian Military Aims to Raise Morale by 'Replicating' 

H-Net* Tak Kenang Budi

2000-04-10 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam

ramai orang tak kenang budi jasa jasa pemimpin UMNO.

Apa jasa-jasa pemimpin UMNO?
Pandai betoi hang buat lawak Syazana.

Aku rasa ini joke of the month.

From: Syazana Hamzah [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, 10 April, 2000 9:41 AM
Subject: H-Net* Tak Kenang Budi

{ Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net - http://www.hizbi.net
{ Hantarkan mesej anda
{ Iklan barangan? Hantarkan

Artikel dalam Utusan Malaysia Sabtu 8.4.2000 ms 8 menceritakan ramai
tak kenang budi jasa jasa pemimpin UMNOblah blah.BACALAH sendiri

H-Net* Ceramah Dr Siddiq Fadhil

2000-03-30 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam


H-Net* Ceramah Ugama

2000-03-27 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam


1999-11-08 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam

10/11/99 (RABU),

Satu Ceramah Ugama akan diadakan di
Surau Nur Hidayah,
USJ 9, Subang Jaya.

: Aqidah  Peranannya Membentuk
Syaksiah Keluarga

Yang Beriman

Penceramah : Datuk
Haji Mohamed Bin Haji Amat

(Bekas Mufti Sabah)

: 10 November 1999 (Rabu)

: Selepas Solat Maghrib

: Surau Nur Hidayah, USJ 9

( Belakang Stesen Minyak Shell  Pizza Hut, USJ 9)

Semua Muslimin  Muslimah di jemput hadir


1999-10-27 Terurut Topik Mohd Bazil Badrul Jam

29/10/99 (JUMAAT),

Assalamualaikum and salam sejahtera,
Satu Ceramah Umum akan diadakan di Batu
3, Shah Alam.

Penceramah :


( Puteri DS Anwar Ibrahim)


( Setiausaha Pemuda KeADILan Pusat)


( Bekas Presiden Gamis)


( Aktivis Sosial)

: 29 Oktober 1999 (Jumaat)

: 9.00 malam

Tempat :
No.1 Lorong Berlian 5, Taman Batu 3,

Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan

( Berhampiran Rumah Guru Batu 3 (RS)