H-Net* Fw: [sangkancil] [MGG] The Bali bombing: The world held to ransom

2002-10-16 Terurut Topik Nazar
ey became the ultimate evil.  But as
> you sow, so you reap.  Suddenly, the officially-encouraged
> activities that led many a Malaysian Muslim to cavort with the
> Taliban and Al Qaeda in Afghanistan at the time when Washington
> approved it, to detention under the Internal Security Act when
> they became the enemy.  As others elsewhere in the region.
>  The deaths are tragic.  So many lives wasted for no purpose.
> But so the thousands when the US bombed Afghanistan, and the
> hundreds of thousands of Iraqis under UN sanctions.  No one sheds
> a tear for them.  They are subhuman, it seems, but not the
> citizens of the backers of the war on terror.  Death and
> destruction by any side -- the United States and the terrorists
> -- must be condemned.  But when one side indiscriminately bombs
> innocents, so would the other.  So this breast-beating at the
> carnage in Bali counts for nothing when it is not reflected in
> breast-beating in Afghanistan or Iraq.  Or are lives on your side
> more valuable than on the other?  Or is one life from the
> developed world equal to a thousand from the developing world?
>  But what we do not have so far is the motive.  When it is Al
> Qaeda and its links that must be condemned, there is no need for
> one.  The ready made enemy is at hand, so why bother about what
> happened.  All it did, though, is to get the Muslims united as
> never before.  They are as rabidly united as the Christians were
> when they went to do battle for Christianity against the Muslims
> in the Crusades.
>  But there are other possibilities.  The strongest -- and
> which got the diplomats terribly upset -- is that Washington
> could have deliberately orchestrated the carnage.  The Gulf of
> Tonkin resolution which brought the US into Vietnam turned out,
> as the Pentagon Papers showed, was based on a lie;  as the claim
> by the 15-year-old daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador that she
> saw Iraqi soldiers in Kuwait removing respirators from newly born
> babies.  But it was enough reason for Congress, in anger, to act.
> By the time it was found out, the action had begun, and it
> became moot.
>  What makes it difficult to assess all this is the deliberate
> lying, the half-truths, the public relations spiel about the
> demonic nature of the enemy, the insiduous propaganda in the
> runup to a war, compounded by the speed with which the story must
> come out.  One does not have hindsight in advance.  One trusts
> one's instincts.  When working in Indochina as a journalist in
> the 1960s, I had the instinctive feeling that the US would become
> a cropper.  I was derided for it at the time, and called the same
> epithets as I am now -- Commie lover and all that -- but ten
> years later it did.  As I believe in this war on terror.  And
> this not from a fanatical Muslim, but a mild-mannered Hindu!
> M.G.G. Pillai
> URL:www.mggpillai.com

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H-Net* Hi8 to VCD Conversion

2002-09-18 Terurut Topik Nazar

To whom providing the above service, could you pls 
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Thank you.

H-Net* FW: General Guidelines for Internet Users

2002-02-05 Terurut Topik Nazar Mohd Nong

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By Sheikh: Hamed Ibn Abdullah El Aly

First: When a Muslim hears the call for prayer, he should rise up to the
remembrance of Allah and not let anything take him away from answering
that call. The Lord SWT said: In houses that Allah ordered to be built
and His name to be mentioned in them mornings and nights, men who are
not diverted by trade or selling from the Remembrance of Allah, pray,
give alms, fear a day where hearts and eyesight's are diverted in all
directions. (24:36-37) 

Second: The Internet is a way for communication that is considered a
double-edged weapon. When it provides benefit, it becomes a gift. And
when it provides evil, it becomes a disgrace. Muslim should use the good
side of this facility to serve his religion and life, rather than its
evil side that corrupts his religion and life. 
Third: It's very important for internet users to protect their eyes from
falling on prohibited scenes. The prohibited scene is considered Satan's
arrow, his weapon that he uses to spoil the Muslims heart by offering
immediate pleasure, followed by long lasting feelings of remorse and
regret. Watching scenes that Allah prohibited causes darkness in the
heart, gloominess in the chest and heaviness and reluctance to perform
actions of worshiping Allah. It deprives the soul of enjoying the
sweetness of deep faith. By all means it is a tool that Satan uses to
sugar coat sins with, and the moment one falls in this trap, Satan takes
complete control of his heart, and play with it like a young boy who
plays with a ball. The end is always a fatal loss.
Fourth: Don't let the internet consume your effort and time for no
value. That happens when you navigate between the various sites and
online groups for long hours. You waste your precious lifetime hours.
That time that you should devote for people like your family, parents,
children and relatives, or for your job where you earn the living for
you and your dependants.
Fifth: Visit the Islamic Sites frequently. Visit the useful sites that
add to your useful information, and widens up your scales of knowledge.
Stay away from the sites that promote corruption to Belief or Morals,
those groups that seek the spread of Fitnah or controversy, even if this
is over religious issues. Bad controversy is of no avail. Don't
interfere in conversations with the enemies of Islam unless you have the
necessary knowledge and power that enables you to handle this task. And
if not, ask a scholar to handle it instead.
Sixth: Take caution against the chatting sites. They are traps for males
and females to drag them into a prohibited relationship, which often
starts by an innocent introduction and end up in mere pain and causes
damage to life and faith.
Seventh: Its either you control or you get controlled by the trap of the
internet. If you put it under your control, you take its benefit and
shed away its harm. Hence Internet becomes a gift from Allah for your
welfare. And if you fall under its control, it blurs your eyes with its
glittering charm and temporary pleasures, steals your money, time, life
and the duties your have towards your family and beloved ones. You
become the prey without being aware of it. Save yourself from this trap
before you are lost, and before it is too late.

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Pengirim: "Nazar Mohd Nong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

H-Net* FW: [sangkancil] IA: CIA complicit on September 11? (fwd)

2002-02-05 Terurut Topik Nazar Mohd Nong
PALAST: State wanted to keep the pro-American Saudi royal family in
control of the world's biggest oil spigot, even at the price of turning
a blind eye to any terrorist connection so long as America was safe. In
recent years, CIA operatives had other reasons for not exposing
Saudi-backed suspects.
TRENTO: If you recruited somebody who is a member of a terrorist
organisation, who happens to make his way here to the US, and even
though you're not in touch with that person anymore but you have used
him in the past, it would be unseemly if he were arrested by the FBI and
word got back that he'd once been on the payroll of the CIA. What we're
talking about is blow-back. What we're talking about is embarrassing,
career-destroying blow-back for intelligence officials.
PALAST: Does the Bush family also have to worry about political
blow-back? The younger Bush made his first million 20 years ago with an
oil company partly funded by Salem Bin Laden's chief US representative.
Young George also received fees as director of a subsidiary of Carlyle
Corporation, a little known private company which has, in just a few
years of its founding, become one of Americas biggest defence
contractors. His father, Bush Senior, is also a paid advisor. And what
became embarrassing was the revelation that the Bin Ladens held a stake
in Carlyle, sold just after September 11.
ELSNER: You have a key relationship between the Saudis and the former
President of the US who happens to be the father of the current
President of the US. And you have all sorts of questions about where
does policy begin and where does good business and good profits for the
company, Carlyle, end?
PALAST: I received a phone call from a high-placed member of a US
intelligence agency. He tells me that while there's always been
constraints on investigating Saudis, under George Bush it's gotten much
worse. After the elections, the agencies were told to "back off"
investigating the Bin Ladens and Saudi royals, and that angered agents.
I'm told that since September 11th the policy has been reversed. FBI
headquarters told us they could not comment on our findings. A spokesman
said: "There are lots of things that only the intelligence community
knows and that no-one else ought to know.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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H-Net* FW: [sangkancil] FW: Never Mind Osama, Let's Conquer The World Instead (fwd)

2002-02-05 Terurut Topik Nazar Mohd Nong
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