H-Net* Free SMS

2001-12-13 Thread zue8
Hi,  Check out this web site for sending FREE text messages (SMS) to mobile phones.  	Just click on this link (or paste the text below in your browser address field):  http://www.sms.ac/invitation.asp?invite=200112136012645To make it easy, I've created an address book for you and put myself in it, and have put you in my own address book.   Send me an SMS text message when you're done!   Lonco KondezaWhat is SMS?   SMS (Short Message Service) is a text message that's received on your mobile phone.   Did you know?   SMS is already bigger than email and instant messenger - 20 Billion SMS messages are sent each month. Free SMS is available by visiting 	www.sms.ac (not dot-com). Some other things you can do at www.sms.ac:   SMS Flirting: See pictures of members of the opposite Sex in your area, thensend messages to them instantly!  Your   Profile: Show   others who you are and what you like -- great way to meet new people!  Who's   Active Now: Sort through a list of everyone who is on the mobile network RIGHT NOW,   then send them a private SMS message - instantly!  SMS Clubs:  Join   or create a club, and meet other people who share your interests and passions. One message goes to everyone's phones!   

H-Net* Peluang untuk mendapat lebih dari RM5000 dalam masa 72 jam sahaja.

2002-09-19 Thread zue8
Peluang untuk mendapat lebih dari RM5000 dalam masa 72 jam sahaja.
Klik sini untuk keterangan lanjut : 

H-Net* Dapatkan Proton Wira 1.5 dengan hanya RM2.00 ..

2002-09-19 Thread zue8
Dapatkan Proton Wira 1.5 dengan hanya RM2.00 ..
Klik sini untuk keterangan lanjut : 