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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Beyond Year 2000: Crime @ Internet Speed, Article 6
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 00:46:17 -0500
From: "Year2000.com" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Year2000 Announcements" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

                        BEYOND YEAR 2000
                   the e-mail newsletter of
       Year2000.com: The Gateway to the Third Millennium
                        June 21, 2000
                       by Jon Huntress
                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]


In this edition:

       Economic Crime Moving @ Internet Speed Conference Review,
         Article 6,  Who ARE those guys?
       Q & A with Jon Huntress
       Where Cliff is Speaking
       EURO2002 Discussion List
       How to change your subscription e-mail address

It is likely you are receiving this e-mail because you subscribed
to the "Beyond Year 2000" newsletter.

If someone has forwarded this newsletter to you and you wish to
subscribe, we invite you to do so at http://www.year2000.com/.
To unsubscribe, see instructions at the very end.

***** Economic Crime Moving @ Internet Speed Conference Review

Who ARE those guys? It's the Postal Inspectors!
Presentation by Bob Kuykendall with the Post Office

Bob began his presentation by pointing out it was the Postal
Service who nailed both Butch Cassidy and Jim Baker.  They
were both charged under an old 1872 law that is just as good
today as when it was passed over a century ago.  The old law
was the first consumer protection legislation passed and was
created so local constables could prosecute people who were
outside their area for committing fraud using the mails.  In
those days the fraud problems using the mails were phony
gold mine and jewelry swindles, investment rackets and
medical quackery.  The same thing is happening today on the
Internet, and the issues are basically the same.  Almost all
of the scams on the net at some point use the mail, so the
post office is the natural agency to use for detection and
prosecution.  Fraud has become much easier today.  Instead of
some poor scam artist sitting at home, licking the stamps on
2000 envelopes telling people how they can get rich by
stuffing envelopes, he can now send the same message to a
twenty million people just by hitting "enter".   The Post
Office is also dealing with a lot of fraud against
businesses.  This usually involves fraudulent use of credit
cards and identity theft.  The calls reporting fraud come
from all over, but often right out of the local post office.
A postman will report that he is delivering packages to an
address and the names on the packages are not the person who
lives in the house.  The postal inspectors ask them to call
when there is another box to deliver.  The inspectors
deliver the next box, and make the arrest when he signs for
the package.  They also get calls from businesses such as
Victoria's Secret when they are sending multiple packages to
an address different from the credit card address. With
Internet fraud, the Postal Service is almost always involved
somewhere along the way.  Bob said the postal inspectors
actually have an easier time compared to the FBI and other
law enforcement agencies.  They just show up when the goods
or the money is delivered and make an arrest. 

He related one case where the losses amounted to about $3,200
for non-delivery of items bought on eBay.  His office told
him not to waste too much time on an investigation for such
a small amount of money.  First Bob e-mailed  the victims and
asked them to e-mail him their sworn victim statements. 
Then with the help of eBay, he found the origin of the scam
was a school computer,  which meant juveniles were involved. 
He got hold of the school and found out who they were, then
called their parents at work and told them there was a
problem with their kids.  Then he called the kids who were
crying in the Principal's office and told them to e-mail
him their sworn statements.  Then he e-mailed the victim
statements and the kid's statements to the judge in their
town.  The judge later e-mailed him that the kids came in with
their parents and would  make full restitution.  Bob handled
the entire case in no time and never got out of his chair even
though e-mail statements and confessions don't carry any legal
weight yet.

          ********** Sponsor's Message ***********

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       ********** End of Sponsor's Message ***********

Conference coverage from Jon Huntress continues...

There is a web site just for this kind of thing. It is
called Consumer Sentinel, created by the Federal Trade
Commission and it is available to any law enforcement
agency. http://www.ftc.gov/sentinel is an Internet-based
investigative cybertool and database.  Bob is the manager
for this new site.  They are receiving 6200 complaints a week
now.  The Better Business Bureau, the National Consumer
League, eBay and retailers are contributing data but cannot
access the site.  Law enforcement people can search the
information any way they want, breaking down complaints by
state, product, company,  individual, or type of scheme.
Before now the complaints could go to the police, FBI, BBB,
FTC, SEC or a number of other places where they can't be
data mined for commonalties.  If the police get a complaint,
they can post an auto-query against a business or
an address, which will search the database everyday and
return the results when they show up.  There is also an
"alert" function which will tell a person searching on a name
if someone else is looking also. The alert on the screen
says, "Attention!  Law Enforcement interest exists."  Click
on that and something like,  "Address is under investigation
by officer in Oshkosh, WI"  is flashed on their screen along
with an e-mail address and phone number.    Right now the
database has over 200,000 complaints.

Police don't like to waste time on a fraud case where a
consumer loses a small sum of money, say one hundred
dollars.  But by checking on the fraud he can see if there
are any other complaints anywhere else in the nation, and if
there are, they can call in the Postal Inspectors to take
over the case.

The Post Office has been working with identity theft for
years.  Bob asked that the cameras in the back of the room
be turned off while he put a web site up on the screen where
you could get very real looking fake IDs.  On these sites,
you type in the state you want and the type of ID, and you
get a template for that ID.  There is always a disclaimer
that says, "For novelty purposes only!"  ( wink wink, nudge
nudge!)  Just fill in the information and using the Paint
software on your computer, grab the image and make your new
ID!  Bob related he had to give a talk on identity theft
so he went to the Postal Service's IG web site.  On the site
was a picture of the new ID for all postal employees.
800,000 of them could access this site.  Bob clicked and
dragged and made himself a special agent for the Postal
Service IG.  Then he looked at his own ID and saw that the
background was little squares, which makes it easy to cut
and paste, and made himself the Chief Postal Inspector! 
There is a communication area on the fake ID site and if you
have any trouble there are lots of 17 year old kids who will
walk you through it,  and even offer to trade you a Montana
driver's license if you have one from Iowa.

This is the biggest problem the Postal Service is dealing
with now, because when the person comes to pick up the pick
up the fraudulently obtained package or money, he will often
have all the fake identification to show he is entitled to

There are other sites that can give you valid credit card
numbers.  You give them one valid credit card number, and by
using credit card number algorithms, the computer encrypted
mathematical formulas that create the numbers in the first
place, the site will give you back 50 numbers that may be
correct.  Testing them is easy.  Just pull up a porn site or
call a sex line and give them the number.  If it isn't valid,
you will be told in two or three minutes.  Bob pointed out
that this is a win-win situation for fraudsters because they
get to listen or watch X rated sites while they find out if
they have a winning number.  At the fake ID web sites they
also have information on how to change your name, create a
new ID for yourself and disappear.

The Postal Service has trained 1300 people specifically in
Internet investigations and are training more every year.
They also have an e-commerce team that will go after hacking
on the Postal Service web sites.  There is a postal
inspector in every area of the country and these people can
be called in on any case.  They are expecting an explosive
growth of crime as the fraudsters become more computer-savvy
and the technology gets easier.  In the old days, people
tended to believe the scams because they were shown
impressive documents and newspaper articles.  There was a
higher level of belief in the press then.  Now many people
have that same faith in computers, with even less
justification. With so many people making so many millions
on the Internet today, there is a general feeling that
almost anyone can make big money.  Some will, but most
won't.  If you believe even one of the unsolicited e-mail
messages you are receiving, keep the phone number of your
local postal inspector handy.  You are probably going to
need it.

Jon Huntress
Beyond Year 2000


Did you find this article of value?  If so, please consider
forwarding this newsletter issue to someone else you think
might be interested, so they can become a subscriber too!

          ********** Sponsor's Message ***********

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       ********** End of Sponsor's Message ***********

********** Q & A with Jon Huntress

Have a question about the above article?  Send it to Jon
at [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Here are some of the recent e-mails
received along with answers:


  Enjoying your security write ups! In case you're not aware,
  there is a very good (free) personal firewall available at

  It's called ZoneAlarm. I installed it, and now can see the
  computer's ports being probed.

  Just in case you want to let people know.....




  Thank you very much for the information. I
  will put it in the next newsletter.




  Hi There,

  I was very much worried about hacking before but now -- well! How can
  tell if/or when it has happened to you?




  The biggest risk a single user faces is a virus that will damage your
  files. Hackers can hack you but probably won't until you get
  high speed Internet access. That way they can use your computer
  for themselves and not get caught. When you get high speed access,
  get a firewall to protect yourself.



Hi again Jon,

  Maybe "crackers" should be divided into two categories, those who do
  it for money or other gain at others' expense, and those who just want
  to do damage, for political, personal or other reasons, without
  expecting personal gain.

  I see "hacker" as derived from "hack", one who is experienced at
  manipulating the system to get things done, without a lot of respect
  for conventional rules or laws.




  Actually "hacker" is a term from the industry and it originally meant
  a programmer who wrote "quick and dirty" code.  All programmers do
  this at times, so they can all be called hackers.  And the reason
  is given in your definition, to get things done.


********** Where Cliff is Speaking

Part of the new Year2000.com site that we will launch soon
will be a Speakers Bureau containing information on
individuals that speak on issues related to topics such
as Internet marketing, eCommerce, and Technology and Change.
This Speakers Bureau will serve as a resource for organizations
looking for speakers.  (If you want to list as a member of
the Speakers Bureau, contact us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] for

In this newsletter, we will include links to upcoming public
speaking engagements for some of the speakers listed in the
Speakers Bureau, so that you can attend their presentations if
you are interested.  Here are some upcoming speaking engagements
that are being given by Year2000.com publisher Cliff Kurtzman:

June 27-29, Boston, Massachusetts
Capitalizing on Email and Viral Marketing
DCI Customer Relationship Management Conference & Exposition

August 17, New York, New York
Benefits, challenges, and pitfalls of Internet marketing for
YEO University

August 29-31, New York, New York
Capitalizing on Email and Viral Marketing
DCI Customer Relationship Management Conference & Exposition

Cliff always looks forward to a chance to meet readers of this
newsletter when he is out speaking. We hope you have a chance
to attend his session at one of these events and stop by to
say hello!

********** EURO2002 Discussion List

Many are predicting that the European conversion to a
unified currency over the period of 1999 to 2002 will
create an even larger software challenge than the Year
2000 conversion. To create a forum to discuss
Euro-related issues and events, as well as issues related
to electronic commerce in Europe, Tenagra runs the
Euro discussion list. You can sign up at:



The Year 2000 Information Center

This newsletter is a service of the Year 2000 Information
Center, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Tenagra

In Houston, Texas, USA:

        Cliff Kurtzman ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
           -- Year2000.com Publisher
        Jon Huntress ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
           -- Beyond Year 2000 Newsletter Producer
        Carol Gerard ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
           -- Year2000.com Sponsorship Coordinator

The Tenagra Corporation is an Internet marketing agency
that helps organizations build successful online ventures.
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by ChannelSeven, Tenagra is fortunate to be routinely
involved in many more of the most interesting happenings
and developments in the online world. Tenagra publishes
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