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Articles : Work Styles

For Homer Simpson of The Simpsons, and for a lot of real world people as
well, work is a four-letter word. It's a kind of dungeon you go to each day,
a place where you exchange captivity and boredom for the money you need to
feed your family, keep the car running and pay the rent. Real life is when
you're not at work. Even if things are not quite that bad for you, the truth
is there is often a degree of disconnect between life and work for all of
us. It shouldn't be that way. Work should, and can, be an extension of your
life, part of your life, not something you do for part of the day, and then
escape to a better reality. If you've got your life together, work is a joy,
not a pain, and work and life are joined in an artful dance.

You have to start with a job that feels right and remember that no job is
perfect. After that it's up to you to make the most of it. Bloom where
you're planted. Start by appreciating everything. Be thankful for your
skills and talents. Be grateful for having a job and the income it provides.
Sing the praises of your friends and co-workers. Nothing changes your
attitude faster than a dose of appreciation and gratitude. Suddenly the same
surroundings that looked boring to you yesterday, will look exciting to you

The more aware you are, the more interesting work becomes and the more
appreciative you will be. It's an endless loop that keeps getting better.
The best kept secret in the universe is that the more you are thankful, the
more you will have to be thankful for. Even if you're stuck in a job you
hate, start looking at the good side and find something about it you like,
no matter how small. Appreciate the paper clips if you have to. Because that
act of gratitude is your salvation. It's your Get Out of Jail card for the
mind prison you've put yourself in. Once you start vibrating at the level of
gratitude and happiness, doors start opening for you, and life and work get
better. In fact, life and work come together. The fence you've erected
between them goes down, and life becomes a seamless dance between the work
that is now play and the play that is more fun than ever. Make your job a
day at the beach and you won't have trouble getting up in the morning. Start

Also, start to think about work styles, your own and others. Work styles
differ. Usually there's no one right way to do a task. Thinking there's only
one way to do something-your way or somebody else's-can be the start of a
lot of workplace disharmony. You don't often think of work styles as a field
of study but it can be. There are as many ways of working as there are
people. Becoming aware of differing work styles opens the door to greater
acceptance, cooperation and teamwork. It also makes the workplace more
interesting and unstructured and gives others the opportunity to shine and
be fulfilled. Awareness and acceptance of differences makes the workplace
hum with new vitality.

Be the silent observer for awhile. Notice how you work. Do you put up
post-its or write everything on a pad? Do you keep neat and organized
computer files or are your document files a Windows wilderness? Is
everything stacked in neat piles on your desk or put away in folders? And do
you push for an immediate solution, or take a break and wait for the answer
to come? Do you get feedback about a problem and then make a decision or do
you take a walk first? There's no right answer to these questions. That's
the beauty of our world. Like a kaleidoscope, the combinations and
permutations are endless. It makes working with others an adventure.

Understanding your own and others' work styles and allowing them to flow
together and complement each other are what make beautiful patterns in the
work place. Sometimes, when musicians play, a rare moment occurs. They are
playing along when suddenly they start communicating and the experience
moves to another level. In tune with each other and some higher riff, they
get in a groove and create the most beautiful music. As Jim Morrison of The
Doors expressed it, they "break on through to the other side."

Something like this can happen in the work place. You can break on through
to a new level of energy, productivity and enjoyment by recognizing and
honouring differing work styles and making the most of them. Hard to
believe, we know, but unless you're continually filled with wonder and
appreciation for your work, you're not getting life right.

Our feature this month helps you get it right by learning about varying work
styles including your own. It may be you've gotten in a rut and could use a
little feng shui for your work style. Try this exercise on the way to work,
or in the shower before you leave. Say to yourself-make it your intent-that
you are going to be exceptionally aware and focused and energetic at work
today. Tell yourself you love your job. At work, ask yourself "What can I
do, right now, to help this company move forward?" "What can I do a little
better?" You'll be surprised at the improved job performance and increased
satisfaction this will bring. Suddenly your work will have a halo around it.

With regard to the work styles of others, keep an open and accepting mind.
Every interaction with another is an opportunity for appreciation and
praise. When someone does something in a different way, there is the danger
of negative reaction, of complaint or criticism, or a feeling of
superiority. Even the urge to gossip. Don't go there. Be an instrument of
change and awareness instead. Be a person of the twenty-first century
aligned with your inner strength and awareness. Instead of judging another's
work style, learn from it.

Time management is another important work place issue. Often we don't make
the best use of our time. The truth is you can't manage time, you can only
manage yourself. So make a resolution to manage yourself better. Say to
yourself "How can I best use my time right now and for the rest of the day?"
The answer will come. Often it is helpful to segment the day. What do you
want to accomplish while you're still at home, in the car, during the first
hour of work, and so on? If you have clear intent, managing your time
becomes easier. If you don't, you lose focus and time gets away from you. It
is essential to identify what robs you of time. Make a list and slowly
eliminate the worst offenders from your day. For more help, search the
Internet for time management (being careful not to waste time) and you'll
find more time management tips than you have time for.

Diverse work styles create a matrix in which good things can happen in the
workplace. So let differences flourish. Give yourself and others permission
to work the way they work best. Learn to regard work as an opportunity to
learn about yourself and others. Remember to express your gratitude for all
the benefits that work has given you. Make a contract with yourself and your
co-workers to be the best that you can be. And when you resolve to be more
focused, raise your sights and throw in courageous, brilliant and visionary
for good measure.

© 2001 Institute for Transformation LLC. All rights reserved.

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