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Asal-usul Hari Valentine- petikan dari sumber mereka (Strive to History).

Secara ringkas- 2 orang Kristian dibunuh oleh pihak Roman kerana 
mengahwinkan askar-askar bilamana pihak Roman lebih suka mereka tidak
berkahwin. Justeru, Hari Valentine diadakan sempena menghormati 2 orang
Kristian tersebut yang dianggap 'mati syahid' oleh orang Kristian.

Kerajaan Saudi telah mengharamkan sambutan Hari Valentine.


> > > From:     Strive.To History[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > > Sent:     Thursday, February 14, 2002 5:01 PM
> > > Subject:  Strive.To History Daily - February 14, 2002
> > >
> > >         * Strive.To Know Your History Daily *
> > >
> > > =======================================================
> > >
> > > Your history lesson for the day:
> > >
> > >
> > >   A least two Christians with the name Valentine were martyred --
> > > i.e., killed -- on this date. One, a priest, was beaten and beheaded
> > > in 269 A.D., supposedly for performing secret wedding ceremonies for
> > > soldiers at a time when Roman authorities thought it best that
> > > soldiers remain unmarried. Another Valentine, the Bishop of Terni,
> > > was said to have had his head chopped off also on the date but
> > > possibly in a later year. So how do we celebrate these martyrdoms
> > > today? With cards, flowers, candy and so forth. Actually, early
> > > church officials may've chosen Feb. 14 as a celebration of Christian
> > > martyrs as a diversion from the pagan observance of Lupercalia. They
> > > didn't like us having fun, eh?
> > >   -0-
> > >
> > > =======================================================
> > > Portions Copyright (c) 2000 Strive To, L.L.C.
> > > Strive To is a trademark of Strive To, L.L.C.
> > >


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