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Ini adalah sampel seruan dakwah kepada orang-orang yang
ingin mengenal Islam. Serulah mereka ke jalan benar untuk
mengenal and mentauhidkan Allah. Emel ini adalas salah satu
dalam siri perdebatan saya dengan orang bukan Islam di
forum Muslim-Christian Debate (MCD).


           What to write about.
           Mon, 17 Jul 2000 02:36:37 +0300
           Tiger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
           mcd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>I was an atheist for many years, and there is no truth in atheism.  
>I have one fault to begin with.  I do not write a short message.  
>Maybe I can improve.  Praise God.

I am no better than you. I write in bad English and I sometimes
wonder if people are able to understand what I write. I was an
atheist too, years back. My atheistic belief ended when I read
the Quran. The first time I viewed God as though he was like
a super magician. He could be wearing expensive and colorful
clothes, having long beard and could disappear at will. I thought
his home is in heavan, sitting on a throne and looking at the
all the humans on earth.

Ah yes, this will be long. Then later I wondered if God was hearing
what I was talking about. Since he could be sitting somewhere
in heaven, then he must have many special abilities that makes
him a supernatural being. Soon I discovered than I had been
erring and I misunderstood God. I then learned that God's existence
is His essence. He is way beyond what we can imagine what he is
like. He is far very different from us. His essence is not made
of anything we know, not even of anything we don't know yet.
Since his essence is his existence, He gives us our existence
now. He could say a "word" ..be ..that it become.

God ..what is his color? He is not white, not black, not yellow
and his essence has no color. His essence is not anything than
he sometimes changes form so that he can flow, be solidified,
be confined at a place..no, nothing like that at all.

His essence is not composed of anything being simple or complex.
All we can say is ..his essence is his existence. Nothing at
all can describe what he is. His essence is such that he has no
need to transform into anything. He is what he is. He  never
is a human or just anything resembling his own creations.
He need not choose what to become. If he is Omnipotent, then
he can choose to be whatever he wishes?? NO, he need not choose
to be anything apart from him. This is because its his own
perfection that he will never contradict himself by becoming
any of his creation. The perfect God will not contradict himself.

If you ask a simple question ..if God is so powerful, can he
make a rock in such a way that even he himself cannot lift it??
In Islam we don't give an answer that God can or will make
such a rock. We say that God being a perfect being will not do
anything that will contradict his perfection. If God create such
a rock so heavy that even he himself cannot carry it, we are
then imagining that he has a "weakness", that for God is impossible.

The same as we Muslims say that the true God can never ever die
for any moment. He is God, the Ever-Living. If he could die just
for a small fraction of a second, then he cannot be God. That's
why we Muslims will always glorify God. We cannot think that God
once became a human and died (on the cross). That's plain silliness
and a heinous blasphemy.

That's more to say about God. He has created us humans endowed
with a capacity to know. The greatest kind knowledge that
we should seek is to know God. Start a journey toward knowing
God. That's what Islam all about. Seek God and you will find
him. Sometimes by God's grace, he will give you some clues.
Why seek God? Its because God himself is the unknown and the
unseen. He is like a hidden treasure. Once you know Him, then
its the beginning of joyous journey. Your heart feels the pangs
that you have found your true love. His mysterious being is
what makes him special. If you looking for someone special,
then let it be God.

Each time when you wake up from your sleep, your soul remembers
God. You don't see him, but your heart yearns to be with Him.
You cannot yet reach Him, that you'll have to wait until a
time you enter Paradise. Then you'll have a chance to look
at Him. He'll give you the ability to see what he is like. Even
when you see God, you cannot describe what he is like. You
know what you see, but you cannot say in words what he is. We
will see God, and we cannot tell what he is. You cannot say
what he is, I myself cannot describe what he is. That's what God
is all about. He him as he is. He is NOT a thing. He is a Being,
an essence of existence. He is not situated anywhere in space.
No left, no right, no above, no below, no nearness, no depth,
no length, no shortness ...NOTHING at all we can compare with.

I hope you will start your journey toward God. Don't be silly
starting to imagine him to be like a "humanoid". That's 
blasphemy. God is not like anything that you like to imagine.
Let your own imagination frees you. Think of God as God. Let
him be in your heart. As I was saying, God should not be in
your mind. Your limited imagination can fool you.

A little bit more. GOD IS NOT EVEN YOUR IMAGINATION. He is
not what you create him in your mind. It is not how big or
how small he is, it is his existence is what he is. 

Good luck! May you find the true God, your Creator.

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Pengirim: Tiger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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