Re: H-Net* Berita Sedih: Afta delay lagi

2001-10-03 Terurut Topik hadi hadad

 {  Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net - }
 {Hantarkan mesej anda ke:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] }
 {Iklan barangan? Hantarkan ke [EMAIL PROTECTED] }
kalau 2005 tak jadi, rasa2nya th 2010 pula lagi tak
jadi. Jadi kalau dah tak ada duit, berentilah pasang
angan-angan nak pakai kereta, sebab ekonomi kapitalis
makin hari makin parah. Ekonomi Amerika mungkin akan
jadi macam ekonomi Rusia sekarang dalam 10 tahun lagi.

seorang ulamak terkenal Saudi, peperangan terakhir
antara ikatan Zionist Nasara dengan Islam telah pun
bermula sekarang ini dan kemuncaknya adalah sekitar th
2012 dimana pada puncak peperangan ini, tentera2
mujahidin akan mara dari daerah Khurasan menuju ke
arah kota Mekah. Di tanah Palestine, akan berlaku
penyembelihan terbesar bangsa Yahudi di mana 2/3 dari
mereka akan terhapus; menurut hadith, batu dan pokok
pun tidak akan memihak kepada yahudi. Inilah yang
disebut2 dalam bible orang kristian dan Old Testament
sebagai ARMAGEDDON - satu perang paling besar sebelum
turunnya nabi Isa AS.

Pendeknya, peramalan tentang Armageddon ini bukan
hanya war-war belaka, tetapi telah di sependapat dalam
kitab Perjanjian baru dan lama, dan dalam hadith2
kitab Bukhari Muslim sendiri.

allah u a'lam.

 --- Harun Aminurrashid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
wrote: > 

> kepada yg simpan angan-angan nak pakai kereta import
> pada 2005 tu terpaksalah telah air liur lagi
> Relook At AFTA, Says Dr Mahathir 
> KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 2 (Bernama) -- Prime Minister
> Datuk
> Seri Dr Mahathir Mohammad says the Asean Free Trade
> Area (Afta) should be relooked as some member
> countries may not be able to afford letting in
> competitive products from neigbouring countries. 
> He said member countries should look at it with an
> open mind whereby the implementation date for the
> opening up markets for certain sectors should be put
> off. 
> "Some countries may not be able to afford letting in
> competitive products from neighbouring Asean
> countries," he said in an interview with four Asean
> journalists on the "In Conversation" programme aired
> over TV3 tonight. 
> During the programme, Dr Mahathir fielded a range of
> questions about Asean, including those touching on
> economic, political, security and international
> spheres. 
> The prime minister suggested that Asean countries
> should not bind themselves to an agreement "until we
> become totally helpless having to obey the words on
> the piece of paper knowing very well it is going to
> harm us." 
> "So let us be open minded about this," he added. 
> In some cases, he said Malaysia has suggested that
> Afta's single regional market, which was expected to
> come onstream in 2003, be put off for certain
> sectors,
> such as the automotive industry. 
> He said ASEAN had decided that if a car has only 40
> percent local content it qualified as a non-national
> product and therefore, could enter any other ASEAN
> market. 
> But in Malaysia's case, Dr Mahathir said the
> national
> car has 90 percent local content and therefore "we
> would like to have some protection for ourselves." 
> Malaysia's automotive industry is relatively small,
> producing 300,000 units per year, which makes it
> difficult for the country to compete with large
> motor
> companies easily producing 10 milion cars a year. 
> This situation is made even more acute with motor
> giants from America, Europe and Japan amalgamating
> their operations to create even bigger giants which
> are able to reap economies of scale to the detriment
> of the domestic automotive industry. 
> Dr Mahathir also said that globalisation should be
> re-defined so that poor countries were protected. 
> During the 1997 financial crisis, he said portfolio
> investors pulled their capital out from regional
> economies which amounted to "pulling the carpet from
> under their feet and you just go down (with a)
> bang." 
> "We were economic tigers before (but) now, we are
> not
> even cats," he said. 
> Asked on the opening of markets and how
> globalisation
> would benefit Asean, Dr Mahathir said "we will have
> to
> have some regulations but they (developed countries)
> are proposing total deregulation" by claiming that
> markets would govern themselves and discipline
> governments. 
> He also said developed countries contended that
> "markets are about making profits." 
> "They are not interested in social work, so we
> cannot
> have that, we have to regulate the market," he said
> in
> reference to the need on having regulations. 
> He said developing countries welcomed foreign
> investments, including capital investments, but
> developed countries should not be allowed to pull
> out.
> As such, he s

Re: H-Net* Berita Sedih: Afta delay lagi

2001-10-03 Terurut Topik MrChan

 {  Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net - }
 {Hantarkan mesej anda ke:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] }
 {Iklan barangan? Hantarkan ke [EMAIL PROTECTED] }
This is what I think. He is partly the reason why many tourists
are afraid of visiting Malaysia. He made newspapers headlines
that there are ACTUALLY MANY terrorists in Malaysia so convincingly 
that foreign countries would immediately imagine Malaysia is
a country infested with terrorists. Well, it seems that Malaysia 
is already out of control ...each day more and more suspected
would-be "terrorists" are detained under Internal Security Act.


azmi wrote:
>  *~*
>  {  Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net - }
>  {Hantarkan mesej anda ke:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] }
>  {Iklan barangan? Hantarkan ke [EMAIL PROTECTED] }
>  *~*
>  ~~~
> Assalamu'alaikum,
> Mahadey ni memang kaki pembelit.
> The developed countries are bailing out their airlines companies because
> they are badly-affected by the current economic crises caused by the Sept 11
> tragedy. Whereas MAS was affected by its mismanagement. And the government
> is buying back the shares at price higher that it's worth!!!
> e.g. BA executives willing to take a 50% cut from their salaries.did our
> MAS executives do so?
> I don't understand this old manhe chases foreigners out of this
> country, he accuses them of jealousy & practises double standards..& now
> he's complaining that they dont want to befriend him!!!
> Keep barking sir...Maybe somebody will notice you!!!
> Wassalam.
> ~The truth is out there~
> - Original Message -
> From: "Harun Aminurrashid" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Dr Mahathir said such double standards prevented
> > developing countries like Malaysia from gaining access
> > to markets in developed countries.
> > In elaborating other cases of double standards
> > practised by developed countries, he said Malaysia was
> > accused of bailing out companies when the government
> > came to the rescue of financially-troubled strategic
> > entities such as Malaysia Airlines, which was affected
> > by the global recession after the unprecedented
> > currency attacks in 1997.
> > But now, Dr Mahathir said these very same developed
> > countries, which had accused Malaysia before, were
> > spending billions of dollars to bail out their own
> > airline companies.
>  ( Melanggan ? To : [EMAIL PROTECTED]   pada body : SUBSCRIBE HIZB)
>  ( Berhenti ? To : [EMAIL PROTECTED]  pada body:  UNSUBSCRIBE HIZB)
>  ( Segala pendapat yang dikemukakan tidak menggambarkan )
>  ( pandangan rasmi & bukan tanggungjawab HIZBI-Net  )
>  ( Bermasalah? Sila hubungi [EMAIL PROTECTED])
> Pengirim: azmi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 ( Melanggan ? To : [EMAIL PROTECTED]   pada body : SUBSCRIBE HIZB)
 ( Berhenti ? To : [EMAIL PROTECTED]  pada body:  UNSUBSCRIBE HIZB)
 ( Segala pendapat yang dikemukakan tidak menggambarkan )
 ( pandangan rasmi & bukan tanggungjawab HIZBI-Net  )
 ( Bermasalah? Sila hubungi [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Pengirim: MrChan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: H-Net* Berita Sedih: Afta delay lagi

2001-10-03 Terurut Topik azmi

 {  Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net - }
 {Hantarkan mesej anda ke:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] }
 {Iklan barangan? Hantarkan ke [EMAIL PROTECTED] }

Mahadey ni memang kaki pembelit.

The developed countries are bailing out their airlines companies because
they are badly-affected by the current economic crises caused by the Sept 11
tragedy. Whereas MAS was affected by its mismanagement. And the government
is buying back the shares at price higher that it's worth!!!
e.g. BA executives willing to take a 50% cut from their salaries.did our
MAS executives do so?
I don't understand this old manhe chases foreigners out of this
country, he accuses them of jealousy & practises double standards..& now
he's complaining that they dont want to befriend him!!!
Keep barking sir...Maybe somebody will notice you!!!


~The truth is out there~

- Original Message -
From: "Harun Aminurrashid" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Dr Mahathir said such double standards prevented
> developing countries like Malaysia from gaining access
> to markets in developed countries.
> In elaborating other cases of double standards
> practised by developed countries, he said Malaysia was
> accused of bailing out companies when the government
> came to the rescue of financially-troubled strategic
> entities such as Malaysia Airlines, which was affected
> by the global recession after the unprecedented
> currency attacks in 1997.
> But now, Dr Mahathir said these very same developed
> countries, which had accused Malaysia before, were
> spending billions of dollars to bail out their own
> airline companies.

 ( Melanggan ? To : [EMAIL PROTECTED]   pada body : SUBSCRIBE HIZB)
 ( Berhenti ? To : [EMAIL PROTECTED]  pada body:  UNSUBSCRIBE HIZB)
 ( Segala pendapat yang dikemukakan tidak menggambarkan )
 ( pandangan rasmi & bukan tanggungjawab HIZBI-Net  )
 ( Bermasalah? Sila hubungi [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Pengirim: azmi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

H-Net* Berita Sedih: Afta delay lagi

2001-10-02 Terurut Topik Harun Aminurrashid

 {  Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net - }
 {Hantarkan mesej anda ke:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] }
 {Iklan barangan? Hantarkan ke [EMAIL PROTECTED] }
kepada yg simpan angan-angan nak pakai kereta import
pada 2005 tu terpaksalah telah air liur lagi

Relook At AFTA, Says Dr Mahathir 

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 2 (Bernama) -- Prime Minister Datuk
Seri Dr Mahathir Mohammad says the Asean Free Trade
Area (Afta) should be relooked as some member
countries may not be able to afford letting in
competitive products from neigbouring countries. 
He said member countries should look at it with an
open mind whereby the implementation date for the
opening up markets for certain sectors should be put
"Some countries may not be able to afford letting in
competitive products from neighbouring Asean
countries," he said in an interview with four Asean
journalists on the "In Conversation" programme aired
over TV3 tonight. 
During the programme, Dr Mahathir fielded a range of
questions about Asean, including those touching on
economic, political, security and international
The prime minister suggested that Asean countries
should not bind themselves to an agreement "until we
become totally helpless having to obey the words on
the piece of paper knowing very well it is going to
harm us." 
"So let us be open minded about this," he added. 
In some cases, he said Malaysia has suggested that
Afta's single regional market, which was expected to
come onstream in 2003, be put off for certain sectors,
such as the automotive industry. 
He said ASEAN had decided that if a car has only 40
percent local content it qualified as a non-national
product and therefore, could enter any other ASEAN
But in Malaysia's case, Dr Mahathir said the national
car has 90 percent local content and therefore "we
would like to have some protection for ourselves." 
Malaysia's automotive industry is relatively small,
producing 300,000 units per year, which makes it
difficult for the country to compete with large motor
companies easily producing 10 milion cars a year. 
This situation is made even more acute with motor
giants from America, Europe and Japan amalgamating
their operations to create even bigger giants which
are able to reap economies of scale to the detriment
of the domestic automotive industry. 
Dr Mahathir also said that globalisation should be
re-defined so that poor countries were protected. 
During the 1997 financial crisis, he said portfolio
investors pulled their capital out from regional
economies which amounted to "pulling the carpet from
under their feet and you just go down (with a) bang." 
"We were economic tigers before (but) now, we are not
even cats," he said. 
Asked on the opening of markets and how globalisation
would benefit Asean, Dr Mahathir said "we will have to
have some regulations but they (developed countries)
are proposing total deregulation" by claiming that
markets would govern themselves and discipline
He also said developed countries contended that
"markets are about making profits." 
"They are not interested in social work, so we cannot
have that, we have to regulate the market," he said in
reference to the need on having regulations. 
He said developing countries welcomed foreign
investments, including capital investments, but
developed countries should not be allowed to pull out.

As such, he said this was why there was a need for
some sort of procedures against a sudden pull out of
investment funds, a move which could prevent stock
markets from collapsing as was the case in 1997. 
"If there is such a procedure, Malaysia would not lose
out if they suddenly pull out. We should have
regulations commensurating with the stage of
development of developed countries," Dr Mahathir said.

On whether Malaysia haD instituted any "safety net"
measures to protect its markets, he said: 
"We are trying to hang on to our ability to control
our market. We are currently not totally open, but yet
we are one of the most open economies in the world
because our trade is 200 percent of our Gross Domestic
He said Malaysia's total trade amounted to US$200
billion a year. 
"We want the trade from these (developed) countries
but at the same time, we need certain protection in
certain areas," he added. 
Asked on the biggest obstacle for Malaysia, Dr
Mahathir pin-pointed the unfair trading practices by
developed countries where "they do not stick to a
sense of fair play in opening up markets." 
Saying that developed countries "don't speak the
truth," the prime minister cited how some European
countries had subsidised their inefficient farmers who
produced at higher costs in an effort to prevent
cheaper exports from penetrating th