Re: H-Net* Chechen armies again entered Vedeno

2001-08-28 Terurut Topik effendyblues skyjuice

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Alhamdulillah.takbir!!! ALLAHuakbar

kepada netters, ada tak sesiapa yang mempunyai CD yg
dirakamkan oleh pejuang2 Islam dalam jihad di chechnya
yang terbaru? Saya telahpun mempunyai satu cd
berkenaan yg bertajuk kalau tak silap Jihad di
Chechnya 2000. CD ini amat menarik untuk kita
pertontonkan kepada ahli keluarga, rakan taulan,
pejuang2 Islam kerana apa? Kerana selalunya kita
sebelum ini amat kerap dipertontonkan dengan tayangan2
yg menunjukkan bagaimana tentera2 kafir laknatullah
menunjukkan kemenangan mrk spt dalam berita2, filem
dan sebagainya.

selamat berjuang...

--- hadi hadad [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

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 Chechen armies again entered Vedeno 
 Latest attacks on aggressors in regional center of
 Vedeno, and fresh heavy losses inflicted on Russian.
 During night on Saturday of August 25, division of
 Chechen armies advanced to regional center of
 According to Chechen side, this settlement again
 under control of mujahideen. Correspondent of
 Kavkaz-Center contacted on phone with assistant of
 Amir of Supreme military Madzhlisul Shura, Amir
 Khattab. Chechen commander informed: «Our divisions
 rushed to Vedeno on Saturday night and at once
 attacked commandant's office of Russian armies in
 village. Other groups of ours attacked base of 66th
 regiment. Fight lasted till morning. I surely can
 claim, that commandant's office of Russian armies in
 Vedeno was completely destroyed. We have burnt it up
 completely. More than 20 kafirs have been destroyed.
 Many others were wounded. 
 At daybreak, additional force and ammunition were
 attempted to send to Vedeno. There were 48 units of
 military engineering. Mujahideen countered the
 near Vedeno and blocked it. During fight, more than
 units of military engineering were destroyed. It
 consisted of many armored vehicle BMP and armored
 troop-carriers. I can declare that 90-100 kafirs
 killed. Mujahideen arrested many national-traitors.
 Now they will be judged by Shariah court. You know,
 that because of treachery of these people, families
 many mujahideen were lost. Many houses of mujahideen
 were burnt. 
 According to decision of Shariah court, houses of
 national-traitors will also be burnt in the same
 In Vedeno on decision of court, have been burnt 12
 houses of traitors, whose crimes have been
 precisely. At the same time on Saturday in the
 afternoon at about 16:00 o’clock, Russian tried to
 pass to Vedeno from the side of Shali. But our
 mujahideen, under command of Abu-Valid, attacked on
 Three armored troop-carriers and one motor vehicle
 Ural were hit. Not less than 18 kafirs were killed.
 Later on Russians retreated towards Shali. The whole
 day long on Saturday, Russian bombed and fired
 at the area. Now our checkpoints have been set up on
 the main road of Vedensky gorge. There is no
 on part of Russians. They are still in their bases»,
 informed Amir Khattab. 
 In the meantime, according to Chechen command,
 divisions of mujahideen carried out a series of
 successful offensive operations and attacks against
 invaders in various areas of the country. Thus
 offensive groups of Islamic brigade of Rizvan
 attacked a motorcade of invaders in Shelkovsky
 district. As a result of attack, motor vehicle GAZ
 with 9 aggressors was destroyed. In Johar city,
 employees of FSB (Federal Security Service) from
 Chechens were shot dead. It is informed about
 destruction of so-called commandant of
 Urus-Martanovsky district, colonel Gadzhiyev, who
 known for his cruelty. 
 He was killed some days back near Gehi. However,
 Russian informed, that Gadzhiyev has left on leave.
 Commander of Islamic brigade «Jundullah», Amir Adam
 informed about destruction of armored vehicle BMD of
 commandoes of 45th regiment nearby to village
 As a result of undermining of armored vehicle, 6
 aggressors were destroyed. Fighters from among
 division of Amir Abu-Valid and 

H-Net* Chechen armies again entered Vedeno

2001-08-27 Terurut Topik hadi hadad

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Chechen armies again entered Vedeno 
Latest attacks on aggressors in regional center of
Vedeno, and fresh heavy losses inflicted on Russian.
During night on Saturday of August 25, division of
Chechen armies advanced to regional center of Vedeno.
According to Chechen side, this settlement again came
under control of mujahideen. Correspondent of
Kavkaz-Center contacted on phone with assistant of
Amir of Supreme military Madzhlisul Shura, Amir
Khattab. Chechen commander informed: «Our divisions
rushed to Vedeno on Saturday night and at once
attacked commandant's office of Russian armies in this
village. Other groups of ours attacked base of 66th
regiment. Fight lasted till morning. I surely can
claim, that commandant's office of Russian armies in
Vedeno was completely destroyed. We have burnt it up
completely. More than 20 kafirs have been destroyed.
Many others were wounded. 

At daybreak, additional force and ammunition were
attempted to send to Vedeno. There were 48 units of
military engineering. Mujahideen countered the convoy
near Vedeno and blocked it. During fight, more than 20
units of military engineering were destroyed. It
consisted of many armored vehicle BMP and armored
troop-carriers. I can declare that 90-100 kafirs were
killed. Mujahideen arrested many national-traitors.
Now they will be judged by Shariah court. You know,
that because of treachery of these people, families of
many mujahideen were lost. Many houses of mujahideen
were burnt. 

According to decision of Shariah court, houses of
national-traitors will also be burnt in the same way.
In Vedeno on decision of court, have been burnt 12
houses of traitors, whose crimes have been established
precisely. At the same time on Saturday in the
afternoon at about 16:00 o’clock, Russian tried to
pass to Vedeno from the side of Shali. But our
mujahideen, under command of Abu-Valid, attacked on

Three armored troop-carriers and one motor vehicle
Ural were hit. Not less than 18 kafirs were killed.
Later on Russians retreated towards Shali. The whole
day long on Saturday, Russian bombed and fired rockets
at the area. Now our checkpoints have been set up on
the main road of Vedensky gorge. There is no movement
on part of Russians. They are still in their bases», -
informed Amir Khattab. 

In the meantime, according to Chechen command, mobile
divisions of mujahideen carried out a series of
successful offensive operations and attacks against
invaders in various areas of the country. Thus
offensive groups of Islamic brigade of Rizvan Ahmadov
attacked a motorcade of invaders in Shelkovsky
district. As a result of attack, motor vehicle GAZ 66
with 9 aggressors was destroyed. In Johar city, three
employees of FSB (Federal Security Service) from among
Chechens were shot dead. It is informed about
destruction of so-called commandant of
Urus-Martanovsky district, colonel Gadzhiyev, who was
known for his cruelty. 

He was killed some days back near Gehi. However,
Russian informed, that Gadzhiyev has left on leave.
Commander of Islamic brigade «Jundullah», Amir Adam
informed about destruction of armored vehicle BMD of
commandoes of 45th regiment nearby to village Agishty.
As a result of undermining of armored vehicle, 6
aggressors were destroyed. Fighters from among special
division of Amir Abu-Valid and offensive group of
«Jihad» destroyed motor vehicle Ural and two armored
troop-carriers of invaders in Johar city. 

It is informed, that during attacks, 11 soldiers of
the opponent riding the vehicle were killed and not
less than 7 aggressors, who were in armored
troop-carriers. Chechen side reports about explosions
of armored vehicles in west of CRI. Divisions of
southwest direction of the Chechen armed forces
operate here. Destruction of armored vehicles near
Kulari, Shalaji and Gehi has been reported. In all
these incidents, heavy losses have been inflicted on
the invaders.

Bilal Eski, Kavkaz-Center 

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RE: H-Net* Chechen

2000-02-18 Terurut Topik safron 2,3-P-dioxin

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Walaupun kita marah sangat kat orang kafir nie, tak perlulah kita bunuh 
orang awan diorang pulak..manalah tahu kita terbunuh bakal calon saudara 
kita(revert muslims)..:)musuh kita ialah mereka yg mengangkat senjata dan 
membunuh saudara kita. Saya banyak kawan bukan islam dekat sini, ada yg 
lebih baik dari orang islam sendiri dari segi pergaulan dan moral. Ada 
sorang jew, revert ke islam beberapa bulan dulu..bapa dia dari israel dan 
ibu dia european jew..kalau kita pakai bunuh ajer orang2 yg kita anggap 
musuh..macamana islam nak berkembang. Bersabar ajer..dari buat benda2 tak 
berfaedah tuh..baik saudara kumpul duit ngan kawan2 lepas tuh transfer ke 
bank dekat arab emirate:)..alamat dia boleh ambil dekat ada article dlm bahasa inggeris dan 
melayu..walaupun main article dlm bahasa rusia)..itu ajer

ps:Sabar brother..sabar..jangan ikut nafsu..:)

mamat wrote:

tak tergamak aku baca artikal ni. aku ada baca itu patwa orang-orang alim 
di pakistan semasa muktamar bersama usamah serta pemimpin lashykar toiba, 
aljehad ,gamaat mesir dll. tak silap aku lebih 60 orang2 alim signed itu 
patwa. bunuh orang kapir amerika. tak lama kemudian patwa tu dipanjangkan - 
bunuh org britan.

kalo  ler org awam america dan britan bole dibunuh, orang rusiapun bole 
juga. dalilnya mereka org2 kapir bunuh org2 awam islam. orang awan mereka 
pun sokong itu gomen.

jadinya first target ialah embassay rusia yg terletak di jalan sultan 
ismail atau jalan ampang.

eh, ekau tau buat bom? paling simple pipe bom. ramuannya cume racun buluh 
(garam warna puteh) dicampur belerang kuning dan dicampur gam (tepung) ubi 
kayu. masukkan paip tertutup. letakkan sumbu. boleh guna sumbu bunga api 
lebihan raya cina dulu atau boleh guna ramuan tu sebagai sumbu. sebelum tu 
buat ler uji kaji dulu. pastikan betul2 mampat biar power lebih. hati2 
terbakar brader.

kalo nak besar lagi - baja campur gasolin. buatlah barang 1 ton. peledaknya 
TNT 1 kilo - pigi mintak dengan askar. mintakkan juga
detonator - tanamkan kat TNT tu. lepas tu bawaklah truck rempuh itu 
embassy. pup -world headlines...silap2 twin tower pung retak 1000.

--Original Message--
From: "safron 2,3-P-dioxin" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: February 17, 2000 10:57:50 PM GMT
Subject: H-Net* Chechen

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Pengirim: "safron 2,3-P-dioxin" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

H-Net* Chechen dan Yasser Aparat

2000-02-18 Terurut Topik HABIBUL

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assalamualaikum wrt.,
setelah membaca artikel dibawah..sayu jugak hati nie.saya
mengajak netters yang berugama islam mari sama-sama berdoa
kepada Allah dan buat sembahyang hajat agar semua pejuang-pejuang
mujahidin di Chechen, Kashmir, Aceh dan lain-lain lagi diberi
kemenangan ...

Mengenai Yasser Arafat...ada sesiapa tengok gambar Yasser Arafat
cium tangan Pope di Vatican? Itulah gambaran seorang yang
'desperate' mahukan kuasa.

-- Forwarded by HABIBUL/QA/MSMM on 02/18/2000
03:37 PM ---

"safron 2,3-P-dioxin" [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 02/18/2000 06:57:50

Subject:  H-Net* Chechen

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Thu, February 17th, 2000

Kavkaz-Tsentr reports:

More reports about mass atrocities and sadistic torture in the
concentration camp of Chernokozovo are being received.
Prisoners, having miraculously escaped from the concentration
camp, report
things no ordinary human brain can imagine. The guards, having
lost all
human nature, are committing satanic ritual murders of the
Ibragim Vakhayev from Urus-Martan, an eye-witness to the bestial
crimes of
the Kremlin regime, reports that raping of victims tortured to
death is a
common and regular practice in Chernokozovo.
The rape of the corpses is practiced in full view of other
prisoners. The
guards wear black masks. After these acts of necrophilia the
guards announce
to the prisoners who the next victim is going to be.
Ibragim Vakhayev confirms that he witnessed the murder of a
10-year- old boy
whose name hid doesn't know. The corpse was raped by five guards
with black
masks, cut to pieces afterwards and put into a plastic sack. The
general of the ChRI has made it known that special inquiries
about the mass
atrocities in the concentration camp of Chernokozovo are made.

After several unsuccessful efforts to move towards the River
Arzh-Akhk the
Russians are concentrating their forces around Elistanzhi and are
transporting more troops into the combat zone.
Since yesterday stabilized fighting has been taking place in this
Along with this, according to Chechen scouts, assault units of
the Russians
and heavy tanks are preparing for an attack on the Chechen
The Chechen mujahideen are applying the tactics of mobile defense
and are
attacking the enemy regularly. During the last 24 hours they did
this twice,
killing 60 Russians and destroying 2 armoured vehicles. No
reports on
Chechen casualties.

The Russians are moving towards the River Vashtar Valley in the
course of
regrouping and reinforcing their units at the entrance to the
Argun Valley.
North of the River Vashtar fighting has continued for three days.
units have occupied a commanding height and are shelling the bed
of the
river intensively.
Mobile special units of the mujahideen are attacking the Russians
uninterruptedly. Several advance units of the Chechen mujahideen
managed to
occupy one of the commanding heights.
According to the Chechen command the combat actions in this
region are
becoming fiercer every day.

Yesterday evening in the southern region of Chechnya a meeting of
commanders was held under the chairmanship of President
Vice-president Vakha Arsanov and all well-known commanders (among
Shamil Basayev) took part in it. Journalists were not able to
receive any
information on the subjects discussed during this meeting.

17hb FEB, 2000

Laporan Kavkaz-Tsentr:

Banyak laporan laporan diterima tentang pembunohan dan penyeksaan
ramai keatas tahanan tahanan Chechen dikhemah tahanan
peta diatas]. Beberapa tahanan tahanan yang berjaya melarikan
diri dari
khemah itu berkata kekejaman yang berlaku dikhemah tahanan itu
diluar dari
bayangan fikiran manusia. Pengawal pengawal Russia dikhemah itu
telah hilang
kemanusianya, melakukan korban manusia amalan Iblis. Menurut
saksi yang
melihat kejadian itu, Ibragim Vakha

RE: H-Net* Chechen

2000-02-18 Terurut Topik Zainol Zainuddin

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Ai yaa Mamat, grow up, please. Bincangla cara orang dewasa yang ada akal 
sikit, jangan le jadi kanak-kanak riang. Maaf.

From: ma  mat [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "safron 2,3-P-dioxin" [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: H-Net* Chechen
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2000 20:40:26 -0500 (EST)

  {  Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net - }
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tak tergamak aku baca artikal ni. aku ada baca itu patwa orang-orang alim 
di pakistan semasa muktamar bersama usamah serta pemimpin lashykar toiba, 
aljehad ,gamaat mesir dll. tak silap aku lebih 60 orang2 alim signed itu 
patwa. bunuh orang kapir amerika. tak lama kemudian patwa tu dipanjangkan - 
bunuh org britan.

kalo  ler org awam america dan britan bole dibunuh, orang rusiapun bole 
juga. dalilnya mereka org2 kapir bunuh org2 awam islam. orang awan mereka 
pun sokong itu gomen.

jadinya first target ialah embassay rusia yg terletak di jalan sultan 
ismail atau jalan ampang.

eh, ekau tau buat bom? paling simple pipe bom. ramuannya cume racun buluh 
(garam warna puteh) dicampur belerang kuning dan dicampur gam (tepung) ubi 
kayu. masukkan paip tertutup. letakkan sumbu. boleh guna sumbu bunga api 
lebihan raya cina dulu atau boleh guna ramuan tu sebagai sumbu. sebelum tu 
buat ler uji kaji dulu. pastikan betul2 mampat biar power lebih. hati2 
terbakar brader.

kalo nak besar lagi - baja campur gasolin. buatlah barang 1 ton. peledaknya 
TNT 1 kilo - pigi mintak dengan askar. mintakkan juga
detonator - tanamkan kat TNT tu. lepas tu bawaklah truck rempuh itu 
embassy. pup -world headlines...silap2 twin tower pung retak 1000.

--Original Message--
From: "safron 2,3-P-dioxin" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: February 17, 2000 10:57:50 PM GMT
Subject: H-Net* Chechen

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Thu, February 17th, 2000

Kavkaz-Tsentr reports:

More reports about mass atrocities and sadistic torture in the Russian
concentration camp of Chernokozovo are being received.
Prisoners, having miraculously escaped from the concentration camp, report
things no ordinary human brain can imagine. The guards, having lost all
human nature, are committing satanic ritual murders of the prisoners.
Ibragim Vakhayev from Urus-Martan, an eye-witness to the bestial crimes of
the Kremlin regime, reports that raping of victims tortured to death is a
common and regular practice in Chernokozovo.
The rape of the corpses is practiced in full view of other prisoners. The
guards wear black masks. After these acts of necrophilia the guards 
to the prisoners who the next victim is going to be.
Ibragim Vakhayev confirms that he witnessed the murder of a 10-year- old 
whose name hid doesn't know. The corpse was raped by five guards with black
masks, cut to pieces afterwards and put into a plastic sack. The Prosecutor
general of the ChRI has made it known that special inquiries about the mass
atrocities in the concentration camp of Chernokozovo are made.

After several unsuccessful efforts to move towards the River Arzh-Akhk the
Russians are concentrating their forces around Elistanzhi and are
transporting more troops into the combat zone.
Since yesterday stabilized fighting has been taking place in this region.
Along with this, according to Chechen scouts, assault units of the Russians
and heavy tanks are preparing for an attack on the Chechen positions.
The Chechen mujahideen are applying the tactics of mobile defense and are
attacking the enemy regularly. During the last 24 hours they did this 
killing 60 Russians and destroying 2 armoured vehicles. No reports on
Chechen casualties.

The Russians are moving towards the River Vashtar Valley in the course of
regrouping and reinforcing their units at the entrance to the Argun Valley.

H-Net* Chechen

2000-02-17 Terurut Topik safron 2,3-P-dioxin

 {  Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net - }
 {Hantarkan mesej anda ke:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] }
 {Iklan barangan? Hantarkan ke [EMAIL PROTECTED] }

Thu, February 17th, 2000

Kavkaz-Tsentr reports:

More reports about mass atrocities and sadistic torture in the Russian 
concentration camp of Chernokozovo are being received.
Prisoners, having miraculously escaped from the concentration camp, report 
things no ordinary human brain can imagine. The guards, having lost all 
human nature, are committing satanic ritual murders of the prisoners. 
Ibragim Vakhayev from Urus-Martan, an eye-witness to the bestial crimes of 
the Kremlin regime, reports that raping of victims tortured to death is a 
common and regular practice in Chernokozovo.
The rape of the corpses is practiced in full view of other prisoners. The 
guards wear black masks. After these acts of necrophilia the guards announce 
to the prisoners who the next victim is going to be.
Ibragim Vakhayev confirms that he witnessed the murder of a 10-year- old boy 
whose name hid doesn't know. The corpse was raped by five guards with black 
masks, cut to pieces afterwards and put into a plastic sack. The Prosecutor 
general of the ChRI has made it known that special inquiries about the mass 
atrocities in the concentration camp of Chernokozovo are made.

After several unsuccessful efforts to move towards the River Arzh-Akhk the 
Russians are concentrating their forces around Elistanzhi and are 
transporting more troops into the combat zone.
Since yesterday stabilized fighting has been taking place in this region. 
Along with this, according to Chechen scouts, assault units of the Russians 
and heavy tanks are preparing for an attack on the Chechen positions.
The Chechen mujahideen are applying the tactics of mobile defense and are 
attacking the enemy regularly. During the last 24 hours they did this twice, 
killing 60 Russians and destroying 2 armoured vehicles. No reports on 
Chechen casualties.

The Russians are moving towards the River Vashtar Valley in the course of 
regrouping and reinforcing their units at the entrance to the Argun Valley. 
North of the River Vashtar fighting has continued for three days. Russian 
units have occupied a commanding height and are shelling the bed of the 
river intensively.
Mobile special units of the mujahideen are attacking the Russians 
uninterruptedly. Several advance units of the Chechen mujahideen managed to 
occupy one of the commanding heights.
According to the Chechen command the combat actions in this region are 
becoming fiercer every day.

Yesterday evening in the southern region of Chechnya a meeting of Chechen 
commanders was held under the chairmanship of President Maskhadov. 
Vice-president Vakha Arsanov and all well-known commanders (among them 
Shamil Basayev) took part in it. Journalists were not able to receive any 
information on the subjects discussed during this meeting.

17hb FEB, 2000

Laporan Kavkaz-Tsentr:

Banyak laporan laporan diterima tentang pembunohan dan penyeksaan beramai 
ramai keatas tahanan tahanan Chechen dikhemah tahanan Chernokozovo[lihat 
peta diatas]. Beberapa tahanan tahanan yang berjaya melarikan diri dari 
khemah itu berkata kekejaman yang berlaku dikhemah tahanan itu diluar dari 
bayangan fikiran manusia. Pengawal pengawal Russia dikhemah itu telah hilang 
kemanusianya, melakukan korban manusia amalan Iblis. Menurut saksi yang 
melihat kejadian itu, Ibragim Vakhayev asal Urus-Martan[lihat peta], berkata 
yang para pengawal merogol tahanan tahanan sampai mati dan ianya telah 
menjadi kebiasaan bagi mereka yang diutus dikhemah tahanan Chernokozovo oleh 
regim Kremlin. Mereka yang serba bertopeng hitam melakukan rogol keatas 
bangkai bangkai tahanan didepan mata tahanan tahanan yang lain, dan menakut 
nakutkan para tahanan yang akan menjadi mangsa mereka lagi. Ibragim Vakhayev 
juga menyaksikan pembunohan seorang budak lelaki yang berusia kira kira 10 
tahun, mayatnya dicaboli oleh 5 pengawal pengawal tahanan bertopeng hitam 
dan mereka memotong motong mayat budak itu terus dimasukan kedalam guni 
plastik. Pendakwa raya pemerintah Chechnya sedang menubohkan pasukan 
penyelidikan hal kejadian pelanggaran hak asasi manusia dikhemah tahanan 

Tentera Russia kini menumpukan kekuatan mereka sekitar Elistanzhi [lihat 
peta] dengan menghantar banyak askar askar setelah mereka gagal beberapa 
kali untok mara kesungai Arzh-Akhk yang menjadi garis depan perang. 
Pertempuran diwilayah itu berlaku sejak kelmarin lagi, pasukan peninjau 
Chechen menyerang unit unit Russia dilengkapi dengan kereta kereta kebal 
yang sedang bersiapsedia untuk mara kekedudukan pasukan utama Chechen. 
Pasukan mujahidin 

H-Net* Chechen

2000-02-17 Terurut Topik safron 2,3-P-dioxin

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Thu, February 17th, 2000

Kavkaz-Tsentr reports:

More reports about mass atrocities and sadistic torture in the Russian 
concentration camp of Chernokozovo are being received.
Prisoners, having miraculously escaped from the concentration camp, report 
things no ordinary human brain can imagine. The guards, having lost all 
human nature, are committing satanic ritual murders of the prisoners. 
Ibragim Vakhayev from Urus-Martan, an eye-witness to the bestial crimes of 
the Kremlin regime, reports that raping of victims tortured to death is a 
common and regular practice in Chernokozovo.
The rape of the corpses is practiced in full view of other prisoners. The 
guards wear black masks. After these acts of necrophilia the guards announce 
to the prisoners who the next victim is going to be.
Ibragim Vakhayev confirms that he witnessed the murder of a 10-year- old boy 
whose name hid doesn't know. The corpse was raped by five guards with black 
masks, cut to pieces afterwards and put into a plastic sack. The Prosecutor 
general of the ChRI has made it known that special inquiries about the mass 
atrocities in the concentration camp of Chernokozovo are made.

After several unsuccessful efforts to move towards the River Arzh-Akhk the 
Russians are concentrating their forces around Elistanzhi and are 
transporting more troops into the combat zone.
Since yesterday stabilized fighting has been taking place in this region. 
Along with this, according to Chechen scouts, assault units of the Russians 
and heavy tanks are preparing for an attack on the Chechen positions.
The Chechen mujahideen are applying the tactics of mobile defense and are 
attacking the enemy regularly. During the last 24 hours they did this twice, 
killing 60 Russians and destroying 2 armoured vehicles. No reports on 
Chechen casualties.

The Russians are moving towards the River Vashtar Valley in the course of 
regrouping and reinforcing their units at the entrance to the Argun Valley. 
North of the River Vashtar fighting has continued for three days. Russian 
units have occupied a commanding height and are shelling the bed of the 
river intensively.
Mobile special units of the mujahideen are attacking the Russians 
uninterruptedly. Several advance units of the Chechen mujahideen managed to 
occupy one of the commanding heights.
According to the Chechen command the combat actions in this region are 
becoming fiercer every day.

Yesterday evening in the southern region of Chechnya a meeting of Chechen 
commanders was held under the chairmanship of President Maskhadov. 
Vice-president Vakha Arsanov and all well-known commanders (among them 
Shamil Basayev) took part in it. Journalists were not able to receive any 
information on the subjects discussed during this meeting.

17hb FEB, 2000

Laporan Kavkaz-Tsentr:

Banyak laporan laporan diterima tentang pembunohan dan penyeksaan beramai 
ramai keatas tahanan tahanan Chechen dikhemah tahanan Chernokozovo[lihat 
peta diatas]. Beberapa tahanan tahanan yang berjaya melarikan diri dari 
khemah itu berkata kekejaman yang berlaku dikhemah tahanan itu diluar dari 
bayangan fikiran manusia. Pengawal pengawal Russia dikhemah itu telah hilang 
kemanusianya, melakukan korban manusia amalan Iblis. Menurut saksi yang 
melihat kejadian itu, Ibragim Vakhayev asal Urus-Martan[lihat peta], berkata 
yang para pengawal merogol tahanan tahanan sampai mati dan ianya telah 
menjadi kebiasaan bagi mereka yang diutus dikhemah tahanan Chernokozovo oleh 
regim Kremlin. Mereka yang serba bertopeng hitam melakukan rogol keatas 
bangkai bangkai tahanan didepan mata tahanan tahanan yang lain, dan menakut 
nakutkan para tahanan yang akan menjadi mangsa mereka lagi. Ibragim Vakhayev 
juga menyaksikan pembunohan seorang budak lelaki yang berusia kira kira 10 
tahun, mayatnya dicaboli oleh 5 pengawal pengawal tahanan bertopeng hitam 
dan mereka memotong motong mayat budak itu terus dimasukan kedalam guni 
plastik. Pendakwa raya pemerintah Chechnya sedang menubohkan pasukan 
penyelidikan hal kejadian pelanggaran hak asasi manusia dikhemah tahanan 

Tentera Russia kini menumpukan kekuatan mereka sekitar Elistanzhi [lihat 
peta] dengan menghantar banyak askar askar setelah mereka gagal beberapa 
kali untok mara kesungai Arzh-Akhk yang menjadi garis depan perang. 
Pertempuran diwilayah itu berlaku sejak kelmarin lagi, pasukan peninjau 
Chechen menyerang unit unit Russia dilengkapi dengan kereta kereta kebal 
yang sedang bersiapsedia untuk mara kekedudukan pasukan utama Chechen. 
Pasukan mujahidin 

H-Net* Chechen Anthem

2000-01-16 Terurut Topik Ahmad Chukari

assalamu'alaikum... semoga Allah beri kemenangan kepada mujahidin chechenya
dan hancurkan kufar rusia, amin. wassalam
 We were born at night, when the she-wolf whelped.
 In the morning, as lions howl, we were given our names.
 In eagles nests, our Mothers nursed us,
 To tame a stallion, our Fathers taught us.
 We were devoted to our Mothers, to people and the Native land,
 And if they will need us - we'll respond courageously,
 We grew up free, together with the mountain eagles,
 Difficulties and obstacles we overcame with dignity.
 Granite rocks will sooner fuse like lead,
 Than we lose our Nobility in life and struggle.
 The Earth will sooner be breached in boiling sun,
 Than we appear before the world; losing our honor.
 Never will we appear submissive before anyone,
 Death or Freedom - we can choose only one way.
 Our sisters cure our wounds by their songs,
 The eyes of the beloved arouse us to the feat of arms.
 If hunger gets us down - we'll gnaw the roots.
 If thirst harasses us - we'll drink the grass dew.
 We were born at night, when the she-wolf whelped.
 God, Nation, and the Native land ---
 We devote ourselves only to their service.

H-Net* chechen update

2000-01-03 Terurut Topik ibnu muhajir

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Insya-Allah ISlam akan tertegak dgn darah para mukhlisin

Sunday 2nd January 2000 Russian Special Forces Entered a Village...

Russian Special Forces entered a village called Kaarfankah in the outskirts of
the capital, where they did not find anyone except the aged and incapable from
amongst the Muslims. These Forces set out to slaughter 15 from them with
knives, as a revenge for their killed ones in the battles during the last two

A Picture of Today's Severe Bombardment

The bombardment does not cease to continue with the severity that has no
likeness in the past upon the district of Shatoi and the city of Khanti, as
many of the buildings have been destroyed as a result of random bombardment,
and many have been killed and injured. 

Go to Top


Saturday 1st January 2000 Allah Will be Sufficient For Them

Military convoys were witnessed carrying sealed containers, from northern
territories approaching the eastern hills of the capital. As these containers
arrived on the outskirts of the city, a herald came to the Mujahideen and
informed them that those containers contact chemical material, which Russia
intends to make use of against them after waiting for an appointed time. We
ask Allah to make their plans go against them. 

They were given their horses and infantry, but Allah failed them… 

Very fierce battles took place in the districts of Shatoi and Vedeno. In the
district of Vedeno, in the village of Dabor-Yurt, Allah humiliated the Russian
Army. A humiliation similar to this had not come before. The forces and their
motorised units advanced from everywhere under the cover of heavy artillery
and missiles. But Allah favoured the Mujahideen by making them able to repel
the attack, which happened under the leadership of Abul-Waleed al-Ansaari.
They destroyed 6 motorised units, and captured 2, as well as some amount of
reserves and a platform for Milan missiles. They killed more than 60 Russian
soldiers, and the injured were many in number amounting to tens, so the
Russians quickly evacuated them from the battlefield. 

Pictures From Today's Battle

Do not be weakened or saddened, as you are high above them… 

In Vedeno, Russian motorised units advanced followed by the infantry, in order
to take control over the peak of Shormolaam which is 1701 metres high. Very
fierce battles took place, where Mujahideen destroyed 5 motorised units, and
killed tens. The huge number of the Russians and the intensity of bombardment
upon the Mujahideen had a great impact on the events of the battles, which
made difficult for them to continue defending the peak. After the battle was
prolonged, Russia took control over the peak, we ask Allah to turn the
Russians back to where they came from as losers. 3 Mujahideen were killed in
this battle, and one of them was from the foreign Mujahideen. 

The Mujahideen do not cease to be the men of action in the capital...

In the east of the capital, Grozny, the Mujahideen were able to destroy a
motorised unit called the Betaayer and 10 Russian soldiers were killed during
the reconnaissance of enemy positions. The capital does not cease to be under
the control of the Mujahideen.

Farewell! O brave men! 

Three foreign Mujahideen met up with the caravans of martyrs, and they are:
Abul-Mundhir al-Imaaraati (from Emirates), Abu Dujaanah al-Yamaani (from
Yemen) and Abu ‘Abdullah al-Labnaani (from Lebanon) and 3 from the Chechens.
We hope that Abul-Mundhir falls under the statement of the Messenger of Allah
– may Salaah and Salaam be upon him: “Verily Allah is amazed at the man who
plunges his bare hands in the enemy, and does not look back at his
companions”. As he – may Allah have mercy upon him – attacked the enemy
defences on his own and massacred them, after which they sought to kill him
amongst their motorised units, so congratulations to him upon martyrdom. 

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H-Net* Chechen News

1999-11-30 Terurut Topik Salam Abdullah

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Chechen offers 'Allah's protection' to Russian
 deserters, POWs

 GROZNY, Russia, Nov 30 (AFP) - President Aslan
 Maskhadov on Tuesday urged Russian soldiers to leave
 Chechnya or give themselves up, promising deserters
 and prisoners of war "Allah's protection."

 "Soldiers and officers, I address you as a former Soviet
 army officer. I call on you to leave your units in Chechnya
 and go home, or come over to our side," Maskhadov said
 on rebel television.

 The Chechen leader said between three and five Russian
 soldiers deserted to the Chechen side each day, a claim
 that was impossible to verify.

 However, the Maskhadov appeal likely went unheard by
 most federal soldiers serving in the breakaway Russian

 And most ordinary Chechens will have missed the
 broadcast unless they have access to a generator to
 power television sets, Russia having cut electricity, gas
 and water supplies to the renegade province on October

 Maskhadov was an artillery colonel in the Red Army,
 returning to his native Chechnya following the break up of
 the Soviet Union.

 The Chechen leader used his military experience to
 mastermind the guerrillas war which inflicted a series of
 humiliations on Russian forces and saw Grozny secure
 de facto independence from Moscow after a 1996 truce.
 Copyright (c) 1999, AFP

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