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Harun Aminurrashid:
DeNgaN IziN ALLAH BN PasTi TeWAs !!!

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A letter to my brother
Azman Ismail

1:42pm, Sat: Dear Abang Din,

I'm sorry I could not meet you this morning (May 25) as your family were already on their way up when I arrived. Furthermore, the Farce did not allow any of our brothers to visit you. In fact, they initially wanted to allow only Kak Timah and one of the children to visit you. It was only after much hassle that they allowed the rest of your family in.

It is now more than four weeks since they kidnapped you Gestapo-style. It was only later that Emelia was informed that you had been arrested. I only came to know about it through the Internet and tried to get information from the Farce. After some persisting, they confirmed that you are in their ‘custody’ under the notorious ISA.

Many people have asked me why were you arrested. They said it was a shock to them since you are not a member of Keadilan or any other party. I told them I didn't know either. However, after some reflection, I realised that your arrest, and the other ISA arrests, is because of one person, the Fuhrer. As you know, the Fuhrer demands absolute loyalty from everyone in the name of the Fatherland, or rather Fantaland, if I may say so.

You see, although the Fuhrer is very powerful, he fears The Phantom of Bamboo River. The Phantom has been giving him nightmares ever since that fateful night in September.

The fanatical Farce over-reacted to their Fuhrer’s phobia. In the heat of the October night some two and a half years ago, you, Pak Itam and scores of innocent men and women were truncheoned senselessly by them. The Farce became frenzied and flung their batons and struck the innocent men, women and children senselessly with their solid sticks.

That morning, i.e. before the orgy by the police, I was told that the Fuhrer ordered some 2,000 people to be arrested as he does not want to see that he is no longer relevant when the people are demanding The Phantom be released. I was advised to avoid going to KL that evening, which I adhered to but forgot to inform you. Apparently, they arrested about a hundred people or so including Hishamuddin Rais. They were on the rampage again that night. That was when they beat and bludgeoned blameless bystanders.

I was only informed the next morning that you had been arrested. As you know I made a hell of a noise in front of Pulapol and we, the families of the innocent victims, at last managed to see you.

But by then it was too late. Pak Itam had already been given a black eye, courtesy of the Farce - almost like The Phantom's, only that Pak Itam's black eye was on the right side whereas the Phantom got his on the left. Furthermore, The Phantom was given his present by the head honcho of the Farce himself. You also got your fair share of ‘presents’; you nearly blacked out from the beatings and you had to carry the physical scars of rattan canes for a long time.

However, this physical pain did not deter you from giving help to those who needed it most. Your friends have told me how you worked tirelessly for the families of innocent victims who happened to be in the way. They also told me how you sacrificed time, money and energy so that other people can lead better lives.

You are like a candle in the wind, they say; and it reminds me of Princess Diana. You may not have touched the hearts of so many millions, but the families of some 2,000 victims of police brutality will remember you, they say. It really touches my heart when I heard what they say about you and tears fell off my eyes. I know you live by your principles; and I hope and pray that you die by your principles.

I worry that they might try to break you down and make you confess to preposterous crimes such as admitting on national television that you have grenades and rocket launchers and are trying to overthrow the government together with the other ISA detainees. Even if any of the ISA detainees admit to such things on national television, the rakyat will not believe him. That is why time and time again they fumbled. History will be the judge.

Abang Din,

I have tried my best to get you and the other ISA released, but so far failed to do so. Meanwhile, I sense subtle threats by the Farce (or otherwise) through families, friends and acquaintances who have advised me to ‘slow down’ my ‘attacks’ on the Farce.

I told them I cannot do that. Even if you were to advise me to do so I will not keep quiet; for to keep quiet under the present circumstances is to be equally guilty.

I remember our late father's words in 1998 - five months before he passed away - when you and Pak Itam were brutally bludgeoned. When we asked for his advice, he said, "Lawan" (fight on).

Furthermore, after my informal training in Islamic studies, my conscience will not be clear if I keep quiet for the Prophet has advised us such: "Whenever one of you sees a wrong, he must correct it with his hand; if he is unable, correct it with his tongue; if unable, he must correct it with his heart and that is weakest of Faith".

The Prophet also said that to utter the truth is the best of jihad, if I'm not mistaken (it seems that at this time I cannot properly recollect the Prophet's full sayings).

As a Muslim I'm bound by the Quran, the Word of God, and the Sunnah, the way of the Prophet, and not by any other human being.

In the Quran, God admonishes those who keep quiet and does not do anything. The Quran says, "Why are you like this? Why is it that you should not fight in the path of God and the downtrodden from among men, women and children who pray, 'Our Lord, liberate us from this land whose people are unjust.'?"

I've always remembered this particular verse of the Quran every time I see injustice.

This verse keeps ringing in my ears every time a child pines for his imprisoned father and every time a mother cries for his beloved son.

These were also the very verses that spurred me to launch verbal attacks on the Farce two and a half years ago when you and hundreds others were wrongfully arrested and beaten.

For this, I've been called names by foes, friends and family members. I'm sure you've experienced it, too, for they feel threatened by "hunger and insecurity", in the words of the Quran.

Do not fear for the Prophet has experienced worse than us. He has even been called ‘madman’, but history has judged him to be the greatest man in history.

So, keep your spirits high. Remember the words, "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words cannot hurt me." They may be able to lock you up, but they cannot imprison your mind nor break your spirit. To God we belong and to Him we will return.

May God Bless You.

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