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Media Amerika cadang serang Makkah dengan bom nukleur
Monday, March 18 @ 12:01:15 MYT 

Oleh Salman Al Munziri 
KAHERAH, 18 Mac (Hrkh) - Sebuah majalah terkenal di
Amerika Syarikat menyeru negara-negara Barat agar
melancarkan serangan ke atas Makkah dan Madinah dengan
bom nuklear. 

Seruan berkenaan dibuat oleh penulis majalah National
Review, Rich Lowry untuk 'memberi pengajaran' kepada
umat Islam. 

Tulisan boleh dirujuk di dalam ruangan The Corner di
laman web majalah tersebut, www.nationalreview.com. 

Lowry memberikan cadangan itu sebagai jawapan kepada
seolan-soalan pembaca mengenai kaedah yang sepatutnya
dilakukan oleh Amerika Syarikat terhadap serangan ke
atas Pusat Dagangan Dunia, New York tahun lalu. 

Dalam pada itu, tulisan Lowry telah mendapat bantahan
daripada umat Islam Amerika Syarikat. Majlis Hubungan
Islam Amerika (Council on American-Islamic Relation -
CAIR) menyeru umat Islam supaya menghubungi pejabat
majalah berkenaan bagi membuat bantahan terhadap
tulisan yang dianggap terlalu biadab itu. 

CAIR boleh dihubungi menerusi www.cair-net.org/. 

Bantahan kepada majalah berkenaan boleh dibuat
menerusi alamat berikut: 

Mr. Jonah Goldberg (Online Editor) 
National Review 
215 Lexington Avenue 
New York, New York 10016 

TEL: 212-679-7330 
FAX: 212-849-2835 

Berikut adalah kenyataan penuh CAIR yang menyeru umat
Islam supaya membuat bantahan: 

(Washington, DC, 3/12/2002) 

CAIR is calling on Muslims to contact the National
Review and demand an apology for published statements
by editor Rich Lowry who suggested that "nuking Mecca"
would "send a signal" to Muslims. (National Review
online, www.nationalreview.com, calls itself
"America's premier conservative website.") 

In an online forum called "The Corner," editor Rich
Lowry wrote on March 7: 

"Lots of sentiment for nuking Mecca. Moderates opt for
something more along these lines: "Baghdad and Tehran
would be the likeliest sites for a first strike. If we
have clean enough bombs to assure a pinpoint damage
area, Gaza City and Ramallah would also be on list.
Damascus, Cairo, Algiers, Tripoli and Riyadh should be
put on alert that any signs of support for the attacks
in their cities will bring immediate annihilation..." 

"This is a tough one, and I don't know quite what to
think. Mecca seems extreme, of course, but then again
few people would die and it would send a signal.
Religions have suffered such catastrophic setbacks
before...And, as a general matter, the time for
seriousness-including figuring out what we would do in
retaliation, so maybe it can have some slight
deterrent effect--is now rather than after thousands
and thousands more American casualties." 

National Review writer Rod Dreher also took part in
the discussion of an attack on Mecca. He wrote:
"...I'd say Baghdad, Tehran and Riyadh should make the
list, tout ensemble, and maybe even Damascus. As for
Mecca, well, it would feel good, but we'd have every
Muslim on the planet enraged unto ages of ages... 

Use the "find on this page" function of your browser
using the term "Mecca. 

"National Review's editor suggests nuking Mecca. We're
not kidding" By Jeremy Lott, The American Prospect,

"These statements are a call to violence against
Muslims and Islam. Inflammatory rhetoric suggesting
mass murder and the destruction of religious sites is
wildly irresponsible and beyond the bounds of reasoned
debate. The National Review should apologize
immediately and discipline Lowry and Dreher for their
offensive remarks. Hate speech can never be justified
or excused," said CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad. 

Awad added that these statements are part of a
disturbing trend in which some commentators attack the
faith of Islam under the cover of political debate.
(Lowry now says his remarks were merely "sarcastic.")
In a September column published on National Review,
Ann Coulter wrote: "...We should invade their [Muslim]
countries, kill their leaders and convert them to

IMMEDIATE ACTION REQUESTED: (As always, be firm, but
POLITE. Hostile or threatening comments can and WILL
be used to further defame the Muslim community and

Contact the National Review to demand an apology for
Lowry's and Dreher's offensive remarks. 


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