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Usaha damai dengan Yahudi adalah satu pembohongan. Kami tetap
menentang Yahudi. Hidupkan intifadah ! Hancurkan Yahudi,
hapuskan Yasser Arafat, Hosni Mubarrak, Amerika dan Dr Mahathir.

       IAP-Net: Palestinians reject Sharm-El-Sheikh, vow to 
       continue intifada
       Wed, 18 Oct 2000 06:25:51 -0500 (CDT)
       Islamic Association For Palestine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Palestinians reject Sharm-El-Sheikh, vow to continue intifada  

by Khalid Amayreh

Occupied Jerusalem: 18 October/00- Thousands of Palestinians 
took to the streets on the West Bank Wednesday, voicing their 
rejection of the Sharm el-Sheikh agreement and vowing to keep 
up the Aqsa uprising until the Palestinian people regain freedom 
and liberation from the shackles of Jewish occupation. 

Large marches and rallies took place in most  Palestinian towns 
in the West Bank and Gaza, with speakers lambasting the Palestinian
leadership for succumbing to Zionist and American pressure at Sharm 
el Sheikh.

In al Khalil, protesters shouted "no to betraying the blood of 
our martyrs,"  "our uprising is not for sale," and " yes, to the
continuation of the intifada."

Similar slogans were raised in marches in Bethlehem, Rmallah , 
Kalkilya and Nablus, amid half-hearted efforts by the PA to calm 
down the protests.

"They are trying to de-sensitize the uprising by cheap rhetorical
statements…We can't understand how Arafat, Mubarak and Abdullah 
caved in so easily and without any resistance to American pressure," 
said an Islamic Jihad activists, participating in Gaza rally 

These words are in fact echoed throughout the self- rule areas 
where most Palestinians feel deeply disappointed, even betrayed,  
by the Sharm-el-Sheikh summit and their leadership's virtual 
impotence to stand up to combined Egyptian-Israeli-American 

"What can Arafat now tell the families and friends of the 120 
martyrs and the estimated 4000 injured in this intifada ….does 
he think this is a soccer game?" said a frustrated protester in 
al Khalil (Hebron).

In Nablus, Fatah protesters vowed they would listen to the voice 
of the people "irrespective of what the leadership says and does."

One masked Fatah activists said "before Sharm el-Sheikh we had 
to cope with the criminal Zionists, now we have also to cope with 
the frustration stemming from  the failure of our leadership to 
defend our interests."

Meanwhile, sporadic clashes with Israeli occupation soldiers 
continued in many parts of the West Bank and Gaza.

Palestinian sources reported that at least 15 people were injured 
in Deir al-Balah in Gaza Strip during confrontations with heavily 
armed Israeli soldiers.

Confrontations also took place in East al-Qods, where Palestinian
youngsters hurled stones at Israeli occupation targets.

Observers in Palestine expect that anti-Zionist protests would 
continue despite PA efforts to restore calm and revert to the 
status quo ante, which preceded the current uprising.

Observers point our that the Sharm el-Sheikh agreement utterly 
failed to deal with the root causes of the uprising, namely the
desecration by Zionists of Islamic holy places and Israel's adamant
insistence to impose what amounts to a capitulation on PA leader 
Yasser Arafat.

Hence, the intifada is likely to continue, despite the bloody 
price the Palestinians are forced to pay.

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