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AOL asked to clarify policy on discrimination by business partners
(WASHINGTON, D.C., 5/18/2000) - CAIR is calling on America Online (AOL) and 
Cendant Corporation to reach a settlement with a Muslim shopper in Illinois 
who received a racist slur on a product catalog from a Cendant-owned company 
that does business through AOL.* The catalog contained the words "sand 
nigger" printed under the obviously-Muslim name of the recipient. (The label 
may be seen at http://www.cair-net.org/images/special/sand.jpg.)

The Muslim shopper who received the offensive mailing label is a member of 
AOL. Through AOL, she became a member of AOL Netmarket (AOL Keyword: 
Netmarket). When the shopper and a friend, who was the recipient of a gift 
from the catalog, received order confirmations, both found "sand nigger" 
printed under their names. (AOL is listed as the "Service Name" on the 
confirmation receipt.)

After seeing the offensive term, the Muslim shopper filed a complaint with 
Chicago's Commission on Human Relations in December of last year. 
Respondents named in the complaint included AOL, AOL/Netmarket and Cendant. 
CAIR approached AOL about the incident because negotiations between Cendant 
and the Muslim shopper's attorney have not resulted in a settlement.

In a letter to AOL CEO Steven Case, CAIR wrote: "As you may realize, this 
blatant act of discrimination is extremely troubling and clearly deserves 
more attention than it has previously received from AOL." A copy of the 
letter was sent to Cendant's legal representatives.

The letter asked that AOL clarify its corporate policy on religious 
discrimination and on dealing with business partners that discriminate. It 
also asked for a written apology to the Muslim shopper and compensation for 
the humiliation and emotional distress caused by the AOL-affiliated 

AOL's Senior Litigation Counsel David Goldberg replied to CAIR's letter by 
stating that his company "has not committed any discriminatory acts" against 
the shopper. Goldberg added that "it is most appropriate for this matter to 
be resolved in the legal forum where [the shopper] elected to file her 

"AOL and Cendant have a moral and legal responsibility to see that their 
customers are not targeted by this kind of racism and bigotry," said CAIR 
Board Chairman Omar Ahmad. Ahmad called on both AOL and Cendant to resolve 
the incident to the satisfaction of the recipients of the slur and to the 
American Muslim community.

(*Cendant uses AOL's name and reputation as AOL/Netmarket to sell products 
through Netmarket Group Inc., a company owned and operated by Cendant. AOL 
has 22 million members worldwide. Cendant has annual revenues of more than 
$5 billion.)

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