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Libya sekarang sudah bacul....patutnya kalau berbeza pendapat dengan puak-puak Abu 
Sayyaf sekali pun pun, duduk diam-diam sudahlah, ini pi kutuk tambah lagi ada. Tak 
cukupkah baculnya Libya sampai sanggup menyerahkan 2 rakyatnya kpd mahkamah barat 
semata2 kerana ditekan tak henti-henti oleh Amerika, Britain dan sekutu-sekutunya!

Kenyataannya sekarang, Libya hari ini tidak lagi seperti Libya yang kita kenali dulu; 
mamat-mamat Libya hari ini sudah jadi bacul hingga sanggup tunduk kpd tekanan zionis 
dan barat w/pun Libya pernah suatu ketika dulu membantu mewujudkan watak Ibrahim Libya 
dan Rajak Janjalani serta adiknya Khadafy Janjalani (diberitakan cedera dlm serangan 
terbaru tentera Filipina).

Bukan saja Libya, malahan Arab Saudi tempat lahir Nabi junjungan juga sudah jadi bacul 
sebacul-baculnya hingga sanggup menangkap beratus-ratus orang Mujahideen yg sudah 
bersiap sedia untuk ke Kosovo tak beberapa hari sebelum tragedi Kosovo meletus, 
sanggup pula tu menarik balik kerakyatan Osama Bin Laden, rakyat negaranya sendiri 
semata-mata kerana Osama tidak mahu tunduk kpd tekanan imperialis Barat, Amerika dan 
kuffar. Malah, Pakistan yang menjadi kebanggaan orang Islam dengan kelahiran bom suci 
(nuklear) hasil sentuhan tangan AQ Khan itu juga sudah jadi bacul hingga sanggup 
membiarkan Mujahid bernama Romzi Yusoef yang menjadi perancang pengeboman di Pusat 
Dangagan Dunia, New York ditangkap hidup-hidup di bumi Islam Pakistan dan diserahkan 
kepada pihak kuffar untuk dipenjarakan di Amerika.

Maka itu, tidak keterlaluan kalau kita katakan; kalau dahulunya Libya, Arab Saudi dan 
mungkin juga Pakistan menjadi 'kiblat' kita dalam strategi jihad menentang puak-puak 
kafirun, mungkin kini sudah sampai masanya kita merubah kiblat jihad kita kepada Moro, 
Chechya, Ambon dan yang sewaktu dengannya.

-teringin nak tolong Abu Sayaf yg terkepung tapi tak tahu macam mana? -


Libyan envoy calls Abu Sayyaf kidnappers un-Islamic

JOLO, Philippines (AP) -- A Libyan envoy on Tuesday accused Muslim             rebels 
who snatched 21 Western and Asian hostages two weeks ago of             inhumanity and 
violating the tenets of Islam by holding innocent people. 

In a sign the international community is increasingly concerned about
Manila's attempt to militarily pressure the extremist Abu Sayyaf rebels into
freeing the hostages, a senior European Union envoy met Tuesday with
                    President Joseph Estrada. 

                    "We trust the way that the government is facing
                    the problem," EU diplomat Javier Solana said
                    after the meeting in Manila. "The president
                    gave us a guarantee on the safety of the

                    Libya's Abdul Rajab Azzarouq, meanwhile,
                    visiting the remote island of Jolo where the
                    hostages are held in a pigpen-like cage of
                    branches, told The Associated Press that he
                    had Estrada's blessing. 

                    "I am here to help negotiate, to try to find a
                    way to release those who are kept against their
                    will," Azzarouq said. "The holding of these
                    hostages is un-Islamic ... inhuman." 

                    As the crisis becomes increasingly
                    internationalized, something Manila had hoped
                    to avoid, the ambassadors of the hostages'
                    countries have been pressing for briefings, TV
                    reports said. 

                    Violence in the impoverished southern region
                    of Mindanao, where Muslim guerrillas are
                    fighting to carve an Islamic nation from the
                    predominantly Christian Philippines, has
                    increased in recent weeks, leaving dozens dead
                    and driving more than 100,000 people from
                    their homes. 

                    The violence forced Estrada to cancel plans for
                    a "caravan for peace and unity" through the
                    region that was to have begun Tuesday. 

                    Snatched from Malaysian resort

                    The group of 21 hostages includes three Germans, two French, two 
                    Africans, two Finns, a Lebanese, nine Malaysians and two 
Filipinos. They
                    were snatched from Sipadan Island, a Malaysian diving resort. 

                    The Abu Sayyaf is the smaller and more extreme of two Muslim rebel
                    groups. It is also holding in nearby Basilan province a group of 
                    hostages seized from schools. After clashes, killings and rescues,
                    approximately eight people, mostly children, are thought to remain 
in their

                                             Four Abu Sayyaf leaders holding the 21
                                             Jolo hostages sent a letter to Estrada on
                                             Saturday rejecting his negotiator, former
                                             rebel Nur Misuari, and demanding to
                                             negotiate with the ambassadors from the
                                             hostages' countries, presidential 
                                             Secretary Ronaldo Zamora, and
                                             representatives of the United Nations,
                                             Libya and other Islamic nations. 

                                             The rebels have not yet made any concrete
                                             demands for the release of the hostages. 

                                             The government insisted again Tuesday that
                                             Misuari would not be undercut, but it has
                                             shown signs of bending in the face of
                                             growing international concern about the
                                             hostages, who are frightened, exhausted
                                             and ill. 

                    The government has repeatedly insisted that the kidnapping is a 
                    issue and refused to include other countries in the negotiations. 

                    Misuari added two men to his team, Muslim cleric Ibrahim Ghazali 
                    Misuari aide Abdurahman Jamasali, but said Tuesday that he is 
still the chief

                    Misuari did not strike an upbeat note Tuesday, despite the 
                    Solana displayed in Manila. 

                    "They have every right to be concerned," Misuari said of the EU
                    governments. "After the fighting ... everything is in shambles." 

                    When two Associated Press journalists visited the Abu Sayyaf camp 
                    Saturday, the hostages gave them letters asking for food, water, 
clothing and
                    other necessities. 

                    One hostage, German Renate Wallert, 57, looked haggard and ill. Her
                    husband and son begged for her freedom, saying she was near death. 

                    One of the Abu Sayyaf leaders, Abu Escobar, told radio station 
                    Tuesday that they would not release her: "Yesterday there were 
                    and she was able to jump from her hammock and walk away." 

                    Escobar said that an independent medical team would be permitted 
to visit
                    the hostages. The president appealed a day earlier for more 
medical visits. 

                    Waiting to hear final demands

                    Libya's Azzarouq sent representatives to the rebels' camp Tuesday
                    afternoon, and expected their return by early Wednesday, hopefully 
                    more knowledge of the kidnappers' goals. 

                    "We have to see what is the bottom line of their demands," he 

                    They carried medicine for Wallert and letters from her relatives, 

                    The EU envoy, meanwhile, brought blankets, food and medicine sent 
by the
                    French, German and Finnish governments for the hostages. 

                    The hostages have appealed to the military to halt operations in 
the area. The
                    rebels have clashed repeatedly with soldiers surrounding their 

                    Bombings and clashes between troops and the larger Muslim rebel 
                    the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, have killed dozens of people in 
                    region in the past 10 days. 

                    The fighting with the MILF flared late last month when soldiers 
                    rebels holding a highway along the edge of Camp Abubakar, the 
                    main camp. The MILF withdrew from peace talks in response. 

                    Since April 22, 81 soldiers have been killed in the region, 468 
                    and 21 are missing and feared dead or captured by the MILF, the 
army said

                    Azzarouq, former ambassador to the Philippines, criticized the 
                    for holding people who have nothing to do with the conflict. 

                    "The hostage-takers should not use religion as a reason to keep 
the hostages
                    isolated from their families," he said. "Islam is against any 
activity that violates
                    human rights." 

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